
TypeScript Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"TypeScript is a beautiful language and it's basically a superset of JavaScript."
"TypeScript helps you make more robust, more reliable, easier to maintain applications."
"With TypeScript, we get auto-completion, type safety, and it's easier to refactor or restructure our code."
"There is a simpler way to write this code in typescript."
"Coding in TypeScript, we can catch a lot of our mistakes at compile time."
"With TypeScript, we can catch a lot of our mistakes at compile time."
"Interfaces in TypeScript define the shape of objects and promote code reusability."
"In TypeScript, we have different types such as number, boolean, string, array, and enum."
"Arrow functions in TypeScript provide a shorter and cleaner syntax for function declarations."
"Type assertions in TypeScript allow us to explicitly tell the compiler the type of a variable."
"When we compile our TypeScript code, it transpiles into JavaScript code that browsers can understand."
"So let's start building our React app and understand how we use TypeScript with React, state react, hooks, props, etc."
"This is how we use useRef hook with TypeScript."
"Angular was really the first major framework to encourage the use of TypeScript."
"Typescript in Angular includes static typing and ES6 features, enhancing robustness."
"TypeScript is a long term investment. It takes some time to learn it... but after you do both of those things you're gonna start getting some really nice rewards from it."
"TypeScript is just going to bring a type system as well as future capabilities of JavaScript to you today."
"The fact that the open source ecosystem enabled that, I think is one of the biggest enablers of why TypeScript has become something that has had success over the last ten years."
"TypeScript just won, really. It sort of overcame all of its competitors."
"TypeScript has just enabled IDEs like VS Code and WebStorm to give you so much extra information."
"TypeScript has become pretty dominant. I don't think that that means that we stop innovating."
"And when I saw TypeScript, it was like, yes, this is exactly what I need, this is exactly what I want."
"Anything you can do in JavaScript, you can do in TypeScript, but then in addition, you have features such as static typing."
"Structure, modularity, native TypeScript support, a lot of functionality out of the box."
"It's a great pleasure that I can announce we're dropping TypeScript from the next big release of Turbo 8."
"Real talk, if you're thinking about dropping TypeScript, go for it. I honestly don't think TypeScript adds a lot these days, but I will say that at least do JSDocs right."
"Farewell TypeScript, may you bring much rigor and satisfaction to your tribe while letting the rest of us enjoy JavaScript in its glorious spirit it was originally designed for, free of strong typing."
"If you're in a typescript file and you come across some type error usually it's just a whole lot to parse and a whole lot to figure out."
"But pretty typescript errors makes it much more readable and kind of allows you to pinpoint the exact error more easily."
"Not using built-in predefined utility typescript types is a mistake."
"The LSP, the invention of the LSP and its ability to be awesome, is what made TypeScript win."
"Typescript's type system is extremely powerful."
"I wanna talk to you all today about production-grade TypeScript."
"Lit does all of this with standard JavaScript or TypeScript."
"Utilize TypeScript enums to define options."
"So, this is tasty stuff. Like this is -- there's -- this is like solving one of the biggest pain points in TypeScript Generics, right?"
"This feels extensible in a way that doesn't -- the thing that always makes me nervous about TypeScript is I don't know how to do this, right?"
"Effect is a typescript library that gives you the tools to make it easy to write complex applications in a safe and composable manner."
"Typescript offers static typing and if you ask me I would say learn JavaScript until you feel really comfortable with it."
"Serverless sort of solves Typescript and it's the reason why I would recommend it for most of your backend use cases."
"It's so easy to hire for and it's also if you want to try and get a job yourself you're there's a much many there are many more jobs available for Typescript."
"Let's go ahead and set up our TypeScript configuration by creating a 'tsconfig.json' file."
"so whenever you have a tsconfig.json that means you're working within a typescript project"
"We can just say an array like that. Now TypeScript is not complaining."
"...this is why I love TypeScript because it really ensures that, hey, you're going to catch errors right there in development rather than the slow process of catching errors once you actually run them in your local machine."
"...this was honestly an honest mistake, but TypeScript is telling me, 'Hey, you did something wrong, fix it up!' And that right there was a completely honest mistake."
