
Professional Advice Quotes

There are 589 quotes

"Always focus on results because banking and the world of finance are results-oriented."
"Tear the drywall off, call a structural engineer, pay the thousand bucks. For the love of God, people, if you're going to put that kind of money into a house, get a professional to tell you if you can rip it out."
"There are recession-proof skill sets like if you understand how to sell, if you understand how to market, if you understand how to build teams."
"You have to control your risk to be good in this business."
"If you believe you may be struggling with a disorder of some kind, make sure to consult with a mental health professional."
"Some professionals think that these are the indispensable three lenses that any pro photographer should own and they've basically acquired the name the holy trinity of zoom lenses."
"If you're an accountant, you could tell your clients like, 'Hey, send me your stuff, just make it explode in seven years because I don't need it legally after that time, and I don't want to be holding your data in my storage service.'"
"If you carried on as you were and you didn't start putting in the kind of performances the team expected, you were going to lose your drive. Well, it's happened."
"Work hard, dig deep, accept criticism and do everything you need to do to instill trust in both you and your project again."
"If you're an amateur and you're trying to go pro, do not join a team. Just get really good multi-account high challenger and wait. And you need to just hold out."
"That sure beats just getting frustrated with the people you work with."
"Coding is such a special field. What matters is that you have the skills. It doesn't matter so much if you have a credential saying you can do it." - Chris Peach
"Realistically when we're coding, we're using stack overflow. Every serious coder I know uses stack overflow to build better answers." - Chris Peach
"Just want to have a team of professionals choose the best new releases for you? You should try out Book of the Month."
"Be so good that they can't live without you."
"If you're booking high-end activities and accommodations especially for large groups a travel agent can really help you out."
"You have to have a network to be successful."
"Labeling and keeping things organized is so important to your workflow."
"People are asking if you provide consultation services or will you be willing to take people under your wings."
"Give people what they want don't look at every term in the contract and try to change it just fight you Spar every day why not get paid tens of millions of dollars to do it in front of people."
"Lead with your best foot forward... make sure that it's highlighted on your resume as the first project."
"Love what you do is the mantra for professionals."
"You don't have to try and get through some silly gatekeeper. If you can bring it, you can win."
"You shouldn't be running gyms, you should be showing gym owners exactly what you showed me."
"You communicate clearly, but you make sure you don't compromise on standards."
"If it's a sharp sensation, or a catching feeling, then we would often recommend seeking some professional advice on this."
"I made a mistake here, I thought I was doing the right thing by listening to the professional rather than listening to my own instinct."
"Under-promise and over-deliver. It's one of the biggest problems in this field."
"If at all people, you feel like you're not a hundred percent confident that you can execute all this perfectly, definitely consider working with a professional financial advisor."
"If you're someone who's starting out in UX design, the one thing that can really make you stand out is having good visual design in your case studies."
"I guess the real core essence of that thread is sort of when should I debate going pro, going pro in poker and leaving like my other career, my other job, the other thing that I have going for you."
"If you don't know what you're doing, don't file your own tax return."
"Lots of good creative here but have no idea on how to evaluate it, so just consider that when revamping your portfolio."
"Epitome of what a professional racing driver should be."
"This is extremely valuable information from somebody that does it for a living."
"If you don't enjoy the grind and you don't take pride in it, you'll never be good at it."
"Consistency is one thing if you don't have, you don't achieve... you risk that you're not going to be picked."
"It's pretty wild that you can be a professional pogo sticker. If you find it fun man, just do it, but it's pretty wild."
"The path to leadership should not be through MBA business school situation; it should be work your way up, do useful things." - Elon Musk
"You are only as good as your latest performance."
"Every job's a new opportunity... you have to be willing to take a shot."
"Never be overconfident, there's always competition out there."
"You know what you're doing when it comes to this business, whatever it may be."
"After my second season, my coaches were telling me, 'Teams are giving you draft grades. It seems like it's right there. It's attainable.'"
"Screen direction and movement are as every bit important as actually learning how to edit in transitions in post."
"A dating coach gives out great advice to others but her own life is completely miserable."
"To be successful in your career, you've got to enjoy what you do."
"Get comfortable with actually editing code in it."
"Checking your work is how you produce the most consistent results."
"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist." - Picasso
"Simply hunkering down and doing the work... sadly too often is not the case."
"Do your job, but add that extra 10% that makes you stand out."
"Surround yourself with qualified people who really have your best interests at heart."
"If an agent says that they're not connecting with your voice, it doesn't mean that your voice is bad."
"Reach out to your personal network—it's the easiest way to secure meetings."
"You need an honest and direct approach straight from an actual professional."
"Write on is an effect I recommend you don't use."
"Your job is not to sell the product to the viewer. It is your job to make that marketing guy look good to his boss."
"Learn the most recent tools in whatever field you're going into."
"Picking a particular focus or niche and getting really good at it is key."
"Thank you so very much for all of your wisdom that you shared with us where can people go to learn more about the work that you're doing."
