
Government Critique Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Never at one point in any part of human history has the government having a monopoly on our currency and our economy ever been a good thing for humanity."
"Seven parts propaganda, two parts profiteering, one part disaster relief—that's the Chinese Communist Party."
"When corporations take over a government, there's a word for that. It's called fascism."
"Banning TikTok is not a racist attack on a specific group of people. This isn't about Chinese Americans, this isn't even about Chinese people in China. This is about the Chinese government."
"Governments will do everything they can to f things up."
"Complying with unbiblical and unjust government laws is neither faithful nor loving."
"The media wanted to be a part of this and here's what they said: 'Holy moly!'"
"Our founding fathers didn't fight for tyrants just for us to give the government undying loyalty while the police hurt people, that is facts."
"There was no damn pandemic, just two years of totalitarian governance."
"The American people deserve better, much better from what this Administration is providing for them."
"Government is never a source of goods; everything that government gives you it must first take from you."
"Democracy is the worst of all possible systems of government except for all the others." - Mr. Churchill
"Whoever wins, the bureaucratic state is going to be crying into their pillow tonight."
"People are way smarter than their government."
"People are alienated, disillusioned, abandoned by their government, and now they're looking for community."
"Food shortages topple governments they turn moderates into revolutionaries a food shortage is a big deal you don't want one but now we're getting one just a little over a year into Joe Biden's presidency."
"The worst case scenario for the left is that Trump fumbles around for another four years, but it cripples the establishment."
"It had successfully turned the conscience of America against its own government."
"Falling in love hits different when you know they're a paid actor sent by the CIA to distract you from dedicating your life to dismantling the government."
"The government is your biggest criminal organization on the face of the earth."
"A lot of these science-fiction movies, we create these machines to serve us and they end up hunting and controlling us, right? But it's nothing to do with machines, it's government."
"At a certain point, people on the right are going to say, 'This is not even a legal system. It's literally just dudes with guns.'"
"Beneath it all, you have a corrupt government supported by big business."
"True freedom can only be obtained by understanding the truth of your surroundings... make his people free from the shackles of an invasive government."
"Experience has shown that even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson
"This is dumb policy... it's really stupid it dilutes civil liberties."
"The recall sent a very clear warning to the rest of the nation that California is not a model for the nation."
"The burden is on you and you've failed it as the state."
"The greatest threat... would be a Labour government."
"Avoid the comfortable idea that the mere form of government can safeguard a nation against despotism."
"This is genuinely the best we can fucking do. Have you considered the government isn't this perfect little thing because everyone has disagreeing opinions on what the government should even be?"
"There's something compulsive and deeply irrationally uncontrollable about how governments keep on fanning the flames or pouring the fuel on the fire."
"The war on small business: How the government used the pandemic to crush the backbone of America."
"Nobody's going to be stupid enough to buy bonds from a set of governments that have proven that they can't manage the currency correctly."
"Another significant achievement of XI is slowly becoming apparent: the dismantling of the CCP."
"The corporate capture of our government they don't legislate for you they legislate for the donors."
"That's the problem the corporate capture of our government they don't legislate for you they legislate for the donors."
"The alternatives are far worse. Gold is an insurance policy against government stupidity."
"When you weaponize government and now you're weaponizing networks, that is wrong."
"We have agencies that are unelected that have no checks and balances in place."
"Our government is 100 corrupted covid was run a hundred percent for the profit of big Pharma it wasn't to keep you healthy those people don't give a."
"I had just been on the private jet so I had a sense that our government had no idea what they were doing."
"The comparisons between the Oscars and the joint session, very, very profound, and I think it gets to the acting, the theater that we're all seeing play out in front of us in terms of our government."
"The incompetence, corruption, and cronyism of this government goes right to the top."
"There's nothing good you can say about that government."
"Bitcoin is basically a measure of government irresponsibility."
"An informed voter is the most dangerous constituent to any government that there is."
"I don't think China's government's perfect. I don't think that there is a perfect government in the world."
"Money is more controlled by the people, whereas government is a business." - Akon
"I want to take the CIA and shatter it into a thousand pieces and Scatter it to the wind."
"America is great because of us, not because of our government."
"Amateur governments ideologically driven, unable to grasp power realities, failing to grasp technological and industrial realities either."
"Let's push people toward defy and let's understand that open immutable smart contracts are actually a step function improvement over the regulations and political dictats of the government."
"People have a right to believe that in America, Biden and the Biden State doesn't have a right to tell you what the truth is."
"They're supposed to make hard decisions. They're not supposed to read a bill that's 500 pages long in two hours and vote on it and not ever even read it or look at it."
"Anarchism is democracy without the government."
"Freedom is economic and freedom is governmental. If the government can tell you what to like and what to do, you're not free, and they're not that smart."
"What Jehovah's organization is doing right now is far superior to anything the human governments have been doing."
"We came forward because we felt it was necessary to protect the American people from the direction that the US government had evolved toward."
"I think people should vote. How can you possibly complain about the government if you don't vote?"
"Alter or abolish when the governments become destructive to the rights of the people."
"It's a government of the people, by the people, and for the people that we've abdicated."
"Having the state take over more and more society provokes criminality."
"It's a tremendous dereliction of duty on the part of U.S. leaders."
"If a government doesn't make room for dissidents and people who don't agree with its policies, it's a dictatorship. Very simple, very, very simple."
"The Lincoln Project is working to neuter the current GOP-controlled government to ensure that future elections are fair and democratic."
"Private charities will be much more efficient at distributing charity to the people who actually need it than the government."
"As a real defender of free speech billionaire Elon Musk will continue to tell the truth and expose governments."
