
Horticulture Quotes

There are 1412 quotes

"The wonderful thing about panicle hydrangeas... they bloom on new wood."
"So it's one of my favorites for a native tree and now some of your big going are very pleasing."
"The appreciation of tropical ornamentals are what makes this whole recent time so fascinating to me."
"I think it's still very rare... if we saw more mature specimens... people would absolutely start buying this plant."
"The pine is used a lot in bonsai but it is a rather sophisticated taste."
"It's a victory for common sense, it's a victory for horticulture, but most importantly, it's a victory for plasticine."
"The people who developed and used this rich soil were not farmers in the traditional sense, but horticulturalists."
"The biggest virtue of no dig is time-saving."
"Orchids cannot tolerate high temperatures of the leaf."
"Temperature: the warmer, the better for root production."
"Humidity: promoting a more humid environment at the base can help with root production."
"Maintaining roots: a balance of moisture and air is key to keeping roots healthy."
"It's more about understanding what plants you have and how to begin propagating them... if you cut and make new life that's pretty cool stuff."
"Fiddle buts look so sophisticated now, it's unbelievable."
"Since the clone tent will have the lights on 24/7 while running clones and the actual grow room will be on the flowering light cycle, which is why it's so important that we don't have any light leaks out of the tent."
"I want to see people selling healthy, well-grown plants. That should be the standard."
"Propagating houseplants is one of the most rewarding, fun, best parts about keeping houseplants."
"The way I like to propagate Pothos is by cutting off one of the more leggy vines."
"If you're willing to change the amount of stress that your plants undergo, suddenly they can do things where you live that you never thought was possible."
"There's no bad plant, just bad plant placement."
"It's got the most gorgeous curly stems. I mean, those are the type of stems that we want to buy so that we can put them in our pots."
"It's important that we keep our plants happy in all senses."
"We can use real plant science and facts to drive our results and our gardens to great success."
"Horticulture is a stable way for human beings to reside on the planet and make a really good life."
"The stronger the plant is in veg, the stronger the plant's gonna be in flower. They go hand-in-hand. If you've got limp, loose, light stems, you're gonna have loose, light, limp flowers."
"Most of us grow these orchids for the foliage though not the flowers."
"The bigger the tree, the more of the root structure that you're going to want to get and bring with you."
"Most of these flowering plants need a lot of light, some can take direct light and others just a lot of bright indirect light."
"Tomatoes are one of our favorite all-time crops to grow."
"Johnston was passionate about design, architecture, and plants."
"Johnston was very much ahead of his time."
"Which groups of plants do you find go best with these kind of roses? Well, they are the plants that will not overpower the roses and give the roses plenty of room."
"It's a grower's technique really to try and get nice tall stems really good strong flowers and it's really simple to do."
"It's difficult to believe that this garden has been created during just one lifetime but that is Leslie's genius."
"The interesting thing about wall gardens is they are a lot warmer and protected."
"I'm so excited about this group of plants, kind of focusing in on pinks and purples here."
"Caroline used her progressive beliefs to help shape the parks and gardens at Kensington, which blossomed under her stewardship."
"Black lace elderberries do so well in our area, they love it."
"Melons are a summer veggie and they hate the cold."
"They like full sun, so six to eight hours minimum; all day sun even better."
"The pansy is a little fastidious but not severely so; it thrives in a cool climate with partial shade and in a rich, moist, sandy soil."
"It's really all about creating this ecosystem... maybe you're growing your plums, this is a beautiful American plum tree."
"The Japanese Friendship Garden was built to represent the bond between San Diego and its sister city Yokohama and is considered a living work of art."
"Check on all of its cultural requirements."
"Napoleon attacked his horticultural pastime with the same vigor of a general laying out a camp."
"I'm experimenting, really expanding the flower garden this year"
"Cuttings make cloned plants by growing a new plant from a part of the original plant."
"Tomato plants have the ability to grow roots along the entire stem by doing this you're going to create a stocky more healthy plant."
"There's a hydrangea for everyone out there."
"Pruning is when you remove the things that are keeping your plants from growing the way they're supposed to grow."
"Bare root plants will establish faster."
"I am sure that she will cut this back really far because with these macrophila hydrangeas that bloom on all growth if you're going to prune it you need to prune it after it blooms."
