
Historical Speculation Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"We are persuaded that Atlantis existed, that it was a great empire where science and the arts prevailed."
"The belief that Mary Magdalene was pregnant by Jesus Christ and from that became a bloodline leading back to Jesus."
"If America never declared independence, slavery would have ended 20 years earlier."
"We never truly know how things would have been had Reagan never been President, but it's fun to theorize."
"What if the most likely alternative here had happened, and the giant Persian Empire crushed these tiny Greek states? How would the world, civilization, and culture develop, and what would the world look like hundreds or thousands of years later?"
"What if everything we knew about human history was wrong?"
"What if Russia did not sell Alaska to the United States?"
"Forget everything you have been told. Throw out the preconceptions about an island of circles that sank beneath the waves, and open your mind to a brand new possibility, that Atlantis was much, much more than you could ever imagine."
"Could there have been global flooding in other words as the Persian Gulf flooded could there have been massive floods along coastal regions in a global sense the idea is not inconceivable numerous oral."
"Could they have mapped the modern world? It seems they had the capability but not the desire."
"It really raises question it doesn't prove anything in the typical sense of you know a scientific proof but it certainly creates a circumstantial argument that there was something greater going on in prehistory that has been lost to history."
"Pyramids were in fact complex energy machines."
"Was Edward plotting to return as King of Britain in a Nazi-dominated Europe?"
"Let's entertain the idea that the Egyptians appropriated their sarcophagi from a civilization that existed thousands of years before."
"That clues me that we might be looking at a far more ancient story than we think we are."
"Being what we were taught about in school about the ancient Egyptians for how they moved any type of weight there's no explanation for the how they move stones of this magnitude not even remotely close not even remotely."
"Perhaps Atlantis is just the one we've got some slight traces left of."
"Just by changing our geography we change history, and I really like looking at this map and imagining what complex network it could have spawned."
"Sometimes what almost happens in history is really as interesting as what did happen, or maybe what didn't."
"Nazism wouldn't exist in this timeline at least not in the way it did in our timeline."
"If Hitler had been a little smarter, we might very well be living in a messed up Nazi-controlled world full of Hitler Youth today."
"Speculation about those in power, of course, is as old as civilization itself and our sources reverberate with rumors..."
"This would perhaps explain some of his more bizarre behavior and the accusations of cannibalism which attached themselves to him towards the latter end of his dictatorship."
"For him and others, Atlantis is not a fictional device but a truth which, if brought to light, would shatter everything we claim to know about pre-history and thus ourselves."
"The masks have led some fringe scientists to speculate there could have been European visitors in Peru long before the Spanish arrived with their fleets of warships."
"I think that she actually is the real founder of Christianity."
"For centuries, people have speculated on Mary Magdalene's relationship to Jesus."
"To find this symbol displayed on an ossuary here in the necropolis of Dominus Flevit directly connects it to what is believed to be some of the earliest evidence of Christianity."
"Monroe's romantic life has become shrouded in mystery and legend over the years."
"Imagining different paths for history to go down changes both big and small."
"How far back would an alien infiltration have gone? How many of these guys were actually human?"
"Could we speculate that there wants could have been not just individuals like Goliath in the Bible but entire races of gigantic people?"
"There is no World War One as by the 20th century the world is much more like the 18th."
"Jesus Christ may have traveled to distant regions in Europe and Asia during these 18 years on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual attunement, and enlightenment."
"The Doctor's character growth throughout the series is arguably the best out of the cast."
"There is a lot of speculation that he was kidnapped and arrested for being gay."
"The famous Star of Bethlehem may not have been a star at all but an extremely rare planetary alignment."
"Before Amy's death, Cecil had been close to resigning. After her death, his fortune soared and never dipped again."
"Atlantis, he says, is buried under two miles of ice."
"If kept Goods Theory is possible and land masses can suddenly shift 2,000 miles it might explain how an entire continent and its people could have been lost to history."
"No one knows who exactly built them and for what purpose."
"The Templars' past had been to the east in Jerusalem, but many believe their future would be to the west... in the New World."
"The reality is that none of these assumptions are necessarily true. The Germans could have won Stalingrad."
"Jesus' journey during the Lost Years was nothing short of extraordinary."
"Pompey's forces would have won today, if only they were commanded by a winner."
"Would the Russians have won anyway? I believe that they probably would have, probably taken another year, but they would have ended up on the Atlantic shores and the shores of the Mediterranean."
"The world altered by a different outcome in history."
"Everything Graham and Randall say is, these civilizations were amazing."
"Nothing to suggest this young boy would one day drown his nation in a sea of blood."
"What really happened in ancient times? What is your opinion?"
"Are the Israelites finally going to be set free? And what does that look like? What does it mean?"
"I think Atlantis might very well have been an actual civilization."
