
First Experience Quotes

There are 526 quotes

"It's my first time ever going into a live stream."
"Playing 'GTA 3' for the first time was a magical experience."
"This is my first time seeing it in game, that is sick."
"I've never eaten a pig ear - today was that day."
"Walking into the Great Hall for the first time was absolutely incredible."
"The first time I held my little girl in my arms, the love was so overwhelming I couldn't comprehend the emotions that I was feeling."
"I still remember the first time I played Warframe."
"This is the first time that you've been here, why are you guys so patriotic all of a sudden?"
"It's like kind of the first time I played The Witcher 3 and there are just trees going."
"Seriously, I couldn't have asked for a better first day."
"I think I'm just gonna breeze this all in one sitting, it's my first Jennifer East Smith novel, such excite!"
"My first time ever seeing the southern sky at night."
"I've never done anything even close to this huge."
"God damn [__], that's your first? J Cole was right. I love Gojo."
"I envy those who have never played Ghost of Tsushima before because if you get to experience this game for the first time like this, you, my friend, are very lucky."
"That was absolutely incredible. It is so hard to believe it was their first time seeing all of those levels."
"I'm on the volcano! It's my first time ever on the volcano!"
"I'm so freaking excited to announce that I will be going for the first time ever!"
"It was the first time I was hunting with my dad's rifle, a lever-action Winchester. That day, I was hunting northwest of basket lake. When I got up to it, what do you think I saw? It was a Sasquatch."
"It was my first experience; I knew at that point there was something else sharing the woods we did not know about."
"Welcome to your first drought. First of all, the music is terrifying."
"Dude, this is awesome my first Mr Beast video I think you want to be here for this."
"Well, I guess we've begun our Nether expedition, not bad for a first go."
"We're in this like massive field, there's no one around and we're about to shoot my first look with an actual horse."
"Cyndaquil was the first Pokemon that I ever called my own, you better believe it's my favorite starter Pokemon ever."
"Well done, you just baked your first loaf of bread."
"When I smoked meth for the first time it was an overwhelming sense of like belonging."
"When I kissed Crystal on the lips, it was the first time I had ever kissed."
"This is my first stream. It's kind of chaotic."
"It's the first time an Animal Crossing game has actually like elicited some kind of vibe."
"Yuki's heart pounds as he gets his first kiss."
"That scared me to death, I have never had anything like that happen before in my life."
"First time getting 10 for it, yeah, in tradition it was worth the hype."
"It's a really lovely feeling, I think, for your first night camping."
"This is his first time, he thought he was feeling weird, he was uncomfortable, but that's uncomfortable growth."
"This book I don't think I mentioned in my Five Star reads video this is like a why a murder mystery read and it is the first murder mystery book I have ever read so I wound up giving it five stars."
"It all stems from me getting screwed over on my first car deal."
"We're gonna go all out for this one. Yes, I have heard this song before, I have never ever seen this video though so I'm excited to do this for the first time with you guys."
"Being stuck on a plane until 1 am playing A Link Between Worlds while a monster storm raged right outside is something I'll never forget."
"That's the first one I've killed. I've killed Boofy."
"He understood that he had just eliminated the enemy. He had never done this before. He stood in confusion, shocked by what he dared to do."
"I've never played this game before, but for a lot of people out there, this was like a childhood defining game."
"There is no greater feeling than putting all of that on for the first time and getting to say, 'I did that.'"
"Finally holding her baby girls. Angie didn't get to hold her babies when they were first born..."
"So it kind of felt like that first time that Dorothy knocks on the front door of the Wizard of Oz and you know it's like what do you want."
"Especially your first experience on the new zombie map, nothing can be matched."
"We finally rode the rotary-powered snowmobile for the first time since I've owned it."
"Number 11 on this list is 'First Love' by Turgenev. Um, this is my first Sergey. I've never read him before this year."
"There's nothing better than like a first listen."
"It's a video of a British Grandpa eating American sausage and gravy for the first time, and it's great, it's adorable."
"Can you remember the first candy you ever ate?"
"Hello to everyone tuning in tonight, especially those of you who maybe it's your very first launch, welcome, thank you for joining us."
"We've made it to Canada and my first Costco ever in Vancouver BC."
"I'm blown away; this is the first time we've actually been in here and it is amazing."
"I'll never forget my first time seeing Puppet Princess."
"It's my first time playing this one, but it's Julian's favorite game."
"It was the first time I had really ever felt dread."
"I just got this thing, and this is what I actually like hate this gun because I don't like this gun, but I will not ever get rid of it because it was my first gun that I ever bought."
"A really great first experience will carry somebody for months in the community believing that this is going to be different and awesome."
"Let me take y'all back, man, as I do so well, wasn't nothing like that first time."
"That was fun! Is that the first time you did it?"
"This is my first real thing and it's not my last but it's my first."
