
Piety Quotes

There are 389 quotes

"I take very seriously a revolutionary notion of piety. It's not uncritical deference to dogma. It is the acknowledgement of the sources of good in our lives."
"The Sons of Dawn were coming out of the darkness of a wicked world into the light of God, beginning a new life of piety and purity."
"Knowledge is not about memorizing many narrations; knowledge is the fear of Allah."
"The religious way of life is important, and those who... live a life of piety, these are the luminaries of the world today."
"Those who fear their Lord unseen will have forgiveness and a great reward."
"The best amongst you is the one who is a well-mannered, God-fearing, Pious person."
"Rush to do your good deeds now because the trials will become so bad that a person will wake up in the morning and before the evening came they left Islam."
"Verily those who are al-muttaqun, when an evil thought comes to them from Satan, they remember Allah and indeed they then see."
"Barbarism will deliver you no glory, piety to evil will bring you no dignity."
"A godless wife is given as a portion to a lawless man, but a pious wife is given to the man who fears the Lord."
"It's time for the dunmer to return to their roots perhaps with sufficient piety with the wisdom of the good Daedra behind their every deed the dun gray-skinned elves may become golden again."
"It's not about bravado, it's about humility and piety."
"If you are walking with God, obeying his word, and living a holy life, you will stand out."
"God is displeased with any act of piety that does not deal with injustice."
"External observance does not equate to piety, intention must be pure."
"Monotheism, the need for piety, and fear of the Last Judgment."
"Not to love God, not to thank him, not to worship him is tremendously offensive."
"Find God, make peace with God, and lead a pious life."
"The true happy individual is the one who's got conscious, the one who fears Allah, who worships Allah, who basically bases his life and his decisions on Allah and the pleasure of Allah."
"We've always doubled our piety, right? We're going to go about 30,000 left now."
"The young woman was kind and pious, brought up in Christian traditions, she regularly took her children to church, instilling in them love and compassion for their neighbors."
"Intimacy, willingness to do something with it in a pious way."
"He's also got this tremendous sense of both Christian piety and duty."
"A True Believer who is practicing never praises himself or herself and never thinks they are more pious than others."
"Mary was Pious and was involved in charity in the church."
"You will not attain piety until you give up that which you love the most."
"True piety is to do what Allah commands and to keep away from what Allah forbids."
"Work together in righteousness and piety and good works."
"The most noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most God-fearing of you."
"He that hath small understanding and feareth God is better than one that have much wisdom and transgresseth the law of the most high."
"Piety is the remembrance, reverence, and resistance."
"Similarly, Calvin's theology is not for pietists."
"In the depths of the night before Fajr are among the treasures of piety. So augment your treasures for the day of your poverty, for the treasures of this world will be of no use when you die."
"Ihsan is to worship God as if you could see Him, for even if you do not see Him, He surely sees you."
"The burden of prayer was to oppose the licentiousness of the principle of private judgment and to contend in favor of the strictest piety."
"There is no contradiction between being really Pious and being really successful."
"Piety includes not only the love of God but also the love of my parents."
"Allah loves those who are at least trying to live by that principle of taqwa."
"Believing God's word is the greatest demonstration of true piety."
"Surely the best reward ultimately in the end is for those who have taqwa."
"For a person to overcome sins and desires and restrain himself from sins is to have shyness of Allah. When the servant knows that Allah is looking at him, watching over him, he will be too shy in front of Allah to expose himself to His anger and punishment."
"Do not you know that the pious people, they are good when they are in public, but they are better when they are alone."
"The revival of letters was intended, then, to restore and deepen the piety of the population, the understanding of Christianity, the restoration of the Church as an intellectual force, the preservation of learning from both Roman secular and religious texts."
"You will see Scholars from different countries that have put together their work and regardless of their race, regardless of their nationality, regardless of their financial status, we benefit from them because of their piety."
"Lowering your gaze from that which is haram brings about the love of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala."
