
College Life Quotes

There are 532 quotes

"You a freshman? Maybe I'm a beloved freshman."
"My goal for this video is just to share my experiences on topics that are for some reason considered taboo in the college space."
"Do what you gotta do to get through college."
"Toby Maguire's Spider-Man was relatable; he was a struggling college student who was having like no luck in life."
"College is a four-year period of our lives that we have to figure out what makes us happy, what we want out of life, and to orient ourselves on a path towards that life."
"Could you imagine if you could just go to college full-time and be told by your parents, 'As long as you make good grades, I'll pay for your education'?"
"College is high school without the seat belts."
"I think the hardest part in college is not comparing yourself to other people... you are there for your education."
"I love poker. Poker is one of the main games I played in college."
"I wrote it in my dorm room living with my best friends in between going to classes and part-time jobs."
"I made so many wonderful memories here on this campus that will last a lifetime."
"I remember when it happened for me. I remember it was college and it was late night and I was studying for final exams and I had a Turkish coffee."
"Shout out to everybody in college that's broke."
"College provides an invaluable social experience where for the first time in your life you're on your own so you learn how to fend for yourself you learn how to interact with roommates strangers so you get social skills."
"There is time to live your life a little bit in college. Try to enjoy it while you can because there are so many decades of life ahead of you after college."
"I feel like a lot of people simply don't take advantage of all the different resources and opportunities available at a college campus, and that's sadly the reality."
"Mental health is a very large challenge on college campuses."
"College was a really amazing experience though."
"I make positive lifestyle college content type videos."
"Hopefully if people in college see this and they have a classmate who is pregnant, they will make an effort to make them feel accepted."
"Sorority Rush is a tradition at many colleges but in the South, Rush inspires the same passionate Zeal as Collegiate football."
"The prime recruiting periods are the first term of college, when you've gone away from home, you're in a new environment, you've got new people around you."
"Don't let yourself get swept up in things because especially freshman year you're just like excited to be there."
"College was crazy and a lot of different things went down."
"I remember it was the Lord, so I have a friend... She's a friend now. At my, the first school I went to, she was my RA at the time."
"Just talking to your roommate, just for a piece of advice, anyone's going into college really, talk to your roommate."
"I'm excited to grow with god and yeah, kaylee what are you most looking forward to, I'm being honest the bonds the relationships oh for sure everything like we're not going home this is technically like an apartment but with learning and friends."
"Making friends in classes, it's about time we do."
"I was in college because I was like a scared virgin."
"It's always fun reminiscing on college, I feel like."
"What people don't tell you before going to college."
"The amount of self-doubt that college students feel the amount of pressure you're under this is just going to impact you much much longer."
"Only 16% of students who are ad boarded are required to withdraw... I had a friend in college who was ad boarded over thesis plagiarism issues."
"I absolutely love Leeds, I love the city, I love the campus so yes it is very much lived up to my expectations."
"The minute I dropped out, I could stop taking the required classes... and begin dropping in on the ones that looked far more interesting."
"We should try out new ways of thinking, challenge our identity, and redefine ourselves."
"There's a certain performative quality of being in college where you are like I am being in college..."
"College should be a place that's uncomfortable for you." - Host
"College is cool sure yeah, I'm going to be a college to I'm class of 2028 yeah I'm still thinking about it even though I'm 100% committed."
"Please, for the love of god, go to office hours."
"Time management in college is a lot more like planning your summer breaks."
"Going into my junior year, you know uh Pat you went to Arkansas, you know how the team make the bowl game they come to the basketball game over every Sunday it's lit right?"
"University is literally the perfect time to bring bunk beds in."
"Take advantage of those opportunities you get here that you kind of just take for granted then you're gonna wish you took advantage of them once you graduate from here."
"One out of three college students is food insecure." - Dorothea
"College, I think is where you kind of surround yourself with people that are actually cool and friends, your forever friends."
"College is so much better... 'But just realize that there's definitely gonna be better days ahead of you.'"
"Bonus advice: skip class for ice cream sometimes. Those are the memories you're going to remember."
"I was nervous about it but then as soon as I got to college I'm like these people don't know me I could be whoever I want to be."
"College has become all about the college experience rather than the college education, which is what you're here to get."
"Making friends in college is crucial; embrace new connections and experiences."
