
Relationship Warning Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"If one member of the couple showed contempt during the initial intake interview, they were 93% likely to get divorced."
"If someone's not open to those conversations early on in a relationship, that's a sign."
"That's not a good sign... that's the sign that he's probably a love bomber."
"It's a huge red flag if one partner does not trust the other around money."
"If you find a guy who hates his mother, it's gonna be hard for you."
"If she's trying to hold you back, that's a massive red flag."
"If she's spending all her work time with someone and then going out twice a week with this guy, that's a major red flag."
"If someone keeps bringing up their ex, that is a red flag that means they still have a soul tie with that individual."
"If they weren't such weirdos, OOP wouldn't have noticed she was way too close to marrying a future 'But you're so good at being a housewife.'"
"One of the first warning signs of a manipulative partner in a relationship is when the party in question begins their attempts at isolating you from the rest of your loved ones."
"Never wanting to reconcile is a big red flag."
"Lack of interest in your life and feelings is a red flag."
"That is honestly a massive red flag in my opinion."
"There's nothing worse than being in a toxic relationship with a duck mouth ass broad."
"Toxic and possessive, two words you never want to hear in connection to a relationship."
"Red flags look like six flags when you're having fun."
"Controlling behavior is a red flag regardless of gender."
"When you meet a man and he just automatically romantic, that typically means he adulterated."
"I just want this to be a cautionary tale for a lot of women."
"One of the markers of an abusive relationship is obsession and specifically obsession with control."
"Abusers will often try to control your financial situation, what you say, and what you tell others."
"Promises of change, I'll promise you because a narcissist will look you dead into your face, be crying, begging, pleading, snot running out their mouth, out their nose, plea baby, please, give me a chance."
"When a relationship begins to turn sour or the future becomes bleak, God causes certain situations to happen for our warning and action."
"Love bombing is regarded as a precursor to abuse."
"As soon as you can't imagine your life without someone that there's a problem."
"If they do it for you, they'll do it to you."
"I'm really sorry for not recognizing the red flags that this person gave off to me."
"If someone isn't fully working on the partnership with you, that's your sign."
"Beware of the man who tells you that every woman he's ever broken up with was crazy."
"If a man doesn't want to talk to you ever about anything going on in the future of his life, it's often because he doesn't see you as a part of it."
"I'd miss all the red flags, I'd be so blind."
"She dodged a bullet, I think anyone who continually tells you 'I'm scared I'm going to cheat on you,' that's a red flag."
"Don't give the cookie until you've really vetted the guy."
"Major red flags... she was giving me major red flags."
"Abuse in any form is a clear, unequivocal signal that it's time to leave the relationship."
"Watch for red flags, know what they're doing to you, and do not get emotionally involved right away."
"Psychologists will talk about seeing contempt on the face of the couple and they say that is the kiss of death for that relationship."
"Nicole makes so many contradictions and there are just so many red flags."
"Red flags are not pretty decorations for you to admire; they are warning you for a reason."
"Someone needs to speak to him, and it again, it goes back to that point that I made earlier about if a man has no one that he is accountable to, he is a dangerous man."
"You need to change your whole outlook on this because you're on a one-way track towards the worst abusive relationship in your life."
"If you're not emotionally available, that's a big red flag."
"If somebody's willing to do something abusive publicly, then they're probably going to do something worse behind closed doors."
"When people start telling you they love you and they just use that word so very loosely, a lot of the times, that'll be the first one to do you in dirty."
"When your woman starts changing her preferences and they're not aligned with yours, this means that you are quite possibly no longer the strongest man in her life."
"He would disguise it as, 'I'm just looking out for you.' It doesn't look good, it's not a good look."
"They may have cheated on you in the past... and they're going to try to sweep you off your feet before you find out."
"If she starts having a guy best friend she complains to about you, that's a sign you better run."
"Reactions can be violent or aggressive and they can be abusive to their partner to physically stop them from leaving."
"If they lie about themselves, even a tiny one... I started to notice how he lied about everything... compulsive liars are scary people."
"If you feel like you can't say something to who you're gonna be with, that's a bit of an issue, a little bit of a red flag."
"Girls that are promiscuous or were promiscuous are probably going to be a bad bet for you to invest in the future."
"If he's not sorry, if he's not, buckle up to do this again in two months, six months, two years. It's gonna happen again."
"This is a true manipulator, coming in as a knight of cups, but this is what it is."
"You're the flag, yes you are, a walking red flag."
"If I ever go missing," Andreen said, "it will be because Andre killed me."
"It's very surprising to me that this guy doesn't want to work even though both of you are engaged and you had a child together like that is a really bad sign."
"Big red flag for me so this is a huge red flag huge red flag like I don't they have said so many filters it passed."
"It's important to be on the lookout for pathological jealousy and love."
"This is not a healthy relationship, and it's not going to end well."
"Devaluing you after a love bombing phase, that's a sign that you're in this dynamic."
"Any woman that keeps men around from her past is a big red flag guys... it's a red flag 100 percent."
"When a man is more interested in what you have than who you are, it's time to go."
"His words and actions do not line up, all right."
"Careful with this right here. I'm not seeing genuine feelings from this person. That's what worries me about this."
"Real love means consideration. If you don't see any consideration from that person, then that's a major sign."
"Withhold affection to try and control somebody? That's really toxic, okay? That's a sign to watch for."
"Something really traumatic is gonna happen with this person."
"The 'I love you' is often an indication of a very bad relationship... the inclusion of it in a missing child case is telling."
"She's trying to manipulate you in some way, she's trying to control your behavior."
"Some of you are in the position you're in right now because you lied to yourself. You saw from the second or third date that homeboy was not the one God had for you, you ignored that, and you lied to yourself."
"This is what happens when people turn a blind eye to the signs of abuse within a relationship."
"Toxic and abusive people overstate their ability to be kind and compassionate. They often tell you that you should trust them without first building a solid foundation of trust."
"Repeatedly cheating is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of a person who no longer regards you."
"Any time in the disagreement they're throwing in the divorce or the breakup, that's a sign they don't value you."
"Lack of interest in conversation might be the biggest warning sign."
"Don't you know that you're toxic?"
"This is not cool, lady. If your significant other is destroying objects around you, it's a red flag."
"Dad, Hannie is not happy, she can't marry Jeremy, he is a psycho who never loved or respected her, she's scared, Dad."
"If you have been with someone and they keep repeating patterns that are not beneficial to the relationship, that's a red flag for you to get out."
"When the check engine light comes on in the relationship, pull over. If you keep driving for months and years, you're going to do some irreparable damage."
"When you stop bringing issues to them, that's when they need to be worried."
"If you find these four things in a relationship, they almost always are signs of a relationship in trouble."
"But if someone is doing these things, they don't love you in any healthy way, and they may not even love you at all."
"I hope that my Buddy's traumatic experience will cause you to take a second look at any abusive toxic relationships you may have run into."
"If you're starting to feel like you're losing yourself, that's a sign that this is not a relationship for you."
"If he is not making any effort to see you... that is a red flag."
"Abuse is abuse, whether they put their hands on you or not."