
Irreversibility Quotes

There are 279 quotes

"Life only moves in one direction... you can never go back in time."
"Once a space vehicle is launched, there is no turning back."
"A sunk cost is a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered."
"Parent-child relationship is the most unique relationship because you can't divorce them."
"Even though it's all internally reversible, the Carnot can't be beaten."
"During brain development, there are steps there that you may never get a chance to correct."
"We Are in a New Age, and I Swear to God After That Hearing Yesterday, This is a Genie That Cannot Be Put Back in the Bottle."
"Destroyed relationship, not shattered, not broken, destroyed. If you destroy something you cannot put it back together."
"Your education is something they can never take away from you."
"There's no second saving grace, there's no redo here."
"The world has changed, we can never ever go back to yesterday folks."
"Kanye West really went off the deep end and once you go too far there's no coming back."
"Time is one of the most important things in life because you can never get it back."
"Nothing will bring back those who were lost and nothing can make them whole again."
"So once it's out, it's out, and you can't put it back in."
"Time will not wait for you to fall asleep; every second that passes is irredeemable."
"Money don't come back, people. You can make more, but you ain't getting everything. I don't care what nobody tells you, you can't recruit that money."
"There's no coming back from that... unless that Hall of Fame is about being a disabled egg."
"We're coming towards a major change in the way we used to live our lives that we're not going to go back to ever again."
"You can't kill something that's dead, it's dead."
"When you lose your reputation, you can't come back from that."
"Nothing we do can bring them back, the only thing we can do is to bring this to a successful conclusion."
"You never get to be a child again once you're not a child anymore."
"It's going to be impossible to put that genie back in the bottle."
"You can never make up for all of the loss of life. You can never do that."
"The past is the past, what it was is what it was and it cannot be changed."
"Once somebody's awake, you can't make them dumb again."
"You're a BoJack Horseman. There's no cure for that."
"There's no coming back from what she's done."
"Time is the only thing that you're ever going to have in this life that you cannot get back."
"People don't come back to irreversible old-fashioned stuff."
"You can lose everything, except your mind. Once your mind goes, you can't get it back. There's no reset button, no restart button, can't get it back."
"Some things, you know, people can't come back from."
"Three words are extremely dangerous, not like letters, words cannot be undone."
"Once that mood shift starts, it's very, very hard to reverse."
"That cat's not going back in the bag, okay? You can't put that toothpaste back in the tube. It's out."
"Time is precious, and you can't get that back."
"You can always recover. Time spent with your family, even if it's seconds like that, you can't get that back."
"There's one thing that you can't get back and it's your innocence."
"Nothing that has happened in the aftermath can do anything to bring back those children."
"Once competition exists, you can't put that back in a box."
"One thing you'll never get back is time."
"Once you've opened a can of worms, it's really difficult to get all the worms back into that can."
"You only get your childhood once."
"You can't stop that genie once it's out of the bottle."
"Some things you just can't come back from."
"the power of the Ring could not be undone"
"It's like watching somebody try to squeeze a toothpaste back into the tube."
"Once you go scorpion, you just can't go back."
"My head hurts. You're never gonna get that time back."
"Once the sword is unsheathed, it will never be put back in."
"You can't get it back you can't get time back once you spend it like every second right."
"He could never return to the world he lived in."
"There's no going back, you're not going to put the genie back in the bottle."
"You can't put the potato back together so to speak."
"There are only a few things in the world that you can lose and never have the opportunity to get back. And one of them is time."
"But then how do you pull back from that? I mean, you can't."
"Words are like eggs. Once you break an egg, there's no putting it back together."
"I wish there was a way, but there's no coming back from that."
"Can you ever re-respect someone? Once I lose respect for you, I lost it. I can't get it back."
"Time you'll never get it back right. Something you'll never get it back. You lend somebody money, lend somebody your labor, get paid for it, but time, you'll never get time back. It's gone, man, it's gone."
"Once the damage is done, they never look back."
"Once you give your integrity away, you have nothing left. You can never give it back."
"That's a permanent throttle cut. There's no going back."
"Time is finite, you can never get more of it back."
"if a trawler goes through a shipwreck it's destroyed the damage is permanent it is forever"
"It's the most precious thing in this world, you can't never no matter how much money you make you can never buy time back. It's never gonna come back."
"Once you let that cat out of the bag, like you can't put it back in, just remember that."
