
Future Projects Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"In the future, I do plan to revisit this whole candy-making process, and I have at least a few projects that I think are going to be really interesting."
"I'm so excited for what we do with these next."
"If you think this looks cool, just wait till you see what's coming."
"Thank you so much, so here's to the games we've made and to the games we'll make tomorrow."
"Creepypastas will continue to serve as the inspiration for several more projects in the future, some good, some bad. Either way, at least we've got entertainment."
"I'm happy to be done, I'm so happy to be able to move on to do new things, new projects."
"Even if we don't get season two, I will be working on things that I hope you will enjoy."
"With fans eagerly anticipating his future projects."
"Spider-man is gonna be the perfect character to usher us into phase four." - Perry
"2020 has been a pretty tricky year for movies luckily the calendar is already filling up for the next few years and a whole heap of exciting projects are slated for release."
"We do have a lot of awesome things coming down the road."
"I think Jonah has a lot more music in him... let's see what else we get."
"Thank you so much to you guys for watching this video, like I said it's just the beginning so much more excitement coming this year."
"If there is something that comes up and it works, why not? I would love to work with him again."
"I have a five to ten year road map, let me tell you about it."
"There's so many more stories to tell, so many more experiences we want to deliver and share with the community."
"I think the next Smash Brothers might not even be held by Sakurai. I have a strong feeling he's working on something else."
"I think this is at least a clue suggesting that while they are working on other stuff God of War is also going to continue."
"Thank you all for watching me play My First visual novel. I hope to release more and even better ones in the future."
"Support the float plane if you'd like to see more stuff in the future."
"I'm excited about Starship, Neuralink, and Boring Company."
"I'm working on big things and I'm very excited to see them to fruition this year."
"I would be more excited to see Naughty Dog be like, 'We're doing something brand new and here's what it is.'"
"Now, with all of that being said, I have a lot more coming down the pipeline."
"My best creative accomplishment is the thing I'm working on next."
"Expanding metalworking capabilities: future projects in the pipeline."
"Tarantino is serious about his desire to make a Star Trek movie."
"I think we've got a lot of exciting things coming ahead here."
"Huge Badgers continues to make money and we'll do more the same next time hopefully we can specialize and open up our research and development stuff next time that'd be great."
"We're looking forward to cooking, baking, home projects, room makeovers, and just lots of fun content coming your way soon."
"Kevin Feige has acknowledged that they have phase 5's big event planned out already."
"It's been awesome working with you guys and we're really excited about what we have in store for this year and honestly all the stuff that we're working on down the road."
"It's just remarkable how much information related to Insomniac games and their future got out."
"When it's completed, the Shimizu Mega City pyramid will be the largest man-made structure on the planet."
"I got some exciting stuff coming in 2023, so definitely stay tuned!"
"All we can hope for is that the film does okay so that we can get the Justice League films and we can get that solo Batman film."
"Guys, what did you think? If you like what you see here, I might include some steam features in Engine Simulator 3D which I'm working on now."
"I hope we get a chance to do another one and I'm sure we will." - Ewan McGregor
"Thanks for listening everybody... lots more to come."
"We've got some really exciting things coming up."
"This new trilogy will wrap up with a potential Spider-Man 6 which I plan on making eventually if you guys have enough interest in this storyline."
"I'm excited going forward, we got stuff to look forward to."
"Will I be writing any more books? We'll see, I don't know."
"Phil did say he was gonna go meet all the studios and see what they want to do next."
"It gets you super interested for what he's going to do on 'Utopia.'"
"I hope you got some more deviations in store for us."
"This thing is pretty neat, I want to test out more solar panels in the future."
"There's so much more story to tell and I'm excited to do that one day."
"Executives have discussed launching Stargate as soon as 2028."
"I think we're in really good hands for future stuff."
"That's going to be it for this project. I will see you in the next one."
"I think everyone's cheering for them to come back and do the next big thing."
"From what I've heard on the subject, it is also rumored that Miles might appear in future Sony films."
"We've got just a ton of really awesome plans."
"A monorail themed attraction has been teased in the upcoming book 'The Disney Monorail: Imagineering a Highway in the Sky.'"
"This is not the end, this is just the beginning of the biggest work in the world that will be done very soon. Nothing to worry about."
"Building bigger things should be coming soon."
"We're at the beginning of something new here."
"We're going to be doing a lot more of these, so thank you thank you thank you."
"Yes I have actually talked to the the folks over there at Celsius and I'll probably do some videos about it because it looks pretty promising what they're doing so stay tuned."
"We hope more documentaries like this will be made in the future."
"Looking forward to making epic stuff in the future."
"I'm very excited to see what we're gonna get going forwards."
"Nintendo and Microsoft have had a great relationship lately, and we've had rumors of more collaborations to come."
"The future of Marvel Studios is truly exciting right now with over 20 projects coming either on film or to Disney Plus. There's no shortage of exciting projects coming."