"The Russian Church stimulated piety with architecture, murals, icons, powerful sermons, hypnotic ceremonies, and massive choral song."
"Did this life of Beanery, piety, and trade receive any ennobling enshrinement in literary or artistic form?"
"My father was a religious man, very pious man, very beautiful, amazing man."
"Fundamentally if you do not pray, you are not only not pious, you are actually unjust."
"Shouldering the burden as the Emperor’s foremost blade against the encroaching darkness of Chaos, the Grey Knights are the most pious of every Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes."
"True piety means a devotion to God in every aspect of life."
"Taharqa also displayed his power by making incredible donations to the temples, demonstrating power through piety."
"Everyone's turning Muslim, and they put it like it's a bad thing, but they don't realize after these guys turn Muslim, they turn a lot more Pious."
"They don't realize after these guys turn Muslim they turn a lot more Pious."
"Why would, for example, Imam Asad marry from North Africa? Why Imam Asad Salam could not marry from Medina, could not marry from Mecca, could not marry from Kufa? One of the reasons is because she herself is a lady of immense piety."
"You write it but don't change anything. First, you should have taqwa, that when you're writing something like this, have taqwa."
"God accepts from those who are God-conscious, it's not about how what you give looks like."
"The Quran says the best amongst you in the eyes of Allah is the one with the most taqwa."
"The most beloved deeds to Allah are the regular ones, even if they're small."
"We can't get so pious in our preferences for particular virginal practices that we lose sight of the fact that there is a supernatural character for the care of the poor as well."
"Fear Allah even with half of a date."
"There is a category of sins that Allah shall forgive automatically if you're righteous and pious."
"The role of the Father is to make, and so child-making is also a most pious deed on earth."
"The Prophet advised: 'Marry a woman of religion, for you will prosper.' A woman's piety is crucial for a harmonious marriage and a righteous household."
"Doing something because God commands you to do it, that's piety. Doing something because it's right or avoiding something because it's wrong, that's morality."
"There's a great difference between piety and morality."
"...the most honored in the sight of Allah is the one who possesses the most taqwa."
"To worship God is to imitate him. He requires no sacrifices but a pious and upright will."
"The man who fears God does not boast about his sacrifices."
"Everybody has a certain thing that they like to study... but how do we grow? What is the great mystery that leads to true piety? It is understanding the gospel."
"Allah is going to accept the charity of the person who is conscious of Allah."
"Piety still has to be maintained even when you're trying to know someone."
"If we reach that and if we're able to do that, those are the people they will get the 'kursi', the highest place of Jannah."
"Don't ever let the fact that you dislike a people make you oppress them. Always be just, for indeed that is the closest to piety."
"You're showing religious piety, and everyone is able to participate and enjoy."
"Fear Allah in relation to the orphans, fear Allah in relation to your prayers, fear Allah in relation to his house, fear Allah in relation to Jihad, fear Allah in relation to your relatives."
"The best among you is the most mindful of God. The condition of the heart matters more than external appearances."
"To those who truly reverence His Holy Name, the Lord acts as a father and pities them."
"Knowledge is what gives a person superiority, especially if it manifests in piety."
"We should walk in the fear of God all the days of our lives."
"Live like Cornelius did: Fear God, pray always, give to the poor, intercede."
"Do justice, for it is closest to piety."
"Fasting has been prescribed upon you as it was prescribed upon the people before you. Perhaps you may be of those that have taqwa."
"Whosoever fears the Lord, it shall go well with him in the land."
"He was sober, thrifty, and pious."
"We found that we did not find anything superior to fearing Allah both in the apparent and in secret."
"Live like the Lord's, and if we really live that way, do you know how purifying that would be to us?"
"A true 'alim is described as 'verily the ones who truly are God-fearing are the scholars.'"
"Allah knows that throughout the year, for 12 or 11 months, we may be not as pious, but Allah just brings you back to a reminder, what is it all about?"
"The term adopted for this form of practice was 'piety,' or in Hebrew hasidut, and thus this was the beginning of Hasidic Judaism."