"I take it back, I don't want to be part of X-Force. Too late."
"The Galaxy was irrevocably changed."
"NPD is binary. It is a one or a zero. It either is there or it isn't. And if it is there, you ain't breaking it."
"Time is one of the few things you can never get back."
"What's done is done. We've scotched the snake, not killed it. Treason has done his worst."
"You can't buy that time back, you just cannot."
"The damage had already been done, and the effects were irreversible."
"Some things become, do become unrecoverable and it's clear that if you look at history in general, that since the development of city civilization and in Mesopotamia and the millennia before the present era, it's been just about impossible to do away with it."
"There's no way we can recover it now"
"Remember, you can add flour; you can never remove it."
"There is no justice that will ever be enough."
"Actions that have consequences that can never be undone."
"There can be no forgiveness. There can be no rehabilitation."
"It's just like mixing cement, you can add more water to it but you can never take it out."
"A line's been crossed and there's no coming back from that."
"It will never return to you again."
"Life is precious cuz you can't watch it again."
"There's no going back from a killing, Bob. Right or wrong, the brand sticks. There's no going back."
"But you can't ever bring back a loved one."
"History itself and the events of history are irreversible."
"You never get that time back, no amount of money can replace that."
"If you miss this, it's never coming back."
"Time is the only thing you can't get back."
"You can get money, you can get everything, but you can't get your time."
"Time cannot be stored. It cannot be renewed. You cannot stop time. You cannot negotiate with time. You cannot plead with time. You cannot borrow or sell time. There is no amount of money in this world that can give you back your time."
"You can't put the toothpaste back inside of the tube."
"Time is the only thing in life that we can never get back."
"Be prepared: once your footage is recorded, you can't go back and give it a higher resolution."
"Putting the toothpaste back in the tube is like impossible."
"Time is the most valuable thing in life, it's something you could never get back."
"Justice has been served now, but you don't bring back his son and his wife."
"You can never get back once it's gone, and that's not something we generally think about in the hustle and bustle of our lives."
"You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. And once you've lost it, you can never get it back."
"Time, too, as well, 'cause honey, you know we can't get the time back. We get that money back, but we can't get the time back."
"Can this be fixed? Well, generally not, if something is stretched out like this, there's no going back once it stretched, that's it."
"White and color mixing is like salt and cooking. It's real easy to add more at the end but it's pretty hard to get it out once you've overdone it."
"we're just past the point of no return with what is a photo"
"Once it's gone, that kind of love doesn't come back."
"You won't go back, you can't go back."
"The one thing you can't get back is the time that you waste."
"Time is valuable. It will never come back. Time you can never get back."
"To be sentenced to life in prison, that's... you can't really undo that."
"Time is priceless. You can never get that back."
"We don't like to record these sites completely 100% because once you excavate it and dig it up, you can't ever put it back."
"Once certain thresholds or tipping points are crossed, chain reactions caused by an accumulation of small changes will shift our climate irrevocably."
"We can't go back at least not to stay."
"That time will never come back. It was unique."
"The best is, of course, to physically destroy the media. Ideally, melt it, burn it to the point that all is left is some smoke and maybe a puddle of metal. There's no way you're getting that data back."
"...and so you can never lower it."
"You make some decisions in life you can never go back from, like you get a tattoo on your forehead... seemed like a good idea, right? But you can't go back from that, yeah, right? You can't go back from that."
"Lost money can be recovered, lost time cannot."
"Once it's said, it can't be unsaid."
"Whoever takes the mark of the beast in the right hand or in their forehead, you cannot get it removed. That's right. Once you get it on, you can't get it off."
"It's too late to put the fire out."
"Once you play Pie Face, it's not coming back."
"Once you crack the egg, you can't put it back together again. Even despite all the king's horses and all the king's men, they couldn't put me back together again."
"There is no amount of prison time that will bring Mike back to me."
"Time flies and it does not return, years pass and we never get them back."
"Money can be restored, property can be restored, broken down cars stripped, painting old houses, relationships can be restored, but one thing that can never be restored is time."
"It's those little features that you just don't want to take away, because once they're gone, they're gone."
"Once you're born again of the spirit, you cannot go back. It's like when you're born of your mother's womb, you can't go back into the womb."
"The one thing you can't get back is lost time."
"When it's gone it never comes back."
"Time is very precious because when it is passed it cannot be recovered."
"I've seen some things I can't unsee."