"College goes differently for everybody. Go in there with an open mind and just do whatever it is that makes you happy."
"No matter what, you're gonna have friends, you're gonna have good classes, you're gonna have professors you like, you're gonna have all these things."
"Don't be afraid to spread your wings a little bit more on your campus."
"After my junior year in college my anorexia got really out of control."
"We'd roll blunt in our dorm and then we'd pile in my dorm and just animate all day because we were in a portfolio. It was pretty fun."
"TSU will see me this summer. I'm ready to start my new journey, future business owner."
"When I was at a m being on Tinder and like finding guys you always like you want someone to be at your school yeah because it's like you have something to talk about immediately."
"I firmly college I was almost laughter I just every opportunity again and I happen to stuff my house because I genuinely tried to be a nice person."
"I don't have a single regret to not leaving, solely off the fact that I had so much fun in college those last two years."
"Packages that you receive at college will become Christmas... Best day of your life every time."
"Thank you to everybody for making these four years literally the best four years of my life."
"College is not about learning the what, it's about the how."
"No one needs an unlimited meal plan... You will not in the long run. So always downsize on your meal plan and you will be saving hundreds dollars."
"Be practical about your eating habits... And you're already paying for this overpriced meal plan so make most of it."
"Student discounts pertain to every aspect of your life... If you watch the other video I talk a lot about how they can pertain to travel even just day-to-day."
"Trying hard and putting in the effort is the biggest money-saving lifehack... These can really make in college."
"Someone requested a library. Why did you come to Party U and then want to read books?"
"I just really love the classes that I'm in in college."
"Even if you're in college though, adulting doesn't magically bump up the maturity ladder."
"I'm so in love with this I was introduced to this brand when I was in college."
"Deltas are probably the scariest women in college."
"Knowing all those things about myself and also knowing that I did live at college for two years and I was so miserable that I literally transferred, those things were really getting to me."
"What words say you're going to Cal State Dominguez Hills? You actually go there?"
"The best thing is honestly probably for me the education and also getting to live with Olive, she's my best friend and it's so much fun."
"The ultimatums were the women wants to have their fun and party it up and go to college and kind of goof around."
"Our dorm etiquette is to be kind to other students, a simple friendly smile, wave, or compliment might be all it takes to brighten someone's day."
"Your college experience is exactly what you make it."
"My college years were some of the best years of my life."
"Our campus was literally right on the water."
"I feel like the popular good looking dude on campus."
"Started off in a college in Boston called Northeastern... shout out Huskies."
"No one actually knows what they're doing in college."
"Honorable mentions: College towns like Berkeley and Cambridge."
"College really is the best years of your life for real."
"Make your dorm look cuter with string lights or wall decorations."
"Who could eat this? A college student. This will be like your whole meal."
"You shouldn't let the first semester of your college experience be representative of how you're going to feel at that school for the rest of your time there because it's a transitional period."
"Enjoy your time in the dorms, man. Some of the best years ever."
"Monsters University tells an incredibly honest and realistic story that deserves far more praise and attention."
"Reflection, Retreats, and Renewal: BC's Path to Self-Discovery."
"It would be very fun to put together a tree for Maddie and see what that comes together like and for her to set up her first tree in her college dorm, it's a very special time."
"You're at a college that has so many people. So odds are there's somebody else like you out there."
"The girls that were most I guess when I was in college the girls that were most available which is my college sweetheart would be my wife Hughes as as far as a white female."
"If your budget is low, you can definitely make your college experience top-notch with the help of jugaad."
"I want the college experience, two years of college isn't really the same as going and graduating with your class."
"Clapton attended the Kingston College of Art but was expelled after his first year."
"I'm proud to be pansexual and gender whatever. That's where I was at with my identity right before going to college."
"We thought up crazy party ideas in college."
"Our next tale is all about college freshman Lily, who is desperate to be a member of the Beta Sigma ETA sorority."
"Freshman year was tough, but we all held each other up and made the whole experience more enjoyable for one another."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this week in my life as a college student and content creator."
"In college, snacks are a high commodity."
"I'm scared, why am I at UF? That name is giving PTSD."
"Sam goes to college in this one, yeah, and he's got just some cool roommates."
"College life in reality, college life in movies."
"Welcome to Barton University what dorm uh Baker Hall I okay and your official be you rap whistle don't blow it unless it's actually happening."
