
Estimation Quotes

There are 938 quotes

"This is beautiful. And the problem is that's probably not very close to the value you're actually trying to estimate."
"Essentially, the reason the f score is just equal to the heuristic is because we do actually want to make an estimate of how far away this start node is from the end node when we begin."
"Pricing calculator helps estimate Azure resource costs."
"Estimates vary between one and three years, shortening the war considerably."
"It's a nice one, yeah, that's good eight nine inches for sure."
"Does that look like $1 million to you? Looks like a few million."
"One of the biggest mistakes I make constantly in this game is I always underestimate how long something's gonna take."
"It'll come back weighing right at six thousand pounds a little bit less but still fairly heavy nonetheless."
"I think globally across all servers, a conservative estimate would be that Lost Ark has between 300K and 600K real players online at any given time."
"Somewhere between 250,000 and half a million dollars is my rough guess."
"Just multiply that by about six and maybe you'd have it."
"Maybe it's not exactly two, but if it's in the ballpark of two, that's going to be sufficient."
"Story points are units of measure for expressing an estimate of the overall effort required to fully implement a product backlog item or any other piece of work."
"He's probably making a cool 8 million dollars a year in ad revenue."
"You don't know how many galleons are there because they stack."
"Our total estimates were that component which was on the door where Doctor Bill was describing just previously, is about 800 billion."
"Fermi estimation baby, we can get close to the actual value basically."
"That's what I'm talking about, Fermi estimation baby, we can get close to the actual value basically."
"Enrico Fermi had a legendary ability for estimating very complicated phenomena for almost no data at all."
"The estimate of this kind became the Fermi estimate."
"Fermi estimation: making amazing predictions using generalized data."
"Enrico Fermi's clever way of estimating things."
"We found 19 red items in total. I think I guessed around 17 so I was close but we smashed that out of the park."
"The real unemployment rate is probably 10 to 12%."
"It's gonna take 40,000 seconds to fill the pool."
"I'm guessing it will cost about the same as the powerwall plus one powerwall cost about 9,200 depending on where you live."
"We are estimating a hundred thousand to four hundred thousand deaths."
"I mean in those, in today's money, that must be a million, I don't know, I don't know."
"Marianne says she based her 200 billion dollar figure loosely on the abolition era promise of 40 acres and a mule..."
"I don't really want to give a surefire number on that to a point."
"It's probably going to be 10 rather than 15."
"Napkin math: quickly valuing a company with just a piece of paper."
"I think maybe even smaller than that, but okay, so 200, all right."
"I think it's a lot closer than that 70 to 13."
"It's as much art as science to gauge that initial cut...it's going to be a wild guess."
"It's easily going to be like three meters. Yeah, it's more than a j-span."
"I just made that number up, but it's probably somewhere around there."
"It's like, probably over a billion, then. 'Cause you can't actually see how many stitches and posts."
"For example, let’s say someone asks you, is the population of Nigeria higher or lower than 15 million people?"
"It's roughly 10 to 15 percent of what we need."
"So, these numbers are total I'm winging it, right?"
"Confidence intervals provide a range of values, allowing for precision in estimates."
"Yeah, they pretty much know when they see a car, they know how much money is in the car. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and I'm gonna guess this is by looking at the car they know what's up."
"The gem had a value similar to that of a national treasure."
"Assuming the planet's atmosphere is similar to ours, the steady state temperature on the surface of TOI-700d is estimated at 268.2 K or 4.3°C below zero."
"I bet you anything that's freaking 10 to $15,000 worth of crap if it was sold brand new."
"In average, I'll say about 380 to 400 liters."
"The advantages of planning poker: it's fun, it's quick, it gets the whole team involved."
"The waterfall activities are estimated and calculated well in advance based on today's knowledge and assumptions."
"Cool, a sheath, here's a saucer, probably what, 16 oz, you think?"
"The frame repair can run and this is super broad but at a minimum three thousand dollars."
"At the high end of things if it's front, middle, and rear that needs to be fixed, you're talking close to eight thousand dollars to get the frame done."
