
Diet Benefits Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"A calorie is just a notion; the benefits have to come from how the metabolic processes in the body change."
"The more good stuff you eat with polyphenols, the more you actually benefit from it and you start to flood your own system with the good stuff which leaves less room for the bad stuff."
"One of the major reasons for being vegetarian is you're going to live longer."
"Since I've been on carnivore, I feel decades younger."
"There is scientific evidence to suggest that a large proportion of the population with obesity or diabetes would benefit from restricting carbohydrates."
"Does avoiding these plant-based lectins actually help autoimmune conditions? Yes."
"I noticed that when I first went carnivore, mental clarity was better, my mood was better, everything was better."
"Eating a healthy diet is likely one way to take care of [our brains]."
"Diets higher in protein tend to improve fat loss and lean mass retention."
"This low carb, high protein meal is really going to help keep us full and not thinking about food."
"A plant-based diet is one of the ways that we can be helped a little bit."
"A whole food plant-based diet can help a lot because that's the main source of saturated fat."
"When you're avoiding all the animal products and following a really healthy diet, your LDL bad cholesterol will fall."
"Your brain feels less foggy, I feel sharper, I feel less heavy, I feel less tired, I feel like I can do a hundred things in a day just because I've switched over my food."
"The Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular death by 75%."
"Caloric deficit can be beneficial for humans."
"Once you see the health benefits of lchf principles you can never unsee them."
"A well formulated diet is not only safe but it can be very effective in reversing disease."
"A carnivore diet will not only help you feel better physically, it will force you to think better."
"In three days of getting vegetable oils out of your diet, your inflammation markers will go down."
"Eating more plant-based protein can actually help speed up your recovery time from an injury."
"The less processed food you're eating the less cravings you'll have, the more stable your blood sugar will be it really is that simple."
"More vegetables you eat, the leaner you'll be."
"So now she is on the senior consult diet and since starting that diet she has become so shiny she's like she glows."
"Everyone knows that when you begin to eat healthier foods and you start taking out toxic foods from your diet, you feel physically better."
"Healthy keto can greatly take the stress off the liver."
"What are the positives of Keto or low carb or no sugar no grain?"
"This diet changed my life. I had visceral adiposity, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and this was the only thing that I changed and it had a big benefit."
"Low carb high fat... allows us to eat less without getting so hungry."
"If you stick to the diet, you lose weight and everything gets better."
"The cause of his diabetes is starting to go away... a diet based on healthy vegetables and fruits and whole grains and beans is the fuel your body works on."
"The high fat, lower protein carnivore style diet seems to be showing a lot of promise in helping people."
"Even before they may even lose weight or see any huge results, they'll notice their blood pressure drops because their insulin drops."
"A ketogenic diet is one of the most powerful ways to reduce inflammation, burn fat, and improve brain function."
"We know it's really effective at reducing obesity. We know it's really effective at reducing insulin resistance. And we know it's really effective as an anti-inflammatory diet."
"The nice thing about the ketogenic diet is... you don't need a large volume of food to stay satiated."
"When one adopts a whole food plant-based diet, the changes in your health are spectacular."
"Plant-based diets help to open up your heart chakra."
"Eating a plant-based diet not only helps control your blood glucose and diabetes but also reduces your chronic disease risk overall."
"Getting to a whole food plant-based approach often sets the immune system back off from attacking the nerve cells."
"About one percent took Ascenta, fifty-three to sixty-five percent in the Masai. All of them, fantastically lean, healthy, and without heart disease."
"Your perfect diet shouldn't just keep you alive; it should help you thrive."
"This diet has helped so many cases of asthma, acne, joint pain, and more."
"I don't think that I am making any sacrifice in terms of my longevity by eating meat and organs in fact I think I'm improving it on a day-to-day basis."
"Literally have reversed multiple markers of metabolic syndrome."
"Our skin responds incredibly well to leafy greens and just vegetables in general."
"Living a life on Carnivore where you have zero inflammation and zero anxiety, you're fearless."
"Two servings of fish a week lower dementia risk by 70%."
"The keto diet actually built more muscle and lost more fat."
"The benefits of Keto: strongly anti-inflammatory, right? Okay, we get, of course, the beta hydroxy butyrate is anti-inflammatory in and of itself."
"The diet has helped me enormously in the ability to continue to feel and perform good even though I'm kind of an older guy at this point."
"The same diet that can help you survive this pandemic can also help prevent the next."
"It's not about weight loss, it's about restoring your mitochondria."
"Nearly all cardiovascular risk factors improve on this diet."
"The carnivore diet: countless benefits from weight loss to heart health, but what about the risks?"
"People tend to worry about a lot of things, but plant-based eating is extremely healthy."
"Mediterranean eating pattern has consistently shown the best results."
"The ketogenic diet is actually one of the best ways for somebody with a thyroid problem to get better."
"Add them to your diet no matter if you're young or if you're old you can get some benefits."