"College gives you so much more time, even with all the homework. But, man, these Uber drivers always lost, even with clear instructions. Period."
"One thing about college: I never ate breakfast in high school. Now, I've got so much time, but I'm still chillin'."
"My college years are different. I'm actually enjoying it now. But school definitely zaps my creative energy for YouTube. Balance is hard."
"Power strips this is literally in like every college list ever."
"I promise you in college you're gonna have so so so many issues problems dilemmas but i promise you a comfy bed should not be one of them."
"I'm kind of cute and on a college campus guys trying to talk to me isn't completely out of the ordinary."
"The best years of my life were in college."
"When I started college, my girlfriend and I broke up."
"It made me more social, I would say."
"Thank you guys so much for coming along for a college day in my life."
"I wish I knew that there was absolutely no rush to try everything at once. Try to meet every person, go to every single party. You have a whole four years to figure it out."
"It was my sophomore year of college and I was talking to my city's local coffee shop at around midnight because I needed a little caffeine to help me finish my assignments and they were open 24/7."
"I'm a college girl. I function best in a university environment, to coin a cliche."
"How do you know? I'm doing like college poses."
"It's great to be back in a college town though, you know, it's a very different experience. You get to escape the real world for a little brief second."
"college is a wonderful place this is where you get to decide who you actually are instead of the person that you're clearly pretending to be right now which everyone sees through by the way"
"I've been listening to the pod since sixth grade and took me through high school. Now I'm in my freshman year of college working 30 hours a week, listening to the pod with every spare moment."
"The real story of American college life this spring has been more than 99% of students have been going to classes uninterrupted."
"...there is a thing that can happen amongst like college-aged guys..."
"I feel so over this specific college. I'm so glad I went here not the one I originally applied to."
"I spent a decent amount of time in college not having a social life despite what you all saw in the college vlogs."
"I feel like a lot of people from what I've seen don't really talk about how hard it is to move to college."
"The two most prescribed medications on the college campus today are birth control pills and antidepressants."
"The core is just as much if not more a part of Columbia students' lives in undergrad than the website and the promotional materials make it sound."
"The question is how do we get there. Belly is now a college student, she no longer goes by Belly, it is in fact Isabelle now, however, I'm still going to call her Belly, my apologies."
"Now fast forward four years and I'm a senior at a random bar near campus and guess who was there drunk out of her mind? Yup, it's the good old religious girl."
"Texas A&M's campus is huge but even bigger than the campus itself are its traditions."
"K-State's campus is what makes Manhattan the happiest place on earth or man happiness."
"I'd do anything if I could go back and have my four years in college all over again. It's the greatest time of your life."
"On-campus jobs can be so fun, it's kind of like a way to get a job that's super random before you go into your career."
"College can be super stressful and that's so, so important."
"Plus swipes are worth it. You get a lot more options for dining on campus."
"It's like tired in this whole story about like college dorm parties and all this weird stuff as well so it's like got this Edge to it but it's like a very serious subject matter very interesting."
"I had never felt more alive. Despite the constant bags under my eyes, the exhaustion on campus, the inhuman sleeping patterns, and my blood-stained laundry, I had never felt more alive."
"I moved out at the start of the next semester as soon as they' let me."
"I discovered in college that the more know-it-all you were about your beliefs on religious subjects, the more push back you got from everybody else."
"Life didn't really become crazy until I really got into college."
"I was just trying to get my feet wet and I just wanted to like start building up that resume because, you know, you in college you hear that like you essentially are your resume."
"You get to build culture a lot more in college and I think that's what he's about."
"So, BYU, I was so excited to move out and started BYU, I moved into the dorms, which now don't exist, it was three rooms with six girls, we had a kitchen, it's like a little apartment."
"...I've really enjoyed my time at college so far so thanks so much for watching this video..."
"College is weird. I think I'm having like an identity crisis or something."
"I grew up kind of being a morning person I would say but then like in college I would press snooze and wake up the last second."
"Delhi is just an awesome city, you'll thoroughly enjoy the experience during your three or four years at college."
"Amazon will get you like good quality deals and you can just have it shipped directly to your college."
"This is the first time that I'm actually going to get to experience Halloween as a college student even though I'm a senior and I'm so excited."
"Rice is like the only huddle where like someone has a compass and you know there's the one dude who's there just on athletic scholarships"
"I shared a room with two other students who came from small towns."