"...we're completely done. And we built this with TypeScript. I hope you guys got a great idea of why TypeScript is so valuable and why it is such a great tool to use."
"...and we built this with TypeScript. I hope you guys got a great idea of why TypeScript is so valuable and why it is such a great tool to use."
"Cyprus's native TypeScript support offers auto-completion, enhancing the developer experience."
"I personally find it much quicker with TypeScript."
"The goal here is to lower the friction between the TypeScript side and the GraphQL side."
"Having that level of feedback in your editor and not having to rely on external compiler steps to generate the right checks to give you the feedback you're looking for in your editor is huge."
"So now that we have TypeScript set up, the next step is we are going to get ESLint running for our project."
"TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. It can do everything JavaScript can and more."
"Is there a component of syntax that is versatile yet compact and also friendly to you when you're using TypeScript? And the answer is yes. And we'll get to that right now."
"Just a few of the typescript benefits include self-documenting code, catching errors during development instead of while running an application, and it's great for teams."
"TypeScript infers what type of data we're working with."
"If you want to be more strict and define something that is locked into a type in a specific element position and a specific length of an array, what you really want to create is called a tuple."
"Valid JavaScript is valid typescript but that doesn't mean that the compiler has to like it, and we want to pay attention to the typescript compiler to help us write better code."
"Strongly typed languages demand the specification of data types, and that's what we do in typescript."
"You can see that's required. TypeScript realizes that in advance, and that's one way it helps you eliminate errors here at development time, at compile time rather than, of course, when the application is running as you would in JavaScript."
"Literal types can be very useful as well as keeping your code dry because you might assign this once to 'username' and then use 'username' in your code, and you'll know it only expects these three values without specifying these every time."
"We've really covered a lot from learning TypeScript as a beginner to building an entire application."
"Typescript is really powerful and it's a great front-end language whenever you want to build something."
"Typescript requires an index signature if you attempt to access an object property dynamically."
"Typescript is an entire language backed by a trillion-dollar corporation with the sole purpose of reducing the likelihood of 'undefined is not a function' popping up in error messages."
"Typescript helps you eliminate errors here at development time, at compile time rather than, of course, when the application is running as you would in JavaScript."
"The TypeScript package ecosystem is pretty incredible. There is a huge amount of innovation happening in the TypeScript world all the time."
"Using Zod's enum instead of typescript's enum has better support."
"You can also look into upgrading to TypeScript. Now I tend to do a lot of work nowadays using TypeScript, a lot of developers are moving towards TypeScript."
"Creating custom types in Typescript allows you to define specific structures tailored to your needs."
"Typescript does not save code in fact write more code what it adds is security is robustness is tranquility."
"I appreciate everyone who's willing to spend an evening with me watching me learn about documentation of TypeScript."
"NestJS has full TypeScript support and it's really object-oriented heavy."
"We want TypeScript to tell us if we're not really defining or not really returning the correct data structure."
"Using GraphQL in combination with TypeScript makes your entire code base pretty much bulletproof from a type safety perspective."
"We're going to create a new file called Bounded.tsx, just like that."
"With bun, you don't need to transpile your TypeScript into JavaScript and then execute it; it just transpiles it for you and runs it immediately."
"It's effectively just a TypeScript wrapper around SQL, which I love."
"It makes it super clean and easy to go ahead and write type-safe SQL."
"It's just SQL in a lightweight TypeScript wrapper that just works."
"TRPC is the TypeScript remote procedure call data interchange format for client/server communications and it's more strongly structured and typed than REST, but easier to use than GraphQL."
"Learn JavaScript first and then see the beauty of what TypeScript provides for you."
"This happens because I was doing it manually and I was not using the power of TypeScript."
"It's opinionated, it's well-structured architecture, it has TypeScript support right from the very beginning."
"I'm the biggest fan of TypeScript. I think TypeScript is the best thing that's happened to front-end development and JavaScript in the past decade."
"TypeScript eliminates that by introducing a robust type system to JavaScript."
"I hope that you're convinced that TypeScript is amazing."
"We're just going to sprinkle the JavaScript code with some type definitions on top of it so the code is safer and more easy to work with."
