
Genetic Research Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"This particular technology was shown to change genetic expression...you're looking at changing the way genes express to rejuvenate over 1300 genes to the young transcriptomic levels."
"Giants have a life force that's totally different, and that's why when uh in the movie you heard my voice talking about the billion dollar industry for extractable DNA."
"These genetic sequences provide us with a window into the past and to the early stages of when fish began to adapt to freshwater."
"By getting the Justin's DNA sequence of the virus we were able to fully construct our vaccine within three hours."
"Not only can fragments be pieced together, DNA and genetic signatures can reveal even more information."
"Epigenetics goes way beyond just the Eevolutionary family."
"The goal of this was to extract the best genes for a gene pool research. What we are talking about here, ladies and gentlemen, is eugenics."
"Even more remarkable is the fact that traces of Denisovan DNA have been found in humans living today in Asia, providing the link to the past that seems even closer than first believed."
"The absence of that string from any eukaryotic or viral genome in the blast database makes recombination in an intermediate host an unlikely explanation for its presence in SARS-CoV-2."
"You can assemble a pretty decent match of DNA for any organism from its descendants."
"I thought they were gonna John Wick my [__] but we may use it for its high DNA compatibility."
"It's hard to overestimate the importance of that moment. For the first time ever we had genetic material from an extinct branch of humanity, another ancient hominin other than ourselves."
"There's no way that a single genetic mutation by itself can turn the clock back four million years."
"Presence of msh3 can cause more severe disease."
"The clues that geneticists have unearthed are really intriguing."
"The final boss to cover in this list would be the leader of the aforementioned Pal Genetic Research Unit, Victor Ashford and his artificially created pal Shadow Beak."
"We might discover in the future certain variants that are responsible for the color of the skin in those populations."
"What do you think they hope to accomplish by mixing wolf genomes with literal polar bear genomes?"
"This type of technology relies on nanomachinery that is able to read and write DNA."
"This was genealogy, this was DNA once removed, maybe it's not as reliable as other DNA testing."
"With the power of very advanced genetics... we're now in a position to start to see things that have evolved humanity over not just a blink of an eye but an absolute nanosecond of evolutionary time just in the last few thousand years."
"Induced pluripotent stem cells reset the epigenome."
"Black people should have built our own institutions, organizations, and schools."
"The door is open, and I think they would be open to having him come back."
"A team of scientists has presented the first thorough proof that Ethiopian lions are genetically unique from other lions, making them incredibly rare."
"Our DNA isn't junk, it's just misunderstood."
"Wow this 24 base pair section is found in one spot one spot and it is right there in human chromosome 2 right at the fusion site with 100 identity isn't that strange."
"No one could have predicted these significant gene flows into Scandinavia from southern Europe and Asia."
"We carry traces of these encounters in our DNA and they affect our health in many different ways."
"We were talking earlier about, you know, that it's very plausible that within the next decade or so, that biologists are going to have figured out and geneticists are going to figure out a way to clone the woolly mammoths."
"Shark DNA lifespan resistance, defense, and resilience. Oh, I like it, yes we did."
"Our DNA is all that stuff the junk DNA is the most interesting part of what scientists could study."
"What we have so far is evidence from genetics that there is a massive dispersal and apparently population replacement that very intriguingly seems to coincide with the collapse of the Mayan civilization or the collapse of the city of Teotihuacan."
"Because fraternal twins could have different biological fathers, we performed individual paternity tests."
"A glaring overall twenty percent DNA similarity difference between the human and chimpanzee genome is an evolutionary discrepancy that cannot be dismissed."
"Enough specimens have been preserved so that scientists could reconstruct the bird's entire genome."
"Nathaniel Essex was a Victorian era geneticist."
"Ancient DNA evidence reveals that the people of the mysterious and complex Indus Valley Civilization are genetically linked to modern South Asians."
"Man's proper ethics is a morality of rational self-interest."