"The main goal with cutings is to get the stem or other plant part to the point where it is self-sustaining."
"Stem cuttings, root cuttings, and leaf cuttings are the most common types of cuttings used for propagation."
"I would not be growing plants the way I am without any of these lights."
"The best time to train your trees is when they're young. It's going to make for less pruning and just more fruiting, and just an overall easier growing process."
"Our main goal when pruning is to increase the sunlight distribution to the tree. More light means higher production and higher quality fruit."
"What a thinning cut does is really important. When we make a thinning cut, there's not a lot of regrowth that happens at the point of the cut."
"I have planted approximately 13 different varieties of avocados that can be harvested throughout the year and what's special about this side of the property is that the trees that are behind me this avocado tree and the other five that are right here I grew all from seed."
"For every dozen plants that look great in the greenhouse, there's a dead one in a trash can somewhere."
"So how do you actually do this? There are two primary styles of grafting. I'm going to show you the first one, Jacques going to show you the second one."
"...these seeds, they actually germinate better when they have good contact with the soil around them."
"So once you fruit your bed... you wanna make sure... that you add basically another three inches of straw on top."
"And the limelight is one that since it came off patent last year it's a camp miss hydrangea it's beautiful super popular very hardy and people absolutely love these things."
"Polyembryonic varieties are the ones that grow true to seed, the monoembryonic varieties do not."
"And there's just as much ambition from the nursery men and women who adorn the great pavilion with their botanical displays in glorious technicolor."
"The point is that all restricted forms of apples and pears whether they're espaliers, cordons, fans, or just bush or dwarf trees need summer pruning."
"This Lilac called Miss Kim. It's Korean Lilac. Probably there are lilacs that will bloom in the South that don't need as much cold treatment as other lilacs do."
"Mist propagation neatly provides the necessary conditions with this system, sprays of fine water droplets discharged through pressure apparatus coat the cuttings with moisture."
"Division is the simplest method of plant propagation whereby the plant is broken into small separate units."
"Horticulture can benefit everyone."
"These trees are all watered and these trees will only live 25 years and then be ripped out and redone again."
"Peat moss is actually considered a sterile medium or even an antibiotic or an anti-fungal medium. So, it's one of probably the safest organic materials to use."
"If your plant becomes too large, you're gonna want to propagate this at a node."
"...that's a good start. So, I got some budwood, brought it over here, grafted it, planted three in the ground, and in one year, I got those trees to make fruit in one year."
"Gardening is something that you do outside in the warmer months, where you grow vegetables or flowers."
"If you can grow these out for a few years, harden them off, throw them outside, you can take cuttings. It's great."
"They do root prune these though, he did explain."
"Thank you and remember that D plant horticulture gives you the power to grow."
"We have been working with Stark trees, Stark Bros trees."
"Taking cuttings... It's when you use a pair of scissors, you snip off a side shoot from a plant, you dip it in rooting powder, you plant it in soil, and it starts to develop roots, and then it grows into a new plant which is genetically identical to the original plant."
"We can really tweak, tailor the PPFD, how many photons are hitting that leaf surface."
"The whole point of grafting is to take a really good variety and put it onto a seedling tree."
"One lucky grower will win this Viper Spectra KS3000."
"Baby ghost is one you should be growing."
"This is a plant that should be used much more."
"...it's important to know that tomato plants actually take up the minority of their nitrogen earlier in their life cycle before they start setting fruit."
"We're using that same 6-in cube with a Flor Flex cap on that fresh oxygenated nutrient."
"Over time he was indeed able to create a flag that he grew at wild seed farms."
"We actually named this Lady Bird Johnson bluebonnet."
"Every single tree out there was a rooted cutting over the winter."
"Every single one of my trees are huge and absolutely loaded with fruit."
"The enticing perennial is easy to grow and one of the showiest of the native geraniums."
"In order to produce berries which are resistant to mummy berry, we need to supply a lot of calcium during the cell division period."
"And so, that tree is as good as dead, just go all the way around the base of the tree 12 to 18 inches up with the right kind of chemical at the right time of year, which is again mid-summer to late summer, and it is a very high success rate."
"When you do a repot, you always move from a smaller pot to a slightly larger pot."
