
Societal Interaction Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"It's not just about women, it's really about how to coexist with one another."
"Politics is the realm of public life in which we all compete and cooperate for resources, rights, responsibilities, and ideals."
"As long as you put yourself out there, you put your heart first, whatever somebody has to say in return, it doesn't even matter."
"People don't understand... you don't have to hate that person because you don't agree with everything they say."
"I think the war metaphor can work... what it does communicate is this continuous interaction." - HR McMaster
"Some days you can accomplish more just by being another face in the crowd."
"The overwhelming majority of people, truthfully, just want to be left the fuck alone."
"We’re all hardwired to make sense of the world by telling and being told stories."
"There's a difference between mixing with the outside world and being sucked in by it."
"People don't want conversation, they want confrontation."
"Free speech matters outside of the government setting, in big tech, in the rest of our lives."
"If I were to come up to you and say hey I'm a unicorn and you were no no you're not you're not denying my humanity right you're denying with how I self-identify."
"Each one of them, you know, be you and make everybody else figured out around you."
"I've been with homeless, I've been with drug addicts, and I've been with politicians and royalty."
"We can come together we can have conversations."
"We need to be sympathetic towards each other."
"If someone's doing something you don't like and it's not hurting anybody, just move on with your life."
"Stop being a victim. I know they're all draining each other... like a bunch of vampires."
"I try to encourage honesty and conversation."
"Coming out is not something just gay people do; people in your life need to come out and be open about it."
"If something is built on aggression, it's not going to go anywhere."
"All we have is dialogue, and the rules of dialogue should not change."
"I've never been popular. I don't mean to start now."
"The great virtue of the market is that people who hate one another in other respects can cooperate with one another on the market without any difficulty."
"There is a great middle ground where you can have voluntary activity by individuals who cooperate with one another for common purposes."
"LAPD has historically been our first contact for people experiencing homelessness."
"Freedom is an empty word unless you ask further questions. Freedom from what? Freedom to do what? And beyond that, where did my freedoms end and other freedoms begin?"
"Respect people up until they don't deserve it."
"Similarity destroys, atrophies, difference creates."
"It feels often to me like these things are projecting themselves or offering themselves in a way that's kind of violent or kind of oppressive."
"Pointing fingers and talking about how we feel rather than explaining is a big problem."
"When they can't do what you do, they hate. I walk in every room with that world perception, I can walk up in the church and know that I'm a blessing."
"What makes speech truly free is the possibility of disagreement without enmity."
"We have an obligation... to ignore your psychosis."
"Nobody's trying to take away your rights, nobody's saying you can't live your life, we're just saying look, you don't have to tell us or throw it in our face."
"I'm one of those people that when you come to my door I'm literally like hi no I'm good no I already filled up the census no."
"If you're easily offended, you should just stay home. You shouldn't show up."
"Discussions are important; they are the lifeline of everything. You gotta have conversations."
"You can disagree about some of the core issues in life and still leave each other alone."
"Just because you have an opinion doesn't necessarily mean you need to voice it."
"You can just sit back and shut up and listen."
"It's important to be able to speak to people like that."
"If we can create a society in which respect and friendliness is the passport that we all have when we meet each other."
"Liberalism is a good framework for interacting with people we disagree with, but it doesn't inherently have a meaning or a hierarchy of belief."
"Information creates a conversation that needs to be had."
"Civilized discussions can happen and will carry on happening."
"Last time I was doing one of these shows, I lectured you guys about how free speech doesn't really matter if people don't listen to each other."
"You really value your reputation and you like to be liked, you like to be regarded well for who you are."
"We have to stop expecting to be offended and instead start truly, openly, and sincerely listening."
"Sometimes they do protest too much, sometimes you do come up against a little bit more truth than they hope to share."
"If you do things to try to win people's approval the only thing is that you will lose people's approval."
"We don't have the diverse conversations that we could have."
"We need to keep the communication going, break all these barriers."
"We're all ignorant about a great many things. We're surrounded by people who appear to understand things better than we do."
"As long as they're not harming other people, how does that affect me?"
"As long as I respect the freedom of others, I guarantee my own freedom."
"It's all about what you present to them is what people receive you as."
"True freedom is found in restraints, right? And other people are restraints and self-imposed restraints, and that's where we become truly free and we become fully human and humane."
"Empathy should be at the heart of all discourse."
"Just because you disagree with someone's opinion doesn't mean they need to be cancelled."
"We're seeing a real mixing of cultures here."
"Humanity must interact with these societies to choose its future."
"People are just different, very different and it helps."
"God made all of you into different nations and tribes and people that you get to know each other."
"Most people want to be known first by their individual character and abilities rather than by their race or ethnicity."
"Those with power speak their truth gently if they speak at all. They are comfortable with people across the board, the rich, the poor, the working man, the sick, and especially the children."
"If you do not acknowledge a certain work that's been done, the possibility of making use of it also is gone in your life."
"The ability to get on personally despite vehement disagreement."
"To the people who told me to kill myself, better luck next time. Thanks for playing."
"You cannot accomplish much of anything unless you have civility."
"That's what y'all going around pulling people for?"
"There's always going to be people who disagree with what you have to say and that's great otherwise life would be really boring."
"It’s just generally a good idea to be trusted in the world, to have the respect of other people."
"Economics is not just about money and profit. The economy is how we cooperate with each other."
"Labels are labels. They are there to make you feel good and to help you explain what's going on with you to other people."
"Let's give people the benefit of the doubt, not everybody's out there to hurt you or steal from you or rob you or beat you or whatever."
"It's the public square, and that's another area too, you know, like you were saying earlier."
"Other people may have other agendas. They're choosing you as a target; it's not about you, it's about them."
"Common sense isn't always common and sometimes you'll have folks that come at you with all sorts of nonsense."
"Some people are haters, but sometimes they bring good things to our attention."
"I think we need to listen to each other more."
"That's why you have to take extra care when talking with people who have big ideas but don't live in a world where they feel like they suffer the consequences."
"You cannot throw anything out there you don't expect somebody to act upon."
"There is definitely an uncertainty about what these people are really like, what contacts they may have, and sadly, after what has happened to me, I don't trust anyone anymore."
"I'm not coming over there to you to plead for my humanity."
"Socialization expresses the natural tendency for human beings to associate with one another for the sake of attaining objectives that exceed individual capacities."
"I think we've gotten so lost in the fighting that people are afraid to talk to the other side all right."
"I think you need to have an opinion. I don't want to live in a world where nobody has any opinions."
"The vast majority of the time, overwhelming majority of the time, it's not the cop who's deciding how the interaction is going to go, it's the driver or the suspect who's deciding how that interaction is going to go."
"There are a lot of people out there who are more understanding of your situation."
"We must be able to communicate with each other."
"I respect people because that's what I would want people to do for me."
"You just want respect. Very, very important: respect."
"No one will ever be like no, someone will always have something to say."
"If you can't listen to the opposing side you're just gonna live in an echo chamber your entire life."
"Disability doesn't hinge on your body or your brain. It hinges on your ability to interact with society."
"The vampires, at least, are born from earth; the OSBs have nothing in common with either race, leading both humans and vampires to reconsider and question the way the two species interact."
"The moral law within allows us to get along with each other but also creates the modern moral problems that we face."
"Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, and behaviors that govern the interactions of members of a society."
"They present, in the grave, and when they show themselves in human society, the appearance of healthy life."
"...that's the job of elementary schools to educate children about a variety of subjects that are not only beneficial to know but in most cases crucial knowledge that one needs in order to successfully exist in and interact with others in modern society."