"There's clearly nothing that a controlling authoritarian government fears more than an educated healthy strong population of self-sufficient independent individuals."
"We will repair what has been damaged by this government."
"Many people want the government to protect the consumer. A much more urgent problem is to protect the consumers from the government."
"When society begins to worship self, then the government's role becomes its central purpose becomes to benefit me at the expense of others."
"The Constitution has either authorized such a government as we have had or has been powerless to prevent it."
"What a racket, right? You know what else is a racket, how the totality of the US congress somehow manages to exhibit more procrastination than me personally, which is quite a feat if I’m being completely forthright with you guys."
"This really is an indictment on the civil service, on various multiple agencies, on the government."
"So you start to begin to see the value of a government that doesn't mean that that government doesn't do bad things certainly."
"If all these people are so hostile to government, how come they never start their company there?"
"I'd like to say that it'd be great to have some sort of plan in place around vaccination rates."
"Even conservative people think that now this government must go."
"The job he's doing of contextualizing and being informed on why this dispute is happening, on cutting through and critiquing government lines, is the job that journalists are supposed to be doing."
"You'll own nothing and be happy. Is he's trying to make it sound like we're doing this for you when in fact the governments can no longer fund themselves."
"Government act like children - and nobody's thinking about the future that's coming nobody's thinking ahead and there's a disaster on the way."
"Absolutely insane and police state... is becoming increasingly totalitarian."
"Donald Trump's administration is turning America into a government of the worst people."
"Extreme is the status quo... what's not extreme is having a government that actually represents the will of its people."
"So long as everyone's caught up in this spell that printing money is somehow a net positive and they don't ask too many questions or push back, then government can just get away for with us for a very long time."
"The Federal Reserve and IRS were unconstitutional."
"We didn't give this entity any Authority we didn't even create this entity let alone the Department of Justice."
"Forget ideology or whatever, these people embarrassed the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security."
"The approach of the administration so far has been like its approach to so many other things: fundamentally unserious."
"The bigger the government gets... the better cash sounds." - Crypto Face
"Democracy is messy sometimes, but it is our system."
"Your own government lies as a matter of course, as a matter of policy."
"All they want is power, and in exchange, they have legislated the monstrosity American government has become."
"The problem is that corporations are running our country as a shadow government on their benefit and for-profit on the backs of all of us."
"Forget defunding the FBI, dissolve or abolish it instead."
"The utter failure of the government to take leadership in treating this as the wartime emergency that he says it is... It's hard to say enough bad things about how the president has handled this. And it didn't have to be."
"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." - Thomas Paine
"A tyrannical government is a corrupt government... what they're doing is illegal and is corrupt that's justified in everybody's eyes."
"We're in a cocktail of '1984' meets 'Brave New World' - they'll hurt us where they want us."
"Silencing the voices of the American people is never acceptable by government."
"Congress to defund and dismantle the government organizations involved in censorship." - Michael Shellenberger
"Federal politicians and the prime minister in particular should do his job and stop trying to do my job."
"Almost everything our government does is attached to money, almost every piece of legislation has some benefit for corporate power."
"If the US taxpayer isn't outraged at what the government's been doing now for years already then this might be something that helps them wake up to what's been going on."
"The need for government is only there by depriving us of natural things."
"Governments are absolutely the enemy of the people."
"We have not just an atc tory majority but also a crisis that he could have used and at the end of that crisis and that 80-seat majority as I say in the column."
"Crypto is a hedge against government failure and corruption."
"Scarcity equals dependency equals control, whether food or energy."
"The score of the game right now is we the people got [ __ ] and we got bamboozled."
"You can't blame people for finding it strange that they're being told to recycle or they're being told to buy better light bulbs while the government is still commissioning new coal mines."
"It's been effective for me honestly, people, governments are much larger threat to your health and well-being these days."
"Government does not build, it doesn't create. Government is force."
"The coronavirus outbreak exposes the nature of the CCP regime."
"It's unacceptable to have the weaponization of government agencies against political opponents."
"It's like one arm of the deep State taking another arm out."
"Anarchy means everyone has to be self-sufficient. That comes from the false assumption that some kind of government is necessary for any organization to occur."
"Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
"It's fairly stunning. You know, I'm reminded of Mel Brooks when he observed, 'It's good to be the king.' What Joe Biden is doing is completely lawless."
"It's regarded as value even though you can't back it by anything. It's backed by faith even though most of our government is full of atheists."
"We're almost the only ones in town who are both agreeing that the government is what it is."
"You can't taper a Ponzi scheme... our government is effectively a Ponzi scheme."
"Our government is an embarrassment to its ideals." - Matthew Pipenberg
"The real trend is going to be to dismantle these massive governments."
"A patriot is not someone who just serves its government, actually a patriot and this has always been the American Way is someone who stands up to the government."
"We always get the government we deserve, we now have the Supreme Court that follows the presidents we elected."
"We seem to have ended up with this situation where our government is just like a steamed ham that's been hollowed out."
"It's time to kind of grow up, I guess in a sense, to what's more important, you know, our egos and our histories that control who we like and who we dislike, or let the government control things, or we kind of come together and don't let the government control a goddamn thing."
"You imagine if all the clubs came together as one unit, can you imagine that? That'd be a scary proposition for the government, sure."
"Typical government employees who get paid by the people to act this way."
"Self-sufficiency is the true path to independence, and it's the biggest enemy to the government."
"I run better than the government."
"If you live in South America or other parts of the world, you're certainly quite familiar with a corrupt banking system and also a corrupt government."
"We haven't sent a single Asylum Seeker to Rwanda but we will have spent by this time next year £290 million."
"Violence is overrated, whether it's private violence or government violence."