
Domestic Policy Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Whatever America hopes to bring to pass in the world must first come to pass in the heart of America."
"The willingness of Congress to fund foreign adventurism when they won't fund the most basic stuff in the United States, astonishing."
"President Donald Trump is choosing to put the forgotten men and women of America first."
"We need to focus on our people here in the United States."
"That's what I would like to see. All foreign aid cut. Every penny of it to every country. Take all of that money and use it to protect our own children. There's a radical idea."
"They're being weaponized against the American people..."
"Putin's turn against the United States is...to understand the failure of his domestic policy and his recognition that what he needs is a kind of permanent spectacle which comes out of foreign policy."
"Can't you say that Trump can be a slimy bad person who does bad things domestically, but his foreign policy in this regard is a good thing?"
"The credibility of the presidency depends on action at home."
"Biden has been a strong leader in foreign policy and in domestic policies."
"We need a president who knows that America's strength and leadership abroad depends on the strength of our economy here at home."
"The US should handle its own problems first before finger-pointing at others."
"More and more Americans are asking why are we spending all this money on Wars when we have so much need at home."
"Maybe it's all just one big distraction from Joe Biden's domestic failures."
"Now China's doing great. We're very happy. But we have to do something with that. We have to take care of our people."
"Stop the infighting in the U.S and start being competitive."
"Johnson's domestic program was called the Great Society."
"Foreign policy often seems a little bit distant. So let me just say that if you are concerned about education and infrastructure and healthcare, you know what you should be concerned about foreign policy." - Bernie Sanders
"Foreign policy starts at home. Fix your home first before you tell others. You need to have your house in order."
"Do you agree with my analysis? Do you think that we should amend the Posse Comitatus and Insurrection Act laws to make it harder to use troops on American soil?"
"President Trump took action to shore up our domestic supply chains."
"He sees that the primary beneficiaries of his and his Marines' interventions are the banks, our Wall Street, our American politicians, and then he sees the ways in which imperialism abroad gets re-imported as authoritarianism and fascism at home."
"Insofar as the permanent coup is going after not just Trump but regular Americans, yes, what Washington... with China is an attack on America." - Lee Smith
"Every decision we make from our border policies to our foreign policy to domestic policy comes down to one question: what advances the interests of US citizens?"
"We're all for supporting domestic manufacturing, we're supporting globally competitive companies across the board."
"No unilateral disarmament. It's important in foreign policy; it's important in domestic policy too. Gotta keep up the heat."
"We export democracy by standing up for its values at home."
"The more honest proponents of this new domestic war on terror are explicitly admitting that they want to model it on the first one."
"You heard him talk about key International topics domestic issues like the economy like the Border like immigration there."
"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home"
"Lockdown restrictions have begun to ease, but people are still not allowed to travel around the country."
"There's a lot of agreement on lowering costs for American families."
"Black lives matter means that you handle your business at home before you start solving problems abroad."
"Our real enemies are right here at home." - Mike Prysner
"They wanna outsource our energy to China. Everything about their policies makes us weaker."
"The U.S. House of Representatives passed sweeping legislation... to subsidize the domestic semiconductor industry..."
"I'm more so like I think it'd be great if we brought jobs back here, if we protected the middle class, maybe had stronger workers' rights, unions, I'm in favor of that."
"But we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."
"We have to have the confidence to come forward and connect progressive ideas, many of which start at home, to the success abroad."
"If there's any area of domestic policy where it's possible to get together, it's on this."
"We need more Direction and what we need to do is treat Americans the way they want to be treated."
"Our international policy is determined more than ever by our domestic policy, by our interest in concentrating on creative work for the injection of our country."
"Our ability to run a good society at home is central to our position abroad."
"One of the motivations behind this package is that we think that we can do more domestically to try and meet our labor needs."
"It's time for the house to get on to that debate, to back the bill, to get Brexit done, and to get on to the domestic priorities."
"The explosion in defense spending is coming at the cost of our domestic development here at home."
"I would regard the question of housing and land supply as my number one domestic priority."
"Why are there so many shortages? Because we haven't been investing in our people in our own country."
"Xi is focused on domestic stability first."