
Preventive Health Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"The best way to treat people was not to treat them after they got their diabetes, then they got their kidney disease, and then put them on dialysis. The best thing was to get them to lose weight."
"Most chronic diseases we're facing in our country today are almost totally preventable... you have the ability to drastically decrease your chances of developing chronic diseases."
"Listen, lose weight, get in shape, eat healthy, get vaccinated, get back to life."
"Prevention is the ultimate principle of wisdom."
"We certainly want to be giving people... those tools about the foods that they consume to get out of harm's way early on before there is any harm."
"Eating a healthy diet is likely one way to take care of [our brains]."
"Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after going to the bathroom before eating and after blowing your nose coughing or sneezing."
"How many Americans have a cholesterol of 150? It is very hard to find, not naturally." - Dr. Esselstyn
"Just by increasing your steps to 2500 steps a day it will literally lower your cardio muscular system disease."
"If you catch it early, you can stop it before it progresses to these diseases."
"You are a prime candidate to do this through supplements to make sure that you're getting enough."
"When used as directed, daily oral contraception is safe and is expected to be more effective than currently available non-prescription contraceptive methods in preventing unintended pregnancy."
"Exercise is the best pill, the best drug I could prescribe."
"Diet and exercise lifestyle in general is far more powerful than any medication that we can prescribe."
"Obstructive sleep apnea: a very low hanging fruit for those that want to optimize their health."
"Between using a mask and not spreading the virus, and you touching it on surfaces and cleaning your hands, those go a long way."
"Food should be used to prevent illness not to just help reverse it once it's too late."
"Hydration is like a superhero that helps flush out those oxalates, reducing the chances of kidney stone formation."
"An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure."
"Aspirin thins the blood and helps prevent blood clots from forming."
"Reasonable sun exposure overall, just in general getting it out in the sun is a healthy practice."
"Take preventive health measures as a priority."
"Doctors don't know hardly anything about preventive health care preventive care they don't know a lot the people that do know about preventative health care are personal trainers and wellness centers."
"Three basic things to prevent autoimmunity: clean diet, filtered water, stress management."
"The evidence is indicating pretty strongly that omega-3 supplements don't prevent heart attacks or cancer."
"The best thing we can do is try to prevent viral infections in the first place, and that’s where vaccines come in."
"It's better to take preventative measures than to try to reverse."
"Remember, the power to prevent disease is in your hands."
"If you were compliant you wore the mask and you were diligent about that you had an 80% reduction in your contracting of viral influenza."
"Wear masks if you're outside so that the virus particles can't go from one person's mouth to another's."
"Doctors are pretty important. They help people who are sick. You don't want to make him sick."
"Our intention is to start to bring in more wisdom talks from either Olympic coaches or world-class doctors who focus on prevention and lifestyle which is quite rare."
"The key is to get things under control before you have disease."
"Certain foods have a very protective property to the human brain."
"Regular dental checkups every six months are essential."
"Multivitamins with an emphasis on vitamin D and C... highly recommend it."
"Staying healthy is the best way to have fun and keep your friends and family healthy, too."
"Improving lifestyles could reduce the impact of infections and viral outbreaks."
"The prevention is where we really want to focus as much as we can."
"Make food your medicine, don't make medicine your food."
"If no one was deficient in zinc, melatonin, vitamin D, and everyone exercised and moved more, that would make a material difference, wouldn't it?"
"The three biggest risk factors to decrease a person's risk for heart disease it's high blood pressure high cholesterol smoking get those under control you will decrease your risk of of getting heart disease heart attack and maybe even the Congress."
"Your ultimate risk is because of inflammation. So you are increased risk of heart attacks, stroke."
"Food plays a profound role in helping us to prevent these kinds of conditions."
"Wearing masks could really be what makes the difference between a resurgence or keeping the virus at bay."
"Investing in your health now means lower medical bills and fewer trips to the doctor in the future."
"Preventive health is actually about tackling the intangible. You do not realize what's happening inside your body until it manifests as what we call a symptom."
"Prevention is the best cure policy should every body should adopt it."
"Let's try and delay those things as long as possible by simple interventions that not only help our skin but help our total body health."
"Here we are, running around, desperately looking for a cure to all these illnesses, when the cure is in the prevention."
"Your health is far more dependent upon you getting enough of the good stuff than it is eliminating the bad stuff."
"Doctors say now is the time to get vaccinated, get boosted, as well as get your flu shot. Vaccines could take up to two weeks to become fully effective. You want to be fully protected."
"22% reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer... that's a great thing!"
"It's not that you recover faster; you haven't done the damage in the first place."
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates
"Treat the cause rather than trying to put a dietary bandaid on it."
"Having healthy muscles in terms of diabetes in terms of heart disease and terms of survival from cancer in terms of not falling and breaking a hip is probably the most beneficial Health thing you can do."
"If people really understood good health, you'd put 80 percent of the hospitals out of business."
"Walking half an hour a day for 5 days a week is going to do some good to your balance and bone density and risk of fracture."
"Knowing your genetic risk can motivate people to take control of their life and address modifiable risk factors."
"we also have another department called the preventive Health Department or get well Clinic you don't need to be sick you can come and just say that doctor nurse I'm not sick I just want to know how well I am."
"Sleep hygiene isn't something that cures anything; it's something that kind of prevents helps to prevent things."
"It is preventing health issues before they happen."
"Up to 80 percent of non-communicable diseases are preventable through preventive health care."
"Just don't get sick in the first place; just take care of yourself."
"If you know what you need to keep strong, if you know what you should avoid, then you could probably avoid having a hip replacement surgery or some other surgery and keep your quality of life up without putting yourself at risk for an unnecessary surgery."
"Prevention is always... you get so much more bang for your buck with regard to preventing these conditions in the first place."
"Forest bathing may have potential preventive effects on non-communicable diseases like cancer and heart disease."
"We need to get into that preventive health."