
Perplexity Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"I am completely perplexed by the situation that I am in right now."
"I was often struck and rather bewildered and perplexed as to how anyone could go through a four-year university program in the natural sciences, especially the life sciences, and come out atheist at the other end." - Jonathan McClatchy
"I don't understand how a human being can look at another human being who's falling apart and smile. It doesn't make sense to me."
"People getting offended on behalf of people's hypothetical children, I find bizarre."
"For years he got away with it, but it's almost nonsensical as to how that occurred."
"It boggles my mind how he thought it's a good idea to just run youtube ads."
"There is no way that you know about this I mean mean like there's no [ __ ] reason to know this I don't even know why I know it other than I saw a gif of some guy doing it like a decade ago and it never left the back of my mind."
"I don't understand at all why somebody would go around and have this one. Oh my god."
"What you're seeing now is lawlessness and the question is who can stop it this is mind-blowing it really is."
"If this question doesn't totally drive you nuts, you just don't understand the question." - Michio Kaku
"It feels like you're going forwards, and it just isn't slowing down for some reason."
"To take something as large as life itself for a mere test run is just absolutely bewildering."
"I found it and still find it perplexing to ascertain just why no one had undertaken this task prior to them."
"This is like at least a thousand dollars a pop. CP really perplexes me."
"At this point, investigators are absolutely stumped. I mean, they don't know what to do."
"Sometimes it's just kind of in a perplexing way, right?"
"How is someone that beautiful? I don't understand."
"It was called Dying Light bad blood and I don't know this is a weird situation."
"I genuinely have no idea what just happened."
"The devil scratches his head and wonders how could this be."
"I don't understand why you love me so much; it makes me think you must be crazy."
"If you are taking thousands of dollars... what is going on in your life?"
"I just don't understand anyone could not love Ted like okay I don't get it."
"What the heck is that? What's with this thing? What exactly is going on here? In summary: what?"
"I really have no idea what's going on here."
"What in the struggle city is going on?"
"Guys, I don't know what's going on."
"Commissioner Lamel was puzzled by the position of the body."
"The only thing more baffling than the problem is its outright bizarre solution."
"Why do people who are fans themselves say stuff like this?"
"I just don't understand it I can't I cannot comprehend it narcissism and mental illness I just don't I don't it just doesn't make any sense bro."
"TONY HARRIS: This one continues to be confounding."
"Every once in a while a new story will pop up on the feed that just defies the ability to comprehend and collectively blows our minds."
"It just doesn't make sense to me."
"...leaving law enforcement grappling with a mystery."
"I find the world we live in very strange and it seems like the more time I spend in it, the less it makes sense. Stories, for brief moments, make it make sense."
"We got what the is going on here."
"What perplexes me is that the desk is in the middle of the room and the chair is pressed up against the wall."
"Sometimes I don't understand how things like that happen, but they do."
"Why can't we get our heads around that?"
"I have no idea what is going on here even after looking at videos online."
"There are things in this world that we will never understand."
"No matter how hard I tried to rationalize it, I just could not find an answer."
"It still confuses me to this day."
"Everybody in that locker room is looking like, 'What the hell?'"
"Yeah, I think so, because Anthony called me leaving the field and he was obviously just perplexed and still in shock. And he did say he said, you know, that I had no other option other than to go along with this."
"This is a spot where interesting calls, something out of the ordinary, just one of those, you get back to the station, you just go, 'What was that?'"
"Why on Earth an educator feels the need to stop a child from learning and excelling is a question that will never not boggle my mind."
"Have you ever watched a program and gone, 'Don't know if I'm enjoying this, but we're boulder raking?'"
"It's a weird feeling like hearing that from Reynolds."
"Nearly ten years later, this case continues to baffle experts."
"I just don't know what to think about it. You know like there's no good answer coming out of this."
"It was horrific...but it didn't explain why people like Bill Clinton and massive philanthropists like Leslie Wexner wanted to be around this man."
"It's just kind of one of those things you're like why wouldn't you."
"It's all very confusing or at least it does feel that way at first."