"Try about $8,000. That would be for a replacement value, insurance value. Yes."
"I'd say that's probably like 30 bucks or something."
"This new material seems to indicate that he reigned no more than 14 years."
"It's likely to be sometime maybe before the Second World War, but probably not before the turn of the 20th century."
"Maybe it's more valuable than Marvel and Star Wars combined."
"I think it's going to be at least a hundo."
"It's crazy to think that each one of those heads is like $20,000 or something like that."
"And wherever I hear one to two months, that's a window for error."
"Humility is just an accurate estimation of what is."
"My personal estimation is that we should probably see a maximum of around 80 something, perhaps even $90,000 on the top-end tri-motor model."
"This will make close to 300 if not 300 all day long."
"An appraisal is an estimate of the approximate worth of something."
"I think a reasonable price for this would be $24.99."
"I think right now on the market, considering it's personalized and there's not a letter from Jack stating it's something he used, I'd put the value right at about $400, though."
"If it was restored, it might be, because of the name, it might be a maybe a twenty thousand dollar piece."
"One of the secrets of the best time managers: the ability to calculate how long tasks take."
"I'm guessing this thing's only going to get about 10 miles per gallon."
"Tasks are going to take way longer than they actually are."
"I guarantee you it's going to take so much less time than I think it's going to take."
"With King, you can estimate error after the interpolation, giving you a more comprehensive understanding of the data."
"Interpolation allows for the estimation of values at unsampled locations, aiding in various analyses."
"Certainly starting in the 10 p.m. hour I would say closer to 10:30 p.m."
"Historians estimate that by 1491, the population of the Americas may have been as high as a hundred million people."
"The Coca-Cola brand is worth an estimated 74 billion dollars, more than Budweiser, Pepsi, Starbucks, and Red Bull combined."
"Folks with ADHD are usually terrible guessers. Find out how long things really take."
"Reports vary as to what the real numbers were but for night one and Pyongyang there were supposedly around 150,000 there while for night two that number grew to somewhere close to 170,000 with some claiming as many as 190,000."
"All that to say, it's going to cost a little more than 1.1 million in reality to build this house."
"How many rounds do you think this thing can take between one and two? I'm going optimistic and saying we could at least get through like three or four, really possibly, okay, I'm willing to take that chance."
"This is very conservative pricing and we're looking at about 11,000 total value"
"I'm actually terrible at estimating distance."
"We don't know how long they will take, but we can often put them in order and estimate how long some of them might take."
"I think even without having to research this I could sell everything on this table for $200. $25 get all my money back and that's not including the stuff up here folks."
"Don't think those drives are going to be as short as you think they are. It will always take you longer than you think to get places."
"How long do you reckon that will generally last you?"
"I made it 12 feet wide, I'm not sure how tall, probably about 10-12 feet tall."
"Pricing tattoos is definitely not an exact science."
"The chances that this still tastes incredible is like 95% or maybe I'm blindly optimistic."
"Story points: a measure of size relative to each other."
"What's it worth? Easily 60, 70,000."
"I'd put these in the neighborhood of about 50,000 dollars apiece."
"I think I've got enough glue, about an African ish of glue."
"Cap reckons it offers a class-leading residual value figure of 51.5% after three years."
"That's like probably like a hundred thousand dollars worth of gold maybe more."
"Walt comes to the conclusion that they'll make 672 thousand dollars each."
"...you don't mess around with velocity you can mess around with your estimating and you can mess around with what user stories are going to be completed in a Sprint but you don't the velocity is not variable it is what it is based on past performance."
"In it. What do we reckon? At least early 1800s."
"It is estimated that there are only 5 to 10 of these coins still in existence."
"What do you think it's worth? Well, I think it's worth between two and three thousand pounds at auction. Not a particularly valuable picture but I think a really attractive one."
"I think at the moment, I'd have to say that this would not be worth less than fifty thousand pounds."
"How much do we think it's gonna cost?"
"How much money do you think we're talking about? Millions of dollars."
