
Government Investment Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"We're the only party that has said, 'Yes, we will run three modest deficits, because it's time to invest in Canada once again and give people the support they need.'" - Justin Trudeau
"In reality, it's quite an ambitious project the Biden Administration wants to invest billions of dollars to build charging stations for EVs and to lower the EV costs."
"The largest investment to combat climate change in U.S. history."
"The most significant investment in local government in all of history."
"We are announcing roughly $8,000,000,000 in loan guarantees to break ground on the first new nuclear plant in our country in three decades."
"It's not like oh man the levee's held and was over with yeah it's great to levy sales great government put billions into it but there's a whole nother calcification that's that has happened that is making it unlivable for us."
"Imagine if as a parent you could look your kid in the eye and say your country loves you, your country values you, and your country is going to invest in you $1,000 a month starting at age 18."
"Nurture groups don't just lead to improved behavior; Glasgow City Council spends 3 and a half million pounds a year on nurture groups and has been carefully monitoring the progress of children they are trying to help."
"Get off that number, stop with tax and spend, this is about investing in a country that needs investment urgently."
"Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil pledges to invest up one percent treasury in bitcoin and crypto."
"The government directly invested in promising industries."
"The government should invest in education and health for the future."
"It's been decades since Congress passed such a significant stand-alone investment."
"The return on investment is far greater than the expenditure of government funds to carry out duties to benefit the people of the country."
"Infrastructure spending can be one of the best investments a government can make."
"I'm happy to hear that the federal government wants to spend billions on EV charging."
"Joe Biden will use that money to invest in education. For example, for folks who want to go to a two-year community college, it will be free."
"The results of these historic investments will benefit the American people and will mark the beginning of the end of the pandemic."
"Transparency during a time of crisis is extremely important."
"President Biden revealing $20 billion in investments in American jobs."
"Public investment is as important, if not more."
"This is where our federal government should be making investments, with investments in raising opportunity." - Bernie Sanders
"More than seven billion dollars to build out the national network of electric vehicle charging stations."
"Maybe Trudeau is very much aware of the uselessness of AI to the average Canadian, yet still heavily invests in the technology for more nefarious reasons."
"Build Back Better delivers transformational investments in child care, climate action, housing, healthcare, and more."
"So there are ways in which the government can make investments today, that increase deficits today, that produce higher growth tomorrow and build in the extra capacity to absorb those higher deficits."
"Joe Biden had the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs."
"The Chinese government has invested at least 60 billion dollars to support the EV industry, and it's pushing an ambitious plan to transition to all electric or hybrid cars by 2035."
"The Biden framework includes $150 billion for affordable housing, the most significant single investment in quality, stable affordable homes for this country's low-income people in history."
"Governments and motor manufacturers are throwing money and resources into the development of electric vehicles."
"US state and local governments are growing more interested in investing in cryptocurrencies in their pension funds."
"The largest single investment by the federal government in a municipality for housing in the history of this country."
"Inflation reduction act invests $369 billion to take the most aggressive action ever in confronting the climate crisis."
"President Trump restored funding and increased investment for historically black colleges and universities by 14%."
"The government investment and the government publicity coming into this program will act as a giant magnet for interest...we want the US to be the global magnet for a fusion industry workforce."
"The Canadian government has announced a significant investment to bolster the country's AI sector."
"An investment in early childhood education is one of the wisest investments that governments could make."
"We are investing record sums in flood defense across England."
"It's one of the best investments the government can ever make."
"This government is investing record amounts in innovation and research and technology."
"DARPA probably more than any other part of the federal investment saved the American computer industry."
"The advantage of government investment is that you can think long term; it's not all necessarily profit driven."