
Historical Conflict Quotes

There are 340 quotes

"The king of the Zulu nation did not want this war, but he was prepared for it."
"The Jews believe the land is their birthright, and after so many years of being occupied by others, will they be able to reclaim their land and build their house of worship?"
"A good example here is Japanese inter-service rivalry in World War Two."
"Kush records its first international bodybag: Persia. Yes, most people don't know that Kush absolutely bodybagged Persia in the most humiliating fashion."
"Arminius, the Romano-German trader, stood opposite his brother Flavus, who had chosen to remain loyal to the invaders and had the scars to prove it."
"By 1863, the American Civil War was at a stalemate, and two years of endless fighting had claimed 200,000 lives."
"The Celts have a reputation for always being disunited, never being able to work together because they're always fighting with each other, but in our world, when the Romans were threatening Gaul, all of Gaul was able to unite."
"But I thank God every single day that I survived as there were many poor souls who did not."
"Victory would serve not only to secure a potential Spartan Ally but could also bring with it far more wealth and Manpower."
"The conservatives fought me for half a century until they realized it was inevitable."
"The USS Liberty incident remains a point of contention and debate with different perspectives on the nature and motives behind the attack."
"In this, the first of a two-part special, we are going to examine some of the key elements and incidents in what is probably the single most influential conflict in the course of human history."
"Right, you lot, lots to do. Beat the Germans, save the world- Don't forget the welfare state."
"Historically, we have as a country faced divisions in conflict like this before."
"Russia's devastating wars against Chechnya throughout the 1990s."
"Big Time here's the ottoman Empire's toughest challenge Serbia is attacking them but turkey keeps on winning Serbia is out"
"Cromwell criticised Fairfax for returning his forces back to the east of England rather than pressing on to tackle further Royalist forces still present in the south."
"We think religious wars, these historical Wars are a thing of the past but they're not."
"Humanity had now won the Human-Covenant war as their prophets had been silenced..."
"You know I worry about what's happened what's about to happen because almost never in history do you see a transition from one Global power to another without conflict."
"Hideyoshi settled things with Ieyasu through diplomacy after being unable to overcome him in battle."
"Cryptographers are the first line of defense in an ongoing war that's been raging for centuries: a war between code makers and code breakers."
"A larger more powerful military and army was able to actually lose a war while being the aggressor."
"Disney: fighting the war against mom since 1937."
"But 25 years after the end of the locust war, a new threat was on the horizon."
"The Duke of Buckingham got into terrible quarrels with a Spanish equivalent, and so Prince Charles had to negotiate for himself, hardly fitting for a future king."
"Charles and Buckingham switched sides, they pushed the reluctant James towards war with Spain."
"The 'drunken war': fighting by day, drinking together by night."
"This is shaping up to be a pretty solid Union victory."
"The French provided the Biafrans with weapons, imparting them through the Ivory Coast."
"The military resistance to England was crushed, though the lands of Wales were not incorporated into England at this point."
"Victory in that conflict in 1905 was the first time that an Asian power had defeated a European state during modern times."
"Saladin intended to destroy the assassins and their influence in the region and moved his army into the Syrian coastal mountains."
"Beyond the label of communism or anti-communism Vietnam at its core simply wanted to break free from the domination of larger powers."
"For the first time, Caesar found himself outmaneuvered. Caesar crossed and re-crossed the land trying to subdue rebel tribes by hitting at their strongholds, but Versinghettorix harried his extended supply lines rarely giving battle."
"Every time we've had a Thucydides trap in the past... there's been a mega war or World War."
"A long war is going to be a disaster for Germany."
"The Iraq War demonstrated that regime change is always fundamentally evil and will always fail."
"The Bush Administration lied about WMDs in Iraq, which was the blueprint for every regime change operation."
"Your decisions are causing people to die." - British official to Churchill
"Strength of Morata's forces was not more than fifteen thousand men."
"The rivalry between HSV and FC St. Pauli, tense, historical, and complex."
"Article 370 internalizes the fundamental contradiction of the two-nation theory."
"Black folks weren't playing games with these white supremacists, they were bringing it to they ass, you did!"
"Every immigrant who brings his butt into this country has mother culture who's fought America and Black Folk went out there and fought them to get them off of America."
"The battle for Bachman illustrates this point very well."
"Ironically, he had taken the land route due to his fear of drowning in the sea!"
"But war never changes and soon the surrounding sovereigns could only look on as their lands were liberated in the name of congolese consolidation."
"Britain had gone to War for the freedom of Europe."
"Slavery was unashamedly at the heart of the secession of the Confederate states."
