
Reunification Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The complete reunification of China is the trend of the times and an inevitability of history."
"Resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China's complete reunification is a historic mission and an unshakable commitment of the Communist Party of China." - Xi Jinping
"The ultimate reunification, I think it's got to because I for certain ways."
"Xi Jinping has always regarded the reunification of Taiwan as part of his great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream."
"Seeing the reuniting of Wally and giant Iris basically it was DC telling comic book fans yes we're bringing the whole family back together."
"Reunification of Ireland wouldn't be the day it happens. It wouldn't be like, 'Okay, that's it, there's no more Northern Ireland.'"
"What you want is to spin the wheel the other way and be able to move forward past the wall to get back to the spot where you guys are reunited."
"Beria wanted to reunite East and West Germany and tone down censorship."
"Over a million people here celebrating a day that they never thought would come, a day in which Germany became one country again."
"25 million suitcases get lost or mishandled each year and 99.97% are reunited with their owner."
"Montohotep's reunification of Egypt marked a New Beginning, the dawn of what would become known as the Middle Kingdom."
"When Yah makes Israel and Judah One Nation again, just as they were when David ruled the first time, there will be one king over them all."
"Recognizing the importance of reuniting the dog with its owner, they decided to take it upon themselves to locate the rightful owner."
"Every time I help one parent to reunite with their child, it's deeply meaningful."
"Very exciting and wonderful for a person who loves Korea and thinks that someday it will be one Korea again."
"...customers are reunited with their much loved possessions."
"North and South Korea are like twins that been separated at Birth."
"Someone being able to see their family... would really help reduce people being locked up again."
"After almost 6 months of my son being placed in foster care because of his mother's actions, he is finally going to be returning home on Friday."
"Ray is good at reuniting families."
"The goal of foster care is reunification with birth parents."
"In late September, East and West Germany overwhelmingly voted in favor of reuniting the two countries, which had been separated since Germany's unconditional surrender in 1945."
"It's really, really important as a foster parent to understand your role in what's going on. The majority of the time when a child enters foster care, the goal is reunification."
"These are for reunification, they have extended families."
"The aspiration of the Chinese to reunify with the island, which has a dissident minority regime."
"Reunification does not mean disappearing."
"You all know by this point how passionately I feel about reuniting the unidentified with their identities."
"The reunification of Taiwan with China cannot be done under duress and force."
"Re-unification is inevitable, time is on our side and the ordinary people of the south are with us."
"The reunification of Germany is considered one of the most important events of the 20th century, not only for Germany itself but for Europe as a whole."
"Moscow, the story of Moscow is incredible because it's the most unlikely city to carry on the reunification of Russia."
"Chancellor Helmut Kohl, the leader of West Germany, began writing a plan for German reunification."
"The goal in foster care is always reunification, but when that can't happen, adoptions happen."
"The United States defeated the South and in the end, the states that were in rebellion were readmitted to the US and the institution of slavery was abolished nationwide."
"Reunification of the country is not the matter of gain or loss, but this is the matter of death or life."
"The United States is now reunified."
"The goal is always reunification."
"The reunification of East and West Germany was made official on October 3rd, 1990."
"The reunification issue is the issue of life or death to South Korean people."
"We all dream of a reunified Korea as Korean people."
"We'll see a one Korea, reunified Korea in our lifetimes."
"This poem, focusing on the reunification of North and South Korea, uses the metaphor of a tiger with broken bones."
"The South Korean cultural wave is playing a very important role for the preparation of future reunification."
"The goal of foster care is reunification with the biological mom, dad, parents, family."
"Now I have to spend another $188,000 to reunify with my children that I haven't seen in more than seven and a half months."
"Ultimately the goal is for the children to go home; that's always our goal."
"Family reunification is their primary goal."
"Family reunification means that we're trying to work the family plans to get her reunified back with the children."
"Reunification should only be considered when it is truly in the child's best interest."
"There's going to be reunification at some point."
"Together, we dream of a Korea that is free, a peninsula that is safe, and families that are reunited once again."
"They both have expressed that they want to live with their mom and be reunified with her."