
Character Engagement Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Nolan has the ability to connect audiences with characters."
"The immense popularity of alternate universe fanfic demonstrates that pretty handily; if we already like the cast, we're gonna like seeing them play out a familiar plot."
"When we talk, our pupils are not just staring blankly into the abyss; they're kind of always darting all over the place and looking around, and to make our character feel alive, that's something that we want to do as well."
"It's all about the storytelling... You could have a character named John Smith and if you've made that John Smith really fascinating as a character, no one's going to care about what you named him."
"The expectation is that if the mission has personal stakes for the character, it will ultimately be more satisfying."
"Make us want to step into the character's shoes."
"Each game had enough characters who I genuinely rooted for or were otherwise sad when they died."
"What would the stream be without necromorphs isn't that what we are really here for when we say cut off their limbs you know we want you to experience every gory detail of dismembering iconic necromorphs."
"It felt so real that I instantly started caring about the characters."
"Marion Graves... just like grabs you and will not let you go at all."
"It's a character I didn't care about until I got it in plastic form which happens a lot to me I know but now that I have it in hand I really like demo Goblin."
"It's a movie that I enjoy from beginning to end because I care about the characters and there's great performances here."
"I still enjoy the characters and buy into what's happening, even if I feel like they're becoming lazy in a lot of other aspects."
"Oh my god, give me that Robin Black Maria fight, yes please."
"An action scene during the new Mad Max movie, and everything makes sense. You know what each character is doing and it all leads to itself."
"But you want to be in the car, you want to be in the diner, you want to be hanging out with these characters."
"If you don't care about the characters, it doesn't matter how many facts they throw at you. The facts are meaningless."
"Each entry in a series will make the following one even more exciting, and that's what I've been trying to say this whole time. The more time we spend with the world and its characters, the more we connect with them."
"We like characters that we dislike...likely because they help create the conflict that makes said narrative interesting."
"For the audience to care, the characters have to care."
"The pervading atmosphere of the second season drew me into Elliot's world."
"The levels are well designed, the fights are fun, and the characters are great."
"The movements are just really wonderful, and as you're playing, you get a real sense of exhilaration being Adol and playing him."
"Peaky Blinders: The King's Ransom - Jump into the world of 1920s Birmingham and London, meet characters like Tommy and Arthur Shelby voiced by their counterparts."
"I immediately care about them, and then they're killed in the most brutal way."
"Naturally with its rudimentary simple charm fun and addictive gameplay extensive customization and of course the little guy himself po became a viral phenomenon."
"If you're that confident in your argument, have a debate with characters. There's nothing wrong with that but that never happened."
"For me, it hit all the same highs that the fascinating characters I met in Metal Gear Solid did 20 years ago."
"Blessings to you, the fam, man, as always. I want a big shout out to you, an illustrious [] career, you've done so much great [], you've been such, not even on the court, but you're an activist as a man."
"New Kirby demo, like ah yes, finally all my energy is restored."
"Big boo, yes! See you later, buddy, see you later!"
"I kind of love it and we gotta go Super Mario Brothers."
"Sakura Wars executes this particular premise so well; it's a joy to just go around and talk to the other characters..."
"I feel like we've got a connection with her, more so than we've had with any other character."
"The defining combat mechanic are standoffs with a bold shout."
"If the characters are engaging and interesting and you want to find out what happens to them then that's what's going to carry you through."
"Jamie and Claire have infiltrated my body, my mind, and my heart."
"The world is lovely to be in, the characters are great, it's still The Witcher."
"Aside from simping, I mean not just simping but DIA, Beto, Nahida, Clee, like, I rolled my eyes when I saw these characters, but you get to know them and you love them."
"The main thing that kept me engaged was Shawn and Jasmine."
"In summary, I'm very much enjoying Tokyo Xanadu. It's a fresh setting with a great cast of characters and it offers something different to both new and old Falcon fans."
"Nothing gets you hooked into the story like being presented with NPCs you absolutely love."
"This trilogy is getting better and better with each book, loving the characters more and more."
"It's always Ripley's character that sucks you back into the story."
"His films are less about watching characters and more about being them."
"And if you can make your reader care about your characters, then you can pretty much take your reader on as long of a journey as you can possibly come up with."
"I love a good meet and greet like that where you can actually interact with the characters."
"In Anthem, you actually can talk to characters, engage with them, you have dialogue options that are aside from the main storyline where you're just learning more about the world."
"We actually care about these characters we like these characters the writing and all of that is good enough that we are content to see their story"
"Since you guys are superheroes, we're gonna send you to Captain America Civil War."
"I think that's why Black Ops 3 zombies connected so strongly with people. Edward Richthofen is such a sympathetic multi-layered lead in that story, so naturally you're more invested in the character."
"Let's go find Brendy! I'm having all your [expletive]!"
"I was never not into their characters."
"I care about the characters doing what they're doing."
"None of these characters are likable, yet I'm rooting for every one of them."
"There's a lot of characters that I love to follow."
"Engaging with the character engages us in the story."
"I felt so connected to the character."
"Some of these fights were engaging on a character level."
"That's what the rest of the franchise is missing is engaging weird characters like that."
"Macros is an anime series with great battles, great science fiction with themes that are still current with charismatic characters who we can identify with and who make us care."
"If you have fallen in love with these 10 Eternals, you're good for the rest of the movie."
"They made me care about it's on do in a way they're about before, like that's awesome."