
Faith Importance Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Our faith in God comes first if we're going to see everything that God has for us."
"At this point in time in our lives, it's very important that we all take reflection of our walk with Yah."
"Religious liberty is incredibly important to me. I am a person of faith. My family is one of deep and abiding faith."
"If you're smart, you'll choose the name that is above all names Jesus Christ."
"Faith changes lives; it's the most important moment, leading to knowing Him whom to know is eternal life." - Dr. David Jeremiah
"Faith is both the material as well as the building blocks to building yourself. Belief, belief, belief, belief is powerful."
"There is only one way to attain salvation and that is through faith in God without belief one can never be saved from their sins and from Satan."
"Our faith is everything... everything's bigger than ourselves and it has a purpose."
"If my iman fails, that's the biggest failure."
"Honestly, to live a life this day of purpose, you need the miraculous power of Jesus."
"We cannot afford to be lacking when it comes to Faith. There's too much on the line—our family members, our children, our friends."
"Christianity if false is of no importance and if true is of infinite importance." - CS Lewis
"In order to have freedom, you must have virtue, and in order to have virtue, you must have faith."
"What's essential is not only your faith; faith is part of it. What's essential is what you do with that faith."
"Stay in your faith and stay true to your soul."
"When we are in the midst of the fire, being in close proximity to God is what protects us."
"Ukrainian soldiers' bravery and faith have been critical to their extraordinary achievement."
"Faith... that's how these relationships stay strong."
"Faith is very important, it's one of the very significant protective factors."
"But without faith, this is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." - Hebrews 11:6
"Faith is essential. Trust in God's timing and His ways."
"Salvation has always been by faith; it will always be by faith and not of works."
"The only thing that can take you out is a lack of faith."
"God is not a respecter of people; he's a respecter of faith, and that's the most important thing."
"Belief in them is the second pillar of our faith."
"You can continue to celebrate Easter for all of its egg fun and bunny rabbits, or you can celebrate Easter by placing your faith in the one who died and rose again."
"When we place God first, we experience a transformation so profound that our lives will never be the same."
"This is faithful and true... this is a reality... you can bet your eternal life on it."
"If God is not first, He doesn't have any place at all."
"This is a lost opportunity if you do not believe. If you do not have faith, you could lose it."
"Faith is the greatest thing that you can possess."
"No matter how meticulous you are in managing your life and your time, there are certain spaces only God can fill, and that's why I trust him."
"Just the faith of a mustard seed, a little seed that you can hardly see, if it's centered in Christ, it's enough."
"Everything else will fade, money will go away, beauty will fade, but at the end of the day, your faith is what will keep you strong."
"For me, there's two sides of this. There's a spiritual side, obviously, I'm a person of faith."
"Faith is the foundation in which our entire Christianity stands."
"Most importantly, bro, make sure y'all keep faith. Without God, I wasn't able to make this happen, bro. This is, like, out of all things in this room, this is the most important thing in this room. 'Cause God is good, man."
"Faith helps you put that in the proper framework even though I may be in a Tail season Faith say I'm still acting like I'm the Head."
"But without faith it is impossible to please him."
"Your faith matters. Living wholly matters. Your daily prayer life matters. Everything about you matters."
"Jesus shouldn't just be a cherry on the top of your Sunday; he should be the primary ingredient."
"It's like trying to take God away from a Christian. They're like, 'Well if God doesn't exist, what's the point in being alive?'"
"This is the victory over the world: our faith."
"How important is faith? If faith goes out, what are you going to use to please God?"
"We must walk more in faith and trust in him."
"Faith is what takes possession of the healing."
"The truth about who Christ is matters, the absolute truth about who Christ is matters."
"The ground of our inheritance is predestination and faith."
"Faith is so important to me, I really wanted to start off with that."
"I have really, really grown in my faith... that's just something that's become a lot more important to me."
"Without faith, we can't please God; we're to live by faith."
"The quicker you get a person educated about the spiritual realm, the more serious they're going to take their Christianity."
"According to your faith be it unto you, for faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
"The only success is how much faith you had because when you have faith, you can deal with situations that a person with no faith is not able to deal with."
"But if you cling to God and begin the prayer with great faith, in a few days you will see the action of the Divine Holy Spirit entering providentially into your life."