"That's my first ever Pike through the ice ever, unreal."
"I've never had a Valentine before, I've never been asked, I've never asked anybody, so this is a very big deal and I'm nervous, excited, and happy."
"Having a good first experience is also inviting for them to take up the support thereafter, believe in the process and the possible outcomes."
"It was extraordinary. It was unbelievable. Especially for my first game, I didn't really know what was going on."
"Absolutely speechless, first time."
"You smoked your first weed with me too."
"This is my first time, it's cute, I feel like a [ __ ] clown."
"It was my first time here so I feel like your first time at a thrift store sometimes can be a little unsuccessful."
"So y'all, so fun fact, this is the first anime that I ever watched in my life."
"I'm telling you, I swear to God, oh my mama, this is my first fight ever."
"What do you think of your first experience surfing?"
"It'll be good to have it as a first experience for both me and Holden so really really excited for this movie."
"It's like the first time you ever see one of those babies they could hear for the first time on those videos, it's like this magic baby."
"First time live but it won't be the last."
"I didn't know what to expect. I mean, I had no idea. I'd never gone through this before, so I had no idea what to expect."
"My first concert I ever heard was Arturo Toscanini conducting the New York Philharmonic."
"You gotta think guys you gotta think about it yeah this is my very first trunk plus and I'm honestly like in love with it I love this size so much."
"I remember my first time at a data center and it was nothing short of magical."
"I was incredibly impressed for my first go."
"I love him, and he was the first man I had ever really loved in that way."
"It's my first time trying this and obviously I will be reviewing it as well."
"Populous 2 Trials of the Olympian gods that is actually the first RTS that I ever remember playing."
"First time experience in my life, so it will forever be in my mind, my memory. First breadfruit, first waterfall in Jamaica, first cooking in the river. Never thought it was possible."
"My first day paddling on a river ever I saw my first moose."
"Wow, first time at Castaway Key. It is beautiful."
"When you walk that for the first time lit, yeah you kind of think wow."
"up until obviously in the last couple days this is my first time driving the 40i and actually I haven't driven I had to try to M50 but this person driving 40i and I'm going to honestly say I'm surprised"
"It was the first time anybody had said that to me."
"The jade plant was my first succulent, and it's extremely easy to care for."
"...it's been an absolute pleasure. I believe this is probably my first taste of this. I hope you all enjoyed it and I look forward to the next one..."
"This thing is truly amazing, and for like a first drive video, I didn't want to hit you off the POV yet."
"This was my very, very first taste of Final Fantasy, and yeah, I'm blown away, man. Seriously."
"First time being on Lake Rayburn and it did not disappoint me."
"I knelt down, untied the rope, and felt the balloon's weight in my hand for the first time."
"I've never read a book like it before so... I think it's really unique for that reason."
"That lace dress was the very first wedding dress I have ever put on my body, and it was the one."
"I wanted our first kiss to be special for you, for us."
"This is my first cubera I've ever caught in my life man."
"I am going to try Jamaican food for the first time."
"I am loving the food here so far. First time trying nasi lemak, definitely not the last time."
"It was my first chance to actually go work the property."
"This was my first time being in the same room with these majestic creatures that I admire so much."
"My first drink that I had was a triple sambuca."
"My very first time to drive an NA1 NSXR on such tight mountain passes and I'm literally blown away at how the car feels."
"This is gonna be our first time ever trying Wagyu."
"This is my first time ever standing on Rich Mountain and it is not disappointing at all."
"First time here, definitely won't be your last."
"What if it's your first time here? It definitely won't be your last."
"What's up besties in today's video I'm going to be watching The Addams Family for the very first time."
"I really enjoyed this flight for the combination of flying an A350 for the first time, out of my home airport, with an airline I never expected to see in Calgary, let alone fly with."
"Thanks for coming on our first Amtrak journey with us."
"I'm excited for this, my first bullet train ever."
"She's going into space for the very first time."
"This to me is absolutely freaking stunning, it's my first piece of like proper latexy clothing and I think it's wonderful."
"Well, that was our first ride on the Underground - not too bad at all."
"I think that I am really in love for the first time."
"I never had a coat before, certainly not one this high quality or really anything this high quality."
"It's pretty amazing that's your first time; you seem very comfortable on stage."
"Seeing that first person do it was just mind-blowing."
"For the first time in my life, I actually felt connected to someone."
"No matter what your background is, no matter who you vote for and what your political beliefs are, every single one of us felt that same feeling the first time that we blinked an LED."
"I got my first ever yellow anaconda, which was absolutely incredible."
"Our first lobster that my best friend and I ever caught, we actually caught it from the shore."
"Everyone's first experience of sushi... it's such an acquired taste."
"Despite this being my first folding bike experience, I'm pleased with the way the alpaca rides."
"It's my sister's first time trying king crab, oh my god."
