
Census Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The census is more important than ever as census data is needed for apportionment and redistricting; it is used for federal, state, and local governments to develop policies and allocate billions of dollars for programs and services reaching millions."
"Shape your future. Start here. That will be connected with the link to the 2020 census where you can apply on by internet."
"The Census is a massive operation that takes years to plan and it takes a community to see it come to fruition."
"Fill out your census form, it's crucial for resources."
"The 2020 national census where black will debut as an official category."
"Census data also plays a crucial role in directing government funding. Hundreds of federal programs use census data to distribute well over eight hundred and eighty billion dollars to states and localities."
"Personal census information is actually kept completely confidential for 72 years."
"All of us living in America right now need to fill out the census next year."
"I think the best and most relevant data point I have for you on that is that the US census this year is going to be protecting the census data 2020 census data using differential privacy."
"They actually go and count squirrels where they're seen in the park."
"Redistricting takes place after the census is conducted to better reflect the area's population."
"Elkhorn was not even counted on the 1930s census by then Elkhorn was all but abandoned."
"We know a lot about Roman censuses, and there is not a single scrap of evidence that these people were to be counted in the place of their father's birth."
"Everybody would be told, I would think, to make sure you put down in the census that you are a Scientologist."
"And see the different types of shapes that census tracts have in LA County."
"This is where one really sweet resource comes in and if you haven't seen this it's awesome and it's genuinely called awesome census queries."
"If anybody doubts the birth of the Messiah, there is a proven record. The census Augustus Caesar put forth, there is an actual physical record to say, 'Yes, there was someone called Jesus of Nazareth born.'"
"I think black people thought the census was kind of like, um, the power that, in like, remember, um, the Overlook Hotel, sure, The Shining, yeah, we got the census, yeah, exactly."
"Only let's say one in ten or one in seven of individuals who could claim a cossack identity have actually done so in the census."
"The census didn't plan for this. I don't know whatever feels right."
"World governments are in pieces. Most of everyone who died are trying to take a census."
"In fact, so much personal information is now freely available through social media and the internet that some people have questioned the need for having a census at all."
"Banding hummingbirds is almost like taking a human census."
"Marriage provides valuable demographic information for census purposes."
"The 1950 census was the first census post-World War II."
"In 1950, 52 percent of the households had children under the age of 18."
"The first decennial census in 1790 counted less than 4 million people."
"Every inhabitant of the nation was listed by name for the first time in 1850."
"In the 1850 to 1870 census, they listed all the family members but not the relationship to the head of household."
"America's exploding population began to endanger one of its great institutions: the American census."
"Google Sheets: very powerful, great way to extract census data into your Excel spreadsheets."
"Let's keep doing what we've done since 1790 in the country; this is the way that the census and the reapportionment have always been run in the United States of America."
"There's more people that have been registered by censuses to practice the Jedi than are Scientologists."
"The results of the census determine the funds and the allocation of money and services to your community."
"The 1950s census gives us a ton of information on how people were living their life."
"Statistical data provided by a population census helps the government of a country to plan its developmental programs."
"That's a beautiful sight, I love it when it's on census."
"Using a census for small populations eliminates the sampling error and provides data on all the individuals or elements in the population."
"For the first time in the history of the world, the count of the population of a great nation has been made with the help of electricity."
"It was actually one of the employees of the Census Bureau who came up with a punch card tabulating machine that did it."
"The institution in charge of the census here in Mexico does a great effort to get people to every corner of the country."
"The 1940 census is the most recent one we have available here in the US."
"In 1920, for the first time ever, the census revealed that more people were living in cities than in rural areas."
"So with India being ready for its 16th census in 2021, it is a good time for us to analyze India's last census data from 2011."