
Life's Challenges Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"There is sorrow and sadness and unfairness in the world, and we can't fix some things."
"It's always for the best, and even though some things look or seem unfortunate at certain times."
"When you make the decision to take on all of that voluntarily...then all the catastrophe justifies itself in the nobility of your striving."
"Sometimes life is bleak, right, and we have to acknowledge that."
"That's life. It's a multitude of this constant crossing of positive and negative."
"It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of Life." - Joseph Campbell
"Why do bad things always happen to good people?"
"Nature only allows you to play the cards you're dealt."
"Life is tragic and tainted by malevolence but the optimism is there's a hell of a lot more to you than you think."
"God is never going to design a life for you that doesn't require him."
"You have to get rich or die trying, you know you have you have to fight your way out. It doesn't matter how because it's just life's unfair."
"Life is beautiful. I mean life is what... how beautiful it is not exactly life was how it is supposed to be filled filled with ups and downs and that's how it is."
"Sometimes you do keep living, and that's all life can really ask of you."
"This is a very, very powerful moment where it's like the hits the fan."
"Sometimes life can just be a witch... when life can just sometimes just not be so fun to deal with and you feel a little powerless in your life."
"Early disappointments were just rehearsal for the great stuff coming your way."
"But in every context, the world doesn't necessarily owe you those options."
"In the fundamental pain and meaninglessness of life, we must not find ourselves lethargic and paralyzed."
"Death is unfair, unforgiving, it comes for people who don't deserve it far too soon."
"The great truth is that there isn't one and it only gets worse since that conclusion."
"Nobody ever said that a calling was easy. Having a calling requires you to have strength."
"Life will knock you down whether you deserve it or not, and honestly, the whole idea of karma that everybody likes to talk about? Now, there's no point system. Unfair things happen to people all the time. It's the way it is."
"Life throws a dodge ball at you and you've got to make the most of it."
"One of our greatest experiences challenges to, while animated in human form, is to know that every experience that I'm experiencing is an opportunity for me to grow and to choose the light."
"Its desires are unlimited, its claims inexhaustible, and every satisfied desire gives birth to a new one."
"Sometimes you just gotta sit back and accept life's little [things]."
"If everything went your way, you wouldn't be here right now."
"Life is brutally difficult, but there's more to you than you can possibly imagine."
"From the dawn of our existence, one undeniable fact emerges: life brings its challenges."
"Life is short. Keep swinging in the back. I don't care if I strike out every time in life. I'll go down swinging."
"Bad things happen to good people; life's not fair."
"The reality is that it's messy and messy is fine."
"Life is constantly full of twists and turns."
"God have not promised Skies always blue, flowers strewn pathways all life through."
"It was just the worst but there like it will get better it will get better and life is not all about suffering despite what we've been taught."
"After all this is said and done, there's probably a few things. It's not fair. Life isn't fair."
"...like this is just the payment that you have to make on a daily basis to earn, or deserve the life that you have."
"I love that our practice can kind of teach us how to ride the wave of expansion and contraction."
"I just never felt it, even in like one lifetime you can be like, 'Wow, who the god, the universe, whoever just dumped a lot on this person.'"
"You don't make a deal with life... Say yes to what is."
"One day things can be absolutely beautiful and the next day or the next moment even things can just get out of control."
"I found it's all up to me is this life a burden that I need to manage or a gift that I need to bask in I still make Ryan frustration or overwhelm and in a few years things will likely change again but for now I choose to see the blessing and that has made all the difference"
"Life is a whole lot easier when we fished. We still could have lost a baby while you were a fisherman Simon, you just wouldn't have anybody to turn to."
"Sometimes life has a way of tugging at our heartstrings."
"The high value man understands and accepts that life is hard, no matter what path you choose."
"It's impossible to protect them completely. No life is without angst, unsolved mystery, longing, and loss."
"Life is a challenge, you wouldn't play if it wasn't challenging."
"Every day was a wonderful gift from God's speech. I've had a lot of bad days."