"Work smarter, not harder, navigating through challenges with ease and intuition."
"Pros not only work harder, they work way, way, way harder." - Speaker
"Learn that principle of service because this is going to take you a long way."
"Specialization wins out over diversification... as long as it is possible to play the game as a specialist."
"Just you having a book is a big deal in whatever market that you're in."
"If you're serious about TikTok, you could benefit from looking into it."
"You're not a very good marketer if you're highly dogmatic."
"If you're not getting paid for [your value], then it's time to move on."
"Marketing yourself appropriately works out well for everybody."
"That's all there is to self-study in order to become a technology professional."
"If you feel like this is a job that's too big, stop, call a professional now. You're informed. You should be able to estimate how much this job should cost so you wouldn't be taking advantage of."
"Networking is key; failure to network will destroy your ability to succeed."
"Start researching the fields and start researching the sort of jobs that are in that field."
"One of the best ways to get this information is either on forums or on blogs industry professionals are all over those places."
"It's not working harder, it's simply working smarter."
"It's your job to make sure that you prioritize them in spite of your chaos."
"This is the chart that I'm going to push everybody to, is the hands-on chart because I think this is going to be the one that takes you further in your career than this one does, that's mine."
"You're the expert at the table... They're coming to you because you more than them know."
"Atlanta's a good move, but you gotta compete."
"Be professionally curious. Look at the child."
"If you didn't get it in writing, the next thing that's gonna happen is they're gonna start treating you cruelly."
"If you're good at something, don't do it for free."
"My recommendation is generally to get a formal education in machining. Like, go get your CNC mill, lathe certification..."
"You are going into the world of business, so try to negotiate."
"Work your way up, bring value, keep improving."
"Your emotions cannot have any part any type of monetary or financial negotiations and it's going to lead them to embarrass themselves."
"Most or if not all tattoo artists will warn you against the complications that finger tattoos and single needle tattoos have."
"Be patient, don't rush, and seek professional help if needed."
"Don't be afraid to bring up issues, talk to your supervisors."
"You still gotta enjoy it. You still gotta have that love for what you're doing."
"Once you have mastered your primary setup, do not deviate under any circumstances."
"Get to the top 10% of your field, you can retire a millionaire."
"Focus on Merit. What matters is how good is your work."
"Honestly, our job is just to help people find the right thing and get them in the right product based on what activity they're doing."
"If you can do that on 50 different things, you will edit faster."
"Do I get to license it or can anybody just do what Bri did and say 'Hey, give me advice from that book'?"
"When you stand up for what you are worth, people respect you more."
"Ultimately, you've got to have value add to the people."
"Love what you do and you'd be damn good at what you do."
"Everybody should charge what they think they're worth."
"Good communication is key. Reply promptly and address feedback."
"You have to do something that others cannot do or don't do well enough."
"This is an important year to get in position."
"Basics are something that is very commonly overlooked in our industry that I will always harp on."
"Choose the right experts, not an expert in the wrong field."
"Do you have any pro tips for people that are struggling?"
"Focus on the fundamentals; that makes your job the easiest."
"Sales is about everything in life, people will have objections, it's just the nature of the game."
"Your dollar comes first because your career is going to go by fast."
"You better toughen up and understand this is part of the gig."
"We just continue to keep our heads down, we all need to be fresh, getting good sleep, arriving, making clinical and precise decisions."
"I still actually think if you're talented and you look at our track record..."
"How to manage your weight like a pro cyclist."
"Every web developer should learn CSS Grid, at least if you're working in the front end."
"Professionals in their field know the nuances of what you need to do and research."
"As a creator I need to know what my split is at least."
"Track record is more important than qualifications every time, every time."
"Replace confidence with competence. No one knows this stuff better than you."
"One thing it's worth stressing about Behavioral Science... take the insight and then they need to apply a dash of creativity."
"It's so important that that label or that diagnosis is coming from an informed mental health professional and not from yourself."
"Everybody could use highlights in some which way hair color just looks better more natural and more professionally done when there is a highlight involved in the color process."
"There are many different ways in getting a client to trust you."
"Ali goes, 'Here's the thing, you do what you do. You know how to be a journalist, scientists know how to be scientists. Like I know how to box. I'm just gonna get it done. It's simple as that.'"
"Make your boss look good. That's what I want."
"You don't need to put your career in somebody else's hands. It's very easy to manage your own career."
"You have to put something out of value... because we're still living in a merit-based system."
"Unfortunately not, you have to do it with the team."
"Your Facebook, your Instagram, those are not good ways to show off your work." - Toni
"You better have a fairly solid engineering background."
"You shouldn't be able to see the moves you've made, keep them invisible which means have a light touch."
"It's not what you do, it's how you present it."
"What you don't know is going to cost you because you're going to end up working for somebody that does know it."
"The number one thing you have to do is keep your credibility."
"Just be careful in general when you're working this kind of field, never trust anyone, right?"
