
Quotes Quotes

There are 221 quotes

"I'm going to steal that quote from Winston Churchill. This is not the end, it's not even the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning."
"Mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it, but a kiss can be even deadlier if you mean it."
"Sometime in the 1920s, Sigmund Freud was quoted as saying, 'Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.'"
"The only person that you have to impress is yourself." - Stylish Wishes
"I made this a point when I was a lot younger to sort of never have a regret." - Sofia Laura
"That's a good quote man, it makes you think."
"We're just gonna keep trying, as Imran Khan says, 'Don't give up. Never give up.'"
"There's always going to be gems from every region." - LS
"A car is replaceable. I'm not replaceable." - Gage Gillian
"Albert Einstein is one of the most misquoted and over quoted people in history."
"Ridicule is man's most potent Weapon." - Saul Alinsky
"Accountability is something that every human should have." - Pat McAfee
"I don't trust Menendez. But I gotta be honest, if you've got - you - you - what was the Jack Sparrow quote? He's a dishonest man but you can trust him because you can trust him to be dishonest."
"Your action speaks so loud I can't hear what you say." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Best quotes we did a bunch of these already the Jack Clark quote taking it for a ride didn't help they just like efflux accent of that there's a college soccer is up there there goes college soccer is I think the"
"I'm taking a wait and see attitude." - John Campion
"Let's wait and see what happens with the US case." - John Campion
"We haven't been through, we have been through it." - Sherry Shepard
"Common sense should need studies quoted even."
"Throughout your life, different quotes will speak out to you."
"Every exit line is an entry, and that we are moving up rather than out." - Ellen Goodman
"Revenge is a Fool's game pretty sure I heard that somewhere oh yeah Red Dead Redemption too..."
"Perfection is never achieved." - Ettore Bugatti
"We either die a hero or live long enough to see ourselves become the villain."
"In the end, we can only paraphrase America’s foremost expert on gambling, country music legend Kenny Rogers."
"Let us not 'open a quarrel between the past and the present.'"
"In the famous words of EA Sports: It's in the game."
"Reality is often disappointing, as a certain man once said."
"He who controls the spice controls the universe." - Legendary catchphrase echoing power dynamics.
"The voice of the people is the voice of God." - Elon Musk
"I say what I mean and I mean what I say." - Boosie
"There are times where you have to risk it all and always be protected." - Nzinga Hooker
"It's gonna go down to what Mike Douglas always said, it's in the details." - Unknown
"Mike Tyson was a wise man though, Paul. He said everybody had a plan until he got hit."
"You miss 100% of opportunities that you don't take."
"Ghosts are just a part of our world, they're part of our sensory perception when they pop through." - Dan Aykroyd
"The universe is full of mystery, full of paradox, and full of humor." - Dan Aykroyd
"The attitude in the movie [Ghostbusters] depicts an acceptance of this as fact, as just rational fact that these things exist." - Dan Aykroyd
"I'm a believer, but I think it's intensely and sententiously entertaining." - Dan Aykroyd
"Jojo quotes literally fit everywhere and it's freaking beautiful."
"We finna get paid, we need that. Remember that quote with Denzel and Jamie? I'm leaving with something."
"Look around the table because your best friends are the people in your family." - Karen Kingsbury
"Millions of people quote 'Clerks' to this day."
"There's nothing wrong with Black people that ending white supremacy wouldn't fix." - Ta-Nehisi Coates
"I am tempted to quote the great Leonard Cohen: 'I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons.'"
"Sometimes a random quote just hits the right way."
"Integrity... is absolutely an option." - Warren Buffett
"Reading is the strongest signal for success in the future." - Oprah Winfrey
"Everything is worth your time when you're at zero." - Gary Vaynerchuk
"I am going after those. Those are just great quotes."
"I just needed two seconds to breathe, oh that line is just unbelievably heartbreaking."
"Nothing is permanent in politics." - Drew McKisic
"There are no participation trophies in politics." - Drew McKisic
"Winning is about preparation." - Drew McKisic
"You're one election away from being able to celebrate." - Drew McKisic
"We need to replicate that if we're going to win in 2024." - Ronna McDaniel
"There's a lot of things I still quote to this day."
"I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said, 'You have reached the end of your free trial membership at benjaminfranklinquotes.com'."
"Remembering quotes is like the most important thing; implementing quotes is what gets you those higher marks and pushes you into grade nine."
"Quotes are the most powerful key on your keyboard."
"'Only five minutes,' a classic line from Frieza said to Goku after starting the destruction of Planet Namek."
"A local supermarket has a Mitch Hedberg quote hanging above the checkout line: 'I like rice. Rice is great if you're hungry and want 2,000 of something.'"
"Whenever you're dealing with a sequence of characters, or basically textural data, we need to enclose your values with either single or double quotes."
"I saw a goons quote very unexpectedly this morning when I was scrolling through Reddit."
"The sweetest words I ever heard were 'Waky, wakey lads. You're at Dover.'"
"I'm kind of a sucker for movies that start with quotes."
