
Divine Interaction Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"He shall receive the life of gods and see heroes with gods co-mingling and himself be seen as a hero."
"Prayer is not bound by time, and God is not bound by time."
"The most intimate relationship between God and mortal ever existed to be able to kneel before a god and converse with them as you would your father."
"When the savior of the universe comes straight to you and asks you a question, throw away all your excuses."
"If you pray the will of god then god hears you and if he hears you then he answers you."
"Receiving from the Lord through our dreams at night is one of the primary ways that God communicates to His people."
"God moves to people that act and respond to what he told to do."
"A lost boy was blessed and kissed by Hashem!"
"These metaphors are used of the place where God has come to be with man on earth."
"Certain prayers offered in faith have the ability to change the very mind of God."
"In Exodus, God is capable of changing his mind when Moses argues with him."
"God will give you a high that no one else can give you."
"A fundamental changing of the gods seems to be at work right now."
"You've not only heard but you have felt a tug of the Spirit of God."
"In conclusion, the April 8th, 2024 Eclipse stands as a poignant reminder of the dynamic interplay between the Divine and the cosmic, between God's sovereignty and our human experience."
"It is therefore certain that not only the first contact between humans and extraterrestrials has already taken place but that the gods have been a fundamental part in our evolution as a species."
"God's salvation, if you want to call it, or light or love, is constantly kind of knocking at the door in our mind, and we can choose to open that and accept that good path of that loving choice."
"Joy is a magnet. It puts pressure on the power of God. It puts pressure on the integrity of God."
"There's coming a time when the veil between the spirit and the natural is growing thinner."
"The baptism of the Spirit is not rain from heaven. It's a flood from within."
"Prayer is engaging with God to make a difference."
"You praised gods that can't see, hear, or know. But I know a god who holds your breath in his hand."
"His ways are beyond measurement. Your kindness changed who I am."
"Don't let a moment go by without an opportunity for God to fill you up."
"When you come in contact with the power of God, there are no limits."
"The voice of your god can penetrate the walls of the virtual world."
"I challenge that and go, 'Yeah okay, that might be there and all that maybe God put that there so that like it's his way of accessing you and letting you know hey I'm here what's up you know there's different ways to look at it.'"
"Thank God, I feel his sacred tears upon my face and his sobs strike against my heart."
"The Quran emphasizes God's responsiveness to humans."
"Throughout the Bible, angels play a significant role in God's interactions with humanity."
"When the word of God is rightly preached, the voice of God is truly heard because in his word he meets with his people."
"Just ask Him, 'God, touch me, touch me, touch me again.'"
"May you just see, feel, and know that He touched me."
"I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard My Cry."
"Let the Word of God search you through and through, carrying away every relic that ought to be taken from you."
"You don't have to do it in some weird way, you can be normal and walk every day with the Holy Spirit."
"God wants to touch you exactly where you are."
"God Almighty going to work down in your heart and tell you to bring you towards his word."
"The most high has been dealing with us on a spiritual plane and a spiritual level."
"Asking, seeking, and knocking in prayer allows God to give us what we need."
"Faith is a spirit and it's a force and comes out of your human spirit. For you to get action from God, you don't have to leave your flesh."
"The Lord was kind enough to bless me for being honest enough with Him."
"When those moves of the Holy Spirit begin to stir on the Earth, that's the time Heaven touches Earth."
"The man God is talking about the word he said he's dealing with him right now."
"We anticipate the infinite, yet he's speaking in the intimate. Maybe god isn't just an echo from distant history, maybe god is present, active with us now."
"God meets people where they are and tries to bring them to a better place."
"Repentance isn't just about purging your sin, it's also about how Gormu reacts to it. If he has a good time listening to your story, he's more likely to forgive you."
"You learn his unction and his stopping you in your spirit for something, and you stand at attention for it."
"The most precious moment of my physical walk was experiencing the spirit of God, showing me all that I really was."
"God doesn't make us do what he wants us to do. He gave us an amazing Free Will."