"Fantasy booking... does make you want to play the historical what if game."
"Hear me out he was he was young he was hot he was well spoken from all accounts I really think it would have been different had he lived longer all right say had he gotten old enough to get bitter all right just hear me out."
"It didn't seem like it was a power that was completely off the rails from what, oh, and if you go back to..."
"I mean before there was civilization and we were just cavemen right."
"Richard's reign is also one of the great what-if moments in British history."
"Could it have been a balloon? Perhaps. Probably not an airplane since those didn't exist."
"Why did prehistoric men, who lived more than 3,200 years ago, make such paintings around the world?"
"If we had not had two world wars, civilization would be about a hundred years ahead."
"There is allegedly written evidence that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene and had babies."
"The Earth's atmosphere might have been significantly different, potentially contributing to the extended lifespans mentioned in Genesis."
"Like Jumanji, do you think Pandora's Box could have been a real artifact in some form or another?"
"Baffling ruins hint at lost advanced civilizations."
"If you've googled James Buchanan, you may have come across the claim that he was America's first gay president."
"Honestly, I like the Atlantis Theory much better; it's more fun."
"We have only a fraction of the knowledge that we used to have pre-flood, pre-12,000 years ago when these cultures knew incredible details of the cosmos and our planet and our role."
"Hoover's suspicion: CIA planting evidence of an Oswald-Soviet plot."
"Imagine... the pyramids were actually a radioactive waste site."
"It's arguable what the result of the first world war would have been without American intervention."
"Willie Mays hit 660 homers but if you give him the 54 more homers he might have hit if he hadn't been so curiously drafted in 1952 Willie Mays finishes with 714 home runs."
"Humans built it, and we're literally looking at a monument from Atlantis."
"I like to think that in hundreds of years time our monuments and behaviors will be wildly guessed at by armchair archaeologists and fireside historians just like me."
"It leaves the door wide open to the far more exciting proposition that he did in fact survive."
"What did ancient people think about all these fossils and could such discoveries have influenced their mythologies?"
"This world was once clearly inhabited, but so were many in the area."
"So do dinosaurs survived the flood? Well, they must have."
"How different would the history books be if some dude ran up and just beat his ass cold clock?"
"Exploring alternate history timelines can be a fascinating mental exercise."
"Believing that one of the Romanovs survived makes their deaths a tiny bit less tragic."
"If rocks from the time of Atlantis can be found on land, then artifacts from Atlantis should be found on land, too, if they exist here."
"Maybe in mid-1944, we could have thought, let's do it in India because before D-Day, the strategic situation was not that clear."
"What if the U.S. just never took over Hawaii? What if in an alternate timeline it never became a state and instead the kingdom of Hawaii remained? Well, uh, okay, that's an idea."
"Theories abound about the manner of destruction, from direct penetration of Hood's main magazines to hits on the torpedo launchers."
"Would they have preferred to have been French?"
"This giant void could be the final resting place of the great pharaoh, or it could be something else entirely."
"If everybody had known that there would be another world war in 1939... a lot of these countries would have had semi-automatic rifles ready."
"So the Titanic okay was there motive behind it right so evidently in the 1910s or early 1900s there was one man that owned like 80 percent of the mortgages in the United States."
"Could they have been inherited from an earlier, more advanced civilization like that which the Egyptians themselves described in their own history?"
"We're basically our civilization exists on the ceiling of Atlantis that's our ocean floor and there are certain technologies for sure that have been awakening even from the 1920s."
"A later war start means that compared to what the US Navy strength was in 1944, the US Navy might actually be slightly smaller..."
"Couldn't we be looking at a Victorian privy or something?"
"It begs the question: what could have Russia and the rest of the world been, had Kerensky made a few different choices?"
"maybe things would have been different had JFK lived"
"The mere fact that it is a mystery as to the identity of the people will lead others to come and look at the stones and wonder who put those stones there."
"Gold totally intact and it was not some type of a just a big long you know bowl or something they had on their head."
"Kennedy would have never let Vietnam be the disaster it was."
"Either the people of the past were absolutely genius, or these buildings were not built by our people at all."
"And inside is The Ten Commandments probably on the stones and everybody worships this guy because he found the Ark of the Covenant or whatever."
"If the Nazis just continued operating in America why would they leave their esoteric beliefs behind?"
"Allegedly, on April 29th, Baumgart flies Hitler out of here."
"MLK's economic philosophy would have most likely converged with someone like Bernie Sanders."
"If they had been the F3 battle cruisers instead, it probably would have been slightly better for the Royal Navy."
"Could the Minoans have been involved?"
"At some point it leads us to leading landing, extending the war into 1946, and at some point it leads to an atom bomb being deployed in the European theater. And again, at that point, all bets are off as to where we're headed then."
"Can you imagine the Sphinx surrounded by rainforest? It's mind-blowing."
