
Future Shaping Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"I believe that the next three or four years will determine the next 30 or 40 for our country and our world."
"Knowledge of history helps to shape tomorrow."
"What is the whole point of prophecy?... Prophecy... shows that someone out there is trying to shape the uncertain future."
"Decisions, not conditions, determine our fate, our future."
"We're not victims, we could shape the future."
"Every ounce of her being resisted conformity. Shiana was determined to be independent of the Bene Gesserit, to shape her own future as she saw fit."
"If you want the future to be good, you must make it so."
"Humans coming together and making a difference and shaping our future, you know that's what it's all about."
"We Define the future... to shape it in our own image."
"You have the ability to determine the future of our country."
"You have the ability through your work and through eventually your vote to determine the future of our country."
"Consequently, our daydreams and imaginations of desired future events largely shape our future."
"Your thoughts shape your future, your words create your day."
"History is more than the path left by the past. It influences the present and can shape the future."
"For your chance to shape the future, create and inspire."
"We choose hope over fear. We see the future not as something out of our control but as something we can shape for the better through concerted and collective effort."
"America is at an inflection point, one of those moments that determine the shape of everything that's to come."
"Humor, not taking [ __ ] too seriously, is the best way to social engineer a good future."
"Their whole agenda is to tear down. I mean that's really what they are there for, that is where they get the Bona fides among their constituents, the people who voted them in."
"To reshape our future, we must control our imagination."
"Changing your future is about creating the life you want to live."
"And live your [ __ ] life and read the body keeps the score."
"Whatever world comes to exist in a distant future will be the product of a long chain of events stretching all the way back to the decisions that people like you and I make."
"We need to start making the motion to form the future we want it to be."
"The historical past shapes the present and influences the future."
"The future was never meant to be written by a virus."
"Technology companies control the future of the human race."
"Our history built this country, but it's also going to shape this country's future."
"Money and physique does not impress me; what impresses me is a real human balanced being."
"Our future depends entirely upon the way we think and act... in this life."
"Your inner circle speaks to who you will be."
"America is at an inflection point... Moments that determine the shape of everything that's to come after."
"The role of a critic or an artist is to resist the role of submitting to a popular movement and to liberate the future from its deformation in the present by an act of cognition."
"Kathy Woods' ARK funds invest in disruptive technology—they try to find the trends which will shape our lives in the decades ahead."
"Artists, animators, creators, you hold the key to shaping the future."
"We the people have the power to shape the future of our country."
"As human beings, we have the power to give form to our future."
"Leaving no one behind... that's why I never worry... take a chill pill."
"The youth are the pulse of today, determining the society, country, and world of tomorrow."
"We have the ability and the power to set the future."
"I think if you want the future to be good you must make it so."
"We can't predict the future, but we can determine it. We are architects of our own destiny."
"We can weave our future reality by revisiting that in a much more conscious way."
"There is no tomorrow, we create tomorrow today."
"Rehoboam could predict the future, and change the future, by making choices, and tweaking variables, to cause the outcomes you want."
"Don't let others shape your future; trust your instincts."
"Optimism and seeing things positively will shape your future."
"What you think in here grows, and it grows in a way that if you do something every day to determine your tomorrow, it'll come true."
"The future is not inevitable. Future is created by humans."
"The best time is now, the future is but what you make it." - Narrator
"Give your own presence enough power that you will have a say-so on how the future is brought out."
"It's the optimists who are shaping our future."
"Now is the moment of truth, now is the opportunity, now is your chance to shape our future."
"We are agents, we are potentially curators of the future."
"The power of thoughts and words are incredible... It's basically your ability to create your future."
"When we, the users, are the ones shaping and contributing to the future."
"Our future is for us to define and nobody else."
"We are co-creators of our reality, shaping the course of human history and the fate of all life on Earth."
"Let us embrace the power within us to shape our reality and create a future that is in alignment with the highest aspirations of our souls."
"Questions need to be answered; the philosophies of tomorrow are born today."
"It's the people who have great ideas and who share them with others they're the ones who are shaping the future."
"We're facing an inflection point in history, one of those moments where the decisions we make today are going to determine the future for decades to come."
"Gratitude will align your frequency with the future. Gratitude will create wonder. Gratitude will bend the universe."
"The tools that we use are our thoughts and our words. Every time you think, you're shaping your future."
"How we explain our past, how we fashion our future."
"These are important years in his development and the things he learns now will shape the person he becomes later."
"This will determine our next decade and these are the two leaders as far as I'm concerned."
"We don't fear the future. We shape it, we embrace it, as one people, stronger together than we are on our own."
"This often happens with movies, as a lot of the times these are boundary-pushing pieces of work that shape the future generations of pop culture."
"The future is going to be forged by people who think of how to use the modern tools that we are given to create opportunity through empowerment."
"Your creativity as a teacher can reinvent someone's future."
"The best way to influence the future is to invent it."
"All of us have the chance to witness and also decide how artificial intelligence will shape our future."
"You can either be shaped by the future, or you can shape it."
"We truly feel that our scale, breadth, and technology helps us shape the future along with you."
"You can change the future by choosing a new image of the future and then recognize that there is only the present, the now, in which to live."
"The smartest technical people in Africa are going to shape its future."
"The difference between a really inspiring future and a dead one for our universe is going to be made quite likely actually in the lifetime of us."
"It does not matter what our majors were, or what our jobs might be. We will be the ones that decide what that future looks like, and everyone in all parts of the globe can experience the beauty of being alive."
"By this method, first desiring and then imagining that we are experiencing that which we desire to experience, we can mold the future in harmony with our desire."
"You cannot change the past, but you can make decisions today that will shape your future."
"The future is being decided now in the decisions that we make and the decisions they make."
"The ability to produce the minds that are going to reshape the future of our community may be guided by the Bible, however, they won't be produced by the Bible, they'll be produced by physics books, I guarantee that."
"We're proud to always be on our client-side, shaping the future of food today and tomorrow."
"Your past does not define you. All that you do in your present will shape your future."
"You're not just developing new apps for the future, you're helping to define the future itself."
"We're becoming more the captain of our own ship with technology."
"We hold the future still timidly, but perceive it for the first time as a function of our own action."
"Everything you teach these little people, you're just helping to shape the future."
"We're at an inflection point in our history... the decisions made now are going to determine the course of this country and the world for the next six or seven decades."