"these Miniatures are estimated to be valued between I would conservatively estimate that these would be in the 20 to $30,000 range"
"I would estimate it for between $25 and $3,500 wow okay and probably more like $3,000 to $4,000 awesome that's wonderful"
"This might be like a 75-year reproduction or something maybe."
"...if one were to see that in a fine quality shop today, I think that would be retailing somewhere around the £15,000 mark."
"...and that's the value it should be insured for, £15,000, yes."
"...I think if that was to come up in auction, it would certainly make £4,000 to £6,000, do you indeed."
"...that watch today, we estimate is worth at least two and possibly three million dollars."
"What do you think, like five bucks total?"
"I like this dolphin now is this selective enough I'm guessing that this little guy could bring 15 to 20 dollars."
"Ideal time: The only estimate that matters is the one given by the team, supported by this comment: 'Nothing is impossible for the one who doesn't have to do it.'"
"Retail value, you're probably looking at about a quarter of a million."
"It's got to be high, hasn't it? It has to be."
"According to one estimate, there could be as many as 30 million species of animals living in the sea, most still undiscovered."
"A paint job like this done professionally would be at least a thousand pounds."
"Honestly, once again, it's probably going to be eBay used like maybe 20 bucks."
"That's probably good eBay probably like 10 bucks on that."
"Starting with what could be the two biggest items on Bruce Wayne's list of assets, we arrive at both his inherited family's Mansion located on the outskirts of Gotham and the rather massive layer located underneath his house known as the bat cave."
"Wayne Manor itself is estimated to be somewhere in the tens of millions."
"Seeing how it's either made out of the same titanium that fibers or his usual Kevlar this fantasy-driven cow has been estimated to cost 1 million dollars alone giving his Decked Out suit a combined value of two million dollars."
"So now adding together every asset Bruce owns and turning it into the cold hard cash it's worth we find that Bruce Wayne's net worth is 306 billion 700 million and four hundred thousand dollars."
"So, I think in today's market, we're probably looking at between $2,000 and $3,000."
"But I want to say roughly around 100,000."
"And just looking at that, that's probably about right."
"That's about right. That's about what you spend for living in New York, but, you know what? I would say, with, uh, 710,000 subscribers, she's probably pulling in not less than $100,000 a year. I would say at least $100,000 a year. She could afford it."
"Andy's artwork is worth anywhere from 95 million to almost 600 million."
"I would not think 700 [ __ ] horsepower from this photo"
"I don't underestimate Eekong Catcher because he is more than capable of snapping off this tournament."
"For me personally, I would probably say like, two years."
"One of you is within two years of the correct answer."
"What do you think? Six feet, seven, seven feet? Let's go big, baby!"
"You're really supposed to measure this stuff, but who needs measurements when you have your eyes?"
"I would rank attrition very, very high. I don't know. I can't put a number on it, but I would put it in the neighborhood of the age of 90% of the total effect that you can achieve."
"Astronomers took an average count of just one small part and then multiplied it up from there."
"It seems he considered this number small."
"That's amazing, those are the numbers you think I'm working with, yeah whatever you're doing half it."
"He's gonna be like nine or ten pounds maybe"
"The quote that I give the customer is not going to be like this, this, this, this. It's gonna be, 'Hey, there's a bunch of issues here, here's a ballpark figure. Do you want us to investigate further? Do you want to consider replacing the unit? Where do you want us to go?'"
"If we wanted to construct a region where 95% of the distribution lies, therefore the distance between these two points becomes our 95% credible interval."
"Dead reckoning is too big for its own good."
"It's really important that you get your estimating consistent and accurate and profitable every single time."
"I estimated that Eric July would raise about three, I think I said 270 to 300 or something thousand on the campaign. That's what I expected realistically within, you know, probably the first week. Uh, in the first day, he's achieved over $1 million."
"The team at Pixar estimated that 23.5 million balloons would be required to lift an 1800t house like Carl's in Up."
"She's likely to be even more powerful than we thought."
"Correlations like these are never perfect and the estimates are all over the map from $200 to $2,178 per ounce."
"You may very well be right, it can be done closer to three, but I did want to put that on."