"Perhaps a lack of understanding of the little force of this endeavor contributed to the downfall of the Atlanteans."
"Frederick Prince of Wales is thought to have died having been hit by a tennis ball not a lawn tennis ball as that wasn't invented until the 1870s but a real tennis ball which is solid."
"One can only imagine how different things could have been if either the alliance with Byzantium was preserved, the crusade of 1101, featuring 10 000 knights, arrived in the Levant or if Bohemond’s crusading force sailed to Antioch instead of Dyrrhachium."
"If they had married, it could have led to a unification of the Frankish Empire with the Byzantine Empire, which certainly would have changed the course of world history."
"It's quite plausible that Jesus could have joined a group of such merchants."
"What if Austria-Hungary had not gone into the First World War? What if there hadn't been a First World War? Might it have survived?"
"The wording of the 14th and 15th amendments would have been quite similar to what they actually are if Lincoln had lived."
"What if Prince Arthur Tudor had lived?"
"What if Edward VI had lived long enough that he was able to rule fully and in his own right?"
"It would be fair to assume that for most World War II Buffs, if Winston Churchill was actually a labor prime minister, the way they conceptualized the war would be completely unchanged."
"Their marriages likely happened fairly near to each other. Beth may have witnessed and died at Summerhall, and Melantha might be the pregnant woman in Bran's weirwood vision, the one praying to the old gods for a son who will grant her revenge."
"If Hitler had gained a nuclear warhead before the US, today's world would look very different."
"Some have even suggested that Hadrian ejected the Jews from Jerusalem and imported Christians to take their place."
"In the end, no one knows how history would’ve turned out if any of the key decisions were changed, but I think the picture I’ve painted is more or less realistic."
"One thing I would possibly think is a hypothesis maybe you'd see even more hellenism happening so more spreading of greek culture into these regions maybe not though because there's plenty of that going on."
"Fascinatingly after the war there was quiet talk among Americans who were sympathetic to the idea of establishing an American monarchy of selecting a member of Prussia's royal family to Reign Over the United States as King."
"Islam could have stomped out Christianity across all of Europe and the world today would be a seriously different place."
"Do you think Jesus the man, not the legend, was a witch?"
"The common assumption is that had the romans been successful, they would have pushed their border at least temporarily up to the Elba river as opposed to the Rhine river."
"Despite the presence of the later ziggurat, could there have been a much earlier ziggurat standing adjacent to the temple of Enki?"
"It was a hangout for Hollywood celebrities and it was supposedly one of the places where JFK and Marilyn Monroe would meet up."
"I think that Mary lived out the rest of her life in Jerusalem."
"She certainly would have been regent for Edward."
"If the Greeks could have formed a single political entity, they would have ruled the world."
"If someone had been able to stand up to Queen Victoria, his life would have been very different."
"Chariots of the Gods explores von Daniken's controversial and explosive theory that beings from other galaxies visited Earth in ancient times."
"If you added up all the people who supposedly missed Titanic, it would sink the ship."
"How many thousands did Wyatt Earp hold, right? It's just the nostalgia."
"But with young Henry and Mary both safely installed in political marriages, and Henry VIII's relationship with his wife, Catherine of Aragon, intact, what would have become of the infamous Anne Boleyn?"
"More importantly for the larger world, it is very likely that had Prince Henry survived, Henry VIII never would have broken with the Catholic Church."
"If the Free French forces managed to keep most of the French fleet in World War II, what effect might that have had on the Mediterranean theater, especially on the Italian naval forces?"
"I can't imagine anybody wanting to kill George Washington."
"We may never really know what happened to the people who lived there or why these strange statues seem to have held such importance to the inhabitants."
"The still visible marks of the Masonic square and compasses, carved on a table, and the cat carved on the wall only fuel the fire of speculation that this was a secret Masonic meeting place."
"World War One is always particularly tricky in alternate history because the lead-up to the war and the fighting itself have so many factors that combine into the single conflict."
"Some believe the destruction of the library set humanity back a thousand years, but the reality is we'll never know."
"What would the future hold? The rise of our most famous Monarch, the joining of our kingdom with Scotland, and a civil war that would result in England becoming a most restless Republic."
"What would have happened even in 1980 if the CIA and other agencies had been less obstructive and more forthcoming about what they knew?"
"...the idea that the empire could be united again is definitely not beyond the question at this point."
"I'm sure their death would have been a great relief to Richard III whether or not he was the one responsible."
"The stone balls may have been weapons, ceremonial objects, leather working tools, or used for fortune telling or to move construction blocks."
"What long ago undiscovered events transpired here? Who stood by these buildings 150 years ago? What ghosts of the old west hide in these corners?"
"Had Rasputin lived then perhaps none of these things would have happened."
"I really do think that at some point, maybe there were giants in this world."