"England is about to become a hotbed of sedition and rebellion."
"The largest escalation of violence in years and it could reignite an old conflict going back a hundred years."
"The six other states were defeated not only by Qin, but by the incompetence and corruption within their top ranks."
"Many risked everything in the name of protecting the Holy Land."
"It was started by the fascist parties in 1939 who thought they could fight and win a war in a year and they were wrong and they overextended and got the stuffing beaten out of them within six years."
"Zapata tried to fight back using Carranza's own tactics."
"The walls mark the division of Protestant or Unionist and Catholic or Nationalist communities."
"His family was staunchly opposed to the Japanese occupation of the Korean Peninsula."
"Baldwin IV of Jerusalem triumphed against Saladin, ruler of a vast wealthy empire, despite facing overwhelming odds."
"The fate of world revolution is being decided over the corpses of white Poland."
"Michelangelo had defied the Duke in life, but it was Cosimo who had the last word."
"Cochrane remained infuriated by Admiral Gambier’s incompetence, and upon returning to England, publicly shamed him for his conduct."
"The conclusion of the Great War seemed decisive, but beneath the surface, it was anything but."
"Men, women, and children were killed by their own military all because an American banana company didn't want to pay them a decent wage."
"Joan of Arc steps into the quagmire of the Hundred Years War."
"The conflict itself between England and France goes back to 1066."
"It's not as simple as that at all. This was about a war between nobles, think Game of Thrones."
"Indians got the sharp end of the stick when dealing with the Europeans."
"There is also a long-term background Imperial War that Russia has... it is still a very great danger."
"The Knights Templar are invading England because their ruler is not holy enough."
"Scotland's doing a great job kicking the ass of England."
"It was an incredibly brave move that risked taking England to war with its Roman Catholic neighbors in Europe."
"Thanksgiving is still great for the most part Americans won the wars with the Indians in aj+ and morningstar just being butthurt about it."
"It was Hannibal's tragedy that his long feud with Rome would end in his own city's humiliation and the greater glory of Rome."
"The North was shedding blood and was willing to destroy all of America as well as the South."
"Varosha, Cyprus, was a popular tourist attraction until Turkey invaded in 1974."
"They truly believed that God was with them in their mission to liberate France from English rule."
"It's also a battle for not just physical freedom and liberty, but economic freedom and liberty too."
"Cortes refuses to back down, turning defeat into victory."
"They didn't want Japan to be able to have a victory in China and not be occupied there and to be able to use his forces elsewhere."
"The conflict between the Ojibwe and Dakota intensified as Ojibwe migration into Minnesota altered the region's balance of power."
"George Washington's first engagement appeared to be a complete success, but it sparked all-out war in North America."
"It really goes to show you and everyone's screaming about this is about land it's about land it's about land but you were Lebanese citizens you were an ethnic religious minority in Lebanon but other than being Jewish it had nothing to do with land."
"The accusation of heresy is often used as a weapon by those wishing to gain power over others."
"The rapid expansion of the Arab Caliphates... forced the Eastern Roman Empire to either reorganize its army and war strategy or become a memory of the past."
"It's everything around Rome that turned Rome against Christians."
"The Opium War started a century of humiliation for China."
"Germanicus planned a massive three-pronged attack to surround the Cherusci."
"The Achaemenid dynasty is most famous for attempting to invade Greece."
"The Arab occupation of the Temple Mount of Jerusalem is finished."
"Even at their weakest point, these Huns were capable of trouncing the armies of a settled empire."
"Two millennia of conflict and death exists because of a dead kid and his father's revenge."
"Crassus would never forgive Pompey for claiming part of his glory, but eventually, alongside Julius Caesar, they would form the First Triumvirate and thus further accelerate the downfall of the Roman Republic and the Rise of the Roman Empire."
"Cyprus was now under Ottoman control but that was hardly the end of the war."
"The police have been used to quell and prevent labor organizing."
"Rogers and his unit had been sent to secure what the military termed Hill 41, approximately 13 miles southeast of Da Nang..."
"For all the immense battles throughout imperial history, the Imperium itself actually spends the vast majority of its time fighting against itself."
"Israel's goals in the '48 war was essentially to defend itself... the survival of the new state which had just been created."
"We felt that Montgomery did not trust the information Bletchley Park was providing him with."
"You can follow me or submit to the Roman yoke. Let us therefore go against them, trusting boldly to good fortune. Let us show them that they are hares and foxes trying to rule over dogs and wolves. We shall fight and be victorious or die trying."
"Britain couldn't defeat France on the continent, but their fleet could isolate them, making victory overseas possible."
