
Bubble Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The stock market is pretty crazy; it's at all-time highs and, in my opinion, it's starting to look a little bit like a bubble."
"I really think we're going to run into a consumer credit bubble here."
"In a housing bubble, the place that you want to be is the place that other people aren't looking."
"The housing bubble is here, we are above 2006 levels when it comes to home affordability."
"Every asset market is in a bubble situation."
"The famed big short investor Michael Burry is warning that we're currently in one of the largest speculative market bubbles in history."
"When a bubble forms and eventually pops, you want to know who suffers the most? Workers, employees."
"The potential for the most enormous bubble you have ever seen."
"There are bubbles and there are bubbles. This is no ordinary bubble... this is the main event bubble, the bubble of all bubbles, maybe the biggest bubble in human history."
"I think right now there are a lot of indications that we're in a stock market bubble."
"It's a hermetic bubble, it is the safest possible."
"We're in the largest real estate bubble that we've ever been in the history of the United States I believe way bigger than the GFC. Never have we seen 40% 50% price growth on housing in two years."
"This bubble is deflating. It's becoming clear, I think, to these corporations that they're not going to be able to make this work."
"The nostalgia bubble and the speculative collectible bubble are both ready to burst."
"The fact that this app exists proves that the [__] Silicon Valley VC bubble has reached an absolutely critical mass."
"An asset price bubble is a runaway trolley."
"If you buy Bitcoin today, there's going to be a day when Bitcoin gets super overvalued. It will be the biggest bubble in the history of mankind and it never, no other bubble will compare to this bubble that we're going to have."
"It feels like one of those phase things, like a bubble that's soon going to burst."
"The driver behind that bubble what's inflated it has been an era of very low interest rates for 10 or 11 years and that's inflated a bubble in the stock market in the United States."
"It was the biggest bubble since the.com bubble in 1999."
"If you stay in the bubble, you're gonna have a Disney Experience and have a magical time."
"It could lead to the biggest bubble we've ever seen in Australian property history."
"The bubble stays there between a day and four days depending upon the type of bubble we use."
"Repeating groups are one of the most powerful elements within bubble."
"We were already in a bubble that was beginning to pop before the co-vid bubble even happened."
"That's true. At the end of yesterday's video, we had this whole discussion about is the drag race bubble bursting or has it already burst? Clearly not. Yeah, we're in Uncharted territories and we're growing even further."
"A super bubble is typically about two-and-a-half sigma."
"Every major bubble in history... takes a very basic good premise and exaggerates it because the masses go towards it."
"I have lived my life in kind of this like bubble of my world belief, my belief system about how things are."
"When home prices go up by nearly 30 percent year-over-year, that is a definite sign of a bubble."
"Every bubble has two key components: an underlying trend that prevails in reality and the misconception relating to that trend."
"Time does not exist in our own bubble. We are literally in our own bubble, and time is just going by too fast."
"Nobel Prize winner Robert Schiller affirms that the housing price bubble largely exceeds the stock market bubble."
"Remember, after the .com bubble bursts, it didn't recover for another 15 years."
"This is the greatest real estate bubble in history."
"It's this crazy speculation and euphoria that normally tells us we're at the peak of the bubble."
"Greatest speculative bubble of all times in all things by two orders of magnitude."
"Tulip mania often described as the first recorded speculative bubble is a perfect example of how people forget how much of an intrinsic value an asset holds."
"This is where you'll really start to see the power of Bubble come to life."
"Bubble's by far one of my favorite no code tools as it not only gives you the ability to create a custom database but it also allows you to create a custom front-end design and also integrate with third-party plugins and APIs."
"Bubble is going to be your new best friend on your startup journey."
"Bubble not only allows you to create your own custom database but it allows you to design the interface of your app."
"It just showed like what a bubble that we lived in."
"This is really where Bubble shines with its ability to integrate with external services."
"You can be in it for the tech but also recognize that you're in a bubble."
"Historically low interest rates have precipitated that bubble."
"It's better to take profits in a bubble and secure those profits rather than watch it go all the way up and come all the way back down."