
Critical Care Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Vitamin C might be especially beneficial for critically ill people, particularly those with viral infections."
"It's incredibly rewarding... we have the ability to pull patients back from the brink."
"Our overall aim has always been to make sure that everybody can have access to critical care if they need it."
"Without our medication and without our respirator, the patient would not survive. That's how sick she is."
"The body handles that infection becomes critically important."
"Steroids save lives in critically ill people."
"Ventilators are critical in treating the most severe cases of the coronavirus, where inflammation prevents people from taking in enough air on their own."
"She was not going to recover from this and she would be in a coma, and they were discussing what to do about that when she opened her eyes."
"Good initial surgery for thyroid cancer is the best chance for cure - that really important day in the patient's life."
"May Allah grant her full shifa and allow her to pass through these critical moments with shifa."
"This is called sepsis, and the resulting low blood pressure, is septic shock."
"Justin's survival is a paradigm shift in how we resuscitate."
"The golden hour: a critical time frame in trauma care."
"The young woman had to be airlifted to the hospital, where she underwent emergency surgery."
"It's not just keeping children in that environment, it's super toxic."
"I'm giving you the confidence to succeed in the ICU by breaking down these complex critical care subjects and making them easy to understand for you."
"My goal with this channel here is to try to give you guys the confidence to succeed in the ICU by taking these complex Critical Care subjects and making them easy to understand."
"High-dose vitamin C infusions can help prevent death among critically ill patients."
"A lot of really good information here that you guys are going to see and use all the time in treating your critically ill patients"
"My goal with this youtube channel is to try and give you guys the confidence to succeed in the ICU by taking these complex critical care subjects and breaking them down, making them easy to understand."
"Any time you run into someone whose po2 is in the 40s or 60s that patient should not be on the floor they should usually be in an ICU because there's there's some problem there that they're not able to get alveolar oxygen into their blood all right thank you very much guys."
"Larger is better... so much so that's why some critical care doctors... are starting to put in from the get-go tunnel dialysis lines."
"Acute pancreatitis can be associated with severe morbidity and mortality. Prompt recognition and triage is the key."
"The main decision to be made in A&E is whether the patient needs to go straight to theater."
"Being part of our team, looking after a patient who's so critically unwell, to be able to be one of those people that is key in that situation, that's what makes me do my job."
"Stop the bleeding first, period. You have just jumped over a huge hurdle once you've done that."
"Quite literally, you could have someone's life in your hands."
"One of the best things about being a scribe is that you get to see physicians at the most critical moments in a patient's care."
"These are the patients who are critical in which lots of intervention are going on and if it becomes successful, the chance of survival of such patients are very high."
"In the first 24 hours, it's extremely important, and we want to save as much penumbra as we can."
"The real art in the practice of critical care is how to distinguish these situations which allow more time for you to think and process before you make a decision from the true emergencies that require immediate action."
"If left untreated, a tension pneumothorax can put pressure on the heart and the mediastinum and cause a decrease in cardiac output and an obstructive shock."
"One of the most important things that you can do is learn the top disease processes that are landing patients in a neuro ICU."
"Any medication that deals with Airway, breathing, or circulation, especially in a medical emergency, you need to know that."
"...if a child gets admitted to the ICU for any number of reasons: trauma, sepsis, after surgeries."
"Well, she's got a chance, the ICU team will keep fighting for Christie."
"My goal here with ICU advantage is to really take these complex critical care topics and really break them down and make them easy to understand for you guys."
"For countless people close to death, it came only just in time."
"Learning objectives for today is to review the components of a normal pediatric echocardiogram, identify common critical cardiac defects, and to recognize red flags requiring immediate communication."
"I'm Annie Onishi, and I am a trauma surgeon and surgical critical care doctor in Los Angeles, California."
"ASV is able to select lung protective ventilation with limited driving pressure in passive ICU patients with different lung conditions."
"We save lives, we relieve suffering, because we are critical care."
"With patients coming to the ICU, these patients are already very critically ill; they're literally just fighting for their lives."
"That can be the difference between life and death for your patient."
"We believe that ESI version 4 will help facilitate care of the most critically ill patients in your department."
"First pass intubation success is the most important variable in outcomes of intubation."
"Every minute without CPR or defibrillation reduces survival chances by 7 to 10%."
"In the Western world, we understand the importance of the golden hour."
"Improvements in survival for patients who are critically ill went from 69% to 89%."
"I literally can say that today my critical care emergency shift I saved at least three lives."
"We're focusing in on aggressive early mobilization on the critically ill patient."
"Appropriate use of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation may be life-saving; inappropriate use may be fatal."
"The whole thing in the beginning is that they need to survive life, they need to get past that critical stage."
"The full guidelines are published in the journal's Critical Care Medicine and Intensive Care Medicine."
"Calcium chloride is more concentrated than gluconate, it has to go through a central line and this is the one you use on your code or crisis or crashing or critical patient."
"LP little a levels fall dramatically in patients who are in the ICU with severe septic shock."
"Early nutritional support therapy via the enteral route should be initiated within 24 to 48 hours in a critically ill patient."
"I think most people feel that there's probably a very legitimate benefit to dexamethasone or other steroids in critically ill patients."
"Aki is obviously one of the most important people ever in the field of critical care."
"Patients who you suspect of bleeding out are a priority because their physiological integrity is in question."
"The oil is the lifeblood of your pump, so making sure your oiling system is functioning properly is critical to keeping your pump in operation."
"The most important thing to remember is that you need to prevent these three factors: hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy."
"It's really critical to start training your tree properly during the first year."