"Every meditation is a partial illumination; for you cannot possibly open your mind to God without God immediately responding."
"What we're feeling right now is permanent. Just receive the fire of this new move of God, the glory of God."
"Our God is a God who responds to our prayer."
"It's about God simply wants to be in relationship with us, redeeming, establishing, and perpetuating the Covenant, coming into God's presence, and learning his law."
"He sits there with us, and He communes with us, and when He laughs, the glory just comes forth, and you're just overwhelmed." - CS
"Real faith can grab God's attention in heaven and move him into action on your situation."
"Jesus is Alive and he wanted to give us a sign."
"Real is divine and human. Real is wrestling, real is ups and downs and forwards and backs and trying to make sense of things."
"I am God. I will supply. I am rest for your souls and will provide."
"Miracles come from the flow of the Holy Ghost. It's not just a bunch of doctrine. It's not just a bunch of memorization. It's also knowing how to flow and wait on the Lord, Jesus."
"Praise is a force that God gave us that calls for heaven to perform according to the praise."
"If God exists, is benevolent, is all-powerful, wants us to have a relationship with him, and there is actually a good solution to the problem of evil, then he would share the solution."
"Every other religion is man trying to reach up to God. Christianity is God reaching down to man."
"Heal my heart, give me your spirit, let it overflow into everything I do."
"Father, I just pray for every single person under the sound of my voice, Lord, that Your tangible glory would touch the people right there where they are."
"All I can wonder is why, then I feel a new emotion that is being emitted by God, this emotion is absolute patience."
"When Jesus turned and he saw her he said daughter."
"The first thing I want to pray is that everyone viewing have their own experiential knowledge with God."
"When you put a prayer into your life, it's really powerful. The Holy Spirit. I don't think there's anything weird about it at all."
"The more that you're opening up to your own connection with the divine you're going to feel that energy come in and come forward."
"God speaks to us in human words, and that's just so powerful and real to realize."
"Every time we read the Bible, the word of God comes to us and meets us where we're at, as a father speaks to his children."
"When we speak to the Lord at the level of Heart to Heart, what the Lord does is he gives us what we need."
"We all have access to the prophetic anointing; the Spirit of God lives inside of us and speaks to us."
"The human history and the human story is born of the interaction of us with the world of God and angels."
"Expectation cost us something... it actually lets God loose in our life."
"Authentic people see God, but because they are for real, God can be for real with them."
"Timing is different to them than it is to us. What can feel like years or a lifetime in the eyes of spirit or in the eyes of the divine, it will happen in a blink of an eye."
"If God responded to Cornelius, how much more to you? Was the spirit of God who knows the ways..."
"God's repentance is about His consistent posture towards humanity."
"God really cares and is really interacting with us in real life right now."
"There's just a sense of urgency that your life is really interacting with God."
"Are you ready for God to visit you? Are you ready to hear God's voice? Are you ready to know God more deeply than you have ever known Him before?"
"God spoke to his people from genesis into revelation and he still does it."
"Our most ancient and cherished spiritual traditions have preserved the knowledge and the technique to interact with the Divine Matrix."
"I'm very important to God... you know, God gotta call me to figure stuff out."
"God wants to touch your heart, not just hear your words."
"Hearing God's voice will radically transform the life of a believer."
"The prayer is not complete until God shows up because prayer is not a monologue, it's a dialogue."
"The church is not a building, it is not even the people, it is actually the living presence of a holy God in a fallen world."
"Your faith in Jesus Christ as the Messiah will cause him to bring the Holy Spirit upon you."
"God wants to speak to you, God wants to restore you."
"The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob really speaks, really does miracles."
"Worship shapes the way a god manifests on Tamriel."
"A woman can be a prophetess. God deals with that woman, uses that woman to prophesy."
"Our God is a real God, a prayer answering God."
"It's a constant open dialogue with the Lord."
"What happens when we come into contact with the divine 'mobile? I wonder."
"Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children."
"You want God to cooperate with you then you going to have to come and cooperate with him, that's right."