"Why on earth should people want to put him to death in the worst possible way?"
"...he was arrested many times, but for some reason, that doesn’t make much sense, the cops just kept letting him go."
"The ability to be perplexed without panicking will determine what God can do through your life."
"How can humanity be simultaneously so capable of good and so attracted to evil?"
"Nothing keeps making sense, even after watching it for the 10th time in a row."
"This room is the cleanest room in the whole house. I do not understand that, I do not."
"I'm like so confused about this stuff, like I don't know what the hell is going on."
"This is also almost a rabbit hole. You just look at this and you're like, 'What in the [ __ ]?'"
"Why just why would he confess that?"
"This is horrendous, how does this cycle?"
"But sometimes even they're stumped, and that's how we end up with the Mysteries that remain unsolved to this day."
"I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on right now."
"I have absolutely no explanation for this and to this day it baffles me."
"I've tried to find a logical explanation for it all, but I just can't."
"My mind was so perplexed, my butt looked cute."
"There are things we never understand."
"How can you not figure this [ __ ] out?"
"What truly perplexed viewers was that the incident was captured by high quality TV cameras during broad daylight."
"I remember the first time we covered Lori Vallow Debelle and it seemed the more we learned the less we knew."
"...it's kind of hard to diagnose but you can tell that there are things going on in the new release that you can't quite put your finger on."
"Wherever I turned my view, there was perplexity to be disentangled and confusion to be regulated." - Samuel Johnson
"The adult world is truly incomprehensible."
"The majority were perplexed by Megan's lament, 'I gave up my entire life for this family.'"
"I must admit that for the first time in my life I find myself at a bit of a loss," said Mr. Wonka.
"Perplexed, the Dane tugged at his red beard and glanced at his master,"
"I have no idea what's going on or why that person did that."
"I genuinely have no idea with people who have feet fetishes."
"I don't understand it, but there you go. That's life."
"We will make you scratch your head and scratch your ass, hopefully not at the same time."
"What the hell is happening in this anime?"
"How does one person make one of these drawings yes let alone a book full of them or or like let alone a strip full of them let alone an issue full of them let alone a graphic novel full of them let alone many over a span of time I just don't understand it."
"Still today though, there are no sure answers; this anomaly continues to baffle the people of Kentucky and the world alike."
"There are simply some things in this world that don't have straightforward answers no matter how hard we try and examine."
"I still can't find a logical explanation for it."
"Can I just say, as a man, as a dude, there are so many dudes on this show that I'm like, what is wrong with you?"
"I've tried to debunk everything but I just don't know how to explain it."
"This is just really strange to me and I can't explain it myself."
"The very obviousness of the Temptation perplexes us."
"This movie was messing with my mind."
"His disappearance continues to baffle experts."
"Why was I so reluctant to part with life? There was something in this life I did not and do not understand."
"That's weird, you don't even get to question it. That's so weird."
"It's fascinating and really confusing."
"It's a delight to cover channels that are weird, wacky, and meant to make you laugh or smile, even while they perplex or disturb you."
"The thing puzzled me and I was led to make a further remark which puzzled me still more."
"I think it was at one meeting that you attended that you were kind of perplexed because you heard about the after-effects of the near-death experience."
"She came out looking pretty good, there is a spot on the paint here that I just don't think is going to come out and I don't know what it's from. It's very bizarre, but it's very discolored of a nasty yellow. It almost looks like some kind of heat damage or something."
"Sometimes it don't make no sense."
"What do you do in the face of this gaping maw of uncertainty? I have no idea. Good luck."
"I'm just standing here with my hand on my suspenders like, well this is a fine pickle, m'lady."
"Nothing, the whole idea of nothing, is something that has bugged people for centuries."
"To this day, what happened to David remains a baffling mystery."
"It's very hard to understand why people would want to cheat and kill."
"I simply do not get it. I will never get it and I think that's okay."
"I'm so confused. These are confusing times."
"I just don't understand the whole situation."
"How could such a good person have enemies?"