"It is estimated that Cristiano Ronaldo's net worth is currently over $600 million."
"Whole team estimation brings together multiple expert opinions and clarifies a lot of doubts upfront."
"Honestly it's only going to be about 10 grand to do it."
"I'm gonna say I could see it 80 feet."
"That's probably 10 $5 million out there on its own."
"I think this is going to be six or seven hundred dollars something like that that's how much our dollar differs."
"...some sources estimate that his net worth is currently over $600 million."
"What's your rough estimate of all the wallets that you hold?"
"Don't ever call insurance for an estimate first. Get a third-party inspector to tell you whether you should file with insurance."
"If I had to guess, all these ingredients cost 17... yeah."
"While exact figures are difficult to ascertain due to the secretive nature of the regime, it is estimated that millions of North Koreans have suffered from hunger and malnutrition."
"This is such a nice one. This one I'm really hoping, like I mean, I would think minimum of like 40 bucks, just 40 bucks on the flamingo."
"Windows Update will now show the estimated amount of time needed to complete updates."
"That's almost five gallons and it wasn't even up into the sight glass so we've got to come clear up to there. I'm guessing it's probably about 35 40 gallons so that's going to be expensive."
"It's worth a lot more than probably what that entire truck is worth."
"I reckon it's 40 before spawning."
"I got that, it's roughly about 50."
"It's not just like, oh, this is roughly two-thirds, it's probably the inverse of root two, it's probably something involving e. No, it's exactly two-thirds."
"That's pretty good I think we're in the ballpark there."
"I've given up making predictions as to when I'm going to finish it because every time I do I'm wrong."
"You can seriously just type in the country and get an estimated cost for how much it's going to be to ship out one of your candles."
"So some people like a quarter pound, I'm gonna say let's guess 100."
"This should make 700-750 horsepower all day long."
"It feels like it weighs around 11 11 12 lbs."
"The importance of precise estimation and assessing potential efficacy in phase two trials."
"We figured an hour's probably long enough."
"It's estimated that by the end of the full world tour, Swift's revenue could reach as high as $1.4 billion for this tour."
"That's almost three and three quarters, that's a good one."
"We just eyeball things, 30 minutes."
"A vague approximation is still an approximation."
"We just make our guesses and then try to be precise and see what we can do."
"...based on the tooth eruption, he was able to give us a time of age when she died, he determined her to be in her early 20s."
"These ended up being $75, right here."
"It's going to cost under a thousand bucks."
"I'm guessing like 300 grand, I'm guessing. I don't know how much they robbed a bank so it must have been a lot."
"...this one would sell for a pretty much full price."
"These numbers aren't going to be perfect or exact."
"He saw the tracks on the roof. He said he would estimate the size to be about, like, I believe it was 200 to 400 pounds of whatever it was."
"The majority of the time is probably where they're going to be hanging."
"So, if I was to go and have an appraiser do an appraisal of the property now, you know, roughly, we might have an increase of $500,000 to $600,000, and I think I'm being conservative."
"Hey, that's a good little size. In fact, actually, I'll bet that's 12 inches right there."
"Easily probably a thousand dollars worth of stuff on this engine that I can see right now."
"I honestly don't have no clue. I'm gonna go like 300."
"...my guess is close to 90 to 100 kilowatt hours usable this one is 77 kilowatt hours usable."
"Based on a 95 confidence level, I estimate that our sales revenue will be between 950,000 and 1 million five hundred thousand dollars."
"Both predictions might be reasonable, but the confidence interval expresses the uncertainty in the estimate and gives a stakeholder more information to work with."
"Confidence intervals help data professionals give more reliable estimates based on the available data."
"Confidence intervals describe the uncertainty of an estimate and give stakeholders more information to work with."
"Confidence intervals give data professionals a way to quantify the uncertainty due to random sampling."
"This would be about a three and a half mile walk home."
"Good qualities of it can make up to 200 years and even more, what it could last 200 years"
"That's like a thousand bucks in gold just about. Not quite, but just about a thousand dollars in gold. That ain't bad."