
Saying Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs."
"Time flies by when you're having fun. That's what I always say."
"Time flies when you're having fun, I guess it's true."
"Absence grows the heart, makes the heart grow fonder."
"Absence really does make the heart grow fonder."
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
"If your ENTJ character had a favorite saying, it would probably be 'Better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond,' or 'Never bring a knife to a gunfight.'"
"Did you ever hear the saying 'knowledge is power'?"
"What did the bird say? Much more better. Much more better."
"I don't know why that's so hard to say, junk drawers."
"Phil's got a saying now: 'I run with the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the man.'"
"There's a reason that it's said so frequently: it is true."
"It's like the most American thing for me to say."
"Complete the saying: 'Better late than...?' What, correct."
"Next question: The common phrase meaning that you shouldn't do things by half is 'In for a penny, in for a pound.'"
"It's like that old welding saying, 'A grinder and paint make me the welder I ain't.'"
"What's that saying? 'Something that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.'"
"I think forgive and forget is a saying because when you forgive, it's easier to forget."
"Just saying it is a good thing he finally let himself."
"I think if what you're saying really happened, then I think that's awesome."
"We had a saying that denying is all right and it had a lot of meaning."
"Hey, you know what they say, when in Rome."
"Happy wife happy life I like that it's very well he just invented that saying by the way take full credit."
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away and fills you up with fiber."
"What's a big improvement on your regular if you don't mind my saying."
"It's about the journey as they say."
"Comfort through repetition is the SSI saying."
"I learned a new saying: 'hard on the easy and easy on the hard.' Good racing term."
"Good riddance to bad rubbish as they say."
"But these things are really simple and you know, I often think about this, there's a saying, restrictions breed creativity."
"You find a brown you better slow down that's my new new saying find a brown slow down."
"I seek refuge in you from saying that which I have no knowledge of."
"As they say, get enough wheat and you get a wheat ton."
"You know what they say, less is more."
"Health is wealth. Health is wealth exactly. It's a perfect saying. Everything I just said summed up in one."
"There's a saying that's one to janae smokes."
"You guys know the saying, progress is better than no progress."
"I love that saying, so I just kind of made this personalized for myself here."
"A current a day keeps the doctor away."
"They say that three times a charm."
"The proof of the pudding is in the tasting."
"If it ain't nailed down, it's for sale."
"Better late than never, as we say here."
"Drive for show, putt on chip for dough."
"Different Strokes for different folks out there."
"The road to a lot of people's hearts is usually through their stomach."
"More Money, More Problems, as they say."
"Third time lucky, they always say."
"Say plant in the dust, your bins will bust. Other people say, plant in the dust, the banker will repossess your house."
"No news is good news, so to speak."
"The best way to a person's heart is through their stomach."
"To each his own, I always say, or whatever floats your boat."
"A different stroke for a different folk, you might say."
"They say you're an adult once and a kid twice."
"They do say their way to a man's heart is through his stomach, right?"
"Making lemonade out of lemons, as they say."
"Better to be lucky than good, that's what they say sometimes."
"It ain't over until it's over. It will never be over."
"You know what they say, no pain no gain."
"There's no there there, as the saying goes."
"That's why they say ignorance is bliss."
"You got to crack a couple eggs, as they say."
"Sometimes you've got to risk it for a biscuit."
"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?"
"The rich get richer, as they say."
"That old saying, saved the best for last."
"The best place in my heart is through my stomach."
"More money, more problems, so to speak."
"Food is the way to a lot of people's hearts."
"They hate us cause they ain't us, I like that saying."
"Rather have it not need it than need it not have it, that's what they say, right?"
"Better to be lucky than good, as they say."
"Happy life, happy wife, you know I'm saying."
"Practice makes perfect, you know what I'm saying?"
"My grandma's favorite saying was a bluebird of Happiness."
"Someone once told me that if you say 'beep boop snip schnapp' you can't be sad while you say it."
"No dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy."
"Better never than late. Oh wait, never late than better. Better late than never."