
Economic Consequences Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"We spend billions of dollars promoting a completely insular media space where we are utterly removed from the consequences of our economy to the rest of the world."
"You cannot take 20% of the labor force and have them not produce anything, and there are no consequences."
"Our Chinese policy of interdependency, termed 'constructive engagement,' was a complete and unmitigated disaster because we made China rich, feeding the Chinese tiger until it became a dragon capable of challenging us for global preeminence."
"Putin's aggression against Ukraine will end up costing Russia dearly, economically and strategically."
"They've inadvertently shot themselves in the foot crushing the euro and now people are running away from the US dollar."
"The brain drain of Western immigration is dooming other countries to perpetual third-world status."
"The economic impacts are going to be the thing that hurts more people honestly directly than the virus itself."
"But a prolonged trade war means irreparable damage to China’s economy."
"The ensuing worldwide economic recession would lead to flare-ups and social unrest."
"But the big pain is in not dealing over time is in not dealing with inflation and allowing it to become entrenched."
"All caused by a government acting against the interests of its own people."
"Any reduction in British trade with the continent, even if it's four percent, would be a huge economic price."
"The virus surging, an economy battered, and now nationwide quarantines."
"We're talking about the loss of millions upon millions of jobs, and that does have a pretty significant impact on people's lives."
"The burden of this bailout is going to fall on them."
"If there's a war with China, that's curtains for the global economy."
"When you lose your property-owning middle class, what you also lose is your customer base."
"When your business partner gets financially body slammed, that's gonna change a lot of things."
"Extreme measures such as lockdowns may have a major impact on social life and the economy."
"Eventually we're going to have to pay the price, that means economic pain."
"Joe Biden said that he wouldn't raise taxes. Look, we know giving away free money has consequences."
"Remember, that's what a tariff does. It's not punishing foreign companies nearly as much as punishing American consumers."
"The objective is to balance things out and to have a shift like the West owns 80 percent of everything but and and the rest of the world 20."
"If we simply pull up the drawbridge, we would destroy jobs for everybody in this country." - Nick Clegg
"That will be a price worth paying, Mr. Speaker, for defeating the objectives of Vladimir Putin and showing that aggression does not pay."
"The damage to both human liberty and to the economy have been huge and probably permanent."
"Billions of dollars can be lost over a single tweet."
"The net result of all this money printing and money inputting, people are ecstatic. You can't get restaurant reservations and all that."
"In the end, if you print too much, you end up in something like Venezuela."
"None of this would be possible, Mr. President, if we weren't effectively operating this government with the printing press."
"It's not that the government can't physically do it. We know its ability to do it. But we also know that when it exercises that ability to do that, poor and middle-class Americans suffer."
"We have to acknowledge the fact that this was a deliberate policy decision that was made and it's resulted in these numbers that are just overwhelming for the people."
"I don't think that war would be positive I mean I think it would be uh it would be something like world war II where you or your trade partners get really all discombobulated and all of a sudden everything gets messed up economically."
"There is no free lunch you can't be negligent to the extent that central bankers and politicians are today and not have any type of fallout or consequences."
"You may be enjoying your stimulus checks right now, but on the back end and every single day after that, you're going to pay for it."
"What are the prices that both sides will pay in an event of a financial decoupling?"
"Messing with a free market is gonna cost you."
"Market consequences of liquidity withdrawal."
"If we fail to [raise the debt ceiling], I think that the consequences are hard to estimate but they could be extraordinarily adverse and could do long-standing harm."
"A moratorium policy merely delays the threat of eviction as renters continue to accumulate debt."
"What consequences does this all have to the World’s economy?"
"What the president did gain is the fact he’ll take a hit as our economy fails to recover this fall."
"I would absolutely purchase this 10,000 Rebel 1100."
"Your guy has a problem because we're eating off this person."
"The worries here could bring down a big player like that and of course that's going to create Ripple effects."
"We're sowing the seeds of our own demise by Collective panic."
"Capitalism, if not controlled, can lead to harmful consequences."
"Every time there's been a trade war everyone jacks their prices up so it didn't seem to work so well historically."
"America's sanctions on Russia are hurting the U.S. in a profound way."
"We are not just going to suffer a huge geopolitical and military and economic debacle, we're going to suffer a moral debacle as well."
"If Russia falls apart and they can't export all that energy they're exporting now, the world would be in trouble."
"If the American people clearly learn that lesson which should be very obvious then that dries up trillions in contracts and untold prestige and power for blob warmongers."
"We're about to pay for the economic 'science.'"
"Every day that we're locked down, there are massive mental health issues, physical health issues, and just economic health that we're going to be paying for for years."
"If you're kind of extracting surpluses from the system, then usually you get unrest at some point."
"The volatility created many millionaires and destroyed fortunes."
"One unintended consequence of the stimulus could be the third highest trade deficit ever."
"Dealing with the inflation problem is painful, that is going to hurt the economy, it can hurt me, it can hurt everybody."
"Australia's push for an independent investigation could result in economic coercion from China."
"X would say it could wreak havoc on the global economy and take a devastating toll on the militaries involved."
"This doesn't end well. All it does is strip away the wealth from the money that's already in circulation."
"The number of crushed lives because of this economic lockdown breaks my heart."
"The end result is still the same: Biden's nuclear economic sanction just de-dollarized the world forever."
"Putin's war is intended to cause economic damage to the West."
"You can't just print money and then think nothing's going to happen."
"These extra miles and days translate into additional costs such as fuel costs, lost value of time-sensitive cargo, and a surge in insurance and legal claims."
"Climate inflation from insurance prices, from lost and damaged infrastructure, from increased health care needs, and from climbing food prices."
"No buyers mean there won't be any money, no tickets to the great cities of the east, no pretty dresses, imported perfumes, fine wine."
"If you refuse to worship the beast, if you refuse to bow, if you refuse to submit, you will not be able to buy or sell."
"With the first spark, the fire will spread to the West."
"Suppression of volatility always leads to volatility elsewhere."