
Figure Quotes

There are 466 quotes

"Julian Assange is perhaps the defining anti-establishment figure of our age."
"The Republican Party stands with still Donald Trump."
"As long as Donald Trump draws breath... there is the potential for chaos."
"Desantis right now is one of the big targets."
"Commander Gree, obviously a sick figure and one of the only Phase Two Clone Trooper captains other than Captain Rex."
"Obviously very cool little figure."
"These are the Phase One version, obviously really cool."
"I heard a twig snap behind me and I turned to look assuming they had CAU up to me me nope I turned to see the tall dark figure literally a foot behind me."
"...a figure which has been highly anticipated for the past 2 years..."
"A colossal figure resembling a human."
"I love that you are this figure for the community."
"Did this set knock it out of the park as one of the best turtle figure sets ever?"
"So I am curious to see how that lasts over time, the Daredevil figure is actually held up pretty nicely and that figure I've had for quite a long time already so hopefully this Spider-Man holds up."
"It's remarkable how cartoon accurate this figure looks no matter what position you have him in."
"What can I say about this figure that hasn't been said already? It is one of the best molds for Spider-Man today."
"Taylor's tall model-like figure has also made her something of a fashion Muse."
"The colors on this figure are absolutely amazing."
"This figure is really, really big. It's absolutely incredible how much nicer this figure is as opposed to this one. It's just so much more accurate looking, it's amazing, it's absolutely amazing."
"This is a gorgeous figure, very very nice looking."
"I just think it's a badass figure."
"One of my favorite Omega Supreme figures of all time."
"His name is Emilio Zapata. We need to know about him."
"...we have the idea of the resurrection of a figure."
"I've probably had the most fun with this particular figure as honestly he's so so well done."
"...the final figure of Carnage. Now, I've made no you know mistakes that I'm not the biggest Carnage fan but boy am I a fan of this figure."
"Arguably the best-looking MCU Marvel Legends female figure."
"I'm really happy that I bought this figure and I'm satisfied with my purchase."
"This is a spectacular looking Deadpool figure, really great sculpt and articulation that you only get with imports."
"Thank you for supporting an art by ordering this one sixth scale figure, your new figure and accessories have been created to help relive and recreate the wonderful moments from some of your favorite and most beloved movies."
"I love this figure, I think he's great and I had to add him to the collection."
"His hand is closed and moves back and forth like this, his hand is open and moves back and forth like that. That's really cool."
"This figure looks absolutely astounding."
"A slim figure and was always dressed meticulously in her kuo school uniform."
"This has the potential of becoming my new favorite figure."
"Overall it's definitely not a bad figure."
"I just think it adds like a really nice shape to the figure."
"This is probably the best Captain America figure that you could probably get nowadays."
"The detail is phenomenal... Overall, just a fantastic figure. Nice representation of Mix Master."
"I really think from that aspect, she's just like a damn good figure and definitely deserves to be on this list."
"Overall, for articulation, this figure is incredibly well articulated."
"I certainly do believe that this figure has a place in my collection."
"I'm really glad I did. I honestly think this is the best Black Panther figure that we've ever got from LEGO."
"This figure is incredible, the head print is second to none."
"Here he is, the Carnotaurus from the new one. He's pretty cool."
I love this figure so awesome I really think that the fact that they're including meme faces inside of sets now is just awesome like the fact that we've got the "One does not simply walk into Mordor" specifically here for this face.
"I saw a thin humanoid figure crouching down just looking at us."
"the way that it's been sculpted here to have that blank expression but still look like the Mr X that follows you around the police station is an absolute Triumph in my opinion and it's exactly what you would want from a Mr X figure"
"also like Ada this is another figure with a cloth element to its clothing"
"Here's the look I like how it gives me like a hip figure hourglass is figure when I am built like this I think it's cute."
"I can see him as kind of a sort of grizzly heroic action figure burying the evil Maliki black."
"One of North Kohala's most famous Cowboys is Masa Kawamoto, a Medal of Honor winner."
"He is just that polarizing of a sports figure."
"The silhouette was shaped in the form of a tall figure."
"This figure is so cool because everyone likes the announcer, you know?"
"It's not about what you do it's who you know and who you know changes what you do that's the foundation of the Gospel I live by that I believe it with all my heart."
"Now, for the finale, the figure everyone's waiting for, probably the best figure of wave three, that's Chaos Sonic. Your Metal Sonic verse-like figure."
"Mesco definitely did a great job with it. I would say it's one of the better superhero Med School figures that we've seen so far."
"I think this guy's awesome Mesko absolutely killed it and you know they don't always do the best job when it comes to like comic book superheroes but I think that Bishop might be one of their best comic figures so far."
"When I first saw Bishop in the promo images I wasn't impressed by the head sculpts but when I saw him in person I was like damn these are nice they came out really, really good."