"It's like a kiss from heaven, you know, it's like a divine kiss. It's an intimate brush with the reality of God's compassion and love, and He keeps His promises."
"Thank you, devil, because the thorn in my flesh made me speak with God."
"All varieties of true prayer will meet with responses from heaven."
"There are lessons in that for us that our guides are angels our spirits our source energy doesn't matter what you believe that divine right it's the divine speaking to us trying to guide us by showing us those signs."
"Come and touch your people today with your power."
"God is preparing them to deal with them directly."
"God gives us the dignity of causality. He works through us to get his will done on Earth, and that gives us dignity that we otherwise wouldn't have."
"Negotiations, you are working with Divine energies."
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Now look at those words really carefully. Who draws first, us or Him?"
"I knew God was real, but that was the first like an interaction where I reached out and he responded immediately."
"When God comes and talks to us we say no to him and he can't do anything. He goes upset, he comes back again, another time, try again."
"God doesn't know that Abraham loves him until you sacrifice something you love. You don't love me, you like me."
"Touching God is almost entirely God's work."
"There will come to me some people whom I will recognize and they will recognize me then they will be prevented from reaching me."
"There's a tradition in Islam that creation is generated by the interaction of two at least two names of God."
"Everything God does with you, He does in your spirit."
"Every time that God is going to interface with humans it's going to be in the form of human language imagination and cultural expression."
"God is here and he makes himself present to me and by responding generously to his grace I may be present to him and he'll do with it what he will."
"Almost every ancient culture has the same story, heavenly beings fell from heaven and mingled with humans."
"...so I see it as God condescending to that lower human level for our benefit."
"God not only thinks about us but also personally interacts with us."
"An amazing relationship with the Holy Spirit."
"Worship is not preliminaries, we could go home because you can't take an hour and talk to God and God not talk back to you."
"The Bible is a record of the stories of God's dealings with men."
"I respond and I give the one who makes Dua when he makes Dua."
"Discovering that the Holy Spirit is a person changed the way I interacted with God."
"Does He interact? When I pray does He answer me?"
"The tales of Greek Mythology are full of gods and goddesses mingling with mortals and interfering with their lives."
"Faith is how we conduct business with God; without faith, we cannot conduct business with heaven."
"The grace wherein you stand is not just forgiveness, it is interaction, constant interaction with God."
"God affects the world but the world affects God. We're entangled."
"When one stands up for the Salah, he's interacting with his Lord."
"The sacramental economy is the way that God chooses to interact with us through the sacraments."
"If you reach out to God, there's no way God will not answer you or reach back about you."
"Experiencing the joy that comes from interacting with the perfect, all knowing, all loving God forever."
"We are how we are because we are a direct reflection of the pattern of divine creative interaction."
"Leela means divine play; it is where God, the Supreme reality, takes on limitation for the endearment of his devotees."
"If God sneezed, what would you say to him?"
"God will never force himself upon anybody."
"It's hugely foundational for presenting how God deals with the real world as He finds it."
"I live because He talks. I'm alive because He speaks."
"Everything becomes an interaction with the divine."
"Fill your thinking with the word of God, then God can have a free approach to your life and flow out to do mighty things for the glory of God through you."
"This is the place where God dwells, where we interact with God most directly."
"God took me back and he said, 'Brian, I forgive you. Are you ready to start again?'"
"That was such a divine interaction between us."
"We serve a God who can elevate you and use you and speak to you face-to-face, regardless of what your past has been."
"The divine power... is an extraordinary process, the interaction between the outer material world and the spiritual realm."
"God doesn't change or interfere with man's freewill whatsoever; He draws, He knocks, He holds forth His hand, He's not willing that any should perish, but He's not going to interfere or intervene with His will."
"Let love and God be at liberty to touch our faces with bright wings and leave wonder in our eyes."
"For he it was who at all times came down to hold converse with men."
"God's favorite game is hide and seek."
"Lord, we thank you not just for your word but for the way that you interact with us in our lives."
"The Lord delights in using subtle ways to reveal Himself."