
Meaningful Connections Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"This is truly ruining our relationships with other people and the potential for us to actually really find compatible, meaningful relationships."
"This connection is going to trigger a transformation in the both of you."
"Our kids are drowning in stuff, and what they want is human connection."
"The proper question is not where the plaintiff experienced a particular injury or effect, but whether the defendant's conduct connects him to the forum in a meaningful way."
"It is so important that we don't allow the fear of it happening to shut us off from the possibility of meaningful loving connection with men."
"When you help something, there's a much different connection there than if you buy something and try and make it a pet."
"Learning how to accept the fact that not everyone in the world is going to know who you are and remember you but the people that will remember you are the ones that are important."
"You want it to be special with someone that you actually like."
"It's not dating, it's life. It's meeting people, experiencing a great conversation, having a fun moment of interaction."
"You can have a girlfriend if it means something."
"It's going to be the feelings, the moments, and the experiences that you had with as many beautiful Godly Souls on this planet that is what's going to flash between your eyes."
"We immediately just went to the optimism, how could we take someone across the world, deliver a meaningful experience to them, deliver a higher sense of connection to the work, to the impact that they could make?"
"They want a partnership with someone meaningful."
"As humans, we strive for something deeper, something more meaningful."
"Opportunities... a reunion with someone, a meaningful one."
"I just can't believe that I have meaningful connections like this in my life."
"Even though I grieve the loss of relationship, I've also gained relationships that I find to be much more substantive."
"If there's somebody in your life who you kind of drifted apart from and you don't really know why or you haven't really talked about it, talk about it, get coffee with them, hang out with them, put on their wig and figure it out."
"I truly believe that Huck was sent to you for a reason."
"Honestly just going on dates and having conversations... it'll build itself if the guy is worthwhile."
"They know that money and status mean nothing if you don't have a genuine deep connection."
"You will just know when you meet this person fully face to face and have a conversation with this person. This new person, you will just know that they are meant for you."
"Coincidence is when two or more events occur that have no obvious relation to one another yet results in a meaningful connection or result."
"This person knows you guys were meant to meet."
"Life is a fragile gift that is delivered to us in pieces, in small moments, and it only achieves meaning as we cherish and blend the pieces into a full universal whole."
"Synchronicity is an acausal connecting principle of our collective unconscious, revealing meaningful connections between our subjective and objective worlds."
"Meaning begins when you can see the lesson in this connection."
"You know someone's meant to be in your life when they see your true worth."
"The only thing that makes a person happy are meaningful, deep relationships and connections with other human beings."
"I'm kind of looking for more meaningful friendships."
"The quality of a relationship isn't measured by time, it's measured by intention."
"Happiness is real when shared, being able to share life's most beautiful moments with someone I love."
"Meaningful relationships are very, very nice to have."
"The right person is going to make the effort to be in your life."
"Happiness and meaning only come from this interplay with the ecosystem."
"Over the course of a person's life, there are only a few people who will ever really leave a lasting impression. Wouldn't it be something if one of those people was a stranger you met on the internet?"
"Connecting with you has been a life changer."
"I feel like I met him for a reason. People come into my life and things come into my life for a reason. I don't have to really search for them."
"They're realizing there's more to life than just surface-level connections."
"Don't get wrapped up in the sexy; get wrapped up in the understanding."
"I would much rather like you know my propelling with my relationship someone's would be deep and meaningful."
"You get over it, you know, and you're like, I need to build a meaningful relationship with somebody I love."
"It's important to support others as authentically as you can, and this will make relationships deeper and more meaningful."
"It's just endearing when you touch people again that have touched your life."
"These connections are not arbitrary."
"I think if we honor ourselves and our own perspective and if we find people who accept us the way that we are, we can find those fulfilling careers and make those meaningful connections."
"The real magic happens when you have people who share similar values and interests."
"We seem pretty much designed to love one another, and that we find so much meaning in it."
"True happiness and fulfillment come not from obsessing over ourselves and our own desires, but from forming deep and meaningful connections with others and contributing to the world in a positive and meaningful way."
"It's not important who you come with; it's who you go with."
"There's purpose in your connection with them and their connection with you."
"This person knows that there is a very important and true reason why you have come into their life."
"What connects you is not to be forgotten."
"Social media isn't about having as many followers as you can get; it's about depth."