
Temper Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly."
"My rages last for about three to five minutes, I mean."
"Preventing a war is difficult. Hot tempers can get in the way of cool and rational reasoning."
"When you're regulated, you're a lot less likely to lose your temper or have an anxiety attack. You have a way out of all that."
"I never lost my temper, but I lost money on it."
"Why can't we be like anger, very quick to dissipate?"
"Keep your temper; don't allow anger to rule you."
"His temper was like lightning, but the Sun never went down without a gesture that all was forgiven."
"I have lost my temper so many times that I have no temper left."
"I firmly believe that had we not done that, things might have conspired differently and I might have just lost my temper."
"I had a bad temper, a really bad temper, even for being a small child, because of what I was dealing with at home, the abuse I took at home. I was already a fighter."
"Control your temper for anger labels you a fool."
"Sensible people control their temper."
"If you work with your mind instead of trying to change everything on the outside, that's how your temper will cool down."
"May I offer my apologies, the trouble with me is my temper. I can't stay calm."
"I have yet to had an interaction with someone where they lost their temper lost control of their emotions lost control of how they were feeling and the outcome was good."
"But this little dude has had the biggest temper lately."
"This is a woman who now is well past her prime but still without thinking immediately resorts to physical violence whenever her temper triggers off."
"A hot-tempered person starts a fight, a cool-tempered person stops them."
"Any man may be of good spirits and good temper when he is well dressed."
"Somebody's temper has been tempered."
"He realized he was about to do something he might regret and immediately took control of his temper."
"People would really be surprised to know that I actually am very bad-tempered. I have a very hot temper."
"Where does that temper come from? It came from a lot of stress."
"Hey look, Hardy's the guy who put the challenge out right, his temper got the better of him."
"When I lose my temper, I get unlimited strength."
"When people lose their temper, it's just like a 12-year-old that's just scared."
"He's like a surfer guy, you know? He's just like... But he does get really fiery too when he has to, which I think is great."
"Bullying never gets you anywhere, losing a temper never gets you anywhere."
"Cheer up," she said. "I've got an awfully hot temper myself, so I know just what it's like to lose it."
"Isabel, you are a favorite in our house as you look and sound so much like my grandmother Josephine, especially when you exhibit a spark of French temper."
"I want to apologize for losing my temper with you yesterday."
"I know that some of you are quite quick to anger or are partial to impulsive actions, but be careful."
"You fly off the handle so much, Gildersleeve, you ought to have a pilot's license."
"People can make mistakes, people can lose their temper, people can act out inappropriately because of that."
"I've learned to control my temper; don't let things people say bother me."
"If anything's out of proportion, it's your temper."
"You're not a bad parent for losing your temper sometimes; you're actually a good parent for teaching your kids what to do when they lose theirs."
"You've got an awful temper, Elizabeth, but you're a good sort all the same."
"If you let anger take over you, then you become the loser."
"I lost my temper for a second and I apologize to you guys, not to her."
"Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly."
"May God help you if you actually anger her; she's not a Karen in the slightest, she's just an elemental force of nature."
"First I had a horrible temper, then you develop a combination of a temper with insecurity, which is a horrible combination where you're overconfident but totally unconfident at the same time."
"I would hesitate to describe Mr. Conklin's temper as volcanic, but by last Thursday, I would swear I saw a thin trickle of lava flowing out of his ears."
"We both know you've got a temper. You won't back down, but you need to start telling the truth."
"I lost my temper and I did some things, so many things that I regret."
"I'm sorry I lost my temper; you don't deserve that, Jane. You're a good woman."
"He just had this athletic ability to drive racing cars very, very well and he knew that, but he also had a temper, as a lot of these boys do."
"It's called discretion. Control your anger, control your temper."
"You know where losing your cool gets you."
"You may lose your temper, but you're still my galloping sausage."
"Most of all, I found someone with a temper like mine, and I no longer felt alone."
"I lost my temper and I'm sorry. I just want to know that you're all right."
"A fool's wrath is presently known and leads to grief and regret."
"Rue finally lost her temper with Neptune."
"To those that knew him, Henry could be a generous and loyal friend, but everyone quickly learned to fear his explosive temper."
"I have learned how to control my temper."