"Franco's Elite Army of Africa units led the way and were obliterating far larger Republican militia units with ease."
"I think by the time Christianity rose and gained its popularity, there were things that we understood that were in conflict with it."
"I'm just kidding, I'm gonna need you to end this one by setting up a sequel."
"Philip’s armies would be joining the war next year."
"Every time they seem to prove him wrong they would come after the Israelites."
"Embroiled Rome in a conflict that would last over 250 years."
"In no world conflict have the issues been more real and vital, in none has the duty to defend a righteous cause being more compulsive upon the British Nation."
"The clone war may have ended, but the civil war is about to begin."
"The truth is, Ukrainians have been in a low-grade state of conflict with Russia since 2014."
"The Templars apparently became a threat to the church itself."
"My grandfather fought in Algeria, he fought to kick out the French."
"Baldwin knew that there would be more challenges in the future from Saladin."
"One of the things the Rhodesian government counted on was these tribes and the animosity they held towards one another."
"The battle of Borodino was fought, one of the bloodiest battles in history."
"The real issue is not that the two groups fought as brutally as they did, that's to be expected with Warfare. It's the way that the government has treated the Native Americans in defeat that is truly just sad."
"The Saxons had been unable to prevent the Vikings from penetrating their territory, but Alfred's system of forts had seriously hindered Viking movement."
"Yes, or what they call the war between the ancients and the moderns. That's what the book 'Ancients and Moderns' was about."
"It is clear from the evidence that I have that this is part of a move by the communists, especially the North Vietnamese government, to divide the American people, disrupt our war effort, and discredit our government for the entire world."
"The second world war and the German invasion of Poland was the result of carefully constructed lies."
"Henry the fourth was originally Protestant which was obviously a problem in the minds of many French people at that time being a strongly Catholic country."
"Dong Zhou is just a dick and pretty much everyone's at war with Dong Zhou... It's a total free-for-all mess and I love it."
"Once at war with each other cowboys and Indians are now allies in the effort to preserve their ranching Heritage."
"By 1492, the Moors had lost all of Spain except the Kingdom of Granada."
"Great disputes repeatedly flared up over agrarian laws."
"Charles requested financial assistance from Oxford and Cambridge universities, leading to Cromwell's first military action."
"Concern over Puritan policy grew, causing many noblemen to flock to Charles' side."
"By mid-April, the Scots Army had been mobilized, effectively beginning the second English Civil War."
"One might see it as a war of independence they were fighting against the American expansion."
"As we’ve been told, the Void Century is the story of the conflict between a certain immense kingdom, composed by the people of the D. clan, versus an alliance of 20 human kings."
"The empire of the Parthians would continue to have conflict with Rome."
"Let's begin the seemingly unstoppable armies of Napoleon are a great threat to all Europe."
"The Battle of Dien Bien Phu led to the end of French colonial rule."
"There's been no religion that has brought more war and unbelief and animosity towards the Jew than the church."
"By going to help the Mamertines, the two sides had just slipped into an all-out war."
"The naval conflict was no less vital than the struggle in the trenches."
"The Dawn War extended its vast tendrils across countless civilizations, leaving no involved party unscathed."
"South Africa had been fighting in the Angolan Bush war aka the South African border war from the mid 1960s to 1980s."
"He quickly stepped into the fray, swiftly repressing the 30th of September movement."
"So when the wagnerans arrived they immediately took control of bihau which essentially cut off the silica Rebels from the rear operating bases in Chad and Sudan."
"Our economic problems now are greatly tied to this $165 billion disaster in Vietnam."
"Robb Stark and his cavalry were about to make their debut on the battlefield in a display of tactical and strategic brilliance."
"Japan tried to invade China via Korea but Korea refused and so they invaded Korea twice."
"The mighty Inca Empire dispatched an emissary to the Chachapoyas to ask them to submit peacefully or face war."
"They replied they would rather die in defense of their freedom."
"Instead, think of this as the beginning of a history of blood-drenched struggle between light and darkness."
"But like any time a king dies, there's a power struggle, so other rivals have returned to try to claim the throne."
"Robert's Rebellion: the seeds of war are sown during peace, and this tournament was the origin of Robert's rebellion."
"Countless Afghans were murdered by the Taliban."
"Mountains snowy Italy to the jungles sweltering Pacific, the dream of victory was now becoming a reality."
"The Korean War saw the first use of Centurion tanks in action."
"In sheer practical terms, it means that the British have literally hundreds of thousands of men to continue the fight."