"Networking with realtors, wholesalers, local people in your market who have deals, that's the easiest, right?"
"Inconsistencies lead to losing trades and then lack of profitability, and ultimately that's not going to work."
"In the market, we have to move away from our emotions because there's no room for emotions."
"English is a must for international success."
"Every little detail of your performance really matters, like really matters."
"Work harder than everybody else, show initiative."
"Protect your professional and personal interests."
"Listen to me folks, for anybody that briefs the president of the United States."
"In business, you get what you negotiate, not what you deserve."
"Know your cap, pick a transfer that applies at a lower temperature and pressure."
"Anyone that we can get who's a consultant for that, that is fantastic."
"The only thing better than doing the right thing is having a paper trail of doing the right thing."
"You have to be happy with what you're doing because if you're not happy it's gonna show."
"You see a lot of professional writers now on YouTube that don't do basic foundational work with their horses and they just let their horses walk off."
"Piercing guns are extremely dangerous because you cannot clean them properly. Go to a tattoo piercing shop!"
"CFPs are not just for millionaires, everybody needs financial planning."
"Have at least one example of when you have achieved something of significance in the workplace."
"It's way more important than people think, as well as is the graphic design because what people don't realize, like Facebook, Instagram, they won't even look at you if you're not to their specifications."
"Figure out what you need to know... know more about it than anybody else in the room."
"Never let 'em see you sweat. You never wanna let them see you sweat, cry, get emotional, lose control."
"Every actor, you have to work from a place of relaxation."
"Ask your boss to put any promises that they're making in writing. If they don't put it in writing, it's not a good sign."
"We just focus on the craft, you know, how to make this more efficient." - Su Ke
"Your portfolio should be more about the work you want to get and less about the work you've already done."
"Never jump off a cliff unless you're a trained professional."
"How you come into a job is how they will think of you the whole time you were there and how you leave is how they will think of you for the rest of your life after that."
"If you do have serious emotional problems with your work, you might want to see a therapist." - Jake Parker
"Everyone I've ever worked with professionally on YouTube, I've told them this in private."
"Work hard, be attentive, do your job, and put the team first."
"Quality coaching is a strong determinant of success."
"This is not a time to experiment neither. You're in the NBA. You want to be in the best position to be successful. You don't want to try things now that you're in the league in which you've never played before."
"They flat-out removed touch IDs, the thing that was super fast accurate reliable."
"If you want to be a chef, you want to be good at cleaning, you want to be good at like actually cooking, you also want to know about spices."
"It's not your job to be liked, it's your job to lead."
"Every actor has to make terrible films from time to time but the trick is never to be terrible in them."
"Develop techniques for efficiency but also break this big task down into smaller tasks."
"Don't just let your homeboy teach you how to drive a truck, go to school and learn. Learn this pre-trip, learn all this stuff. It's very valuable that you do these pre-trips and everything every day."
"I advise anybody go learn from somebody they're going to teach you with some of the big companies."
"If the job is worth doing... it's worth doing properly."
"I thought Nina Turner said it best: 'You just shake your colleague's hand.'"
"This kind of effect... you can use this technique for all sorts of logo animations."
"Understanding those will be really beneficial for your career."
"Make sure that this is a field that you're going to be passionate about because it's going to be one of those fields that you have to constantly keep studying and keep up to date."
"Diana, the people's princess, who seemed to have the common touch."
"Now is actually the time when professional investors should be working... this is the time when actually all of the best returns will come out."
"What you should do, usually, early in the process, you're meeting with an HR, or a recruiter, or the hiring official, or somebody that's your leadoff hitter."
"If you're good at what you do, there will always be a demand for you."
"It's a very important house for business success."
"Igor's professional opinion: the problem lies not in the 12vh power standard itself but in these adapter cables Nvidia has shipped with pretty much all of the first run of RTX 4090s."
"Critics have influenced is you have to care what a critic says if you want to sell your books."
"That's why having a professional on your team when you're a business owner is critical."
"Skills and tools like the ones I've told you about today make the difference between someone who's good and someone who's great."
"Go talk to a professional counselor about this."
"Don't tolerate having a trash boss just because they're not an infinite minded player."
"Building relationships and people skills are super important in the workplace."
"You always try to work with people, don't fight them. It'll never, you'll never get anything out of it."
"Criticism of the product is not necessarily a criticism of you personally."
"The number one thing they're telling me is to get back to the basics to get back to that that Focus that extreme laser beam focus on safety and to get away from the uh Dei diversity Equity inclusion initiatives."
"Leon Edwards has put out the blueprint as to how to torpedo one's career."
"If you're anxious or depressed, there's no reason to not speak with somebody, a professional that can help you."
"Leverage the expertise of a good professional financial adviser."
"Highly recommend that folks work under the guidance of a professional financial advisor."
"For those of you who have an email situation, especially those of you in business."
"You can make any mistake with a provider as long as you own it."
"We should employ specialists to do specialist jobs."