"It's been a while since I've been like excited about a mesco figure you know but this guy right here he's awesome I don't know if everyone will agree with me but personally I like this one quite a bit man."
"Just the overall feel of the figure, the presence it has on the shelf, the way it looks just like Thor from the movie, I did that wins it for me."
"Even if you're not into Star Wars, this is just a good-looking figure."
"A figure that fans had been asking for for a long while."
"The rarest figure set in the entire line."
"This figure just, it's just really good."
"I've never had this much fun with a figure in my entire life."
"I think this is honestly a companion figure to that Doc O um cuz yeah this is what too McGuire looked like in the Spider-Man 2 movie and even that Doc O is not uh 100% accurate to what we see in our way home it's more of uh more accurate to what we see in uh Spider-Man 2."
"He's still a great looking figure, he just doesn't hold up that well in terms of articulation."
"The paintwork is mostly good, there is some sloppiness on the arms but for the most part, I think the paint looks really nice on him."
"It's a really great looking figure with a couple of drawbacks but nothing unforgivable, just things that kind of confuse me."
"At the end of the day, when the smoke clears, the dust settles and it's all said and done, I think this is a really great figure and I feel like Hasbro did a nice job with it."
"As a big Captain America fan, I'm happy to have another awesome Captain America figure."
"Yes, I love the electric effects they add so much spice to this figure."
"There's only one rubber piece on the entire figure and that's the gasket around the neck that means you can go absolutely crazy with your posing and not have to worry about any creasing."
"I really think this figure has an awesome presence."
"Modok... Hasbro really went above and beyond with this guy."
"War Machine, another gorgeous deluxe figure."
"Red Skull, another potential figure of the year."
"This is an early contender for figure of the year. I'm calling it now."
"I love that sh figurearts decided to go with the color scheme of the actual manga covers."
"You want a figure that's going to absolutely dominate your shelf space? Yeah, Sauron from the X-Men line."
"I absolutely adore this figure love this guy."
"This figure is fantastic if you are a fan of Elena and Florence Pugh."
"Aesthetics wise, this figure is very pleasing."
"It's a gorgeous figure, it's so good. It's one of the best-looking figures ever of all time per dollar, it's wonderful."
"I learned the term Grail figure as in your Holy Grail figure."
"She said the figure was all black but she could feel how evil it was and it had a sort of red-orange glow behind it."
"Encounter with the blue man of Bad Axe: a mysterious figure that appeared to move or dance beside witnesses in the darkness."
"There is so much love and care placed into the top half of this figure with hidden callbacks and awesome mechanical detail."
"It's just so different, I don't think we've ever had anything quite like this figure."
"There's a lot of photo potential with this figure."
"This figure actually surprisingly has turned out pretty awesome."
"Overall, despite me not knowing anything about this character, as an actual masterpiece figure, this is definitely one of the best built ones that Takara Tomy have put out in recent years."
"...figure of a man was standing there I knew it wasn't a real person and I wasn't really scared since they were more of a figure..."
"...her hair is amazing one of the best hair sculpts on any of my figures to be honest."
"This is probably one of my favorite figures in the collection."
"I think tigress is the strongest standalone figure of the 5."
"I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was an enormous figure, standing upright on two legs."
"The torso looks great, the legs look great, the arms look great."
"Overall, I think this figure looks really, really solid."
"This is a very good looking figure."
"This is a darn good figure, I gotta say."
"Just all around a very, very nicely done figure, very well done figure."
"I was shocked out of my music-induced trance when I topped a hill to reveal a figure wreathed in black by the side of the road."
"Moon Knight could easily be a contender for best Marvel figure of the year it looks that great in my opinion."
"This is the one place where people specifically see a very tall shadow figure of a man."
"Sold to Jolie's mom, congratulations and enjoy the figure."
"I wasn't initially scared and instead, I think I've kind of giggled thinking it looked like a person."
"The biblical description is a description of an idealic figure."
"I'm not a religious person, but I'm having a guess that the man in the middle is the main man."
"One mighty fine looking Transformers figure."
"I adore this figure, I just simply adore it."
"The walking pose is such an awesome pose for this figure."
"This figure is going to stand pretty damn strong as one of the top figures of 2023."
"Got good old Mr. Nikola Tesla action figure up here on top."
"If you don't buy another Randy Orton, buy that one. That's the ultimate Randy Orton right there."
"He captivated audiences with his interpretation of the renowned figure."
"Mutated Mossman, oh my goodness, this figure is phenomenal."
"I love this Mossman, I think he is absolutely my favorite figure in this line."
"Absolutely love that figure, it's just... I mean, just look at it, it's gorgeous."
"I'm going to cut right to the chase here, I really like this figure."
