
Personality Analysis Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Negan is not a forgiving, understanding, or empathetic person. He's fire and brimstone."
"It seems like Cruz is the kind of guy everyone wants to be: handsome, successful, a real crowd-pleaser, and an all-around nice guy but that’s only the side of him he wants you to see."
"Through learning about the Enneagram and analyzing all these characters, I've come to a deeper understanding of myself."
"The fixed nature of these cards always makes me think of someone who's a bit headstrong and stubborn."
"Dealing with divine narcissists is simultaneously simpler and more complicated."
"He's a mixed bag. He will always be a mixed bag so long as he doesn't have a worldview."
"There are males most men today... emotionally off... mentally off... no logic... that's a beta male."
"It's definitely fascinating repeatedly seeing how fragile such a rich, powerful, and influential person's ego can be."
"He truly sounds like the embodiment of somebody who completely lacks empathy."
"She has important narcissistic and sociopathic traits."
"It's not vitriolic. Vitriolic would be shouting and swearing and engaging in ad hominem attacks. It's not. It's an analysis about narcissism with some snark thrown in for good measure to get one through the bilge that one has to read."
"Do you think there are common successful attributes in people?"
"The way that Don Lemon is evolving is not evolution, it's devolution."
"Entps are very much in the mold of the jester archetype; someone who uses humor, roasting, satire, trolling, etc., as a way to point out the stupidity of people's or society's views."
"They lack empathy, they are callous, they are detached."
"To think about it as a personality is a much more intelligent way to look at it."
"He's old, he's boring, and that's a real asset for him."
"Lady C is a monster crushing snob and a complete fake."
"If we can agree that Christians can be oppressed then we can agree that other classes of people can be oppressed."
"For some it could mean that they are selfish and for others it could mean that they're just very afraid of being their true self being open and vulnerable because they have experienced toxic connections or people trying to hurt them in the past."
"Rintaro Okabe: beneath the veneer of a wacko in a lab coat is a sensitive soul."
"While many criticized Trump for being a narcissist... the self-assuredness that comes with narcissism can make one come off as a more effective leader."
"Epstein was essentially a blackmail specialist."
"I think the difference is DeSantis's personality doesn't allow for blind spots. Everybody has them, no matter how paranoid you are, you have blind spots."
"Only a person with those types of attributes in their personality would go down that route and try to enact that type of plan to stay in power."
"The only thing you need to know about Donald Trump is he’s a 7-year-old who never grew old."
"Create a list of personality traits that you identify with that you think are giving you stress."
"The Queen always thought of her sister as an enigma. It's all very difficult to work out with Princess Margaret, which half of her you're talking about."
"You're dealing with a different species of man with him. You have somebody that's that good at lying and charming because he's so good at what he does."
"Pom's blood type is type AB, which is seen to be either one of two personalities: either you're a rational genius or a total nut job."
"Color preferences reveal the personality preference of the person."
"The meanness was never the main issue with Donald Trump."
"It's like she's amping up for something just getting more and more and more evil until she commits double homicide."
"The human personality is so much more complicated than that and it's so much more complicated than personality tests ever make out."
"Disco Elysium doubles as a personality test, secretly keeping track of your behavior tallying your political ideology."
"Hear me out he was he was young he was hot he was well spoken from all accounts I really think it would have been different had he lived longer all right say had he gotten old enough to get bitter all right just hear me out."
"I just knew it was just something about him like i can't really put my finger on it but maybe just like his overall persona demeanor stance values and just the approach."
"He was an egomaniac with an inferiority complex... He was going to do anything for anybody to be a people pleaser."
"Putin may have a non-life-threatening form of cancer but he's been a very rational actor."
"He was charming, a wolf in sheep's clothing, the most hospitable host."
"The emotional core of Trump's personality is anger."
"Paul is such a complex and interesting character."
"Patrick is sloth. Sloth can be defined as physical laziness or spiritual laziness...Patrick Starr is both."
"Elon is just such a complex and interesting guy."
"When you make money or you're a high earner, there's certain characteristic traits that you're going to have."
"It's no secret that I often say that infps that I personally consider infps to actually be the most brilliant of us all I really actually do believe that they have the capacity of becoming the most brilliant of all of the types."
"A narcissist is someone that goes off on these tangents about how amazing they are."
"Ego enhancement drives narcissistic behavior, instrumental goals drive machiavellianism, and psychopathy."
"Is he nice for the sake of being nice or is he nice because he has a motive?"
"Trump is what you get when you combine a sociopath with a conman."
"Scott Peterson isn't somebody who does things emotionally or on impulse. He's a planner."
"When people say things like this, it's just such a slam dunk. I mean, come on. It is so Tim. Tim, he's so sketchy too."
"An entrepreneur has a certain quality about them."
"As I said earlier about their self-destructive tendencies that come from self-loathing and feeling very imperfect, Venus men are far from like the natural jolliness that you find in Jupiter men."
"He's [expletive] great and really illustrating just how much of a fraudulent clown Dr. Oz is."
"INTJs might have a strangely conflicted conception of themselves - both pros and cons are quite stark."
"In an industry in which everyone is typed and tagged and labeled and pigeonholed she's Mercurial an exception to television's."
"Virgos are logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to life."
"The most striking example of his megalomania was the way he pursued his one single-minded hobby."
"The thing you have to understand about Boris Johnson is he really wants to be loved."
"Marjorie Taylor Green, I think she's a true believer, brother."
"Joffrey matches the three components of psychopathy linked to nature and nurture really well."
"You're a lovely person, very sweet and full of love, but you're also hard to read."
"Enrique is the poster boy for a psychopath who lacks remorse and empathy."
"It forces me to see you and whatever you might be doing. The person who initiates the video call format is a narcissist."
"People don't change. You're slipping Jimmy and slipping Jimmy I can handle just fine, but slipping Jimmy with a law degree is like a chimp with a machine gun."
"That's the thing, maybe he wouldn't be the type of guy to see the car on the outside and go, 'Oh, she's giving some room.' Just doesn't care."
"Scorpio, they got no feelings... really... deepest feelings... they're some of the most sensitive people in the world."
"He's got really really great insights not just about typology but just about life in general."
"Human design gives you the roadmap of your own personality, body, human type."
"This person could be someone who does have a tendency to suppress, so we are gonna dig into this energy a little bit."
"The real narcissist was Chris, but I noticed people like Meredith like to blame The Confident Woman for the problems and let the man get off scot-free."
"I had an inkling that you were like a Monica just from the vlog we recently saw when you guys were traveling because I was like, 'Oh yeah, you totally seem like someone who's organized fun.'"
"Numbers tell you how you think and what personality you are."
"Astrology applies to more than just 'you're a good spiritual person, you have a nice personality'."
"If you can identify their personality type through a conversation, now all of a sudden you know way more about them than they know about you."
"Watching your mother cry and not showing any emotion says a lot about someone's personality."
"Astrology tends to be more character oriented and more focused on psychology and the analysis of character."
"My point here is that for all of the talk of Bernstein's kind of flamboyance and largeness, there is a consistency."
"Shrewdness and arrogance are Beria’s major traits."