
Architectural Marvel Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The Great Wall of China is one of the wonders of the world, even if it really didn't succeed in its purpose of keeping the northern nomads out of China."
"The gardens were said to have looked like a large green mountain constructed of mud bricks."
"It's truly mind-boggling how such enormous blocks of stone can be so randomly shaped yet so perfectly put together."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza has never ceased to be a focal point of wonder and curiosity."
"Imagine a steel that holds a 200 ton roof, yet weighs less than styrofoam of the same size."
"The engineering required to raise all those massive Stones so high is a problem that has fascinated Humanity throughout history."
"The Great Wall of China is the most extensive structure ever created by man."
"Mankind today cannot replicate the building of the Great Pyramid, evidence of ancient African knowledge."
"The Great Pyramid is a true masterpiece, built of such precision that our current technology cannot replicate it."
"The great pyramid is undoubtedly the greatest of the seven wonders of the world practically everything about it is awesome."
"This stadium is insane, it really is. It's so big, it's the third biggest in Europe or in the world rather, the biggest in Europe."
"The Millau Viaduct in France: a triumph of engineering and one of the engineering wonders of the 21st century."
"If it was built the entire human race alive today all 7.47 billion of us could fit inside of a building that would only take around half an hour to jog around."
"The Great Pyramid is absolutely elegant and marvelous even by standards today."
"The biggest dome in the world and the first wonder of the new millennium."
"The Taj Mahal, famed as the architectural wonder of the world."
"Right there guys right there is the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building."
"Long considered the greatest of the so-called 'Seven Wonders of the Ancient World'."
"120 feet of bronze, wrapped around an iron and stone skeleton, the Colossus was so large, it was said its fingers were the size of a man."
"The seven ancient wonders are a great example of how people build to impress, build to a scale which seems almost incredible."
"The Great Pyramid is just off the charts in terms of perfection and close tolerances."
"The hanging Monastery of Mount Hang is a testimony to the ingenuity of the monks who lived here for centuries."
"Every single one of these blocks had to be brought here, by someone, hacked out of a piece of rock, transported, and then stuck one on top of the other."
"Welcome to the Marina Bay Sands infinity pool in Singapore, the world's largest infinity pool."
"The math and the alignments here, it's not by chance."
"Just to think about the massive stones, the construction and then the details of both the grand scale plus the small details."
"The grandest of all Hatshepsut's building projects was the mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut which still exists."
"The Inca architects of Sacsayhuaman ought to be lauded for their work. They created a masterpiece of design and technical achievement."
"Solomon's Temple was the most magnificent edifice ever built, a golden temple."
"In just 23 months, the canton tower rises 610 meters above Guangzhou."
"The Carrot House in Warsaw, at just 152 centimeters at its widest point, is the narrowest house in the world."
"I think Vegas should be considered a modern wonder of the world. It's like a microcosm of so many cultures and architectural styles."
"It filled him with wonder at the history and secrets the ancient structures held."
"Looking at the Mughal style of architecture, you are convinced of the marvels of geometry and engineering."
"Gothic... it doesn't look like it's possible and yet there it is, it's been standing for centuries."
"Look at that tower, that's amazing."
"Others argue that the Yonaguni Monument is a man-made structure that was built by an ancient advanced civilization."
"It is beautiful over there, you know, new city of Barcelona and the marina, Sagrada Familia is right over there."
"Venice is built on stilts; it's a floating city."
"I was blown away by the malls in the Philippines; they are just massive and gorgeous."
"The influence cast by the Dome of the Pantheon can be seen across the planet."
"The giant dome is still the largest unreinforced concrete dome in existence."
"The architectural consistency observed across the Longyou caves is truly remarkable."
"He brought the artisans into Spain; he built the Mesquita in Cordoba which of course is not oriented towards Mecca."
"Their architecture was glorious and immense; the fact that anything could have survived those thousands of years was just plain fascinating to the ever-expanding western society."
"The world's first multi-purpose dome stadium... when it opened in 1965, it was deemed the eighth wonder of the world."
"Something that most people overlook when assessing the Balbec site is that the Romans never had the technology to erect or transport stone blocks of this size."