
Family Separation Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"What kind of trauma is this, to be torn away on one woman's notice from your parents who are not abusive parents to them, who are not endangering them in any way?"
"It's nerve-wracking. I have all this success, I have everything I need, everything I want, but it's still not going to feel like progress until they're home."
"It's an awful, awful situation. They've been taking fathers away from mothers, they've been taking fathers away from children."
"It's hard to comprehend how, as a society, States implemented mandates that resulted in loved ones dying alone, without a single family member there, able to say goodbye."
"It moves to a policy where infants are ripped from their mother's breasts at the border, separated and possibly orphaned for life."
"Lastly, DHS has banned separating children from their parents at the border."
"We're doing everything in our power to get you back, and we're leaving the porch light on every night. Moms are like that."
"Scientology's rules are the reason Tom Cruise disconnected from his daughter."
"Children can be ripped from their parents, that's an indication of the shift in the governing philosophy of our nation. We are now a fascist country."
"I gotta watch my wife grow old through these bars."
"Borders tear families apart, separating children from their parents."
"What happened? Parents were ripped, their kids were ripped from their arms."
"Separating children from their parents is madness."
"Beyond outrageous that 559 children remain separated from their parents."
"That's not really the point, the point is the federal government is effectively stealing kids away from their parents."
"A financial settlement of hundreds of millions of dollars for families who were torn apart."
"So, your agency will be separating children from their parents and those what we'll be doing is prosecuting parents who have broken the law just as we do every day in the United States of America."
"Not one American and how many supporters of Donald Trump... have allowed children to be ripped from their mothers' arms..."
"That is so heartbreaking seeing how they were living in peace and then getting separated from their families."
"Individual children being separated from their parents because of their opinions about the war."
"No one in my family will have an office in the White House, will sit in meetings if they're a cabinet member, or will have any business relationship with anyone that relates to a foreign corporation or a foreign country."
"No father wants to be separated from his children."
"I'm heartbroken for the people who've died from coronavirus alone on a ventilator, you know, their families not even... They're on an iPad at best."
"They don't need to be put in cages separated from their children like during the Trump Administration."
"Saying no, I'm not going to agree to your oppressive terms. Even if it costs me seeing my grandmother is an incredibly strong move, and you have to give her tremendous respect for doing that."
"Families were violently separated, torn apart, never to see each other again."
"I don't know, man, I can sympathize with the children being taken from their families."
"I missed the first 10 years of his life. And how do I know how he's gonna react in this earthquake and this whole thing."
"Why do you think you keep seeing Uyghur people across the world crying and saying, 'I haven't seen my father for like five years. I don't know what happened to him'?"
"Lives destroyed, families divided and dispersed between two countries - the repatriation project forged a deep and enduring social link between Japan and North Korea."
"The most challenging thing ironically wasn't the job because we were prepared for it, but having to leave the family."
"We're so not brothers that we don't even have the same mother."
"President Obama separated children from families, and all I did was take the same law and then I softened the law."
"You don't know when you're going to see your parents for the next time."
"If this life can separate father and son, what do we really have here?"
"America must never be about snatching babies from the arms of their mothers."
"We cannot forget that families are being torn apart at the border."
"It is sad when you think of entire families being split apart by mass emigration."
"The farm takes children away from their mothers and she wouldn't want that to happen to her as she is expecting a baby."
"Possibly there was a separation between parents, possibly there was a death of the father figure."
"Families were being split up and they couldn't see their children again."
"The hardest part was not being able to see my family."
"I'm really sad because I'll be leaving my family, but I'm also so excited to like go out serve the people of Brazil."
"My husband and son are still in the north, my daughter with me, the rest I don't know."
"What's less well known is how families here were deliberately and systematically separated, and they are still paying the price today."
"It was about official government policy that was designed to steal babies and small children from their families."
"Many cases, family separations happened without warning and without giving the children a chance to say goodbye to their families."
"Being apart from one's immediate family can lead to depression and loneliness."
"When you divorce, you also divorce the family."
"There's always a danger when you're a Scientologist that if you become disaffected with the church... that your relatives and spouse will want to stay involved and will end up disconnecting from you."