"Making whole food plant-based eating is actually easy and enjoyable."
"Going plant-based is a very simple, highly proven, well-supported way to lower your cholesterol."
"You lose water weight initially when eating a low-carb diet."
"By eating a carnivorous diet or a very low carbohydrate diet, then you actually can suppress your blood glucose values and you can keep them controlled within a very very very tight window."
"The keto diet has an extensive list of health benefits and is excellent for a healthy metabolism, heightened energy levels, and even increased mental clarity and focus."
"Whole food, plant-based diet blocks the formation of disease at the first place."
"Estrogen levels are lower on a plant-based diet, leading to less severe symptoms during menopause."
"Whole food plant-based diet treats illness and disease with no side effects."
"Many people who have Crohn's disease get a lot better when they go plant-based."
"Feeling satisfied with what you're left to eat and not constantly desiring something that's off your diet."
"Do not underestimate the power of eating Whole Foods... they're inevitably lower calorie and higher volume Foods."
"The potential benefits from becoming plant-based are enormous and enormously powerful." - Dr. Milton Mills
"Intermittent fasting massively increases insulin sensitivity."
"My symptoms went away by about 60% by those two things...some extra moving around and reducing fast carbohydrates in your diet."
"People who eat more fruits and vegetables tend to get fewer kidney stones."
"When you slash your carbohydrate intake, glucose comes down, insulin levels lower, and fat from the liver and pancreas will begin to be burned off."
"A plant-based diet primes your immune system."
"Every human being can thrive on a plant-based diet."
"The mental health benefits of a carnivore diet are pretty darn clear."
"We know ketogenic diets reverse type 2 diabetes."
"Men who had the highest score related to the Mediterranean diet had the lowest relative risk of incident erectile dysfunction."
"Thankfully, the single best diet proven for weight loss just so happens to be the safest, cheapest way to eat for the longest healthiest life."
"Plant-based diets improve mood within just two weeks."
"Better neurological health with a low-carb diet."
"Improving hormone balance with a low-carb diet."
"Vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, getting away from the animal products can indeed help the mood."
"Metabolic parameters improve over time on a ketogenic diet."
"82% of the people who've gone on a plant-based, no dairy, no meat of any kind have begun to heal themselves."
"I eat healthy to feel good basically and it works."
"Carnivore diet can help reduce inflammation and pain, possibly avoiding surgery."
"The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the more it fills you up."
"The mind diet...they had less dementia."
"...eating a high fiber diet can even help control blood sugar in someone with diabetes so that's kind of exciting."
"Switching people to a plant-based diet can markedly improve cancer defenses."
"There is a direct relationship between our gut health and our brain health, and eating more plants makes our gut health so much better, so much stronger."
"It felt like I had access to my brain again and my mood lifted."
"That's what's causing the neuropathies, the local inflammation, and once you're eating healthy whole plant foods which are going to knock down the inflammation way down, that most people, regardless of the type of neuropathy, they should see some benefit."
"I am brimming and bursting with energy and I can really say it is because of this way of eating."
"Once you test your body after you've been on this diet, you just feel athletic."
"The great advantage of the fasting mimicking diet compared to drug type of intervention for Alzheimer's is that it just revolutionizes the metabolism of the brain."
"A kidney-friendly diet helps manage mineral levels, prevents further damage to your kidneys, and significantly contributes to your overall well-being."
"The fasting mimicking diet can awaken rejuvenation from within."
"The fasting mimicking diet... could be protective in human patients for a variety of different diseases."
"We're getting very confident about the cardio-metabolic effects of the fasting mimicking diet."
"Everybody, regardless of what medication they are taking, deserves the benefits that come from eating a proper human diet."
"Typically people have improvements in their oral health when they go on a carnivore diet."
"The obesity begins to melt away, the arteries relax and open up, high blood pressures come down."
"A clean low carb diet can have for a lot of people it can put insulin resistance to the grave."
"Plant-based diets reduce the risk that cancer will occur."
"The most powerful way to reverse Crohn's disease is shown to be a whole food plant-based diet."
"The more you can reduce carbohydrates, the better you will feel, the better the symptom control."
"A higher adherence to a Mediterranean diet led to less risk of Alzheimer's disease and less cognitive impairment."
"There's no doubt that a carnivore way of eating is going to help you get a lot of that weight off."
"Adherence to Mediterranean eating pattern is associated with reduced risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke."
"You can eat more food, improve body composition, get faster, and you can lose weight at the same time."
"I've definitely noticed a lot of differences in Arlo switching to this food."
"I feel like my skin is actually clearing up a little bit."
"There is such a thing as damage done, but there are a lot of people that have dramatically improved their health and their neurological health from going on to a carnivore diet."
"Even if it doesn't heal some of the damage, if that damage is permanent, it can still really help a lot."
"A better diet is literally going to help your brain function better."
"I think veganism has a ton of health benefits; it's one of the healthiest diets you can do."