
Financial Comparison Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"We weren't making near as much on Dude Perfect as we were at our full-time jobs, which I was making $440,000 a year at a landscaping company, but I was like, 'Yeah, but even if we make half of that, it's like way more fun, and we're enjoying it, so let's give it a shot and see what happens.'"
"You want to see the difference not only in the difference of monthly payment but focus on the overall life of the loan, how much interest you're paying towards one over 30 years."
"There is no dollar figure on human life in this country, and there never should be."
"Bitcoin is literally what I like to call the gold standard of cryptocurrency."
"If you get good at pattern recognition, then you too will be able to make multiple times Mrs. Friedlander's salary."
"Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter for 43 billion dollars, roughly four times the projected annual cost to end Global hunger by 2030."
"The international remittances market... is larger than the entire foreign aid budgets of all of the world governments put together."
"Britain alone gave the banks more money than it cost to put a man on the moon 6 times over."
"FTX had already surpassed Twitter, NASDAQ, and Deutsche Bank in value."
"I make more than my previous full-time job just in passive income in cryptocurrencies. That's crazy, it's insane."
"Bitcoin is far superior to gold, it's just better."
"You only need $1,400 to be richer than the average millennial."
"Bitcoin is growing so fast, it is so close to being bigger than silver. It's becoming an amazing asset class."
"We learned this year, thanks to Sam Bankman Fried that traditional Ponzi schemes are possibly a better investment than crypto Ponzi schemes."
"I think if you add up all of the assets, Lauren wins by a mile."
"But if we compare it to VOO, for example, which is the S&P 500, the stock market that every professional hedge fund tries to beat, this is actually down year to date 19.7 percent."
"Private companies are generally worth less than public companies of the same size."
"His value is priceless, just like a MasterCard."
"For anyone who plays through the full lineup of these games is going to get a ton of value for their money here especially compared to the NES classic."
"An HSA is like a Roth IRA on steroids, so it's extremely important to take advantage of it if you're able to."
"Would you rather lose 60% or 25% of your wealth?"
"I made more in one day than working a nine-to-five job in New York City."
"Bitcoin has actually crushed all of these strategies since it exists."
"An emotional investment can be as powerful or more powerful than a financial investment."
"For context, my junior doctor salary was about 3000 pounds a month, pretax. This is also pretax. So, this is three and a bit times more than my monthly doctor salary."
"Buying and selling birkins is like playing the stock market."
"This list is just focusing on the cost of living in different places."
"Covered calls crushes cash secured puts every single day."
"That's a hard one but uh they are all federal and two are at 2.7% and then some are at 5%."
"It's larger than what happened in 2008. $340.84 billion, holy."
"Disney got Marvel and Star Wars for less than Bethesda."
"Bitcoin...cannot be duplicated like fiat currency."
"Having a property bring in 10,000 a month is not as good as 30, but 10,000 is way better than zero."
"Coinbase now has more users than the biggest banks in the United States."
"Verizon has returned a ton more in that amount of time."
"The evaluation is so high it has an M in front of it like a BMW."
"The $450,000, that's more than some of the 9/11 victims received."
"Casinos are not as good as dogecoin, I think we can all agree on that."
"Volumes in January 2021 were larger than the entire year of 2019."
"Credit Suisse today is hardly any worse than the Deutsche Bank or other large banks in Europe or in the U.S."
"This is a wonderful time, but we have something even more important today, something much more valuable than GameStop. It's something with real value, it's called silver."
"We know the winner so far in 2023 is Bitcoin with gold coming in second and stocks coming in third."
"You could be broke as a joke and be happier than a mother freakin Kardashian with all the money in the world."
"The next downturn will be very different than 2008."
"Conor doesn't care. He's got a failing business. He could have 10 failing businesses right now and still be worth double what Jake Paul is." - Unknown
"It's got to be like 200 billion in today's something money."
"I always think about gold Bitcoin relative market caps and prices, and that's 5,000 numbers magical."
"The risk of loss in gold is so minimum versus what still is going to happen to people that own a lot of stocks and bonds."
"I get more fulfillment off of this than i did if i touched a million dollars."
"Bitcoin has tripled in value since pre-covered. What's happened to the purchasing power of your US dollar?"
"California alone has a higher... has more money basically is crazy."
"A relationship takes you farther than money. I'm a hundred percent on that."
"Your family's health is more valuable than that money."
"If you buy a Rivian, you are getting a $200,000 car for 80 grand."
"$29 million dollars > < Snickers bar… Let this be a lesson to us all going forward."
"Being a celebrity is a dream to make so much money."
"Most celebrities earn more in a day than most people will see in their lifetimes."
"Driving any of these machines is more fun than watching your 401k."
"Movies make 10 times more money in theaters."
"If you get carried away with options, the Volvo is going to be less expensive."
"Titan has consistently outperformed all major indexes and robo investors."
"A return on investment of 24.93%... that beats the stock market, real estate investing, any type of investing I've ever heard of."