"I came to TypeScript in kind of a roundabout way."
"TypeScript is a strict superset of JavaScript."
"TypeScript is a gradual type system that's really there to help find bugs in your JavaScript code."
"If we can take the invariants and the constraints about our program and hoist them into the type system, we can turn what might be a production issue at 2:00 in the morning into a red squiggly in our text editor."
"TypeScript is a very powerful language."
"TypeScript has this really kind of strict rule: they don't introduce any runtime code that you didn't write yourself."
"The beauty of TypeScript and ESLint is it will underline things that are wrong."
"You might think of TypeScript, if you've never used it before, and think, 'Okay, I have to type everything in order for TypeScript to understand what I'm doing,' but that's actually not true."
"If you hover over 'Hello World' here, you'll see it's being inferred as a string."
"TypeScript starts talking about classes now, so we have a class UserAccount."
"TypeScript offers all of JavaScript's features and an additional layer on top of this: TypeScript's type system."
"We do want TypeScript, we do want ESLint, yeah sure, let's use Tailwind."
"Parcel makes it easy, and TypeScript just works in Parcel. Nothing fancy to configure; Parcel will do it all for you. That's why we love Parcel."
"TypeScript will only help us in the development process so that we don't actually struggle with any bugs."
"Everything is very strictly typed in TypeScript."
"If you understand this, you pretty much understand all you have to know with TypeScript inside of NestJS."
"That's the real whole purpose of TypeScript."
"Now if we ever made any sort of mistake in here, TypeScript is going to yell at us."
"Generics... is more advanced usage of TypeScript."
"You should avoid it at all costs because the 'any' type basically removes all benefits of TypeScript."
"Create View is the new recommended way for creating your Vue projects with TypeScript."
"Typescript is so good, and if you're not using it already, please tell me why so we can fix that."
"These Power BI visuals are written in a language called TypeScript."
"Typescript is just generally all round good for rapid stereoscope development because it gives you static type checking."
"Typescript's awesome and why the support for Typescript is growing every time."
"Typescript is definitely important."
"You'll definitely see a lot of performance, I mean productivity benefits for using Typescript."
"Let's see how we can use Zod and infer types in TypeScript to give you both of those in just a couple of minutes."
"With Node, you can either use JavaScript or TypeScript, but we're going to use TypeScript because it's better."
"TypeScript makes developers develop better."
"TypeScript in React will help you organize your code better."
"TypeScript will just give you amazing autocompletion."
"TypeScript needs to be used in an actual application because the benefits are way more than the cost."
"This allows us to basically integrate TypeScript and GraphQL together on our back-end."
"We have Next.js, you got to use TypeScript of course."
"We are going to use TypeScript, that's kind of part of what we're going to be doing in this demo."
"Typescript just saved me from a typo."
"Using hidden and magic utility types and cheat sheets is the right way to use TypeScript with React."
"Using the magic of TypeScript, you can do 'slide.whatever' and it's immediately going to know that this will be a slide type."
"Type narrowing really helps you a lot to identify the props very easily."
"Angular is an open-source JavaScript front-end framework which is completely written in TypeScript."
"TypeScript is not hard at all if you're used to JavaScript, it's more of just an addition, something you add to your code every time you write."
"The Typescript developer experience has been absolutely incredible."
"What this approach does is it ensures that our TypeScript code is the single source of truth for the GraphQL server."
"I like not having to store context in my head, and the amount of space that TypeScript frees up is invaluable."
"NestJS has TypeScript built in, so we'll be using TypeScript right from the start."
"Vaadin Fusion, on the other hand, takes a modern reactive TypeScript front end and ties it type safely to a Java back end."
"TypeScript will decrease development time by a lot."
"Up next, I want to create a component inside of TypeScript, so we have to worry a bit about types and it'll be pretty fun."
"The goal of this video was to show you my development workflow from scratch when using TypeScript with Dynamics 365."
"The cool thing about TypeScript that I really like is when you have errors and you're defining something that doesn't really exist, it will catch it for you ahead of time."
"We're taking an Angular application with TypeScript and it's compiling down to JavaScript that's being translated to native API calls on the devices."
"Angular is actually built on TypeScript."
