
Product Differentiation Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Product differentiation is where marketers try and distinguish their product and service offerings from those of competitors. Perception is key."
"Apple has undoubtedly been able to differentiate their products and show that they are more innovative."
"Starbucks has been able to differentiate their coffee as being better than most other competitors."
"The greatest way to be a huge success on Amazon is not just to private label the same product that's already out there."
"Yamaha's ability to perform a full manual setup is just one of the ways it sets itself apart from the pack."
"The S Pen is what separates this phone from every other phone that's out."
"Surfshark stands out from the other VPN providers."
"Those unique aesthetics really differentiate it from anything else."
"Folding phones deserve their own recognition."
"The Overland trim gives you an additional set of luxury features that you don't find in the limited trim."
"It has to be different enough and it was something that they considered when they were okay know right that's exactly what you just said there he confirmed that on stage."
"Every mechanical switch has its own characteristics... so it is a different market out there in terms of mechanical switches."
"LG all ads are generally the only olanna marker to have true hdmi 2.0 one that supports most of the major hdmi 2.0 features."
"It's just another cheeseburger if it's done well exactly and then then that's it as long as it's done well you wrapped it differently that's what I'm saying."
"I personally want an alternative to what's out there I don't want another version of what it's out there."
"Our products they are designed to make them more different more differentiated."
"That's why I use my Raycons. They're doing things differently than other brands out there."
"This elevates the 60x above being just a wedding spotlight."
"We've done differently than the competition. We don't just Port titles over, we actually take the time to do the very best job we can making the title different for the new release for new technology that we're launching it on."
"The AirPods Pro may have the most different feature set out of all of these."
"I mean it's the same steering wheel you would have found in an E350 box truck four just didn't bother differentiating their steering wheels."
"We're always thinking about innovative things like we won't just come out with a regular eye shadow we have to make it different and unique." - Laura Riano
"Each of these suppliers, they don't just make one version of a foam roller or the product. They have many different variations. So that's where you can be a little bit creative and stand out and be unique with that product."
"There's an immediate visual disparity between the person who is just coming in and the person who forked out the extra £3 for the deluxe version."
"Reach out to manufacturers for custom-made V2 products."
"I promise you you're not going to confuse a Civic with its competitors."
"You're not gonna get that on any other grill."
"Make sure if you're on a tight budget and you want to differentiate your product, focus on perceived value first."
"One thing I've learned being in the detailing world for a long time... a lot of these big companies... get the same product and then what they do is they change the smell and they change the color."
"Our view of Palantir is we're very differentiated in building these products before they exist." - Alex Carp
"Apple has traditionally set itself apart in the camera department."
"The MacBook Pro uses a 720p webcam whereas the Surface Book 3 uses a 1080p webcam and it looks like it has a wider angle of view as well."
"I feel like if you can make a good visual argument for why this iMac is different other than just being black, then it gives people a reason to feel like they're getting more."
"You will always remember this car when many other products in this price segment you just forget about."
"They chose that because they know it has like an X factor, right?" - Highlighting the strategic decision-making behind product choices.
"Cross sells, the simple answer... it's not another burger or a better burger or a faster burger, it's a coke."
"It feels separate from the entry-level MacBooks."
"Just being able to do it wirelessly, that to me again, is exactly the kind of differentiation I've come to expect from Apple."
"One of the things that really differentiates us is that we started as a spoon rather than a fork."
"So the thinking within Apple, as I understand it, is that the iPad's job is to get so good that a majority of people no longer need a Mac."
"Ultimately, the main differentiator for a Pixel phone is its camera."
"It's something special, it's something that's its own thing outside of the product."
"So this is different from the regular thorough good boot that most people consider a thorough good boot with the mock toe and the orangey color leather this is their 1957 Series"
"Made with the Vodka, not the Malt like the other guys."
"The Defender needed to be was a totally different product line than what Land Rover currently makes because that's what the old one was."
"If you already have an amazing product that's differentiated, then chances are you might just need to improve the customer experience."
"...we don't have a guitar to me that... if you're Gibson you got your historic collection and they're made in Nashville and then you got the Epiphone model you know right away that that's going down or wrong."
"That's something that's really going to differentiate this from anything else on the market that has this size garage."
"While audio lab's design DNA is clear as day throughout their lineup, the 9000a is not an update to the 6000a play. It is its very own thing."
"A big part of that is finding ways to differentiate your product."
"Our sales team knows that our sales are hinged upon talking about what the difference is with our products because we are not the cheapest product in the market."
"Sell the problem your differentiation solves before you sell the uniqueness of your product."
"I think when you look at the two lenses side by side, and you say what is the internet saying, they're the same lens, it's just a rebranding, it's not the same."
"Time is incredible, and that's one of the things that really sets Operator apart."
"I really like the fact it's got something a bit different, a bit interesting."
"Not only is DIY paint not associated with any other brand, we are extremely different than any other paint formula."
"Product differentiation... allows you to price above marginal cost and people still buy it."
"The best way to be differentiated is to actually be a great product."
"It's a little bit different than your standard ear cup design, which I like because it sort of separates it from the other headphones out there."
"You really got to have a good product that separates it; you need to be the strongest product but yet the safest product."
"Man oh man, are these two very different beasts intended for two very different audiences."