"I watched Star Wars last night for the first time."
"No one had ever selflessly helped her before."
"You ever had something happen to you for the first time? Did it mark you? Well, it marked me because I'm still telling the story. You don't ever forget it."
"There ain't nothing like that very first deal."
"That is my first Georgia shovel nose salamander."
"It's a book that's wonderful to read for the first time."
"It's the first time we've ever done this ride at night time."
"The opening moments are always gripping, but the first time it was genuinely terrifying."
"It'll be the girls and I's first cruise, Dean has cruised with other cruise lines, but it'll be his very first Disney Cruise."
"The first fish I ever caught was a brown trout, and it just really kind of sparked my love."
"Is today our first track day ever? It is."
"I feel so privileged and honored to be able to celebrate my very first Day of the Dead here."
"We are really very excited to have Machu Picchu in front of us to see it for the first time in our lives."
"I'll never forget the first time I laid eyes on El Capitan."
"Oh my gosh, this is actually such a good first song."
"Okay, she's dry. First drive-through ever. Good job!"
"For me, there's nothing quite as fun and exhilarating as get dropped off the first day of the hunt."
"It was so awesome to just try skiing for the first time. But not only that, see Cole ski."
"It's gonna be our first time, and I'm excited."
"I'm actually staying in a room with a balcony, which I've never stayed at before."
"The first time I rode a taxi, I thought that I was gonna die."
"I always want somebody to come there whether it's their first time or whatever, I just want them to enjoy."
"When I saw this film on screen for the first time, I really felt the magic."
"Caught my first fish and it was the most exhilarating feeling."
"The first thing he sees is the smile of Jesus; the first thing Adam sees is the smile of a Father."
"I'm really excited for the kids to meet sea creatures for the first time."
"That was a pretty successful first snow outing of the winter."
"I went to Paris, that was the first trip, I got my passport, I'm leaving the country for the first time, all expenses paid."
"Welcome to Driftweek, this is your first Driftwood experience, sir?"
"I'm going to be going to Japan for the very first time this September and I'm so unbelievably excited for this."
"We got the first time I've ever killed the deer with a bow with three people sitting here."
"It's really exciting to get them their first animal."
"It's my first elk ever, it is an archery Northeast Washington bull."
"So how was your first VR experience? Pretty fun."
"I'm so excited I've actually never had New York City Pizza."
"This place is nuts, this is my first time ever being here, it is incredible."
"It's almost like Thai, Indian, Cambodian flavors all in one."
"I want to take her out to a movie tonight because we've literally never been to the movies."
"I hope you guys did enjoy the build process and the very first flight that I got to do with this."
"I had a blast. What did you think? It was nice to see that. Now it's my first castle ever."
"It was my first time in Mexico, and it was amazing."
"Our first time ever trying Filipino food was a success, 10 out of 10."
"First time watching, I'm in love."
"I wish I could read this again for the first time, like how I reacted when I read the plot twist, I was like y'all on the floor."
"Look at this, it's my first time seeing this. How awesome!"
"I've never driven a Jeep Wrangler... I figured I would share my thoughts and impressions driving this vehicle for the very first time."
"I'm very much looking forward to driving the GT for the first time."
"I didn't necessarily think I was going to win or anything, but I did fairly well my first time and was hooked from day one."
"Turns out my first RMC was a great one."
"For the first time in my life, I felt true love."
"You only ever get one first game in the NHL."
"Wow, how you feeling, Big Boy? Your first snowstorm, you look fantastic."
"I'm so excited because today I'm going to be using her products for the very first time."
"It is my first time here, and I'm gonna share a little bit of my experience riding the toughest hard enduro rally in the world."
"But that first bite of salmon sushi, oh my God, it was so good."
"It was my first time experiencing cherry blossom season, so it was just such a magical time."
"The first time the station got plugged in, it was terrifying, it was beautiful."
"I feel like I'm suspended in midair, flipping around for the very first time, and I land on both my feet."
"Cheers everybody, 2020 Long Jing tea, my first time tasting this since it arrived."
"That is when the exciting part happens when you can see your book in the flesh for the very first time."
"It's so cool to get to actually feel the Hawaiian air for the first time."
"But the point of this video, of course, is to take you for a drive in the Rolls-Royce Spectre for the first time on this channel."
"You ready? First time in Miami together!"
"Your first car is almost like your first love."
"I watched John Wick for the first time on the plane yesterday. It was amazing."
"That's the first time I ever had it from Cheesecake Factory, definitely two thumbs up."
"This was my first time painting grapes; I was quite intimidated at the beginning."
"I cannot describe to you what it felt walking into that room for the first time."
"The first time in my life ever feeling rejuvenation, rebirth."
"This is actually my very first cruise."
"It was the first time I had set foot on American soil."
"I am very excited to say that this is the first time I have received a product from Razer to review."