"Our compiler will actually attempt to almost run TypeScript code that you have written in your decorators."
"The first thing we do is transform all of your templates and all the expressions of them into blocks of TypeScript code that we call type check blocks."
"I think TypeScript is getting pretty standard in JavaScript and React."
"You don't need to compile it like TypeScript."
"We're 100% sure that our backend data definition matches up with our TypeScript definition."
"Every single production level company, they're using TypeScript now."
"If you want to benefit also from static typing, you can use something like TypeScript."
"TypeScript has a feature called map types that allow you to define new types based on the existing ones."
"TypeScript supports static typing; JavaScript does not support static typing."
"TypeScript supports object-oriented programming principles like classes, interfaces, and inheritance."
"A decorator is a type of declaration that can be attached to a class declaration, method, accessor, property, or parameter."
"TypeScript 4.2 includes more flexible type annotations, tougher checks, and additional configuration choices."
"TypeScript provides shorthand syntax for defining function expressions, known as lambda functions."
"A conditional type chooses one of two possible types based on a condition given as a type relationship test."
"All object-oriented principles are supported by TypeScript: encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction."
"TypeScript is an object-oriented and strongly typed programming language which is a superset of JavaScript."
"TypeScript supports object-oriented programming such as classes, interfaces, inheritance."
"TypeScript is portable across browser, device, and platform."
"TypeScript is a large scale application development language that transcompiles to JavaScript."
"TypeScript helps with quicker code development, thus improving performance."
"We're going to be using TypeScript for this."
"TypeScript is an open-source, cross-platform superset of JavaScript."
"TypeScript is by far the best thing that happened to the JavaScript ecosystem."
"We're going to be working with TypeScript inside of this application."
"TypeScript is really the way that the modern web is going."
"Almost every new application will be utilizing TypeScript."
"TypeScript's job is to get rid of itself."
"That's what's going to give TypeScript a longer staying power."
"But for the most part, I want to show y'all the experience of building up a repository from nothing to a fully-fledged TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier setup."
"I'm excited to talk to you today about TypeScript, ESLint, and Prettier."
"We found that 38% of incident causing bugs that reach production could have been prevented with TypeScript."
"An Angular service is simply a TypeScript class with an @Injectable decorator."
"TypeScript allows you to write JavaScript in a much precise manner so that your code faces a lot less error in the runtime."
"TypeScript is all about TypeSafety. Nothing more. Just this word."
"It's a development tool which helps you to write better code."
"Union is a really one of a fantastic thing in TypeScript which allows you to be into a situation where you are not pretty sure what type of data is going to come in."
"It will help you to understand a lot of context and yes, it will help you to avoid any into your TypeScript code."
"Enums actually serve you really well."
"The moto behind having TypeScript is having a restriction while writing the code."
"TypeScript is not for React or Vue or Angular; it's just a whole ecosystem."
"You're equipped perfectly to actually put up a TypeScript into production."
"This is what is going to make your foundation absolutely amazing in the world of TypeScript."
"TypeScript is a strong sense of writing production-grade JavaScript which is probably less error-prone."
"The most important part of brushing up your TypeScript is to build some amazing stuff."
"It was an amazing ride, I learned so much about TypeScript."
"With TypeScript, you write less line of code, but it's a safer code."
"TypeScript helps us to write a little bit of a cleaner code as a stricter code in that case."
"You can totally use TypeScript to create React Native apps, not just JavaScript."
"TypeScript defines a set of types to JavaScript which helps you write JavaScript that is easier to understand."
"Once you go TypeScript, you can't go back."
"TypeScript is about adding static types to JavaScript and once you have static types, you can build great tooling."
"TypeScript has moved into the seventh place of top languages."
"We implemented this feature called const assertions where you can simply assert that I want the const form of what I wrote here."
"The main benefit in TypeScript is this developer experience that you can just basically write much less and you get so much help from the editor."
"Typescript makes it very clear what's going on."
"Typescript is a superset of JavaScript that is really aimed for developers and making the development process a lot easier."
"Typescript is something that I absolutely love and I always prefer to build my applications with Typescript over Javascript."
"Typescript validates your Javascript ahead of time."