"The downside is 10 grand, the upside is a lot more. 6x, so I'll take it over Netflix stock, okay?"
"Why would someone ever keep their money in the bank at 2% or a Price to Earnings of 50, when they could have a Price to Earnings of 10 with Widgets Inc.?"
"In this final round, you will find out which of the two pop stars has a bigger fortune: Beyonce or Rihanna."
"Information is more valuable than monetary dollars."
"These companies are just better investments overall."
"If Gordon's worth 60 million, Saka is definitely worth 100."
"Manchester United's commercial revenue is more than double that of either Tottenham or Arsenal. Simply put, no other Premier League team comes close."
"Bitcoin offers significant advantages over gold."
"Why would you pay seventy dollars for something that has broken and shallow components of its core gameplay loop when a completely free alternative called Path of Exile exists right now?"
"I made four times the amount of money on the warrants than I did on the stock."
"Traditional investments are getting riskier, while the crypto industry is exploding, offering high growth potential."
"Nothing has outperformed bitcoin within the last 12 years, nothing."
"Oh my God, it almost doubled what the first one did in its opening weekend."
"Nominal confusion: what you could buy with $20 twenty years ago is vastly different from what it buys you today."
"She's almost making as much money as Chelsea's royalty does."
"REITs have outperformed stocks even through the worst real estate crash in US history."
"Bitcoin is moving like 10 times as much money as PayPal."
"I work less than you, but I still make 10 times more."
"The cost of a Bitcoin transaction could go up to ten thousand dollars and it would still be a bargain compared to the final settlement of physical gold."
"Bitcoin processed 42 trillion dollars worth of value last year, that's more than double of MasterCard and Visa combined."
"These big name schools are starting to get into the point of actually charging the same amount that a freaking college is charging."
"I can't believe I hit a million followers, guess I didn't beat a million dollars."
"The case for bitcoin is superior to gold. I mean that story gets stronger and stronger."
"If you just sat in Bitcoin for even just the pre-halving year, you would have done much better than holding every individual altcoin, except for a few."
"My Nintendo collection is doing better than my 401k."
"Why on Earth are you taking a piece of carbon and storing it inside a fifty thousand dollar Barn?"
"They both lost their houses but the value of those houses put together doesn't come close to the mansion that was lost by the last rapper on our list."
"A lot of people seem to like a comparison of business philosophies finances as you may call it between Smokey Mountain Wrestling and ECW."
"The average cost of a Thanksgiving dinner for 10 people was $617, down from $645 last year."
"Bitcoin is a harder money than gold. It's verifiable, portable, transferable—all the things that gold lacks."
"It's also worth mentioning that both [ETF name] and [ETF name] have the same expense ratio at 0.6 percent which, in my opinion, isn't too bad."
"Comparing a black household's net worth to a white household's net worth without considering demographics is comparing apples to oranges."
"You've got to buy in the public market when there's blood in the streets..."
"You needed $23.68 to be at the same place you were 50 years ago. You know what the average is today? $22 dollars and ¢65 cents."
"If you're making $100,000 a year somewhere and you're making 79, the difference could be about 8000 bucks a year just and the tax savings."
"Essentially chump change compared to some of the contracts signed after the salary cap spiked."
"This is actually paying better than three cars going down to Florida. So this is about three thousand dollars going 1200 miles."
"One thousand dollars came in from YouTube, came in from Brand deals. That's like a Ferrari in a month, Jesus Christ."
"A student's budget might be a little bit lower than a professional's."
"The ratio from Las Vegas to Macau is one to seven."
"Loan estimates are a document that everybody uses and that you can compare those side by side."
"Keep in mind, 20% interest was nearly 400-times higher than what you could earn in a traditional bank."
"Contemporary art has outpaced the S&P by 131 percent from '95 to 2021."
"The shock I was in seeing how much money the rest of Canada has compared to my home in Newfoundland."
"The PSG wage bill is 2,368% larger than Brest's."
"If I kept my lifestyle the way it is right now and somebody gave me a hundred million dollars, it would be equivalent to having 50 billion."
"The return on equity should be greater than the return on the company's bond because equity is more risky."
"It's the same or better than money in the bank."
"If you have the money for let's say like a Frappuccino... now would be a really good time to donate."
"So we're looking at now an apples to apples comparison of our analyzer with our profit and loss within QuickBooks."
"The net present value model sort of edges out the internal rate of return model because it provides a dollar amount."
"Free cash flow conversion can be used to compare different companies and see which one has the highest free cash flow conversion percentage."
"The social and the environmental should have equal stature and should be viewed very similarly to the financial performance."
"A 30-year-old is no longer doing as well as his or her parents were at 30."
"Time is worth more than money, so to be able to fast forward time, it's really worth any amount of money."
"Rewards are sort of a unique feature of credit cards when we are comparing credit cards to lines of credit and personal loans."
"Coca-Cola very much more profitable than Pepsi."