"It was fun in the beginning I could go to class in my pajamas I could turn in homework late by batting my eyes and our cafeteria was open 24/7."
"If you guys want to know what accommodation halls to apply to though, what are the good ones, the bad ones and real experiences from students, the juicy stuff, then make sure you go check out the video which I'll link in the description down below."
"Social life in student halls: meeting people from all over the university."
"I probably should have felt guilty about literally breaking and entering, but the thrill of exploration combined with the number of times my college friends had dragged me out to do this exact thing with them before had numbed me to it."
"With just over a week left on her break, the college sophomore was trying to make the most of her time with family and friends."
"It's so good to finally be here when you're live."
"College life wasn't what I had imagined. Growing up, I had heard all these wild stories from adults about the good times they had in college, but for me, it seemed to be far more work than play."
"I lived in the dormitory for all four years of college."
"Everyone in college enjoys something for free. Everyone in life enjoys something for free."
"Homecoming, oh man. Homecoming, although FAMU's homecoming is probably the best of all the HBCUs. Yes, I'm biased, but I don't know if I'll get somebody."
"I became a hermit during college."
"Like many of the other colleges we've covered in the past, Queens is no stranger to campus ghost stories and classic urban legends."
"That is my I guess anime themed college dorm tour."
"It took me until about halfway through junior year to find my people and actually make my friends, and that's when College became a lot more fun."
"I certainly had a lot that I was struggling with internally myself throughout college and the first two years freshman and sophomore year were really hard for me."
"Enjoy college because it's so fun."
"college is the time to just do whatever and just like not apologize for it low-key even though like your decisions now affect your whole life"
"Something about that college life... I'm excited for this year. I feel like it's gonna be so different than freshman year."
"Visualize yourself on campus, doing your day-to-day life."
"Thank you very so much for watching I I know it's been a minute since I've done a college week in my life so I'll probably do another one next week I love you guys so much thanks so much for watching subscribe I'll see you guys soon for next video bye bye."
"Most of my friends were not people that I met in my classes, but rather during orientation, for my sorority, different clubs and organizations, or people on my floor in my dorm building."
"The best part of college is that you can choose exactly how you want to spend your time and who you want to spend your time with."
"Almost nothing beats Saturdays in Como and the experience of a Mizzou football game."
"College is really about the people, especially at Berkeley."
"Greek life is pretty strong at Berkeley but at the same time again 80% of the student body isn't involved."
"For some students, they choose to put a lot of their time into Greek life."
"... but if all these chains weren't enough to convince you they also have Uptown Greenville where you can find a ton of local restaurants a Krispy Kreme right across the street and the best one of them all they have a freaking seats literally right next door."
"... located right in the heart of Raleigh we've officially entered the Research Triangle and let me just say that NC State really fits that downtown Vibe because this whole campus really feels like its own damn City."
"... literally right across the street from campus you're going to find a ton of different restaurants for anything you may need."
"... as far as convenience goes this place really checks out the boxes."
"If I'm accepted to UChicago, I plan to visit every one of those 14 coffee shops during my first two weeks."
"...bringing your freaking delegation to the dining hall. It's one of my favorite memories of being in college."
"We found all those cars. Shut the [__] up. Hey, it was a little puddle, okay? College students just walked across it and had no problem getting there."
"That's college, right? Oh, never mind."
"It's kind of cool living in the dorms though because you get to meet like, yeah, people, you know?"
"Things improved after the visit and shortly after I moved out to attend college where I slept for years with the lights on although I never experienced any paranormal activity in my apartment."
"I'm never gonna leave but forget about bucks like I still live in my dorm room and never leave."
"Imagine being woken up from a deep sleep thinking that you're hearing gunshots in a college dorm."
"You're in college for god's sake have fun all right."
"She's an 18-year-old college student who knows exactly where she's going in life."
"It's good to hear about schools who are taking this stuff seriously and being like, 'Look, if you're attending college, you have to attend your classes.'"
"College is where it's at, and that's when I opened my eyes."
"College's cool and all because everybody got a different path."
"When you read the office hours on the syllabus at the beginning of the semester, I'm going to tell you to do something that most people don't do but that if you do this, it's an easy thing that will have a huge positive impact on your entire college experience."
"Plenty of people don't know what they want to do when they begin college but everything falls into place. You'll see."