"You give the example of prosperity. I think you can have prosperous and Pious Nations."
"A gal who serves in the church, a godly young woman that shows up ready to work."
"A Godly Man is a man that's going to keep the laws of God."
"Yeshua expects from us a level of righteousness that surpasses the highly respected and pious leaders of Israel."
"Henry was seen as a pious and kind man."
"Henry took great pride in his piety and dedication to the church."
"Henry was widely seen as a pious man."
"Perhaps we must remember him at least in part somewhat positively for his kindness, for his piety."
"Beckett transformed into a devoutly pious and saintly figure, opposing Henry's attempts to assert control over the church."
"Fear God. Leave off from your sins and forget your iniquities."
"We want to be as pious as the monks."
"David had so much reverence for God and never wanted to blaspheme Him and never wanted to grieve His Holy Spirit."
"Christianity around the year 1100 is marked by a deep sense of piety."
"Fear God, keep the Commandments; don't waver."
"He fears God and stays away from evil and he has maintained his integrity."
"The Lord said to Satan, 'Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?'"
"The only difference between them is God-consciousness, righteousness, and piety."
"There is no preference of an Arab over a non-Arab or a non-Arab over an Arab, or a white person over a black one, or a black person over a white one, except by piety."
"Wisdom is by far the greatest part of joy, and reverence toward the gods must be safeguarded."
"I don't know of an action that brings a person closer to Allah than honoring one's mother."
"Be just, for that is closer to piety."
"Indeed the best provision is piety."
"If you think that through the divine energy it is the divine essence expressing himself, though it's not the full expression, you are not out of the terms of piety."
"She was a sage, a worshiper, a woman who was distinguished in her charity."
"The best amongst you is the one who is a god-fearing, well-mannered person."
"Here lies one who in this life was a kind mother, a true wife. She was by many virtues blessed, and piety among the best."
"Before him there was no king like him, who turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might."
"Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord."
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; the knowledge of the Holy is understanding."
"For the one who fears the standing before his Lord, there are two gardens."
"The criterion for honor in the eyes of Allah is not our worldly attributes but our Taqwa, our consciousness of Allah, our piety and righteousness."
"I'm talking about Holiness, I'm talking about godliness."
"In piety towards the gods, the chief element is this: to have right opinions about them as existing and as administering the universe well and justly."
"Whoever is careful to exercise desire and aversion as he should is at the same time careful also about piety."
"Stand fast by the principles set before you like laws, feeling that it would be impiety for you to transgress them."
"The purpose of God's election is to withdraw us from the evil in which we were plunged and to call us to lives dedicated to God in all piety and holiness."
"And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."
"An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab; a white has no superiority over a non-white; a black no superior over non-black, except in piety and in good action."
"Queen Catherine has gone down in history as an incredibly pious woman who is unlikely to have lied."
"Those who are pious, they shall be brought towards Jannah in large throngs and crowds."
"And Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of his father David."
"The only distinction that counts is the distinction between human qualities whose criterion is that of taqwa."
"She had absolute tawakkul on Allah and absolute obedience."
"Have taqwa of Allah wherever you are."
"So you may attain taqwa... a connection and a closeness and a God consciousness."
"The ultimate success, the conclusive outcome, is for the pious."
"All men are equal in the eyes of God except in one thing: piety."
"Whoever has Taqwa, Allah will make a way out for him."
"What matters in Islam is not the blood but rather the Taqwa, the piety."
"Everyone is equal in his eyes except for those who differ only in piety."
"The only thing that differentiates all of us is taqwa (piety)."
"Let's fear Allah in our doings and our actions."
"Be shy from Allah the way that a person of dignity and rank is shy in front of his own people and family."
"Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent and respected member of the Sanhedrin, Jewish High Court, who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God, courageously dared to go in before Pilate and ask for the body of Jesus."
"I do daily strive to please God and to live by the rules that He has lined out for us."
"He walked in the ways of his father Asa and did not stray from them; he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord."
