
Indicator Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"The most important leading indicator is the quality of education, most importantly broad-based education."
"You're also going to get a green light here to indicate full pressure was reached on every cycle."
"Quantitative easing is probably the most important indicator there is in the market."
"How people treat others is a good indicator of how they'll treat you in your worst moments together."
"Price is sometimes an indicator of quality."
"Erectile dysfunction is often the first clue of much bigger health issues."
"That's how you know you're relaxing, comfortable."
"Anacondas can be indicative for us of how is Mercury moving through this ecosystem."
"Doubt is an indicator you're about to do something great."
"The muscle pump is probably a good indicator that the muscle was trained to some extent."
"Honeybees are a symptom of an unhealthy, sick agricultural system."
"Price is not always an indicator of quality but it does work as a reasonable guide."
"Something that always rings true is that happiness is only real when shared, and this trip by far has been a big indicator of that."
"Manifold pressure indicates engine power."
"String algae actually means the pond is doing fantastic. String algae is a plant, mother nature's way of saying hey this pond's ecosystem is in check and doing a great job."
"When Elvis doesn't sing, that's a problem. That's when you get worried."
"In conclusion, this indicator provides a powerful tool for traders seeking to leverage supply and demand dynamics in conjunction with market trends."
"...there's a reason why this indicator works, because in waves of social mood, when mood gets increasingly positive, people do a lot of different things... and they wear frisky clothes."
"The strongest indicator of the type of wealth a person will acquire in his lifetime is the postcode where he lives."
"It's not a traditional moving average where old data gets replaced with new data but it's cumulative from that point forward, so it really becomes the ultimate sentiment indicator."
"...it should be hovering at the bottom of the yellow zone when I'm at my lowest..."
"You get the Blinky lights at about 50 battery so I have 50 remaining."
"By utilizing the 20 period moving average I can instantly tell you which one of these three Trends the stock is in right now."
"The HDI is the most widely used indicator of human development, has changed how people view the concept."
"Possibly a neon indicator on this end."
"It was a real strong indicator of some of the hardship that was forthcoming."
"Anger is a sign that something isn't right."
"When you have the indicators on, the camera will come on and show you a 360 and side view."
"GDP is basically a way of looking at how wealthy a country is."
"Okay, I didn't have it plugged in. Now I plugged it in, so it says ETR. I guess that means estimated time remaining to juice it up."
"The yield curve, when it de inverts, that's when you really have to worry."
"It can be a kind of a slight gauge of your fitness, it's not going to be a be all end all."
"Airbag light is off. I am very happy."
"Using the turning indicator here is so much fun."
"The 50-day is such a good guard rail. You can give it a little bit of room there, but you don't want to do too much room below there. It's such a great early warning signal."
"Indicator really does most of the heavy lifting for us."
"What is it it's I don't even consider this a secondary indicator I consider this a gauge of how healthy or unhealthy and upturn or a downturn is."
"Many investors see dividend payouts as an indicator that the company is strong."
"The direction of the 20MA represents positive market action or strength. A rising 20-period moving average represents a bullish stock."
"If you see a car that has the original Hella chrome-rimmed interior light with a white button, you know again the car has been well taken care of and probably has low miles on it."
"Make the Volatility Box the single most powerful indicator in your trading arsenal."
"The volatility box is the most robust thinkorswim indicator based on statistical models built traditionally for large institutions and hedge funds."
"Ultimately the emotional connection is the truest indicator when something is really working."
"...using an atr for the reversal is a good indication."
"I know responsibility is boring, but it is an indicator of much better things to come."
"The strongest indicator is your strength."
"Otters are at the top of the food chain so any sign of them here is a healthy indicator that these wetlands are flourishing."
"If that sort of passion starts to disappear, then that's usually a sign that something's wrong."
"If you have a little 10 up here on the corner that's how you know you got one of those."
"The weight is almost always the canary in the coal mine."
"...that's a real good indicator here if this is still painted it hasn't been used."
"Volume is probably the top-ranked indicator you can have on your chart."
"If you wake up in the morning and your urine is a little bit dark-colored and you're really thirsty, it's an indication that you're dehydrated."
"And it will actually, the LED indicator above the switch will flash three times and shut the circuit down."
"I think soreness is good. I think soreness is an indicator."
"A man that doesn't mention spending time with family or friends is a super red flag for me."
"It just makes me smile that's a really good indicator as to whether something's working or not if it makes me smile if it makes me want to play it more."
"Getting that at least like the full whatever he's able to share, it should give you a pretty clear indicator right after that conversation if this is something worth pursuing or whatever."
"It was like the number one indicator that I was coming alive again, honestly."
"The Purchasing Managers Index is a forward-looking indicator."
"Your skin tells you so much about your overall health."
"Utilizing rate of change as a simple mean reversion indicator."
"If a coral is able to produce more slime as a reaction to something, that is an indication of its health."
"The resolution of your photo is already a very good indicator of the quality of your photo."
"When the FED starts cutting interest rates, it's going to be the all-clear sign for Real Estate."
"Pain is not a good indicator of your rehab or your function."
"Hey, when Osama bin Laden is telling you you need to calm down, that's an indicator that you might be a little out of control."
"What you understand today, the way you feel about that situation in your life now, is not a reliable indicator of what is good."
"A company with high profit margins is a good sign."
"The 20 ma also helps with the entries."
"Odds are significantly higher for the trade when playing in the direction of the 20 ma."
"Grief is an indicator that love is greater than death."
"Problems are always an indicator that you're making progress."