"The timing was also bad for su culo luma because he had to return to the hittite homeland for other matters in his place he dispatched his son telle pnew to take out the troublesome kingdom."
"It was not very long ago that like a million and a half Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda slaughtered each other with a machete."
"Over 50,000 soldiers plus in this battle. Like 53,000 soldiers, that's a goddamn insane."
"The aesir-vanir war is another important story." - Conflict
"The Roman Parthian interactions would inevitably lead to border conflicts with the context for future antagonism."
"In South America, drug cartels have been fighting a war for dominance in the global cocaine trade for decades."
"This is no war of Chieftain or of princes of dynasties or national ambition. It is a war of peoples and of causes."
"It was the last big war of all the families in the 20th century."
"From the outset of the war, Vietnamese generals knew that conventional victory was impossible; America was simply too powerful to defeat using traditional battlefield tactics."
"King James VI and I, faced religious challenges... enforcing strict penalties for practicing Catholics."
"A rebellion that had been brewing for decades and sparked a period of conflict more ferocious and dynamic than anything seen in over a century."
"The forceful displacement of the Palestinian people to create the state of Israel...that's the original sin."
"Russia has dominated an unwilling, angered Ukraine for more than two centuries."
"The Poles fought a war with the Russians in the early 17th century and nearly won."
"When nearby Stralsund became too influential, Lubeck, threatened by its rise, sent out a fleet and sacked it in 1249."
"Schwarzkopf's men had a double mission: to liberate Kuwait and weaken the Republican Guard."
"India had captured point four four six zero and late me and this provided a base to direct fire under Tiger Hill."
"So, when Zionists say they had the right to create a Jewish state, what they are saying is that a political movement had the right to forcibly, cruelly, extremely violently expel a population from their homes."
"The Ashlanders staunchly believe that the Tribunal betrayed Nerevar, murdering him for coming between them and the power of Lorkhan's heart."
"The Zeros achieved an incredible 12-to-1 air-to-air kill ratio."
"We've never had a time but we wasn't at war but we violent."
"He says the attacks are in retribution for generations of atrocities from the Inner Planets against Belters."
"Now that we have an idea of the different factions involved and how violent this conflict was, let’s see if we can follow the political and military events in the late spring and early summer of 1919."
"Nobody ever became anybody great by living in an era of peace."
"I remember our war with humanity, our last and best mistake."
"They offer us nothing. These lands are our birthright, yet Rome takes them."
"In one stroke, both armies had disappeared, the Carthaginian Senate, frightened by Scipio's presence and not having any army to defend themselves, called Hannibal back to Africa."
"The British systematically destroyed Boer farms, burning the houses, burning the crops, killing the livestock, leaving the commando's families, the elderly, the women, the children homeless on the African felt."
"I get a hard-on seeing like perfect example that can and that just to think like there was a humans literally like fighting in fear for their lives launching blasting projectiles towards other dickheads I just think that's awesome."
"What was the origin of the conflict between the proto-world government and the great Kingdom?"
"They beat back the Nazi menace when all seemed lost."
"Pius VII stood tall after the two decade-long battle of wills between Pope and Emperor."
"Despite the failure of the Jameson raid, Britain relentlessly pressured the Boer republics."
"The early kingdom had to deal with the Vikings and the English... But beyond outside threats, there were also constant internal fisticuffs over the crown."
"There is such a difficult fight that this was called the great war against itself."
"Islam doesn't say when you conquer a land, kick people outside of their houses, take their land over, take their resource, steal their resources."
"Malcolm incited that in us...every Muslim that loved Elijah Muhammad would have killed Malcolm." - Unknown
"Anything about the troubles is just deeply sad, but I found that this was a really interesting viewpoint."
"Between 1642 and 1646 those loyal to the king, called Cavaliers, faced off against those loyal to Parliament, called Roundheads."
"The end of the siege of Toulon largely brought about an end to the Federalist Revolts in France."
"Henry VIII's divorce: a battle with the Pope."
"Throughout history, free societies have faced regimented adversaries."
"German attacks on ships in the Atlantic Harden public opinion against Germany."
"Never again, the Chinese thought, would the Arabs be able to meddle in the affairs of the Tang dynasty."
"They were fools to take up arms against each other, Darius. The worgen would’ve never stood a chance."
"The Seven Years War: a legendary conflict that involved every great power of Europe, spanned five continents, and affected the world for centuries to come."
"The violence would really kick off when a grenade would be thrown through the window of a house belonging to a grandmother of the Dundon-McCarthys."
"He didn't embroil the US in a war, and you guys have been embroiled in a pointless war since the 1960s."