"I ain't gonna say it's meant to be, there's a reason."
"You can do things right to the T every time, and it can still go sideways."
"There are far worse fates than death."
"Life won't defeat you because you'll understand, well, that's the way the cookie crumbles."
"The Wheel does not care if you are young or afraid, petty or weak."
"I don't worry about what life's going to bring now, I just don't see the point in worrying because if you trust in Allah, you don't need to worry."
"Sometimes those days happen for a reason, and we just have to roll with the punches."
"Life starts off some days with sunshine, crisp air, and blue sky, but before the sun goes down, everything you know can be upset, turned upside down."
"Life's not fair, so I'm like, whatever, we'll just keep rolling with it."
"None of us here may prevail against fate."
"You never know what people are going through, and there's just so much stuff going on; it's crazy out here."
"The capability to be thankful for even the struggles is a testament to a heightened level of understanding and acceptance of life's complexity."
"Mortality is not fair, life is not fair, but God is always fair."
"Everything happens for a reason, and I know that no matter how bad life can be, it always works out for the best in the end."
"In order to carry with resignation the crosses of life and its trials, we must understand that these things come to us from God."
"We are living in a world that seems designed perfectly to frustrate our efforts to find permanent happiness."
"Mama said there'd be days like this, that is true."
"Ah well, they can't all be winners, but that's life. Things don't always go our way, and the important thing is to not give up, to persevere."
"Life is full of sorrow for everybody; there's no free exit out of this life without pain."
"It's just one of those days where everything that can go wrong, goes wrong."
"That's life, it's not fair, and that's the reality."
"Life is difficult. This is one of the great problems which means that once it's accepted, it's no longer a problem."
"And while that's bittersweet, I think we just need to all be a bit easier on ourselves."
"We live in peace even when life doesn't make sense because we know that God is with us."
"Paradox comes with purpose. You cannot have promise without peril and pain."
"Here I am, anchored. The good swirls around me, the bad, the ugly, everything is swirling around me, and I am anchored."
"Mama always said there'd be days like this."
"It is your trust in me that stands as an anchor, serving as a stabilizing force against the battering winds of uncertainty and the raging storms of life."
"We live in a fun, sinful, broken world, but it was God's way of saying like this is going to happen but I am with you."
"That's just the reality of life, some days are like this."
"To be vexed at anything which happens is a separation of ourselves from nature."
"Because the sun doesn't always shine."
"Life has disappointments. You got peaks and valleys."
"I said that's life, and as funny as it may seem, some people get their kicks stomping on a dream."
"Time can be a harsh judge to all."
"It's good, the bad, the ugly, just the way it is, it's life."
"He'd learned not to even get angry, especially about simple things like rain and animals that got stuck in fences. Those were just things that happened, not events to rage about."
"It's just one of those Tuesdays, full of mess-ups."
"Just beneath the shadows of this life is God’s wondrous Light."
"You let it all go on the fate, your wicked fate."
"God will not allow anything to come into your life, which is beyond your control, which will ruin or hinder God's purpose for your life."
"The same thing that will make you will break you, but the same things that won't break you have made you."
"Sometimes life just isn't fair, and we just need to learn to be okay with that."
"If anything bad happens, I'm just like, this is supposed to happen."
"I'm ready for whatever the world has in store for me because I know who I am, and I'm ready to handle any circumstance that comes my way."
"You're right, it's not fair. But neither is the world. Nothing about this line of duty or life is fair. It's a hero's job to combat that unfairness and go beyond their normal limits."
"This peace is a sanctuary, offering you a haven of serenity in the midst of life's storms."
"Why did nothing turn out the way it was supposed to? Because you can't control life."
"All losses in this world are due to lack..."
"He will calm the storms of our life."
"Life ain't fair. It is what it is."
"Some things in life just are not fair; there's no explanation for it."
"Find the beauty in the mess, right? That is life."
"Life gave me lemons, and I freaking love them."