
Startup Advice Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"We're gonna show you guys how to start a clothing line with no money."
"You save time and money, especially as you're starting out."
"Stick to small or easier-to-ship items when you first start out."
"Start with the end in mind. Start messy first."
"Just do it. Don't worry about the equipment, just use your built-in webcam, just use your built-in mic and just do it."
"If I had to start all of this over today, this video is going to tell you exactly what I would do."
"I'm going to break down how to start a digital marketing agency with no money."
"Frequently it's best to have two or three people on a team rather than a sole founder."
"Starting small now is better than not starting at all."
"Literally just trust in the process and literally just start."
"We don't need you. If enough people believe in your product, you can make something happen."
"Most of your energy should be dedicated to marketing your business in your first few years of operating."
"The support these guys offer is personal robots or employees. There's no experience needed but like anything in life, it takes time as it's a real business with real results."
"These type of businesses, you have to put money into them."
"Lean Startup is the way to go. Too much money breeds waste."
"Don't start a company to start a company... you have to look for a problem that exists today."
"The hardest part of business is not creating your dream product, it's marketing it."
"Retention is bad... until you nail the main focus of the business, nothing else matters."
"Be careful about the thoughts that keep you from starting."
"Essentially, you don't have to invest thousands of dollars into inventory without knowing if it's going to sell."
"This is a great chance for you to start without having to go all the way back and try and find product that may not be available anymore."
"Don't worry about the what-ifs... start now."
"The two things that really ridiculously de-risk your startup: talking to your customers and building and launching a product." - Dalton Caldwell
"How to mitigate the startup costs for cooperatives."
"First-time founders just don't get sucked into 'grass is greener' syndrome."
"Choose one idea to validate. Super simple, but still so many people miss this."
"The real answer to your question is it actually has to work."
"Start now, get data, and it will become a useful benchmark."
"You do not need everything to get started...encourage you not to have everything when you get going."
"You really can get started with just your phone and some decent lighting."
"There's never a bad time to start a good company."
"As Spartan families became poorer, they could not afford to pay for the equipment."
"The goal you should have as an early stage founder is to get a product out into the world quickly, minimum viable product."
"Starting lean. Don't overthink it, just do, and then you'll know whether it works or not. Then you can go from there."
"This is a great way to start an online business."
"You don't want to dig yourself into a financial hole having to pay every single month for a website host when you're not even making money yet."
"Anybody can start this business—all they need is the know-how, resilience, and determination to make shit happen."
"If you're not willing to invest in your business, then my advice is not even to get started."
"This is the best actual way to start Drop Shipping right now."
"You gotta start messy. You gotta just press record."
"A study in determination that acts frankly as a lesson to us all."
"Do not sell too much Equity at the beginning. Having said that, the best thing you can ever do is sell no equity at all."
"Start with small deals, large deals, or online deals. You can definitely start with online deals." - "94% of startups fail. That's why I like to buy them instead of build them."
"You can start with $0, just look around your house and find some junk to sell."
"It's about starting a business and taking advantage of what is called leverage."
"Get in the game. Start something that matters."
"Do everything very small first. It's like everything that we've done so far that thinks like saved us a ton of time and money because we have no idea what we're doing..."
"The first focus in your business, no matter where you're starting, you have nothing right now, you didn't have a business, you have to focus on sales first."
"You don't need the fanciest things when you start something you really like."
"It's very straightforward now when it comes to packaging for your first product."
"Every big business started off as a little business."
"Launching early gives you the chance to practice and refine your idea." - Start early, refine often.
"Learning is different for everybody... learn the basics of the thing that it is that you want to start and then start the thing."
"This is one of the easiest businesses that you can start."
"If you can save up a hundred dollars, you can absolutely start any business."
"First, build things that don't scale, then build things that scale."
"Keep your costs as low as possible, especially in the beginning."
"I want to share the five big things that it takes to start absolutely anything and actually keep up with it."
"It's one of the most important things you can do when you have a new business."
"The reason I recommend just sticking with what you know is it's going to be a faster ramp up for you to start."
"My advice is to keep things simple at first and don't try to overwhelm yourself."
"Most young companies with a lot of promise do the right thing; they don't borrow money."
"We don't want to overspend when it comes to this; we want to run lean when it comes to our business, especially if just starting out."
"The best way to keep your expenses down is, of course, as you are beginning your food business and starting the business of any kind, is to only use your funds as you need it and let your business grow from there."
"Lean start, fast start, dirty start, small, don't start big, don't start fancy, just go."
"When you first get started, you have to consider your budget."
"Focus on a niche especially when you're starting off."