
Reunions Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Celebrate and rejoice. Yes, this person is coming."
"I think as a starting family reunion photo, fantastic."
"Weddings are like this thing where you can see faces that you haven't seen in a really long time."
"Expect old friends to be popping up, past acquaintances, people that maybe you went to school with."
"May we meet again in another time and place."
"Create new memories, it's a chance to catch up."
"When those separated from their loved ones would meet with them again, she was right of course..."
"This month will see you actually reuniting with friends that perhaps you haven't seen for a while."
"Sometimes the best hugs come from the friends we haven't seen in a minute."
"This wasn't any old dream because we saw a long lost friend from school who we haven't seen in years."
"How incredible is it that someone you love is coming back to say hello to you."
"Someone will be coming back... better than they were."
"Nice to see you again oh oh oh this is cool."
"What do you guys think is coming? I feel like a reunion is definitely possible..."
"It's been really nice getting to see you guys again."
"some of the best people you'll meet who genuinely care for you, and you generally care for them, when you meet up again, whether it's in like three weeks, two years, at their wedding, like the dynamics never gonna change."
"The next time we see each other, it will be at the dawn of a whole new world, a peaceful, happy world."
"I think a reunion is where the most emotional moments take place. That is what a reunion is about."
"Bringing someone who is missing back home is probably one of the greatest gifts you can receive."
"It's so cool to see you guys excited about all this stuff coming back together."
"This trip has been absolutely wonderful, seeing people you don't get to see all the time."
"Put this in for being here and then look soon as you guys do that that's when we have this night eclipse that's when they're gonna return and come back into your life."
"There might be... reunions going on as well... allowing them for movement forward."
"That's a bomb we'll have forever like we'll forever have the reunions."
"We always seem to find each other and come back and meet at a moral ground."
"June brings reunions and significant relationships."
"You always come back together, part of your life path."
"Of course, I have to add a Kelly back into my life."
"in the RV Community there really are no goodbyes just see you down the road"
"Once you get together, once you get together."
"I'm really optimistic because, after 20 years, I've seen so many reunions from couples where one of them thought it was impossible."
"We just finished putting that band back together."
"We're actually bringing loved ones back to their families so they can have peace."
"See you another 10 years. Yes, please. No sooner, sooner, sooner."
"They want to reveal their secret, reunite with you."
"What a great time to have a reunion."
"They never stopped thinking about you, always held onto the idea of getting back together."
"Whether you enjoy these reunions or not is completely up to you."
"It finally happened. I was just telling him, I'm like, they've never been to any of our places."
"Welcome back. Well, I'm going to take off. Those old friends."
"Sometimes holidays are a good chance to see people that otherwise you don't see."
"It's been a long journey, but nice to see familiar faces again."
"You know, it's nice, we used to have a reunion once a month. We'd all get together for lunch."
"These reunion we needed something good."
"It felt like what we don't get with a lot of reunions."
"We're getting reunions, oh my God, I'm loving it, it's awesome."
"From endless emotional passengers come countless stories, heartwarming reunions."
"Old school reunions were really, really cool."
"It's true what they say about 10-year reunions, nobody has changed."
"Every year, every summer, we used to have these really big family reunions."
"I definitely go hard at reunions."
"I like going to other people's family reunions."
"The Weasley family are going to have yearly reunions."
"It was an amazing wedding and I just love running into old people that you have such great memories with that you don't really see on a regular basis."
"It is very common for people to have a family reunion in the summer."
"Any of the military surprising videos are so sweet."
"Ross has participated in fan conventions for Independence Day and was also part of the Fresh Prince reunion."
"I remember as a child, happily watching people win the lottery, meet the love of their lives in the most unexpected ways, or reunite with distant family and friends by accident."
"Tonight you'll witness lives saved, loved ones reunited, and prayers answered."
"Your connection is still there when you meet again, it will be like no time has passed at all."
"Sometimes these unsolved crimes do come with a happy ending when those who have disappeared reappear."
"Sometimes you know when you have parties, you get to see family that you haven't seen in a couple of months."
"I really hope that this will be the year with so many sweet reunions."
"It's definitely a room or a villa that you would want not only for a family of four but like almost like a family reunion."