"Selecting the right tree is the first step."
"Velvety fan anthuriums for me just give that kind of luxurious, beautiful, unusual feel."
"Chances are it will stay in its shingling phase much longer if you keep it in medium to low light."
"Pinching involves the removal of terminal buds or shoots to encourage the growth of secondary buds along the branch."
"I love the whole process of importing plants and rehabbing them."
"Growing bonsai is really like making a fine wine."
"Alocasia is becoming one of my favorite genus of houseplants to grow."
"...just such a dream to grow honestly..."
"I'm excited about it. I've got so many philodendrons. They are just the most fantastic plants."
"You've got a healthy plant, you've got the plant's immune system powering to the max."
"Looking after any living thing can be incredibly healing, but with plants, there's also a lot of the time a big sense of achievement."
"My oldest plant is about five and a half years old now."
"The flowers are double pink and there's a nice bloom."
"Luther Burbank developed most of these plum trees."
"Asexual propagation is basically us taking a plant and reproducing the plant by using parts of the plant itself."
"Hope this video has helped you as a beginner to just make your plants thrive."
"Light is a huge thing for creating food for the plants."
"The super exotic philodendron that I would class to be the most easiest, this may surprise you, but honestly, the Philodendron Luxuriance Choco Red, absolutely just wow."
"...the Florida Ghost and the BR marks verata, I'll talk more about each of these individually as we work with them."
"This soil mix, made from recycled materials, is the gold standard for growing anything."
"Plants like this and like begonias and things I've really been into lately."
"Why not try a variegated version of a plant that I know and love already?"
"Look at these roots, all this branching here, wonderful."
"I seriously love baby plants you guys I'm obsessed."
"Quality over quantity. I much rather provide a plant and get my instant gratification from continuously seeing new leaves pop up everywhere."
"I absolutely love it, it just is such an interesting plant."
"This greenhouse offered all of that."
"Talking about plants that are thriving in there, let me give you a tour of the greenhouse."
"This foliage is just killer. This is really like the begonia that got me really into begonias this year."
"The calathea wants to have access to water all the time, but it should never stand in water."
"Thank you, I'm super happy with how all these plants arrived."
"If you want a certain looking Dark Phoenix, I recommend buying a clone rather than a seed."
"Definitely doing fabulous and then of course we have the peperomia tetragana over here which is still just pumping out a ton of New Growth points here."
"I'm absolutely loving this plant. I love how it looks, I love how it grows, it is fabulous."
"I absolutely love this plant. I love the coloring on the leaves. It is just one of my favorite peperomias."
"Huge difference, the plants are much more stable."
"This seems like a plant that would appreciate a little bit more humidity."
"If you're into these witchy gothic plants that look like something you'd find in like a medicinal herb garden, this is gonna fit you like a glove."
"Hoyas are plants that like bright light; they're honestly very easy and forgiving plants in my experience, even if you give it a period of low light, I think it will be fine, but just the brighter the better."
"Hoyas can actually absorb nutrients through their leaves which is really fun because I get to spray them with this orchid mist."
"I do find the Lickety Split to be extremely beautiful, rewarding, and fun to keep, they really quickly mature and start to put out giant leaves in my experience anyway."
"Thanks so much for joining us and I hope that you have enjoyed learning how to plant locust trees from seed."
"It's so pretty, I do really enjoy this plant."
"The more you dote on your roses, the more vigor and blooms you'll see."
"I just want to sell people plants that do well in this area."
"Overall, lighting is going to be hands down the most important requirement."
"Without the adequate amount of light, your plant is really never going to grow to its fullest potential."
"Knowledge is power and gardening is fun."
"My overall plant selection has gotten nothing but excellent."
"It makes sense to experiment and do stuff like this."
"This actually looks super nice. That large perlite makes a really big difference."
"This small tree here had over 150 mangoes."
"As long as you're not getting into the valencia pride type of mangoes, 10 feet more than enough."
"If you have never had fresh citrus right off of a tree I beg you to try growing a tree like this, it is absolutely incredible."
"I'm really having a moment with ferns. I'm starting to just kind of feel this love for like ferns and begonias lately."
"That's amazing. I'm understanding. This is my first time growing one of these Anthuriums or having one of my possessions that has these like crystalline features on the leaves."