"'Everything they possess is owed to fire, yet fire costs them both what they loved,' Rhaenyra tells Damon."
"'There will be a day when she'll need someone with his skills and discretion,' Allison acknowledges Lorus's devotion."
"There's so many quotable moments in this one too."
"All right, everything is a choice. Love it, love it, love it. I curated literally all these quotes. It's just like a fun little surprise."
"Of all the wise quotes and sayings of this world, the one I hold with the highest regard is the one about snitches, and stiches. Here’s why."
"Some of the best lines in the series are 'Yes Hope, Mr. Potter would always be around to save the day.' 'Don't worry, I will be.'"
"Frank Ocean said about independence: 'The idea of being able to have a decent life living off just a thousand fans who are invested in you and will purchase what you make is only possible with ownership of the business.'"
"Mexican pop artist Carla Morrison said about being independent: 'In the sense of making money, it's been the best decision I've made. It's allowed me to really take my time to make my music, to take rest time. I don't feel like I work for anyone; I work for myself.'"
"What do you think about that, Short Round?"
"There are very few things in life that are guaranteed. In fact, I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said that the only things that were guaranteed in life were death and taxes."
"Adhering to William Fife celebrated Maxim about the two qualities of a great yacht."
"What's your favorite quote? Without batting an eyelash, I knew what that was."
"Let me look up cute summer quotes."
"It's so good that you sometimes think that some of the Chad's quotes are Cher's quotes, right?"
"Why, I've done all the screaming already," said the Queen.
"'It's all over now, isn't it? Isn't it?'"
"Get used to disappointment, right? That's what my agent used to say."
"Salesforce quotes can generate PDFs quickly and easily."
"Quotes can be saved and downloaded or emailed directly to customers."
"I must admit that for the first time in my life I find myself at a bit of a loss," said Mr. Wonka.
"But I've now heard so many quotes from authors like this and I've heard so many actual stories from people I've met who work in the industry where that is the mentality at times."
"No man can kill me." "I am no man."
"The reason why it's taking the top spot is that insanely cheap insurance quote of 889 pounds."
"So I'm gonna end with a quote, 'cause I can't be a YouTuber without ending with a quote. So this quote is from Gretchen Rubin. 'What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.'"
"I want Indiana Jones: You betrayed B-Shiva!"
"Quotes and phrases have been a huge part of my inspiration and they never fail to keep me motivated."
"Relevant quotes are great, it can validate what you're talking about."
"That's my ninja way. Believe that," Naruto promised, giving his classic foxy grin.
"Well that escalated quickly." - Danny Chiu
"Warren Buffet, he has two favorite quotes. The first one is never lose your money, his second quote is, don't forget, rule number one, never lose your money."
"It's so stuffed full of some of Oscar Wilde's most famous quotes and brilliant epigrams."
"Watching we'll know as well and then these lovely quotes kindness is free sprinkle that stuff around like confetti amen."
"Keep a book of quotes next to your bed or wherever you go to read."
"But what I want to own up to is there is one of my favorite lines ever in a movie is from Pulp Fiction."
"Every day, every single day there is a new quote, my favorite philosophical and motivational quotes."
"Honestly, cannot believe that worked. Kylo Ren, traitor. Finch. Qui Gon Jinn. Darth Maul. Princess Leia. You scruffy-looking Nerf herder."
"The character development is so good and Beast might have had the best Mr. Rogers quote."
"From memory, I can say that my two favorites are 'Uncle Bart will F you up' and outside an old slaughterhouse in block printed scroll: 'Cattle operation trailer closed. Please do not DP you will be seen.'"
"the never-ending stream of Highly quotable one-liners."
"Every day of the year you flip it and it has an empowering quote."
"There's also really funny quotes from all of the monsters."
"Dr. Martin Luther King had so many literal phrases that I want to get tattooed on my body."
"I'm not throwing away my shot." - Alexander Hamilton
"Cinders and ashes," gasped Thomas.
"There's this quote that I always forget, so I paraphrase of George Washington's."
"Wings quote of the day: 'Ban the word Muslim, please.' Bonus quote: 'If you DoorDash me food and there's no drink, it's going straight in the trash. What the [__]? I'm grateful.'"
"Is she with you? I thought she was with you, Bruce."
"Christian Bale recently being quoted saying that they left gold on the cutting room floor, really, really creepy stuff."
"Lady Bird Johnson once said if I had known this was going to happen to me I would have changed my nose and my what nickname?"
"I just had enough of this. I want things to go back to somewhat normal. Why is that so hard?" Tanjiro would say.
"These are just some of the statements made by Russian officials and pundits since the start of the war in Ukraine."
"The north will go to your son by Sansa Stark." - Tywin
"Quotes are like the biggest thing that's ever happened. I was in a movie, yeah, go watch it."
"Princess Diaries, lovely me a princess, shut up."
"Cutting quotes always make you feel like you're a little bit smarter."
"This man might have had some of the most terrifying quotes in anime history, dawg."
