
Community Participation Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Shape your future. Start here. That will be connected with the link to the 2020 census where you can apply on by internet."
"For the last few weeks, we've been treated to 'flatten the curve, flatten the curve,' and I've been all in on that."
"I'm running my beloved Iron Warriors, they're back."
"Make sure to join our Discord and sign up for our meetups."
"For me, it's going to those events, it's joining the clubs and being active in things that you love."
"It's an opportunity to engage the broader public in doing science."
"Having like the large scale things like that that's really I think what makes people feel like they're part of an MMO."
"This is the coolest thing ever, let's go a clapping."
"Boom shakalak! Get your votes in till the boat comes in."
"If you're happy and you know it, then the chat will surely show it."
"We're just participating in it as best we can, come on."
"If people knew how much reward would be in giving the Adhan and in standing in the first row..."
"Participating in fandom communities and conventions is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals."
"I will still do the open regardless just because I believe in just being part of the community."
"It's amazing when you give people a stake in their own abundance and their own work it turns out they work more."
"The New Year's Eve countdown event of course takes place on December 31st, Isabel gets all dolled up and actually exits resident services to meet up with Nook in the plaza for a big countdown."
"I'm excited to see which versions win when part two comes out."
"I don't give a [ __ ] what Lola Bunny looks like, I love joining in on the memes as a joke."
"Watching GDQ since almost 5 years, always glad to be part of the general effort and support the cause."
"My Hypixel ban lifts in 97 years, so in 97 years we can play some minigames together."
"Overall, a great start to the nids and with an event running right now on unlocking him, it's a perfect time to sign up for free."
"All credit to him for that, but when I saw you guys doing it and people saying how successful they were, I was like, 'Oh, people have an appetite for this. They still want to take part in this experience.'"
"Most churches in America commit to staying open on Christmas and Christmas Eve this year."
"Maybe if people come up with particularly intriguing ideas this time, I'll make another one of these going even deeper into the concept."
"Let's dig into it let's get hyped and play some roller coaster tycoon."
"All you guys that did the challenge seriously and honestly, that's awesome."
"This literally had over six hundred votes on it, I don't even think a skill test has exceeded three hundred votes prior to this."
"It's amazing and I'm really glad to be able to be a part of this."
"I hope you guys enjoyed coming along with me."
"Come and play with me as we complete these challenges together."
"The rest of it's going to have to come from culture... the national revival is going to require everyone to do their part."
"People seem to be killing it this Halloween."
"We preach Jesus all over the world, daily. I mean, every hour of every day there's somebody being blessed somewhere by this ministry, and we get to do that together."
"The power of this is people get to watch in real time something evolve, develop, and they're participating in its evolution and development."
"Another great SGDQ, I look forward to both GDQ's every year."
"Everyone must vote, Brody. Thank you so much for the call."
"Can everyone just drop a like everyone go into playground"
"So basically, yes, we have locals and if you get different points you can probably have... you can get seated into the originals."
"Thank you for coming and joining me on the adventures as you always do."
"Thank you, everyone, for joining us! I hope you're all playing the game as well if you can, like, get in-game, catch some pets, this is great!"
"Let's crush 2000 likes and vote for what pokemon you guys want in the comments below."
"Thus completing twitch playing Halo once and for all."
"Thanks again for taking part, Joseph. It's always good to have you."
"Life Skilling is a very big part of the game that many people partake in."
"Did you enjoy it today? Give the Lord a handclap today!"
"Thank you guys for remaining a part of the YouTube community and the YouTube space community and keep producing that content."
"I started following a bunch of people on Bookstagram, so now I'm finally like part of that community."
"I guess we'll see how everybody else pulled."
"I enlisted the help of Twitter and got them to send me their good doggos."
"Let's get some Blundergat hype in the chat right now!"
"There's no other esport in the world that has this volume of secondary tournaments open for anyone to play in."
"This game is so much fun and if we can do it you guys can do it too."
"If you've ever been thinking about Nebula this is a great time to join."
"Some people do, and they just have like a call-out."
"We're just happy to be here, just happy you still talked."
"Hit that like button with us on the count of three."
"It did create a sense of participation and the sense of cause and all of this was happening."
"Make sure to submit Makima versus Toro in that form and also make sure not to, you know, spam, one submission per person, very important."
"If you want to be included in the intro, please make sure that you're sending your videos the correct way."
"Thank you to basil and all the guests for being willing to be on this program."
"I'm so grateful to be a part of it so we can have a bit of fun tonight and just keep going with it."
"We really just wanted to be a part of this worldwide event, you know? Posting season four part three tomorrow. I'm so excited."
"It's important to understand how crypto fundraising is different from traditional startup fundraising. The north star is to exit to the community by giving them ownership and inviting their active participation in operating and growing the network."
"Thank you so much for your participation and hope everyone will be safe and healthy."
"Beggar's night consists of children dressing up in different costumes and visiting the participating homes in their neighborhood, knocking on the door, ringing the doorbell, and when the homeowner answers, the children say 'Trick-or-treat' and then tells the homeowner a joke."
"I'm very grateful that you guys joined me for these last seven days."
"Frosties from all over the world partake in coffin races, a dead man fashion show, Brain Freeze contest, and more."
"The earliest celebrations involved participants from the community - men and women - gathering at the base of a hill singing what was called Dithyramb in honor of Dionysus."
"You feel like you're participating in something bigger than yourself when you wear this."
"People are eager to vote in this area."
"Keep sending in those questions, those screenshots, and we hope to see you all soon for the sunrise safari."
"It is a matter of reaching out to everyone, to help each person find his or her proper way of participating in the ecclesial community."