"Four tiny fruit trees that can fit in practically any backyard that don't compromise on fruit quality and production."
"A greenhouse is a building made out of glass or plastic that lets a lot of light in."
"Air plants are the easiest plants to take care of and they're also super versatile."
"Air plants come in so many shapes and sizes and like you can get an airplane that will fit into your lifestyle and fit into your home."
"Honestly, if you can collect rainwater, it's the best thing you can do for your air plants."
"That's it. That is kind of how you care for air plants. It's super simple, super easy. It's kind of a set it and forget it kind of plants."
"If you're not an air plant lover, then I've convinced you to at least try them out again and give them another shot because honestly, they're super fun and super easy."
"If you're looking for a plant that's a little bit different that isn't green, that kind of pops out with this pop of purple, then you want to get this, this is inch plant."
"You can cut a piece of it, put the end of the stem in the water and it will develop a root system very quickly and start growing."
"The lights help your plants develop the perfect true color that they should be."
"Healthy plants are much less likely to be susceptible to pests."
"If you genuinely want your plants to be healthy, to put it very simply, nature takes care of nature."
"Plants are able to survive and thrive in the wild because the balance within the soil or substitute isn't being artificially altered."
"...Berkeley's 10 acres of formal Terrace Gardens include the largest boxwood Garden in Virginia."
"I grow them for my own collection and my own pleasure and also I grow them so that I can share with all of you what I've learned since I started growing them in 2019."
"Air layering is when you, you we do it with bamboo, you can take a piece of bamboo and you layer it, lay it down on the ground and you cover it up with stuff and uh, it'll start making roots."
"Basically, if I buy the plant, how likely is it that I'm going to make money off it via taking cuttings of it and selling?"
"It's just a brilliant plant and I can't recommend it enough because it is a great rare plant for beginners."
"The plants will respond very well to it."
"...we're giving each of these sprouts a better chance to grow into a nice robust plant."
"Sunlight gives us the absolute best possible nutrients that we can look at for a plant."
"My first job was at a greenhouse, moving plants around and watering plants."
"The Japanese are probably leading lots of really, really good work going on there, lots of incredible breeders."
"It's a really interesting plant guys, you know I've fallen in love with it ever since I started growing it."
"...venus fly traps actually want to grow in lots and lots of sun, a really warm sunny place outdoors is best."
"These are some of my favorite plants in the garden."
"Choose the best plants suited for your indoor endeavors."
"All of these plants, these two dozen make for great crops and early starts in cold regions."
"They do a magnificent job of growing just this wide variety of trees."
"Just let yourself know, give yourself a break, you know what I mean, they're just plants."
"This one is known as pink champagne when it first opens, it is a beautiful pink color."
"Making gardens and working in them is genuinely just part of who I am."
"The book is really just about educating people on how to keep their plants alive for longer than a year because actually, they can live for decades."
"A plant with healthy roots and that is generally healthy is less likely to get attacked by pests."
"Plants have so much character. You can't find that character on the shop shelves."
"It's beautiful it's proper blue foliage oh it's so lovely I grew that from seed this year definitely doing more of it next year."
"The Victorian kitchen garden was an integral part of making sure that your lord, or whoever you cooked for, was catered for well. And so, these wonderfully productive Victorian kitchens could produce all sorts of things, and they would always have an orchard."
"Whether you have a cottage-style garden or a formal-style garden, this stately plant fits right in."
"This is Sun King Aurelia and it's almost like a shrub now."
"The star of the show is really these beautiful succulents."
"Steve's leaves always blows me away with not only their selection on their website but the quality in which the plants arrive."
"One of the reasons that I've stuck with soil blocks for so many years is they make great transplants."
"Growing nepenthes may seem daunting at first but with just these 15 essential facts you can now confidently start growing them effortlessly."
"The roots grow to the edge of the soil block and stop. That's called self pruning."
"The cooler temps and this beautiful fall light really give the plants beautiful coloration."
"The beautiful Philodendron Spirit of Sancti is looking magnificent."
"I think it's fun to try out new varieties."
"So I did a lavender topiary some salmon zonal geraniums and creeping Jenny and I really love how this creeping Jenny has filled in."