
Website Traffic Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Tens of millions of people have visited our websites over the years from Google searches, so this stuff works and actually has worked for a long time."
"The power of passive income... when you build up these sites they get established they get ranked they start to get autopilot traffic."
"Category pages can be an incredible source of traffic."
"They were seeing a tremendous amount of foot traffic, 10 times the traffic on their website compared to last gen's launch of the RTX 2080."
"There's this moment where someone said to us, you've got half a million people running through your site every month, and that just completely blew our minds."
"Sites that are hosted on sites.google.com are basically getting hundreds and hundreds of millions of visitors."
"SEO is about staying ahead of the game. When you're able to understand the direction Google is going, you can prepare your website beforehand, and you end up with nice, steadily improving traffic graphs like these."
"Our traffic on the.com has never been higher. We've never broken more huge scoops."
"Look, first of all, I can vouch for everything that Frosty is saying. Our traffic has never been higher."
"This is a great way to get people to your website if you have really quality content then people will go to your website and they'll buy your products or services."
"If your website is brand new, it's not unusual to see zero traffic for many, many months. But guess what? It does not have to be like this."
"That's like what 98 percent of people go to your site for it is because you can absolutely be you can be very successful without porn."
"If your website is actually ranking on Google, then every single month there's a consistent amount of people who are actually searching for your website."
"If you have a few hundred people, you have 300, 400 people per day coming to your website, that's an auditorium of people coming to your website every single day just to see what you have to say."
"...where is your best traffic coming from and how do you get more of the sort of traffic that's going to drive more business for you?"
"...which traffic channels in which country are most valuable to us, and this allows us to learn a lot more about what's actually going on with our site."
"Analytics is where you can see all the details... about the people visiting your website and how they're finding your website as well."
"If you already have a WordPress content website, this is a great way to drive additional traffic and drive additional commissions."
"Social media marketing involves increasing website traffic, engagement, and brand awareness."
"The more visitors you get to your page, the more print sales you'll likely have."
"If you stop doing SEO and creating content, over time you'll notice that your traffic will start going down."
"You can get traffic from other sources, social media, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, other areas that aren't just Google."
"Remarketing and retargeting are essential for getting returning visitors back to your site."
"So if you want consistent high quality traffic to your website that you don't have to pay for, stick around."
"Pinterest has been my all-time go-to... Pinterest is the only social media website that people go to specifically to get people to your website."
"...you need to get some traffic and customers to your website."
"A mere 10 minutes after Spitfire went live, Beatport crashed from the sheer amount of site traffic."
"I literally have tears in my eyes. I can see the numbers going up of everyone visiting the site. This is so wild."
"The best possible backlink is someone who finds your content and links to it directly from their website."
"Pinterest is the only social media site out there where people go to click onto someone's website."
"You have to give them a reason to go to your website. So what I do is I use free printables or in my apartment, I have artwork that I am then like okay you can go and download this for free on my website."
"This page receives more than 1,500 organic, non-paid visits from search engines per month."
"How would another ten thousand or say, twenty thousand visits per month to your website affect your business? It'd be pretty awesome, right?"
"Focus on traffic instead of necessarily growing your audience."
"When you focus on traffic, your audience will grow on its own."
"2.9 Million people right on and what does that mean? Look at spicy traffic."
"230,000 a day sounds pretty good. Wait until the year what he was making just recently."
"If you are serious about this stuff and you want as much traffic as you can handle, then do stick around until the end."
"Whether you have a new site or have been around for a while, Rank IQ will take your Google traffic to a whole new level."
"For free you don't need to worry about marketing and funneling traffic into your own website."
"We went from two million unique visitors... to twelve and a half million unique visitors."
"This is just a way that you can get some really quality people over to your website, establish some connections and you never know what you might learn just from talking to people."
"I'm gonna guess you haven't gotten 20,000 views on your website this year."
"There's about a 5% chance of the first visitor to my website coming within the first minute of me monitoring."
"If you're getting traffic to your website, I would highly recommend testing remarketing."
"How many page views we've had, how many visits we've had, this is great stuff."
"The attention span of people who visit sites, I mean, it's nil."
"Amazon is the number one most visited Ecom website in the entire world."
"SEO is a super critical part of any website and can play a big role in how your website receives traffic from the internet."
"Google Analytics is an extremely powerful tool for understanding the traffic that hits your website."
"You could build a site to a hundred thousand visitors a month on the business plan, no problem."
"More than 50% of people going to your website from their mobile phone."
"If you have a bunch of popular websites linking back to your website, your website will shoot up in the search engines."
"Google Analytics will let you know the journey of people that visit your website."
"Ensure your ad is relevant to users so they'll click on the ads and come to your website."
"I roughly have about 150,000 users per month... I'm actually making a little bit of a profit by running the website."
"The purpose of the email is to get the click to the website."
"You can track where your traffic is coming from, see the goals that are happening on your website, and set up different conversions."
"It increased traffic to their website by 400%, lead increase by 45%, number of new visitors to their site by 78%."