
Corruption Exposure Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Julian Assange did incredible work in revealing to us the nature of hypocrisy and corruption."
"Regardless of whether the allegations against Klaus Schwab are true or not, our society needs to prioritize exposing corruption and unethical behavior."
"Journalists provide a crucial role in society by exposing corruption, keeping government officials honest, and reporting on some of the biggest injustices that might otherwise go unspoken."
"Nast's campaign to shine a spotlight directly on the rampant political corruption that dominated the institution started by his calling them on voter fraud."
"What Elon Musk has released is evidence of corruption that goes to the highest level of government."
"God is exposing corruption in America and we should ask him to continue that process."
"They're not even trying to hide what kind of crooks they are."
"Bitcoin as I've said is a magic mirror. It reveals corruption in a very dramatic way."
"Holiness came into my life, the greatest day."
"Do you want to get a bill passed or do you want to expose corruption?"
"Recovery: not about guilt, shame, or remorse. It's about becoming the person that you are today."
"Daylight is the best disinfectant and apparently it was us just showing the financials and asking where the hell all the money is going."
"Yanukovych's vast estate near Kiev: a museum of corruption."
"Follow the money for everything. Follow the money and you will find it."
"He has exposed the depth of the corruption in Twitter and, I think, broadly in our ruling class."
"Logical people know better and Hillary Clinton lost the election as a result of much of this corruption coming to light."
"He's always just been leaking, making public, and private information that should be public, yes, in the public interest. That's it. He's just exposing corruption. That's all he's been doing the whole time."
"Follow the money, that will get you to the main top guys."
"Thank you for the leadership your providers said the Judicial Watch could expose what this whole gang was up to in trying to bring down a president of the United States."
"Panic in DC: Comey and communication with McCabe regarding testimonies." - Q
"This is fantastic news ladies and gentlemen, finally the people who engaged in overt illegal and corrupt activities will be taking a task and they'll face the legal consequences."
"They're fantastic, they're really good, he does genuine journalism and he actually exposes the corruption that takes place in the system."
"Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson set out to expose what they see as serious corruption involving Joe Biden."
"Shoemate wasn't the only one blowing the whistle on Reyes at this time."
"The NRA has become a corporate grift of essentially corrupt officials at the top."
"It is getting so bad even the corrupt corporate media can't ignore this anymore."
"That money is being laundered into the pockets of think tanks, grants, and non-profits."
"Exposing corruption could be a complex and accidental affair."
"Clearly it was a pay-to-play scam, and now there should be a much larger investigation to bring it to light."
"Without a doubt, such a significant collapse would not have occurred without Construction defects falsified safety inspections."
"We're seeing a lot of corruption, but we're also seeing a lot get exposed."
"Because you have absorbed a lot of evil and been exposed in your face to a lot of evil and corruption and manipulation and parasitism, you know what it looks like."
"Watch as elaborate plans of the corrupt begin to crumble."
"FIFA were raided by the FBI and what they found was what we already knew that FIFA is one of the most corrupt organizations in the world because Vega were taking bribes Like a Porn Star take stick just from any direction in every direction"
"Follow the money absolutely the money is going to show you who benefits from it and who doesn't."
"The greatest corruption scandal of all time."
"It's about the heart and the spirit of not only the prophet but what God is saying through him."
"If you have to out someone for criminal activity and being bad at their job and being corrupt, that sets a precedent that other people in your party can then be removed from their job for being criminal and being corrupt which they all are."
"Exposing this ill-gotten wealth that has been looted from China and moved overseas will really get you some mileage."
"The FBI was in the mob's pocket all along, thanks to tips on fixed horse races."
"This is an inhumane system, it's rotten to the very core."
"A level of corruption was shown to us that can never be undone."
"Honestly with all the corruption I've seen laid out in front of me lately, it's not even a big, it's not even top five corrupt thing, corrupt things I've seen this month."
"I think locally finding out corruption in Mal is going to be huge."
"Judicial Watch has nearly 50 lawsuits to expose this most massive corruption scandal in American history."
"Exposing the corruption, you stop the corruption."
"You're looking at corruption, you're looking at things that shouldn't be."
"He's letting them see how corrupt they are and they can't stand it."
"Part of God revealing corruption is a great awakening."
"I haven't even started. I won't stop. Don't ask me to stop. What is this? The same people you're protecting are the same people who go behind you, connive, and collect money."
"The main reason I created this channel was to expose the corruption that goes on in prison."
"Online investigative reporting helps to expose political corruption and keep politicians honest."