
Sexual Orientation Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Sexual orientation is biological, it's genetic, and it can't be changed."
"If you are a homosexual person, I do not hate you for that."
"Just because you've had a same-sex encounter, it does not make you gay."
"80% of adolescent boys who announced that they were gay were no longer saying that they were gay."
"It's okay to be gay or trans, and everyone should have to learn this."
"Discussion about sexual orientation leads to equality."
"Teaching sexual orientation increases equality without harm."
"Love is love, even if you're a guy who happens to like titties."
"Sexual orientation is a key part of a person's identity, that sexual orientation is both a normal expression of human sexuality and immutable."
"The problem isn't that they want to have sex with men, the problem is..."
"I think the percentage of people who are homosexual is fairly static."
"Eight percent gay that's fine eight percent."
"It's a massive double standard to oppose natural conformity of sexual orientation or identity while supporting unnatural changes."
"Children need to be taught about these pronouns and these sexualities because it isn't inherently natural."
"There is no choice in it, whether it's to do with your sexual orientation or your gender identity."
"As I said to start, you can't force sexual preferences, you can't force sexuality."
"I feel like I'm settling into my gay identity."
"Trying to figure out if you're Ace or Arrow can be so much harder than other sexualities because it's like trying to find the absence of something."
"Never met a person who said I'm bi and meant no non-binary people."
"Just be in touch with yourself and you'll know what orientation you are if you allow yourself to believe the truth about yourself."
"If you have kids when they go to school, no one will even care about like what your sexual preference or whatever."
"Players are allowed to live out whatever sexual orientation they choose, be that straight, gay, or, I don't know, maybe you have a preference for reptilian species with green skin."
"Conversion therapy, a discredited practice claiming to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity."
"Asexuality, like pretty much all sexualities, is not approached with the nuance or complexity that it deserves."
"They thought they could cure them and make them happier and turn them into straight people through therapy."
"It's just interesting that one set of one set of these says who you're attracted to and the other says how you're attracted but we treat them almost as being the same information just something to think about"
"Asexuality is not a disorder, it isn't, it's absolutely not."
"Finally, we're not explaining ourselves for straight people."
"There is no single gene that makes a person gay."
"The healing of matriarchal wisdom is also simultaneously the healing of healthy sexual orientation."
"Your sexuality is about you, not about the person you're dating right now or not dating."
"You don't owe anyone anything; it's your sexual identity, that's all you."
"If we believe for example that trans men are men then how could a woman be more heterosexual if they wanted to screw fewer kinds of men?"
"Attempts to change sexual orientation with therapy... doesn't work, it's not ethical."
"Do you have to understand their homosexuality because they sleep with women?"
"Reed had personal problems, the most important of which was coming to terms with his sexual orientation."
"The public should be persuaded that gays are victims of circumstance, that they no more chose their sexual orientations than they did, say, their height, skin color, talents, or limitations."
"We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay."
"You didn't just wake up one day and say, 'I think I'm gay.' It's not how it happened."
"Rumors of Hudson's sexual orientation were Rife, prompting Garlington to embark on a personal quest to unravel the Enigma."
"Nobody chooses to be gay. Why would you choose to be oppressed? I would try not to be gay."
"I think I'm gay, I don't want it to change me."
"The interest in protecting the normal sexual development and orientation of children will most assuredly meet and even exceed the compelling state interest test."
"Equality: everyone should be treated equally regardless of their gender, their background, their financial background, their sexual orientation."
"I should have known I was gay when I was suspended from my preschool for making a line of girls take their pants off and show me their butt."
"I should have known when I was gay when I would have my girlfriends talk to me about how horrible their boyfriend was and genuinely in my mind I was confused."
"If I was a hundred percent gay and I knew since I was born, I would definitely be on the same train of like, 'That born this way.'"
"Everybody in this courtroom just thinking about sexual orientation. I mean, they're looking at Andrew Beckett, they're thinking about it."
"Sexual orientation defines selfhood as the sum total of our fallen human desires through it we get no glimpse of how the covenant of grace defends our real identity in Christ."
"No one changes their orientation. It doesn't happen."
"What he describes there is his experiencing cognitive dissonance, which is a conflict between the sexual attraction he knows he experiences and his knowledge from the Mormon church that being gay is evil and bad and wrong."
"You know same seex attraction is not a choice for everybody um and if you are born with a propensity or an attraction toward the same sex that in and of itself is not condemnable like that's not something you condemn someone for"
"I've never met a gay person who said they weren't born that way. Not one."
"If anyone in the world defines their identity by their sexual attractions, life is just gonna get confusing really fast."
"Barry Gibb finally came out to disclose the truth about his sexual orientation, aptly debunking any claim of being gay despite being married to Linda Gray and having five children with her."
"Yes, I'm gay. I'm so sorry if I disappointed you, but yes, I am gay."
"Not only can people change sexual orientation, but that most people do change their sexual orientation. About two-thirds of people eventually change, and most of those who change change from a more homosexual activity or orientation to a more heterosexual orientation."
"When I was very young, I started to realize that I was attracted to the same sex."
"Sexual orientation includes the concepts of sexual attraction, sexual behavior, romantic attraction, and sexual identity."
"I asked you if you had previously struggled with same-gender attraction. You seem bothered by... I don't struggle with it. I'm embracing it."
"If you are gay, you always know. It's not like a choice."
"Every individual is entitled to maintain their own dignity and individuality based on sexual orientation."
"We need to recognize that there may be faith spaces that don't align with sexual orientation, but that for many of us, we have found a community of sexual orientation and faith together."
"Sexual orientation is a natural part of who you are; it's not a choice."
"I had a dream about her out of the blue... I finally realized I liked girls."
"No gay person left to their own devices will ever choose to convert to being a straight person."
"I'm a pansexual female teen with a preference for girls."
"The Kinsey scale is pretty compelling."