"Cromwell is the epitome of what is the process that's 150 years of conquest and colonization."
"I think this is a very cool figure. I'm very happy with it."
"This is a really damn good Iron Man figure, seriously it is really, really, really good."
"The Bandai Movie Monster Series Mechagodzilla 2021 is a very, very lovely figure."
"It's really that cheerful, playful, energetic aura that this figure has that really just enamors you."
"It is that good, has my highest recommendation and is without a doubt my favorite figure of 2022."
"She is just a stunning, stunning, stunning figure."
"I'm absolutely obsessed with this figure."
"I love her so much, just a perfect figure."
"This might be the cutest Nendoroid ever made."
"I love this bunny, I love this figure, she's my favorite bunny in my collection now."
"It was a remarkable sight, this tall figure with no growling or aggression, just calmly watching me."
"This thing is just awesome; I really, really dig this figure."
"It's better to have a dynamic figure than accurate anatomy."
"This is such an amazing figure I love it so much."
"Wonderfully striking figure with amazing balance."
"Now, this is really the main Macross figure we've all been waiting for."
"It's impressive how they've captured her personality in this figure."
"I looked left to see a large figure with what looked like it stepping over something as the leg was raised unnaturally high."
"I honestly think this figure is absolutely awesome."
"That's cute, it's a pretty neat figure."
"He's the great chef, a public figure, a hero, an institution."
"I saw a human-like figure standing hunched over looking directly at us from the top of the mountain."
"Look at all the detail on this figure; it came together perfectly."
"What an amazing third figure to add to the collection."
"An enormously tall figure, as tall as the doorway itself, it had long arms and legs and no facial features whatsoever."
"The level of detail and just the presence of this figure is fantastic."
"This figure is just amazing, really really impressive."
"It's next level, it's one of hot toys best figures in my opinion."
"I really wanted this totally awesome Hulk, and I think the endgame body mold from the Hulk used for this character works perfectly."
"This is a beautiful looking figure."
"This head is what makes this figure."
"I'm extremely happy with this Doctor Doom, and I think you guys will be too."
"I'm just so impressed with this figure."
"From certain angles it's Perfection."
"That is just perfect man, that looks so good."
"I'm not gonna hold you guys up; this is a beautifully crafted figure."
"He's such a good figure; he looks so cool."
"This is the best werewolf-esque sort of figure that has ever come out."
"He looks mean as hell, especially when you angle his head forward."
"I think it translates really well here on this figure."
"It feels like there's a lot of love in this figure."
"He has the silhouette of animated Batman and that's the exact reason why I wanted to pick up this figure."
"There are so many things going for this figure that he's already starting to impress me."
"I am thoroughly impressed with this figure."
"In my opinion, they've made a fantastic Spidey figure."
"This is an absolutely incredible figure."
"There's actually three different versions you can make of the figure."
"I really do like the way this figure looks."
"If you're after a cool figure and you haven't gone to Berserk yet, I recommend taking a close look at this release."
"I stand by what I said, this is definitely one of the best Batman figures Hot Toys have made."
"But you have to agree, this is a pretty badass looking figure."
"I love the look of green and gold on a figure, I think it just looks really well together."
"This figure is pretty great, I like it quite a bit."
"This guy is now one of my favorite figures in the entire collection."
"He is truly the figure that has been missing to just finish this last line right here."
"It's a really, really dope figure right here."
"What an awesome figure I'm very excited for it."
"The best version of his figure is the Power of the Force 2 Star Wars Insider mail-away figure."
"I absolutely love that figure; it's a really nice addition to the collection."
"It's quite fantastic, I really don't know anything else you would add to this figure to make it any more awesome."
"This might now be one of my top five figures in the collection."
"Something about this figure is like super comfy and cozy to me."
"I think it's one of the cooler Black Rock Shooter figures we've seen."
"This is such a unique figure and she's even got a little fox friend."
"Everybody loves Youo, I felt like so many people were excited about this figure going up for pre-order."
"A cloaked figure emerged from the woods offering them an opportunity to earn some money."
"The design on this one is flawless, the paint job is phenomenal, overall very good figure."
"This figure looks really phenomenal, you can feel all the spikes on the armor."
"I really like how he has Thor's hammer and then the way they did the lightning around the figure, A plus."
"This could potentially be the best RC figure out there."
"Overall, I believe MP51 RC to be an incredible pleasant surprise."
"It's such an awesome addition to have to what is an already a fantastic figure."
"There's really nothing you can do to make this figure not look wonderful on the shelf."
"What I saw shocked me: a dark figure standing next to the trees, watching me."
"This is one of the best-looking elite figures ever, I stand by that."
"The overall detail on the figure is amazing."
"He's a very solid figure, he's got a great stance and really nice shelf presence."
"It's got a few things that you don't see in every other figure."