"Fix the sleep, the brain has been repairing that genetic weakness since the day you are born."
"We've got modern science making these tremendous discoveries about our genetic code about our place in the universe."
"Betty said one of the reasons for the hybridization program was intended to preserve a piece of humanity."
"Within five years we're going to see testing of Crispr technology related to knees and cartilage."
"Genetic studies confirm the black African lineage of ancient Egyptian royalty, debunking misconceptions."
"Counter-intuitively, the Melanesians do not branch off the Africans, it's the Polynesians who deep in history did that."
"In the future, we have a cure for more complicated genetic disorders."
"Life-changing revelations await you as the genetic wealth code activates."
"Will we ever get to the bottom of what this mystery gene is?"
"The DNA evidence suggests that if the hominin sees another hominin, they're happy to interbreed, even if their brow ridge is a little bigger or their skull is a little higher." - Karen Babb
"Genetic analysis has dispelled a myth about the very source from whence this DNA comes."
"Why were we born with defective monkey genes that still work in other monkeys?"
"Dec2 gene mutation: for natural short sleepers."
"There's been a revolution in our understanding of what's happening to our bodies and genes as we age."
"We don't know the genetic potential of humans we can estimating the kind of pretty educated guess what we don't know for sure."
"The only databases available for investigative genetic genealogy are GEDmatch and FamilyTreeDNA."
"The genes for autism are not just coding for autism. They seem to also be coding for an aptitude in systemizing or reasoning about if and then logic."
"We might end up curing all disease, all aging, and untangling all genetics."
"Unique complex traits and diseases have been mapped by geneticists, including a variant of thalassemia."
"By the early 2000s, we knew that up to about 100,000 years ago, you can actually relatively reliably extract DNA."
"A summary is that ancient DNA is teaching us that much of what we thought about the past is wrong."
"The third strategy is using deep sequencing. So here we take the entire region PCR the mixture and then actually just sequence a single molecule and then count how many amplicons and the sequencing reads have indels and how many don't."
"Turning to DNA in a situation like this is actually the perfect next step."
"All men now living on this planet are descended from a black woman who lived about a hundred and forty thousand years ago."
"The next step is to see if these genes that are differentially expressed are in specific pathways."
"These efforts have identified core sets of driver genes that are frequently mutated."
"Metagenomics is the study of genetic material directly from the environment."
"We shouldn't treat all patients with cancer the same; we should treat based on the mutations present in their cancer."
"Research has indicated that these communities share genetic markers with other indigenous populations in Southeast Asia and Australian Melanesian groups."
"Our raw ability to read DNA and write DNA is accelerating at an exponential pace."
"The chromosome browser and detailed segment view allow for DNA triangulation and easy use with third-party DNA services."
"I'm really excited that you all are attending this webinar today to learn more about codon optimisation and how it can help your research."
"Hopefully by going through these steps that I'm going to go over today, you can take your list from hundreds to thousands of variants long to maybe tens to fifties of variants long."
"We can sit behind our computer screen, call up the entire genetic code of a mouse or the entire genetic code of man."
"...the idea of a ghost population, a population you statistically reconstruct from the mixed remains of it in people living later."
"This is where molecular cloning comes to play."
"If the concordance rate is higher, especially compared if you compare dizygotic to monozygotic twins, you can suggest that biology has a role to play."
"With this 1 million copies, I can do whatever I want to do; I can clone the sequence, I can study it, I can analyze it."
"If you find the genetic vulnerability, then those giants, they crumble."
"Throughout this 50-plus years of working with AAV, much of this effort over the years has been arm in arm with advocates representing caregivers, representing patients affected by certain genetic diseases."
"Chromosomal analysis of dividing leukemic cells in the bone marrow show karyotypic abnormalities which may be related to prognosis."
"Ancient DNA reveals oi The Iceman's surprising secrets and scientists are stunned."
"Scientists are like conductors trying to interpret these genetic rhythms to understand the intricate workings of life itself."