"So we have the red cabbage from the garden, and this contains a chemical called anthocyanin, which is a pH indicator."
"Soil organic carbon is the one single measurable factor that actually tells us soil health."
"How your terrarium smells is a good indication of its health."
"Volume indicates how many people are buying and selling."
"What is the anchored VWAP? Let's spend a few minutes discussing how the indicator is built."
"Once prices complete the first large quarter of a new 1000th range, that is a sign of a major shift."
"Transparency is an important indicator in Hong Kong or in any other jurisdiction."
"If the water is polluted, mudpuppies can't survive. So if mud puppies are present, you know it's a healthy ecosystem."
"Consumer confidence is a fairly reliable leading economic indicator."
"Herons can be used as an indicator to determine the quality of the environment."
"The V is the VWAP calculation... it stands for the volume weighted average price."
"That's my indicator rock, and it's quite pretty actually."
"One of my favorite indicators is what I call my cycle indicator."
"I got a really good indicator on my detector."
"Your best visual clue with a line of storms or squall lines is going to be what we call a shelf cloud."
"They're actually a great indicator species for the health of the environment."
"Pearl is the indicator of the health of the planet; once you don't have pearls, there's something going wrong in nature."
"An emotion is like an indicator to you that something is happening, you probably need to pay attention."
"As soon as you notice the blue bristles on your toothbrush start fading, it's a sure sign it's time to replace it."
"It's a green flag when you can see that they have other healthy relationships outside of this one."
"Color can typically be a pretty good indicator of the quality of a matcha."
"I find the body battery metric to be a good indicator of how I'm feeling."
"This is a very good sign of a well-established tank."
"North American crane count decrease signals uncertainty."
"The best indicator of future performance is past performance."
"Money is a lagging indicator of success."
"Plaque is an important marker of atherosclerotic disease."
"It's got this rather nice level set trim yellow LED indicator lamp."
"The greatest bellwether for the entire watch market right now might be the mint 6263 big red."
"The health of the population tells us something fundamentally important about how well the needs of the members of society are being met."
"...if you want a leading indicator of whether or not this leadership team is delivering on what we say to you, you should follow carefully what's happening to safety..."
"The flashing is a good sign, that means that the machine is trying to work."
"You'll see a bright dot on the screen of the camera; that's the light emitting diode working."
"We need to care about the salt marsh sparrow, not just for the sake of a sparrow, but because it's an indicator of the health of the entire ecosystem."
"When you see concentrations of white birds like these herons and egrets and ibis... that's an excellent bellwether that there's going to be redfish."
"Health is a general indicator of how well someone is doing, and the skin is the window of it all."
"We have a very strong Golden Cross which is a very bullish sign indeed."
"The pearl is the indicator of the health of the planet."
"The birth weight of the baby can really be an indicator of its health especially for the first few years of life."
"In my experience, how people treat others is a good indicator of how they will treat you in your worst moments together."
"Grip strength is certainly a very good indication of good health."
"The greatest indicator in terms of a long-term relationship or men that will have multiple partners is kindness."
"Testing this indicator visually seems to be working perfectly fine."
"Heart rate recovery is an indicator of overall heart health."
"Having a solid pump at the end is an indicator that something went down, you know what I'm saying?"
"Skeletal muscle mass is one of the prime indicators of absolute whole body health."
"Above 300 ROAS, that's usually an indicator of a really good campaign."
"So what I would do in this case, what I you could do is actually make an indicator on the styrofoam here."
"The Load Motion Indicator is fitted for your safety and the safety of others working on site."
"GDP is our measure of the economy's total income."
"The stock market is an accurate barometer of business conditions."
"Emotions are the check engine light of the Soul."
"If you like solving a puzzle or a problem and you can persist with that, that's a good indicator."
"Wave Trend 3D is basically my complete re-implementation of the original indicator."
"TVL is a key indicator of increasing market interest and adoption of DeFi protocols."
"At the end of the day, stuff like operating temperatures are the best indicators of overclocking headroom."
"It's something that costs you nothing and it's basically an indicator if we're doing the right kind of thing."
"How your gait is going is a key indicator of a lot of health things and signs of mortality, particularly for cardiovascular disease or cancer."
"I only want to go long if the ADX is rising, not necessarily that it's above a certain value."
"The average directional index indicator's value is above 20, suggesting a strong trend."
"Skin is a good indication of how healthy you are."
"Edge support is a great indicator of mattress quality."
"They are an indicator species of a healthy ecosystem, which is good news because obviously we're in a healthy ecosystem."
"As long as you follow this kind of framework, you can use it for any indicator."
"A low resting heart rate is an indicator of a very high fitness level."
"How judgmental a person is, is how you can tell whether they're really spiritual or not."
"The institution of marriage is a fascinating social, economic, and even political barometer."
"The most important and most interesting indicator for me is the VWAP - Volume Weighted Average Price."
"The 10 meter fly is the best indicator of performance for all track events."
"Your space is a good indicator as to how productive you can be."
"Their sushi rice here is amazing, and that's a really good sign of a good sushi restaurant."
"Our most valuable MetaStock indicator is the unbalanced volume indicator because it summarizes the auction pressure."
"When a check engine light comes on, that light being on is not the problem; it's just telling you that there is a problem."
"The 10-year yield is closely watched as an indicator of broader investor confidence."
"The best indicator of the future of your life is how you feel in the present."
"Everything gives an indicator before it fails or before anything happens to it; you just have to know what you're looking for."
"They say if you have a lot of frogs, it's a sign of a good healthy ecosystem."