"It's something about the inner thigh right here, it's something about this, I don't know what's wrong, I don't know what's this here, it's some things that go on in this area right here."
"The mind that is not baffled is not employed."
"It's just it's mind-boggling to me."
"Witnessing the UAP break up into smaller objects for the first time during their experiment added another layer of perplexity."
"I can't wrap my head around this."
"Perplexity basically searches the internet for you and condenses what it found all into a short page like a personal AI research assistant."
"Perplexity is the first place I go when I have a question before Google, before ChatGPT, or anywhere else."
"Many atheists and secularists have found both perplexing and inspiring."
"The investigating officers were also baffled to find no signs of any damage having been caused or property interfered with at any of the locations they had visited."
"It baffled psychologists for a long time."
"This stuff is really weird, like I don't even know what to make of it."
"The most perplexing one is the oldest and in some ways today the newest, the problem of race."
"Life is weird to the point I don’t understand how it is."
"It's one of the weirdest mysteries on Earth and experts are stumped."
"These encounters defied all logical explanation, leaving us questioning our understanding of the world."
"Literally my brain was just going like, 'What is going on?'"
"And I really just don't have any rational explanation for what we saw."
"Eureka the elephant queen. Ohara. I don't get it."
"It's such a mystery to me, like what is actually going on?"
"It started to freak me out once I realized that it just kept happening."
"This, for the life of me, I'm not sure how this is possible."
"And they just... He just left with her. What is going on? I don't even get it. I don't even understand."
"It was one of the most perplexing things that I've ever experienced."
"Particles are the simplest possible elementary particle, and it's that very Simplicity that makes it so deeply perplexing from a theoretical point of view."
"You know it is crazy and it is perplexing but often times you'll find the better you treat a woman the more she trashes you."
"I will never understand the way of the Thai constellation I tell you."
"It's just... well, I think quandary, what I mean is I'm puzzled."
"Why would somebody expend so much energy to tirelessly discourage others? I suppose the answer to that question is, I don't know, or they're really bored."
"Why does it have such a choke hold on me? Why are there scenes that I absolutely cannot get out of my head?"
"These are just very weird, like I said, I don't understand how much bread these streams can make."
"That puzzles me, I'm going to look into it, I'm curious."
"How did we get here? Nobody knows. It doesn't feel real."
"After the seance, Mr. Price examined his seals and found them intact; he seemed very perplexed but absolutely satisfied that trickery had been impossible."
"We were both perplexed, we were both shocked."
"He vanished. The road is around 200 meters straight, plain, and with a dead end. How can someone disappear if you have them right in front of you?"
"The entire experience has left me confused for years."
"It's a head-scratcher, you look at his nine-year career, so many achievements, such consistency."
"There is seriously nowhere for that thing to have disappeared to, and that's why it's freaking me out."
"Is this really all they had to worry about? Boys, movies, deciding which shirt goes with which skirt? It's bizarre."
"People annoyed by someone that they can easily avoid blows my mind."
"Most of social media seems very strange to me these days."
"I've said it before, and I'll say it again: it's just really hard for me to wrap my mind around the way that people get with weddings."
"Bad as you are, you stick around and I just don't know why."
"How did you do that?" she asked, to be perplexed.
"A lower perplexity means I have a better model."
"Life is just so strange when you're in your 20s."
"I don't know, Mother. I can't take my head off that hunter nin; he bothers me like no other man ever did."
"I could never make sense of this and while typing I relived it again; the richness of the details didn't fade, not even a little bit."
"It's beautiful, that is so weird, so weird."
"Catch and release gets stranger and stranger to me as I grow older."
"I don't know, the worst people get the best things that come to them, it's weird."
"He's just such a likable character; it's so weird to explain why."
"Why would anyone do something like that for someone else? For me?"
"You're so smart, I don't know what to do with you."
"I must confess I'm out of my depths," said I.
"Death is so weird to me; I don't think I'll ever be able to understand it."
"I am sufficiently stuck on how to solve this 180 cube."
"I am baffled by the fact that I'm single. I am the full package."
"It said time, and I was just really, really confused."