"Joash did what was right in the sight of the Lord all the days of Jehoiada the priest."
"They that name the name of the Lord must depart from iniquity."
"Sound learning is necessary to the preservation of the blessings of civil and religious freedom and intelligent piety."
"Observing the fast is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become the pious."
"Ramadan comes to teach piety, so we are expected to keep up with good deeds and abstain from evil as much as we can."
"God has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness."
"Matilda was loved by the Imperial Nobles and the poor saw her as a pious mother figure."
"From my mother, piety and beneficence, and abstinence, not only from evil deeds but even from evil thoughts."
"All human beings are equal in the sight of God except for those who are more pious to Him."
"Keep thyself then simple, good, pure, serious, free from affectation, a friend of justice, a worshiper of the gods, kind, affectionate, strenuous in all proper acts."
"There is only one fruit of this terrestrial life: a pious disposition and social acts."
"The eternal peace and happiness is for those who lead a pious life."
"Out of everybody, you were the most godliest and respectful."
"There is no privilege or superiority of an Arab above a non-Arab except in piety and righteousness."
"The essence of piety is to sacrifice one's life for the sake of truth and justice."
"It's more God conscious, righteous, and pious, meaning someone who is more in line with doing the purpose that you're created for."
"He always did the will of His Father."
"Race to a paradise that is as expansive as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who have taqwa."
"Do it because it would get you closer to Allah the Almighty."
"Practice piety in regard to their own family and to make some return to their parents."
"He's a God-fearing man and I think his heart rests with the Lord."
"Aurangzeb, being religious and pious, is said to have filled her wine cup with his own hands and she even tempted him to drink on one occasion."
"There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil."
"Joash did what was right in the eyes of the Lord all the days of Jehoiada the priest."
"Whoever fears the standing before his Lord and forbids his soul its whim, for him Heaven shall be the place of resort."
"Did not Hezekiah fear the Lord, and besought the Lord, and the Lord repented him of the evil which he had pronounced against them?"
"Being pious isn't enough; you got to pursue knowledge."
"Fear Allah; stop it, for Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful."
"Henry acquired the piety and religious sensibilities which he would display later in his life."
"We must assert the city of God and true piety and the worship of God to which alone the promise of true and everlasting felicity is attached."
"He was a pious man who read complex works of theology."
"Those who exalt the standards of Allah, this is from the taqwa in the hearts of the people."
"What matters in the sight of Allah is the piety, the consciousness, that is what matters to Allah."
"The most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is the one who is most pious."
"He was a very wise man, he taught piety and justice and fair treatment of one's fellow human beings."
"Our worship must be in spirit and truth."
"Seek knowledge in a way that it doesn't hurt your ibada and worship in a way that it doesn't hurt your seeking knowledge."
"The only difference between us is the one who is more God-conscious, more pious."
"Could there even be piousness to one truthless of Shinovar?"
"Piety is doing honor to God by being of service to men."
"Heaven has blessed us with snow; His Majesty's piety is answered."
"Reverence shown to parents and to our country is called piety."
"My grandfather was a very godly man; he walked with God."
"Allah increases them in their guidance and causes them to grow in being God-fearing."
"Fear Allah in what you say and you do in the house of Allah and who you talk about."
"Saladin is a pious and dynamic leader who inspires the same sort of religious passion in his men that has motivated the conquests of the Crusaders."
"...the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the one who has the most piety."
"This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil."
"May Allah make us pious believers and allow us to be a part of squashing this disease."
"If you fast properly and you spend the month of Ramadan correctly, you achieve Taqwa, and if you achieve Taqwa, you will achieve Paradise."
"Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; let him be your fear, and let him be your dread."
"Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and his days are prolonged, yet I surely know that it will be well with those who fear God."
"When a man gets the fullness of the Spirit, the life of the Spirit, it is a thing that makes him very gentle, very humble, very much afraid of sinning against God."
"The fear of the Lord is the holy awe, like you're so in love with him that you would rather die than commit a knowing sin."