"Building parks are nice. We should build an airport probably at some point too."
"We've got lots of big and exciting plans, ambitious cool ideas of stuff we want to do."
"I cannot wait to see how this car transforms even more, and then once this project's pretty much done, you guys are gonna love the next projects I have planned."
"...this really does open up the world of possibilities for future projects."
"I am ecstatic to see whatever Gareth Evans does next."
"Especially when we get to see in the future like Blade the Vampire Slayer, right? We need to see this guy actually killing off vampires and that has to be brutal. It has to be dude. It's Blade. I mean come on, it's freaking Blade."
"The involvement of the US government shows that politicians too are starting to see the importance of such projects for our future."
"They have a very close history, like, those inventors were into some stuff that you would be surprised at, you know? So, there's lots of future projects we have, lots of work cut out for us."
"Thank you guys for watching this series. We're on to much more exciting projects in the future. I think on this channel, I've got so much film that I can't wait to put it out. Peace."
"They're supposedly going to be investing in the Disney parks over the next 10 years we don't know any projects beyond 2025."
"For future projects, please subscribe to the channel and hit the notification bell."
"Next week we'll be working on a chair and some flowers."
"I'm super stoked about that. It's coming out, like I think maybe after Tony's, but yeah, it's in the pipe. I'm super stoked on that."
"I'm excited to get more work from him because I really enjoy him as a director."
"...hopefully, the kind of projects that we might run into down the road that can also come in handy for."
"He said he has a few things going but they don't start until next season."
"I'm excited for everything that we got going on. I just saw the samples of the good good collab with us that's coming out later this year. I saw the googan collab merch, bro. It's, it's [__] snapping finally, goddamn it."
"I've really enjoyed getting to know you over those last few months and I hope that we collaborate and do more things together."
"I cannot wait to see what new projects Terry has in store."
"Congratulations on the show. Looking forward to all of season two, Christmas special, and then season three at some point in the future. So congratulations and all that."
"I really can't wait to see what you do next."
"I'm pretty happy. We're going to create some beautiful stuff."
"I really did have fun with this, and I think it would be great if I made this again in the future."
"The creative spirit is restless, and there's so much I still want to do."
"Stay tuned, we've got a lot of cool things coming down the pipeline."
"If you're interested in sticking around and seeing what some of those projects might be, go ahead and subscribe."
"I'm really excited for what this next year has to come for content and projects."
"I really had fun making these, I kind of want to do some more."
"I look forward to everything you will be working on in the future."
"Thank you for joining us in this tutorial, and we wish you the best of luck with your future full-stack development projects."
"This is not our last album, we will continue to do this and hopefully you guys will continue to follow us."
"It's gonna make a wonderful video today and more wonderful videos going forward."
"We will be doing stuff together again very soon, which is extremely exciting."
"We have a lot coming up for the show."
"I'm excited for you guys to see different sides to me in the future."
"Good luck if you are tackling a stone project; I'll see you in my next one."
"There are only bigger, better, cooler, funner, more exciting artistic things coming."
"I'm very excited to get that and maybe see if I can start working on all of the lights at some point in the near future."
"Let me know in the comments if you've ever tried the modeling paste or what project you think I should try next."
"I'm excited for more of the spinning to do for this year."
"I would definitely like to do some more of these in the future."
"We will see you very soon; we've got lots of exciting things coming with Honda builds, more JDM legends, so stay tuned."
"We talked about the future of handheld gaming, Game Pass, and what game five will be."
"Thanks so much for watching. We are super excited to move on to our next project."
"Marvel Studios will probably start to introduce various mutants and X-Men characters throughout different projects in Phase 5 and phase six."
"I can't wait to see what else you do in the future."
"Postmates loved it, they want to do more."
"I look forward to growing in this hobby and in many other projects to come along with you in the future."
"I'm really excited for future projects."
"I'm actually going to be doing some dragons soon as well."
"I've got a lot of really, really cool things I'm really excited to do videos on in the future."
"I hope you have learned something here and that you can apply what you have learned to your future work and projects."
"Make it accessible for future projects, allows your organization to develop templates, allows your organization to make the good things on your project happen on future projects."
"I'm getting excited to see what they're going to have us do next."
"The majority of these characters will return in upcoming projects."
"I can't wait to apply some of them to my ceramics as I work forward in the future."
"I hope I showed some new techniques that will help you in future creating new projects."
"We're gonna keep on trying new things and see where it takes us down the road."
"We've learned how to use different classes and other properties which will eventually help us create big projects in the future."
"If it goes well, we will make more content together when lockdown has ended."
"They're wonderful actors. I can't wait to work with them again."
"There are a few more on their way, that's what I will say."
"We are getting a bright future for the Batman world, not only in sequels but also spin-off movies and more projects surrounding Batman's Rogues Gallery."
"I'm going to walk through what are future projects coming up and which ones I have fabric selected for."
"I thank you for watching, and I have a lot more naturalistic enclosure builds on the horizon."