
Election Interference Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Your platform is so powerful it's being used to manipulate elections and you have rules that are not recognized by the government to remove American citizens from that discourse."
"We have been interfering in the US elections and we will keep doing so."
"Let's be clear on this point, too. The intelligence community concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election."
"Putin did attempt to affect the election, and Donald Trump is not in Putin's pocket."
"Wow, so he is alleging here election interference."
"Donald Trump came closer than anyone thought he could to toppling a free election a year ago. He is preparing in plain view to do it again."
"Loophole allowing foreign governments to interfere with our American elections."
"Think about the collateral damage that was caused not only in our own country but around the world and in Ukraine by this scheme to aid the President’s re-election effort."
"The whistleblower complaint has accused the president of soliciting foreign interference in America's election."
"China created websites and shared fake news to influence Taiwan's election."
"They call it fortifying because they did not want Trump to win... They were defending the system from Trump's fascism."
"We couldn't believe that a presidential candidate was encouraging a foreign power, an adversary, to meddle in an election."
"Did Donald Trump personally engage in a very serious way in trying to illegally overturn the election?" - Donald Ayer
"It's interference with the election. It's election interference. Never been done like this in the history of our country, and it's a disgrace."
"He witnessed Donald Trump ask a foreign leader to dirty up Joe Biden’s son and Joe Biden a potential political rival."
"The President of the United States tried to leverage U.S. taxpayer money to get another foreign government to investigate his opponent in the 2020 election."
"Social media giants, tech billionaires dictating editorial policy at news organizations. It is nothing short of election interference."
"I think it's amply clear that Russian interference was at the heart of the interference in the 2016 election cycle."
"He went to a foreign country, asked them for help with his re-election effort."
"Lawfare has been a way of ensuring threats like Lula and Correa cannot be elected."
"Twitter is using their power, controlling this platform to interfere in elections by manipulating content and placing their personal editorial opinions on top of content."
"The idea that Google thinks it has the right to adjust content so that he doesn't get elected again is the height of hubris."
"They use censorship to manipulate the elections, but it's not going to work this time around."
"If your goal was to affect the election then they might be declaring mission accomplished in a couple of days."
"The CIA has concluded that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency."
"Everyone is legally presumed innocent, but that person you see in cuffs is actively trying to control the elections of an entire state in America right now."
"The left has decided, because they are our moral arbiters and the arbiters of our truth, that you can simply ban Donald Trump from the ballot."
"Donald Trump is trying to get them to stop the balloting there in Pennsylvania."
"Nothing that you do will derail the efforts of my staff and I bring the election interference prosecution to trial."
"It's election interference and it just came out I this was just right now."
"This is a tacit admission by these concerned employees that they're worried they'll no longer be able to interfere in elections."
"Your husband was involved in illegal spying against candidate Donald Trump to try to help Hillary Clinton get elected in 2016."
"A hostile government inserted itself into our electoral process in a significant way into it in doing so with biased intent."
"Releasing the DNC emails, posting memes online, and influencing the election, that's not tantamount to hacking the election."
"The biggest election interference, the biggest rigging, is not Russia, it ain't the Bernie bros, it ain't even the Democratic party. It's media."
"Donald Trump has known from the start of his presidency that Vladimir Putin ordered the attack on our election."
"That is an election day by day active sedition."
"By undermining the 2020 election, he put our entire electoral system in jeopardy."
"Russia had arguably just committed the most successful misinformation and meddling campaign in an election that we’d ever seen."
"President Trump's effort to convince a foreign country to cheat to win an election is a clear and present danger."
"The president released his financial disclosure form today in which he admits... he did in fact make a six-figure payment to an adult film actress right before the election to keep her quiet."
"The grand jury is going to be investigating whether Trump's request for Secretary of State Raffensberger to find those extra 11,000 votes violated Georgia law."
"Democratic presidential contender Tulsi Gabbard announced Thursday she is suing Google for alleged election interference."
"I think she's absolutely correct in saying it's election interference."
"I think that's a big question: Why do Facebook and Twitter feel they need to be subservient to the FBI's request, especially during the election?"
"Zuckerberg intruded into the 2020 election presidential election, we still don't know the extent of his $200 million infusion of money."
"One more time... he's gonna spend a couple days in jail."
"One of the major themes that doesn't get picked up about the NDAs that I fought is guess what election interference."
"Interfering with an election has dire consequences, and the evidence is all coming out."
"AI could be used in false elections or igniting war."
"This is political persecution and it is interference in the election system at the highest level in history."
"He helped his son Bush junior steal the presidential election in 2000."
"To the extent Ukraine has facts related to the run-up of the 2016 election that are under the US Attorney Durham's probe, Ukraine should cooperate with the United States."
"The Russians were trying to help Hillary. That's the real cover-up here."
"Why do people, are they so surprised that the Russians are interfering in our elections? The people who actually hold a patent on something called the social credit system is actually Facebook."
"The idea that this is interfering with the election is simply... silly." - Bill Barr
"Twitter and Facebook are being accused of censoring key information during an election."
"This is a pure Witch Hunt for purposes of interfering with the elections."
"It's a scandal of epic proportions because it was election interference."
"The democratic party would do everything that they could to destroy Bernie Sanders in this election."
"These people are selling us out not only to foreign leaders but they're interfering in our elections."
"The FBI wanted to go get evidence of their own criminality back. They wanted to go reobtain those documents. But what I think probably the bigger overarching thing is they want to sideline Trump in the next election."
"They trying to do everything they can to stop this man from winning. That's all it is."
"John Brennan concealed evidence Russia was supporting Hillary Clinton."
"Crushing the presidential front-runner with a bogus criminal case."
"God does not support election the way we support the election."
"We interfere in most elections... if the X opposed don't meet our numerical statistics that we are looking for then we consider in any country America considers that election to be invalid."
"It's the greatest Trump election interference in human history."
"Georgia was the crime scene, it was the place where Trump's efforts to overturn the election were most furious, most intense, most relentless..."
"President Trump pressured state officials in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan to change election results."
"Putin did interfere, did attempt to interfere even more than he did in our elections, and that's unacceptable. And so we need to be doing everything we possibly can to make certain that doesn't happen again."
"The Russians spent 70 million dollars to tamper with the 2016 election."
"I think anybody who's attempting to impact the outcome of an election illegally, whether it's with Russia or any other foreign entity, should spend the rest of their life in jail."
"There is practically no doubt that the capabilities that Russia has would be and were used in this way to try to influence, to try to play inside the American electoral space."
"It's clear that they were by sending fake texts and operating fake Facebook pages and holding fake rallies all in an effort to try to influence the outcome of the election."
"The Russian government's effort to interfere in our election is among the most serious."
"Russia was engaging in an unprecedented and broad scale attack on our election and our democracy."