
Vaccine Advocacy Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Empower local sources, empower local authorities, medical experts, civic leaders, clergy in some cases, to be the communicators about the effectiveness and the efficacy of the vaccine."
"Vaccines have saved millions of lives. But we need sound evidence and complete data transparency for all treatments."
"The very impressive efficacy of a vaccine should motivate individuals to realize that this is something you want to participate in."
"I am not anti-vaccine. What I am is pro-safety and pro-data."
"Vaccines are safe and effective, and the science is settled."
"The best way to end a pandemic related shortage is to end the pandemic, and that's why the vaccine push is so important."
"Men need to take the HPV vaccine. The incidence of head and neck cancer in males is skyrocketing from HPV."
"He was a powerful voice that helped move us away from the oral polio vaccine to the inactivated vaccine."
"I've been telling my friends and family, my colleagues that when this does come to fruition that I would be first in line."
"The vaccines are safe and effective; they're going to save lives."
"It is similar to insulin, to penicillin, and certainly as safe and effective as the polio vaccine. It is exactly what we need to get America back on track."
"I'm going to be anxious to take the vaccine and to reassure, do my part to reassure those who are doubtful about this that we really need to get the country vaccinated."
"The more successful you are, the more over I stay, the more successful I become. It makes me look good, right? It's a win-win."
"There are simply not two sides to every story like with vaccines and so many other things there is only one side vaccines work."
"What we actually have to do is normalize this vaccine mandate because we've been doing mandates for a long time. They work. They've kept our kids healthy."
"The vaccine is a great tool to get us through this war for a lot of people but if people are being injured you're not supposed to leave soldiers behind."
"The vaccines are safe and effective... they save millions of lives and they will stop."
"Ultimately I changed my mind about vaccines because I discovered they're one of the strongest tools I have to accomplish my mission."
"God did answer our prayers. He made the smartest men and women - the scientists, the doctors, the researchers - come up with a vaccine that is from God to us."
"Get a vaccine because it's good for you to do it, it works."
"If we had the pushback for vaccines... I don't think it would have been possible... we would still have smallpox and we probably would still have polio."
"Vaccines work, and all of these people scaremongering for profit and clicks should be completely ashamed of themselves."
"Our message continues to be you should take any vaccine that is available to you. They're all safe, they're all effective."
"These vaccines are saving lives, they are reducing mortality."
"The benefits strongly, heavily, largely, completely outweigh the risks of this vaccine for almost every individual."
"I think the best way to think about this is the relative risk-benefit that you get with the vaccine." - Dr. Amish Adalja
"The vaccines had saved a million American lives."
"The COVID-19 vaccines are by far the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from the virus. Anyone who isn't vaccinated should get one as soon as possible."
"You're a good person because you have a good moral compass."
"Yo, go make sure you get your vaccine, everybody needs to get their vaccine, aliens are coming back, bro."
"Vaccines are our best defense against the virus."
"I think vaccines have absolutely been a net good for society and for public health."
"Vaccines are the only way we could be healthy on the planet."
"If a safe and effective vaccine can prevent even one case of COVID, it's worth all of our attention."
"I wanted to be vaccine buddies with you. I wanted to share the same substance coursing through our veins but you won't, so I can't see you."
"If we have a vaccine available, we should give it to elderly people, which is a very sensible thing to say."
"Vaccines are the best defense against severe illness."
"I want people around the world to have proper vaccines. I think everyone does. And then we can nip this freaking pandemic in the bud, right?"
"We should not underestimate the power of vaccine mandates."
"The vaccine is the best tool we have to keep people safe, keep our hospitals from being overwhelmed, and avoid further lockdowns."
"People can handle the complexity. Like older Americans, people over 70 really are going to benefit from getting the vaccine. It's really important."
"The vaccine is super safe and effective, it's the best thing in the world."
"Outrageous that would be and would have been the fact that we now have actual major politicians like Ted Cruz taking a stance against Big Bird getting a vaccine is unreal."
"We gotta come to terms with vaccines and not let this sort of bullshit get spread."
"The more you learn about these vaccines, especially as the variants continue to raise their head, the more the merrier. Get as many vaccines out there as you can."
"Let's make sure that happened with the vaccines."
"So when you start going against vaccines across the board, you're the dumbest [ __ ]."
"Almost everybody is going to be better off with the vaccine than without it."
"There is no reason in the world to be skeptical of the vaccine."
"The vaccine is going to be the ultimate escape from this problem."
"The vaccine means hope. It will protect you and those you love from this dangerous and deadly disease."
"The vaccines work, and all of these people scare mongering for profit and clicks should be completely ashamed of themselves."
"If you take the vaccine, you will have half the deaths."
"The last thing he did on this earth was tell his closest friends: it's real, protect yourselves, get the vaccine."
"You're not just protecting yourself, you're protecting the vulnerable around us." - Dr. John Torres
"It's refreshing to hear someone say, 'Hey, the vaccine kind of kicked my butt a bit but I am so happy I got it.'"
"Vaccines are the endpoint of this pandemic. They work, they're effective, they're safe."
"The MRNA covid vaccine is magical and it is safe and effective."
"Rely on science, relying on Pfizer and Modern."
"We're going to keep saving lives, we're going to keep driving to that day that we have a vaccine."
"If y'all don't want it, I guarantee you there's people all around this globe... that would say please give it to me because I don't want to die."
"The vaccine is fully approved, and I'm very hopeful that this will push people over the edge to go get the vaccine."
"This is the last little bit, stay tight, remember to keep your social distance, wash your hands, and when the vaccine is out, please I urge you to get it."
"At this stage, you literally have to [ __ ] be delusional to not recognize the efficacy of the vaccine in stopping the worst symptoms of COVID."
"This is not to cast doubt on the protectiveness of the immunizations especially for high risk the elderly."
"The risk of COVID far outweighs the potential risk of the vaccines at this point."
"Get a vaccine save your life save other people's lives and then hopefully collectively when the scientists and doctors say it, it will all be done it will actually be done yes it will we'll get there."
"Vaccines don't cause fucking autism. Vaccinate your fucking kids."
"The balance is an enormous balance in favor of the vaccine."
"If you think a vaccine is traumatic, imagine watching your child struggle to breathe."
"We all have a duty to continue making the case for the vaccine to our friends and family."
"I am unashamedly champion of vaccines."
"Vaccines don't cause autism. Educate yourself."