"It's too big of a Deep Gap now for Mexico to come back."
"Once you're a pickle, you could never go back to being a cucumber."
"You can't one thing you can't get back is time."
"You don't want to snip it at the end because then you can't recover those."
"That's a giant [ __ ] that comes out of you that you never get back."
"What's done is done. You're never getting that cat back."
"You can't unsee it after that, now it's out in the universe."
"Time is one of those resources that you can't get back. Once it's gone, most other things are replaceable, but precious minutes, precious moments are not."
"Never erase yourself. You're kind of special, plus it's really hard to get you back."
"It's too late baby, I did it a long time ago in that Baptist Church."
"Nothing you say or do will fix what happened tonight. Nothing. Not even a time machine could change any of it."
"Once it's done, it's done, it's done. You can't retrofit a spa."
"The Latin mass is forever, but Pope Francis now says with certainty and with magisterial authority the liturgical reforms are irreversible."
"Exactly right when it's gone you're not going to get it back."
"One thing about trust, it's like a piece of paper. Once we ball it up, even if we try to flatten it out, it never goes back to its original form."
"What an important point it seems to me that once something is discovered, it can’t be un-discovered."
"Metaphors are irreversible. You can say 'wine-dark sea,' but 'sea-dark wine' is a completely different metaphor."
"The Reformation can never be reversed because there is a wide chasm that separates us on the essentials of the gospel."
"The carbon in permafrost took tens of thousands of years to accumulate, releasing it into the atmosphere makes it irreversible on a human-relevant time frame."
"Time once lost can never be regained."
"You'll never get it back, so make sure you're not wasting it."
"Every second that expires is one we'll never get back. It's been that way all our lives."
"At some point, you cannot recover with process what you have lost with love."
"We can't get time back. The moment passed is gone forever."
"Once a heart is broken, there is no way to put it together as it used to be."
"Once you've seen that you are the totality of existence, you can't ever go back."
"The universe is never able to return to an earlier point; it only goes forward."
"Time is a commodity; once you use it, it's gone, and you can't buy more of it."
"All the King's Men cannot put it back together again."
"Childhood and innocence, once lost, can never be found again."
"You cannot put toothpaste back in the tube."
"You can't really make the past come back."
"A groundbreaking study suggests that climate change effects are now irreversible."
"There are two things you could never get back: words spoken and deeds done."
"I know what it's like to regret the choices made and know when you can't take it back."
"Once you work for yourself, it's not possible to go back."
"You can't put toothpaste back in a tube."
"One thing about time, you can never get time back."
"Once your childhood is gone, it'll never come again."
"The extent of climate change impacts are larger than previously estimated and some losses are already irreversible."
"Four things that you can't recover: the stone after the throw, the word after it's said, the occasion after it's missed, and the time after it's gone."
"Changes in a society that are so radical that there is no way back, for better or worse."
"If we mess it up, there are no redos; that super intelligence will now exist in the world as an actor in its own right."
"When you reach the point of no return, it's a point that in any relationship or circumstances when you can't go backwards."
"As time goes by, you cannot reverse it."
"Please don't ever make decisions you can't reverse."
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the spent arrow, the past life, and the neglected opportunity."
"Environmental destruction is essentially irreversible."
"Once they kick into gear in a big way, they're really hard to reverse."
"Regret for what you have done is tempered by time; regret for what you have not done is inconsolable."
"He is gone. G-O-N-E gone. He is not coming back, not now, not ever."
"Once you reach that tipping point, you can't really tell people to go back."
"You can do a lot but you can't go back to time and get those chemicals."
"Pandora's Box is wide open, and it's hard to close."
"Four things never come back: the speeding arrow, the past life, the neglected opportunity, and the spoken word."
"There are four things in life that you can't get back: a word once it's left your mouth, an opportunity once it's passed, trust, and time."
"We all make mistakes, we want to take it back, we just can't."
"If you lose it, you cannot gain it back."
"Once you've crossed the line into addiction, you just don't really go backwards."
"It's hard to repackage and put the genie back in the bottle."
"The past is the past, we can't go back and fix anything."
"Once you pickle, you can't unpickle."
"The genie cannot be put back in the bottle; those letters are powerful evidence."
"These minor damages can be replaced, but the lives that were taken cannot."
"Once time is out of your hands, it's very hard to get it back."
"Some things once they're done, can't be undone."
"Space we can recover, time never. Once that time is gone, it's gone."