"Didn't bro. There's no zig-zapping away, bro. There's no finessing this big [__]." (Referring to Dinosuchus)
"Blade does crack a few jokes, he gets some incredible quote-worthy lines."
"You ensured the peace of the Shinobi world." - Karama
"Just one nice thing or one quote that you hear that you're like, 'Oh my god, yeah, that's so true.'"
"Get three different quotes for any work that you are not doing yourself."
"To begin at the beginning as somebody once said."
"You could keep track of all your favorite quotes."
"...little Buzz has been running rampant throughout the house quoting Toy Story."
"Now, if you ask anybody, 'Give me something that's happened in bowling,' or 'What do you think of memorable moments?' Boom, 'Who do you think you are? I am.'"
"The quotations in this book were phenomenal."
"I fell in love with this, I love what it says." - Shelley
"Simple hello darkness my old friend, there's lots of great quotes in the manual."
"I'm quite clever with these villainous quotes."
"You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with." - Wayne Dyer
"We still can't forget what an entertaining, quotable, and hilarious impact the show has had on us."
"Say anything you want, but if you're looking for inspiration, how about a favorite quote from a family member, author, photographer, musician, whatever!"
"I'm just not really like a quote gal, but I actually saved multiple quotes from these books."
"Some of these quotes were just absolutely haunting and so beautiful."
"That's just like one of those lines that I will remember for a really long time."
"I love Dolly, she has her quote book."
"I put a couple of quotes here... I wanted to see some nice cute fun positive quotes."
"Welcome to CJ's first cooking show where we cook and we quote."
"Got to face your fears, like Batman says."
"That's when you know the book's good, if I'm taking pictures of the book to save the quotes."
"You know what Lou Reed once said?"
"The old man marveled at the quotes of the day and enjoyed seeing them."
"I collect quotes and I've collected quotes for years and years."
"He had a lot of like good one-liners and a lot of memorable quotes."
"Motivation shows the different like motivational quotes."
"You might post really inspiring quotes."
"This book had so many quotes that I just was like, 'Whoa'."
"Try to put together kind of a treasure chest of quotations of things that you figured out."
"You can quote me as saying I've been misquoted."
"All the best quotes in that movie are from him, but all the best quotes in this book are from Ian Malcolm."
"I still quote NWA like all the time."
"He has so many just cold-ass quotables on this."
"It's amazing how an accidental line from Blazing Saddles has become one of the movie's most memorable moments."
"It's a great love story, it has so many iconic quotes."
"Your most inspirational quotes or just the quotes that make you feel good are quotes that you really like."
"I'm working on this million-dollar idea for discovering and sharing inspiring quotes."
"Hakuna Matata and live long and prosper."
"The famous line from Gone With the Wind almost didn't make it to the big screen."
"Media quotes is a new collection for me and just writing down like quotes from books or movies that I think are funny or inspire me."
"I put all of the black quotes in this book so that way I don't have to flip through all my sticker books."
"We don't need no stinking badges."
"Most memorable movies have their very own memorable catchphrases."
"Several of my favorite all-time quotes are actually found from this book."
"There's some fun quotations in here about love and kindness, which is really what the whole series is about."
"Colleen is often remembered for her inspirational quotes that she posted on social media; quotes by which she lived her life."
"Casablanca... is also arguably the most quoted movie of all time."
"On this show, we cook and we quote."
"I used to love reading his quotes, Buddy Rich, Miles Davis, Bob Dylan. The people in your life who would just say these things that would live forever."
"Giannis is lovable, gives great quotes."
"One of my best ways to get me out of a mood is actually read positive quotes."
"I love that line. Truly one of my faves."
"They love an inspirational quote."
"We all make mistakes, isn't that what you always say?"}
People just quote me by saying, "It's no use," or "I finally found him, the Iblis Trigger."
"Anything is possible, like KG said."
"Live action trying to make a wise quote every second is cringe."
"We're having real success at the moment with these incredibly powerful first person quotes from articles."
"My most useless skill is endless movie quotes."
"I love the fact that they have some kind of inspirational quote most of the time."
"It's so hard because we literally quote it so much and it's such a deep-rooted love for me."
"You know, Big Lebowski, great lines."
"Don't worry, be happy, remember who said that?"
"Sooner or later we all quote our mothers."
"Sometimes a quote can just change my entire mood."
"It's almost like you're listening to quotes, but like insane and beautifully written quotes."
"I speak fluent movie quotes which is honestly very true."
"There's some quotes in here that are just so beautiful."
"I see a lot of things come across Facebook that I really like what they say, whether it be a Bible verse, a quote, different things."
"There are so many quotes in this one that just stood out to me and are probably always gonna be some of my favorites."
"I could pretty much live an entire day just in movie quotes and be totally fine."
"I love a good quote and I feel like these are just very motivational."
"I love these inspirational quotes. I write quotes like everywhere and they definitely motivate me."
"I'm big on motivational quotes so I love that those are in here."
"I've loved all of them but this one I just feel had so many wonderful quotes, so many beautiful lines."