
National Destiny Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"I believe that the next three or four years will determine the next 30 or 40 for our country and our world."
"Lincoln said once, 'If America should fail, it will fail and it will be toppled by a destroyer named us.' And I think he's right."
"The fate of Ethiopia is in the hands of Ethiopians."
"We will preserve our heritage, we will defend our liberty, we will reclaim our destiny."
"Trust the God who sees Israel as a nation in the last days only God could predict that Israel would become a united nation."
"America will win because the church will arise to take her rightful place in the finest hour of her history."
"Together, we will write the next great chapter in the history of the United States of America."
"The Bible is full of testimonies of how prayer and fasting change the trajectory of a nation, of a season, of a people, of a bloodline."
"The destiny of Ukraine depended on the outcome of the Polish-Soviet War."
"If America doesn't come back to God, its economic power is going to crumble."
"God is blessing nations that bless Israel and cursing nations that curse Israel."
"Every nation gets the leader they deserve in that moment of time."
"Zimbabwe's economic journey highlights the crucial role of global strategies in shaping a nation's destiny."
"Brexit will not necessarily be a big success, but at least it should allow us to control our own destiny."
"The verdict has been rendered: America shall be saved!"
"In the end, it's the people of Burma who will decide where this country is going to and which way and how and when."
"Americans have always been infatuated with the concept of manifest destiny."
"Nations have risen and fallen based on their adherence or denial of God's authority."
"Why can't Pakistanis be allowed to choose their own destiny?"
"Thank you for providing the needed context for complex issues."
"The decisions we make at this time, the prayers we pray, and the actions we take, they're essential to securing God's dream for the United States of America."
"It is America's destiny to be at the forefront of humanity's eternal quest for knowledge."
"America and Europe side by side have the ability to prove once again the innate advantages of free nations and to succeed in forging our own destiny."
"Is it possible we received a prophetic foreshadow concerning America? Yes, it's already happened." - Speaker
"God is in the middle of a reset... God has not taken his hand off of this nation."
"We will not give this country up to the devil, God still has a purpose for America."
"America is going to be where the miracle was called to be."
"The calling for the whole nation: from Egypt to the promised land."
"When you understand the role of God in Israel's history, you understand it's not a man-made story but it's a God-made Nation for his purposes."
"We must all rise above the hate, move past our divisions, and embrace our common destiny as Americans."
"That's the potential and that surely is the destiny of Scotland."
"When money drains power drains, when a nation loses control of its finances it loses control of its destiny." - Mark Stein
"The U.S. is once again at a crossroads of her destiny."
"If we're gonna fulfill the destiny of our nation, we have to act on behalf of a larger principle or ideal."
"If a nation's course remains unchanged, so too will it end."
"America's destiny isn't finished yet, your unfinished assignment is an American unfinished assignment."
"No one likes to be stolen from, but there are individuals in heaven that made a covenant about this country."
"If indeed this is of God, nothing's going to stop this because he has already determined his heart for this nation." - Wanda Alger
"God established America. He played the pivotal role in the formation of the United States of America." - Ben Wilcox
"When God was with Israel, nobody could take her down."
"God is desperately wanting to get ahold of that country."
"Sooner or later in the lives of great nations comes the moment of decision, comes a moment of destiny."
"God had this nation in his own hand."
"We have a chance now to make a difference about our national destiny and to seek a new and better future as a proud, independent, open, generous, global, free-trading economy."
"America should not hesitate to place its destiny in the hands of these men, for with this strategy of air power, they will make the enemy fight on our terms."
"I refuse to accept that he is being chased because he peacefully demonstrated his position vis-a-vis the destiny of this nation, which is a fundamental human right of anybody."
"Ireland seeks freedom; Labour seeks that an Ireland free should be the sole mistress of her own destiny."
"A House of Prayer will determine the destiny of a nation and of a culture."
"America will share the same fate but what's interesting is that America will escape the fate of the previous countries."
"The instant I speak concerning a nation to build and to plant it, if it does evil in my sight, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it."
"God has a plan for this nation, he has a plan for the church, he has a plan for you, the child of God."
"Voting rights is not an ephemeral, effervescent domestic issue that can be kicked about by reactionary guardians of the status quo; it is rather an eternal moral issue which may well determine the destiny of our nation."
"Our country is destined to become a capital of Commerce."
"The destiny of the nations depends on the manner in which they feed themselves."
"God's not finished with America and God's not finished with the nations of the world."